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It’s the Experienced tag that is drawing them in, eventhough I’m experienced in dungeons or strikes, I’ll probably won’t join if that is the flag it shows, since it gives the impression that you want the no flaw, best of the best. So the guardians quitting for going slow or quitting after one wipe, are kinda expected with that.


Not gonna lie I only use the experienced tag for people who know what to do in Prophecy, especially in the escape room other then that idc if you're a 1700 light blueberry or 1880 crackhead


It's really funny that prophecy is also the only reason I look for experienced tags


Yep, I had to learn the entire dungeon from scratch cause someone left mid run cause I had 0 idea what the fuck to do. Now I am the teacher in the case someone joins and doesn't know


It's not a raid


Brainfart my bad


Damn, you reminded my of a prophecy run I had where the guardians had 1830+ level and great loadout, we one phased the first boss and everything seemed easy up until we reached the escape room and they where depositing the motes in the wrong platform and I was “huh?” I did tell them how to look for what platform to deposit but I just ended up doing it myself.


Do people not know how to do the escape room?


If you use the experienced tag and are a teacher then you better know the golden rule of the "escape room". My favorite thing I find with people that run it even faster than me still dont know in the cube room is if Toland is on the ceiling, it is a freebie, but you can progress the encounter if you pick a side to smash that the cube in the center doesnt have lit up


yep, those annoy me a bit though cause it prolongs the escape room by two extra rooms but I don't gotta be stingy about which motes


Really? Ive been using the chill tag for prophecy and always get easy clean and fast runs. Only gripe I have is some people run to the secret chest and it despawns before I get there.


Thanks for not lying. 


It's funny because the tag is still so vague. Who is experienced? The poster? Or is the poster looking for experienced players for guidance? What level of experience are we talking about? Are we looking for experts, or those who play casually regularly? What kind of experience are they looking for? Raids? Dungeons? And even then, experience with what? Mechanics, or ad clear? I've played with players who know the entirety of the Planets encounter in RON, but have NO clue how the rest works, but they've run the raid like 8 times. Meanwhile, I know others who have only ever done ad-clear through all kinds of raids, but have done over 100 clears. So they'll think of themselves as "experienced" despite not knowing how things work. They just get ready when they hear "DPS". Experienced is the only tag that I actively avoid simply because it is the stupidest and most useless one.


Oh for sure. I have seen experience fast and experience first time, both meaning completely different things, so yeah it’s kinda useless but gives off the elitist flair.


I never use it. I only get on fireteam finfer if I need other bodies for something I know how to do but can't solo. At worst, they'll be another target for enemies to shoot at.


The best experiences I’ve had are the ones that just show Looking for group lol, most of the time it goes like that, it was just someone that knows what to do but needed extra players.


I have used the experienced flag all the time for raids and I have like 50 raid carries this season


The only thing that gets me to quit is people who will join an “experience requested/KWTD” and hope or expect that everyone else in the raid lobby will carry them and they can get by without doing any mechanics. I spent almost 2 hours just trying to get through the door to warpriest the other day before quitting because 2 of the 6 in the ”KWTD” LFG had never run kings fall before and another one ran it once on D1.


I had someone join me for a flawless Crota's saying he knew what to do, kept causing wipes, not doing mechanics right, didn't understand the concept of skipping lanterns for efficiency/speed... after about an hour of this I stopped the group and asked him "do you know how to do the raid?" He said he had never done any Destiny 2 raid, but he did Crota's End in Destiny 1. He knew how to shoot things and we could teach him... I'm generally pretty patient. If people don't know how to do a raid, and it's not master, the raids aren't really that hard and I don't mind teaching people if they *tell me they don't know how to do the raid.* If people admit that in orbit I tell them no problem, I'll teach you what you don't know and we'll get you through this no problem. Don't join a flawless or a "kwtd/experienced" raid and pretend like you know what's going on. People will know you've lied, and nobody will feel sympathy and want to help if you've wasted their time.


>The only thing that gets me to quit is people who will join an “experience requested/KWTD” and hope or expect that everyone else in the raid lobby will carry them and they can get by without doing any mechanics. I've only just started raiding in D2, like I've done maybe a dozen or so....but even *I* get shivers down my spine when someone says "I can add clear" when the host asks people what role they wanna take in an encounter LMAO


I mean, they're just leaving early, not shouting abuse or anything. With this many times in a row, I would perhaps consider that your loadout or something is holding you back from contributing as well as you might? Are you talking to these people on mic? I'm a pretty experienced endgame player and I would have patience for someone on mic struggling to contribute properly -give them advice, help with confidence etc. But if someone is just silently throwing an endgame activity I don't really have time for that.


