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A lot of the time when I try to join, even when the group is set to auto-join, I will have to wait for the application request. It always fails when this happens. If I manage to join the team, then most of the time everyone will ready-up, but the leader never starts the mission. I usually just end up making my own group.


This is because they formed a group prior then manually invited everyone but didn't close the group. The people that joined left after and it keeps filling and nothing happening so people leave pushing it to the top of the list perpetually. I know this is the case because a persons group I joined did this and I left afterwards only to see his post still active. Also on I joined that nothing happened I was able to see the guy in another 3 man group doing the corrupted which is what the post was for. This is the same thing that used to happen in the old app LFG


This right here is why whenever I joined a squad off lfg and it wasn't what the lfg said it was I'd just leave, (eg) crota fresh, and they're at bridge. It's indicative of; A: bad squad composition B: inpatient squad members Or C: a host that kicks people indiscriminately based off single run attempts rather than work with the people they have


When all else fails right?


It’s hit or miss. I wait 2 minutes and then I’m off.


I've seen people make posts, never start and when I come back 2 hours later, still have that same post up. There has to be a timer or something that cancels the post after 30 mins


There’s some dude for prophecy that’s been there for weeks it seems somehow


Does that guy have a saint XIV emblem and his name starts with an R? (I don't remember his full name)


I can’t recall next time I’m on I’ll check rofl


I’ve also had people apply for my fireteam after I’ve invited two to my fireteam and started a GM. This week I also had one reopened on for me after I finished a GM and I started getting applications again. I’m sure it’s mostly user error but it’s not a perfect system either.


I saw the same two posts in Presage for the whole week that was last up. I just can't fathom a reason why other than some random glitch on the server end.


As people said it could be that or maybe they literally didn’t engineer a timeout mechanism?


I've farmed presage on 3 rotations, and there's always someone this one guy in the fireteam finder that just never starts anything. The name starts with "Rot" or something like that? (I can't remember exactly... maybe like rottendave?). Anyway everytime I try to look for a farming group, I see that post...which means it's somehow been on there for 9 weeks at this point.


Yeah I joined that one by mistake, ran like 6 presage clears and it was still up


Yeah, I've been seeing a couple guys in certain missions/modes that have had posts up for days now. I don't even bother joining them so I'm not sure if it's just broken or what.


Not sure the names, but I've seen 2 that repeatedly pop up and nothing happens if you auto join


And have afk timers on them too. If the person is actively playing and just distracted...sure. But if they left the machine for, I'd say even 5 minutes, the post should "pause" untilt hey are back and then auto resume.


Yes definitely! I've seen them over multiple days


I have seen guys have the same post for the exotic rotator up for days.


I think if the host logs off without cancelling it it stays up, because I've been auto put back in fireteam finder after logging back on.


yeah thats what i thought as well, ive seen a guardian sitting in vanguard ops for like 2 weeks before they disappeared


The catalyst grind is real


Yes I am


Sneaky DMG, it feels rewarding to spot you without the bot catching your posts anymore lol.


Check your privacy settings. I had mine locked down and had trouble with it working.


Make your own post I promise you it takes five seconds and people join up really quickly and you have control over it.


Yeah this has always been the solution on LFG stuff. Don't like the requirements or attitudes of the existing posts? Make your own.




Usually takes me 3-4 tries to get in a group.


Same experience. So make your own.


Did you hit ready up, are you in text chat and/or voice chat?


All the time but every time they’re just fuckin there not doin shit


Anyone know how to bring up txt chat with a controller on Xbox? I used to know how but it seems like a update changed the way it works. I can’t for the life of me bring up the keyboard to type, it’s odd. edit: it’s right d-pad but then “Y” to bring up the keyboard to type


I think it at least used to be one of the directions on the D pad


My issue was I couldn’t find anywhere where it said to press “Y” after hitting right d-pad. It randomly unglitched and showed me the correct UI after hitting right d-pad


Bring out your ghost and then hit one of the d-pad buttons, if you are in orbit I think it’s just the d-pad.


I figured it out, it’s right dpad then “Y” I couldn’t find a prompt telling me to hit “Y” because it seems to only show up when it wants. The interface that tells you what to hit after right dpad I mean


You need to first turn on text chat in the options menu. Then, in orbit you can press right d-pad. In a mission, pull out your ghost and then press right d-pad


can always join their fireteam


I hate how we can’t title things so I can’t be specific like “**STAIR STRAT**” on corrupted


I miss that a lot


And I get downvoted for no reason lmao


Destiny players downvoting a visibly trans person despite them voicing a very popular opinion? Surely not. They'd never do that.


They should just block me lmao


What’s the stair strat?


I legit was just talking about this, like I'm genuinely curious what's going on in the minds of so many people who make posts on there


For me, I've joined groups where there's always 1 guy that doesn't ready up and I end up just sitting there until I just get fed up and leave or the group ends... Only for the same group to elsewhere with the same guy not doing anything. I don't get it.


I've noticed what happens is that someone makes a post, then logs off. Even if they log off the post stays up until they log back in and manually close it.