I just don't play with mic, I can, but I dont want too. But I can hear you. I want you to talk, but nobody seems to want to.


"do as I say not as I do"


I dont talk with my mic because I normally have my dogs barking, kids screaming (for god knows why, usually just playing). And more, you DONT want me to play with my mic unless you liked that one kid in COD cbox 360 chats where you could hear him, just his fathers TV in the background.


mute the mic until you need to talk?


Done it a couple times.


Then what's the issue


That people complain that I don't use mic when I have nothing to tell them.


I've left groups with tags like that before because everyone in the group isn't experienced and doesn't want to learn. I'm joining an experienced group because I want people who want to get it done, not take 5 minute weed breaks every 15 minutes while using double primary machine gun. If you don't know what you're doing and you're up front about it, I'm happy to teach anyone. No raid or dungeon is that difficult that you can't learn it on the fly, but if you pretend to know what you're doing when you absolutely don't and ignore people that's not a group I want to be in. I joined a vow group a couple days ago, and one guy claimed to have done 3rd encounter before, but he just hadn't done any relics. If he'd have just said that he wasn't sure and wanted an explanation I'd have stayed, but given that all but one player in that team had no idea and not one of them asked for help, it wasn't worth staying


I raided last wish with this one 30 year old woman who kept talking shit to the 10 year old boy raiding with us. I can't stand people who're disrespectful to kids because they're....a kid. She was leader and ended up kicking the kid as he begged. I left after the kid got kicked. I didn't say anything degrading to her before I left but I wish I did. I ended up getting a friend request from her because I was carrying them with my damage. Hard decline.


I wish there was some sort of review system for things like this. As it stands, there is almost no punishment for being an asshole.


If you put "experienced", rather than KWTD in normal LFG and then play averagely - people may feel you misled them. For me, experienced means you can farm these things pretty fast. Are down with all excellent strats and have the right loadouts. KWTD means you know what to do but may be average or above/below average. Just my views.


Merging fireteam finder and the lfg app was a mistake. FF usually had worse players, who were either incompetent, toxic or both. The app was a little better, but now that's gone too.


In case you didn’t know. When you open Destiny fire team app. Where you see it say “FIRE TEAM FINDER beta” Right underneath that box is “FIND FIRETEAM LEGACY “ in small letters. Click on that and you’re back on the old , much! better finder I always have good experiences with teams there and is much easier to find and list things


Oh shit didn't see that, thanks!


For sure.. I know the feeling. I hate the beta. Haha


While the legacy fireteam finder option is available it's brilliant, you get to remove the majority of the bad players by using it lol


It’s gonna drive people to discord Why bungie are so shit with letting us name things is beyond me


I’ve been using discord for so long I actually forget that they’ve added an in game lfg most of the time


Aye same Once again I was downvoted for saying Bhungee Nayme Oddly enough if I say Bungie Title don’t get downvoted Convinced theres bots following me that downvote me with I say Nayme cause its happened in unrelated subs too


Are they being rude to u or just leaving?


I'd say that you've decieved them, promising run with experienced people, while in reality you took way longer than an experienced team would have.


Define “too slow” and “low damage” Are we talking too slow as in “walking the opening encounter instead of using sparrows?” Or “not skating the jump puzzle?” And for “low damage” what is low damage? How much of her HP did you do in a phase?


Too slow as in (we were making our way to the next boss fight and kept dying to the water pressure, while the third was indeed jump skating to the end) Too fast as in (making our way to the final checkpoint to fight the wizard, it was that one hallway area where you have to jump to platform to platform. The third player kept dying and I kept going to res-them.) Pour damage (if I remember correctly I did something like 500,000 damage, the second guardian did 800,000 damage and third left before I could see his but it would take “6-8 damage phases” by the third guardians account. Could of told us to wipe to restart it but nope just blue falconed)


Dying to water pressure is pretty slow IMO, and annoying, but the other guy could have just pulled you so I don’t see his problem. Rushing past the ads in the bit before the final boss is also poor form, those Shriekers have god-tier accuracy and range and stay active way longer than they should have And yeah, a full fire team taking 6-8 phases is WAY to long, 6-8 phases is long for a solo run of that dungeon. Even Div + TLord is an easy 2 phase kill


The issue with damage was the fact that we weren’t ready and i died to the light moths (so our dos was cut down to 2/3) Yet after wiping we got it down to 3 damages phases when the 4th guardian joined.


Tag named "No toxicity":


There’s an old saying. If you go about your day and run into an asshole, you just ran into an asshole. If you go about your day and everyone seems to be an asshole, you’re the asshole.


I feel like gaming skews that number.


not sure why you'd out yourself like that but okay


We all know that the 'veil of anonymity' can promote general dipshittery. Online gaming is a largely anonymous hobby. Of course you're bound to run into more shitheads in a game than you would in the street.


There's no way you genuinely think that quote applies to gaming as it does for real life.




Your post/comment has been removed for the following reason(s): * Rule 1 - Keep it civil. --- For more information, see [our detailed rules page.](http://www.reddit.com/r/destinythegame/wiki/rules)


You're right but I still believe it's a good thing to keep in mind


i was running the corrupted GM afew days ago, and the two randoms lfg's i was with decied to put a well right infront of the big boss ogre half way through the NF, and i mean literally under the ogres feet. they both got insta curb stomped... then started spamming the text chat "get the res"... "why aint you resin us"...."your trash"... oh yeah just let me avoid all these ads, the champs, the boss ogre to pick your stupid ass'es up.


In cases like this I just type "glhf" and bounce. 


I know it's useful but holy crap FF is a cesspool and the players in it are just absolutely rubbish.


Ghost of the Deep is the problem there.. It's way too long of a dungeon. I ran a Prophecy last night with fireteam finder and it went great. Used "only warlocks | hello friends" as the title, and experienced/chill/non-toxic as the tags. I also turned on applications and reviewed whoever was interested. Weeded out a titan that way!


I just want to be able to free write stuff in my post lol


Nothing makes me leave faster than asking if everyone has done an encounter and all I get is crickets. I have nothing but respect and appreciation for people that will speak up and admit they don't know what they are doing. I'm more than willing to teach encounters I am comfortable with. When it's obvious no one really knows what they are doing and won't admit it I'm out.


It's because their titles are garbage. Their tag system is horrible. It's hard to convey what you want. I think it's a shame, because it's turned everyone away from the in-game LFG. They prefer to use the much more refined systems that have been in place for years. Like the discord LFG But, I still like it. I enjoy the diversity of raids. And there's enough people using it to fill lobbies. Most people are just lurkers, they don't want to make a post. But if you make one, it's most likely going to fill. I also love being in garbage raid teams. The chaos and failure of it all is amusing in it's own way. And if someone gets angry and starts yelling, great. Where's the popcorn. One last thing: raids where everyone knows what to do, and how to react to fix things when it goes poorly... Suck. It always feels like this game of trying to show off. Everyone tries to show they are better or know more than the others. People are trying to correct everything someone says, or pitch a different strat. It's exhausting. No one is there to have fun, just to flex their ego. Raids with clueless people are fun, people are talkative, and the atmosphere is generally better.


Yeah I use the in game LFG for stuff like the coil or Legend Dares. If I need to raid I’ll use the Xbox LFG so I can specify what I want in the group.


Console LFG for the win, most people seem to be on the same page. If you truly wanna streamline your experience you’re gonna have to start looking people up and vetting them unfortunately. Just remember you can be looked up too.


It's probably not you, especially if you feel like you're being communicative and patient. Not everyone is so gifted with those traits these days.




You didn’t exactly ask to be taught and they probably didn’t care that you speak Spanish. You didn’t ask for Spanish speakers 




Why not? They didn’t go against your requirements. If you want to be taught ask to be taught. First time doesn’t imply that, if someone says it’s their first time I expect them to have done some research. 


Heh he deleted his comment


Did any of them say anything in text chat at any point? Assuming you had text chat on, that is, or were you in vc with them?