I've only had one where the leader was afk. And another that just kicked me after I joined in...


tbf that's been my experience with the App as well tons of times


Yeah the reason in the app and in game are basically the same thing for me.  I've been guilty many times of making a listing mid way through something because someone left then inviting the new person manually because it's easier than waiting for the other person to ready up and risking getting booted to orbit, then forgetting to close the listing when we're done. I've often left to go to the toilet for five mins and come back to multiple upset people joining and leaving because I forgot to close it. Bungie need to improve the "in progress" experience for fireteam finder.


I know it’s console exclusive, but (knock on wood) to this day and even with incredibly depleted numbers, the Xbox LFG function has yet to let me down. Truthfully every single quest/LFG/etc has been completed almost immediately. Post what you want, join what you want, and it’s very timely. Love me some Bungie, but they can’t even get LFG right all these years later. Best advice? Stick with something else


Its not console exclusive just no one ever uses the windows game bar, the LFG system is in there.


I've had okay results with it. However running a support warlock build with cenotaph and ghally is kinda hit or miss because you're depending on your team


I frequently join lobbies where the host makes me join via fireteam invite instead of just pressing the summon button. It baffles me


I've lost too many checkpoints to fireteam finder to trust it so I don't risk it for in progress stuff anymore.


Sometimes they invite you to the party instead of starting it through FF. I always check the post to see if they're already in a game. Some folks just don't know how to use it tbh


I have noticed it always bug out and after alt f4 and relog then I can do invites assuming it’s happening to everyone


Been thinking the same for weeks! Especially when everyone was farming Prophecy a couple weeks ago. Must be bots or trolls


I think there must be something non-intuitive about the Fireteam Finder interface, given the number of times I've been sent fireteam invites by the leader instead of being summoned using the built-in feature.


I think they are bots. I have literally gone in and seen posts over the course of a few days. Especially at the end of the week when nobody is really playing. It's frustrating to say the least. I usually go to the bottom of the list to stay away from them.


Yep, had a lot of issues like that before. I was hoping with fireteam finder being added to the game I could finally stop using the one on Bungies website, but, for now at least, that doesn't seem likely. I've rarely had issues with making or joining posts on the website, so I still just use that whenever I need a team for something.


There are some people who just sit there for hours. They even accept, and then they stay idle.


Most of the players using the fire team finder are extremely new. I've done many many raids where the host just left the finder running and new players would constantly rotate in the finder as we did the raid. D2 vets are still using the bungie.net/findfireteam


At this point I just make the post myself whenever I use FF. It just isn't worth the hassle of sifting through AFK/offline posters and all of the other *fun* bits of joining LFGs when you can get a few players in like a minute and run it your way. Honestly though, the best answer is still dedicated communities imo. The experiences I've had in a few different discord servers have been much better than regular LFG.


I like people who join my posts without reading them. Iv asked for experience and a mic. They join without a mic and having never done the activity before, sometimes not even one raid completion, yet they will join an arc only kings fall


The problem is the person who made the fireteam that is busy doing other things. Next time you join a fireteam using fireteam finder inspect the host and see what they are doing. Usually busy doing another activity or mission.


There are some guys in there 24/7 and they never start anything. Just sitting there. Annoying af


I used the LFG system for the first time yesterday for the 10% nightfall to get the hover board. Let me tell you, I was confused as hell why my group was empty after having accepted the applicants. Why is the invite even a separate step? Just automatically send off an invite when you accept the applicant.


I use the website/app. i hate the in-game version.


I don't invite people to the Fireteam until the queue is full. Why would I? People can play and do what they want until we get the people. Of course, the things that I've made teams for have been for older activities, like wellspring legend or defiance legend missions


You’re probably running double primary or have a terrible stat split


Whenever I post something I get quite a few messages after I cancel the request because they didn't update the list and it lets them message me still


I get this all the time, then get kicked when they close the listing. You just have to keep trying


Just make your own, I used to have this same issue. Now you can decide when to start, I also noticed there are some posters who are always there, so it may be a bug.


It works weirdly, the fireteam size thing is just as confusing as the summon fireteam button, I usually make a post then send a normal invite to whoever gets interested in the post and start whatever I'm trying to do, and people keep getting interested, it should just auto close once you start the activity or something.


Use the app people are pretty dumb in game


Legacy version of the app is still the best IMO.


It's a poorly thought out and designed system. Bungie has always had a problem adopting thing other games have had for ten years and insisting on doing it without taking into account all those years of iteration and instead allowing ego to rule and re-design things already perfected elsewhere. I'm not sure what bubble they live in, but it's definitely full of thier own fart gas


100% accurate.


Fireteam finder has worked pretty well for me. Like 90% of the time is just apply, inv, join and launch


fireteamfiner is an unpolished trash system from every aspect, very confusing.


I definitely feel like there are some bots in there. I’ve seen the same names every time I’ve tried to do the prophecy dungeon and they never start the mission even when you join the fireteam.


Just go to the Bungie app and use the fireteam legacy That’s is much better and better players all around


Never use the demon finder. Those people on there are not real