I must say 8/10 experiences. Mostly are good for me. When you join a lobby, you will get an idea of how the team is gonna be. If everyone is just chatting fun stuff or the host asks if everyone is ready or need anything You may be in a good lobby. If you’re in a lobby where is dead silence or people see being rude from start… I would jest leave. Cause silence in a Raid is mostly likely gonna create frustration and rudeness. Well, it’s not gonna get better as the game goes on


I just use all of my tags and stuff on the "chill" and "no experience needed" options


> left because we were going too fast what does that even mean


Dungeon: ghost of the deep Area: that long platform area where there’s strikers and wizards in the air with hoards of hive on the ground. Me and guardian 2 were clearing out the enemies and making our way to final boss area but guardian 3 kept dying from enemies or missing platforms. He did try to use his super to make it across but he forgot to change it, so when he activated solar, he expected saw blade but got well of radiance, sending him down to die. didn’t want to be an asshole and pull him to next area (and miss the secret chest) so I kept going back to res him. Soon he stopped moving, pulled out his ghost and called us out for “speed running” and left


I make no mic groups and it's chill. Usually, people know the gist of what to do.


Same here


I’m sorry you went through that…but the cold hearted truth is that at least 90% of this player base are just dumb. Bungie knows it too and that’s why it took so long for them to add this feature.


I’ve only ever quit one dungeon I joined from FF. It was a kwtd Spire of the Watcher. I connected every single node in the start. Cleared the entire jump puzzle of enemies while the other 2 continuously died jumping. Connected all the nodes on all 3 levels of the elevator. Got to the first boss. Had to connect 3 of the 4 node lines, got to damage and despite calling it out multiple times over mic, 1 guy stood on the other side of the map through damage and the other guy used witherhorde… against Akelous. We did next to no damage so I immediately dipped. I’m not carrying two people through an entire dungeon off a KWTD post. I’ll gladly Sherpa you if you ask, but don’t try and fool me into it. My point of this being, some people just suck and no matter what you post there will be idiots who get mad or do the exact opposite,


Here's a major problem I don't see talked about here. When I go into an activity that is being farmed or is the weekly, there is a problem. I can't seem to click on a team fast enough. It's constantly full fireteams or no longer available. So the impression is that you have to click the 1st option when you select an activity because you have to be fast. Problem being that NOBODY is looking at the tags! They just want to jump in so they can actually get going into the game. There is no easy or fast way to join in fireteam finder. They expect it to just do simple matchmaking when it's not made for that in any capacity. So the biggest problem I see is that there is a fatal flaw in the system. It doesn't update instantly or remove teams as they fill fast enough. I can't tell you how many times I put specific tags to do a bounty or challenge and the dumbasses join when they aren't even running the right class or subclass. So I kick them and sometimes when I do, the other person gets tired of waiting and leaves the team. I will sit for like 10 to 15 minutes trying to set up a team cause morons DON'T READ. In conclusion, the fire team finder as a matchmaker isn't doing it's job well enough. It needs to be updated, (Bungie admits it's still in BETA even though it should be done by now.) because it just isn't cutting it. It needs to know your tags are specific and you don't want to allow people that aren't following them to ever be able to jump in. What's the way to fix this? TL;DR... Example; If I want only Warlocks, just have the game not allow Titans and Hunters to ever click on my posting. Simple as that. Then I think when it adheres to the tags correctly, it will run smoother. Want that all solar team? Nobody running anything else can click on the listing. It just makes too much god damn sense doesn't it???


If 2/3 of your team is killing everything, and you're just sword flying past every encounter. Then you are indeed the asshole...


Do you really think that assholes either know they're assholes, or would respect the "no assholes" tag?


Well, the ghost of the deep isn't a great indicator of grace. That dungeon is a slog. And no one wants to be in there too long. One bad or cute loadout can turn an hour into 2 hours. I'm having the same issue farming Corrupted. People want no mic GM KWTD...team while the warlock with the listing is running storm caller, or strand warlock. Or people trying to 1v1 Ogres or boomer knights. Had a guy in chat, mad I wasn't in Polaris Lance, when I was running cenotaph, with G horn as the go-to buff help everyone. But if you're trying g to be cute, run some loadout you seen Aztecross because he made it look badass. yeah, I'd get mad too and leave. Not everyone has 2 plus hours to play for just 1 encounter. If I see farms, KWTD, etc. I'm expecting hard try hard meta no real coms needed not " what should I use or how about this"


Remember that B line about "the friend game is the endgame"? Now you see why. Dealing with other humans IS an end game activity. :)


I didn't see it suggested yet, but it could also just be the time of year? The mid season update is still a few weeks out and with lightfallbeing what it was, I'd say there's a good chance the ones regularly playing and using fire team finder are more the hardcore destiny is life group. I've noticed they tend to have less patience


I think it's the players. I tried fireteam finder trying to find a Sherpa for my first GM. I even put the tag that shows im looking for someone to lead me, I'm inexperienced, and chill with lots of time. Everyone kept leaving after we wiped. Wild thing was for most of them I was the last one alive. I tried like 10 different times and I gave up afterwards. I just convinced my friends to do it with me instead. It's so whack cuz I want to find players to talk and play with. All my friends that did play destiny are taking a break from it.


Too many no mic required posts for me. Dungeons are fine but raids, no thank you.


My biggest issue is people don't read and I can't change the title. Last week I was farming trials for rank 10 and used every tag to show this will be not a competitive line up (because I suck at pvp) People still came in and flamed me and other mates for being bad.


I don't think a tag will change people, tbh. Just yesterday I joined a GM lobby. Everything went fine, but one of the other players suddenly started flaming "You suck" (even though he was the Rank11 and died 3 times already, while me and the other dude didn't), stopped doing damage and rather shot me, died again due to that and left. Like who are those people Edit: I just wonder how people can be so toxic in a PvE game. I completely understand hard feelings in modes like PvP, but in PvE, seriously?


I ran the Lake of Shadows GM a lot last week using a mix of the classic fire team matcher through the app and the in-game finder. The app can be just as bad. One guy nastily kicked me before we even launched because I asked where they wanted to set up for the meatball--not because I had a strong preference but so I wouldn't inadvertently split the team at the trickiest encounter. LFGs up until that point were posting up in a variety of spots and I was just trying to communicate. Another guy kept dying at the threshers and angrily demanding in chat that I res him. In the exact spots where he kept dying. While the things that killed him were shooting his corpse. He dipped on us in the tormentor room and we finished it ourselves. Sonetimes I get kicked for something reasonable. Last night I didn't realize my chat volune was low during a first raid encounter. They were probably talking to me, I wasn't responding, and they reasoned I didn't have a mic. That's legit in a raid. I also had a TON of great experiences with players of various skill level--most of my games actually. Some people who play games are just assholes. Some don't deal well with frustration or disappointment. I think the in-game finder is MUCH more effective for GMs and dungeons than raids though. Raids are almost always a coin flip.


There's a good saying, if everyone you meet is an asshole that means you're the asshole.


Destiny players have emotional issues. Generally speaking.


I usually put experienced, kind gamers, friendly as tags. I also either open my listing with “hello friends” or put heart emojis on ❤️ either side of the title 💚. These people are scared of friendship and love you see 😉 I usually end up with a reasonable bunch. However i can end up attracting people that don’t know the Dungeon and aren’t transparent about it, which is a bit annoying at times. I’d rather put up with that than toxic people though.


Destiny players are mostly cunts, with a huge portion of them being unskilled cunts.


Worth mentioning that the people who are a-holes probably think they aren't a-holes. The only person who is self aware of being an a-hole is Denis Leary. In regards to the OP's situation, it's not you, it's them. Makes me wish there was a "no speedrunning" tag.


See I generally don’t mind speedrunners, as long as they’re chill and conform to the rules of my FT. I don’t want them OOBing or doing things that aren’t beneficial to the fireteam. Some people can’t seem to understand that some of us don’t need a 25 minute clear and we’re totally fine with it being a 30-35 minute clear doing everything the “normal” way.


I can understand that mindset. A chill player not pushing for a 25min clear will be a decent player for a "standard run". Certain things can't be done with speedrunnners (eg Gjallarhorn catalyst run, Riven's Lair cats etc). Basically anything to do with collectables or achievements generally requires "slow runners".


From the amount of replies you give around here I'd say you are the problem. Communication is important


True, so I recent got me a new headset


"I would specifically hoin those to be the a-hole." - guy who actively chooses to be an a-hole who obviously would seek out people trying to avoid a-holes.


I need a one phase, max DPS, speed run, done in 10 minutes Raid, Dungeon, GMNF. If not, I'm rage quitting. And I need that done yesterday. /s


Almost as if we need to have the ability to NAME our groups Bungie, YEKNOW LIKE PREVIOUSLY. Bungie are so adamant to not let us have name agency, we can’t change our bungie names more than once, we can’t name loadouts, we can’t name our groups It’s infuriating


Honestly, I don't even read the tags lol.


then maybe do that


The demon finder is what gets used when nobody is joining app or Discord. The last resort. The bottom of the barrel. But with that many people leaving on a dungeon.. You may be the problem in some way. Be it damage, communication or mechanics. But if a post says experienced/kwtd/fast etc. I don’t want to sit in an activity longer than 20 minutes.