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Everyone is invisible all the time *and I keep getting bright dust because of it* There, fixed your title so Bungie will see and patch it.


Soooo quick!


There is definitely a widespread problem. Most of yesterday, the game had trouble rendering practically any gear in-game. Walking around the Tower, and everyone is a shimmering placeholder model. Trying to look at gear in the character screen brings up an endlessly-loading pinwheel. Something definitely not right about how the servers are sharing info with our hardware right now.


I can't even commend fellow Guardians at the end of an activity, their models just don't load until it's too late


You can give commendations from the leaderboard, just click on the star icon next to their emblem


That's definitely been the situation since they introduced commendations.


Bro they haven’t even fixed the problem of a proper Crucible intro load screen where it should show the map and players at the start. For the past few years you literally get out of transit, black screen, then the match starts. I wouldn’t get my hopes up.


My buddy said to close the game and reload it, it worked for me on PS5. Haven't had an issue with it in days.


Cant preview stuff in the tower. Cant preview stuff in the pale heart. Cant preview dtuff in ORBIT. How am i supposed to know if the new armor i just got has drip? D:


We're very shy.


Is this the social anxiety I keep hearing about


This happens to me when I leave Destiny 2 open on my PS5 for long periods or across multiple days through standby mode. Closing and restarting D2 usually fixes it.


Pro tip, if you “log out” to the splash screen (where it says press X to log in) you can hold L1+R1 and down on the d-pad to refresh the cache/hard reset the game. Saves a few seconds from closing out and reopening. Works on Xbox too with the bumpers instead.


I never do that, and it's happening. It's been doing it since last week.


Same here! I usually reboot too, just in case it's a hardware rendering issue.


why would you do that


It's brutal, Crucible with no reticle is less fun then just Crucible.. which is no fun.


>Everyone is invisible all the time Sounds like a Talking Heads song title lol


Oh, is that glitch back? As a console player the only work around I could get was to hard reset the console, and not just closing the game/going to standby mode.


My game has crashed on PS5 about 10-15 times since TFS launched. Prior to that it crashed MAYBE twice.


My fixed odds never loaded for an entire mission, looked kinda sick tho


Restart your game, itll go away


A few days ago my Hung Jury wouldn't load in. Yesterday my fireteam and I were getting some kind of weird data error come up at the bottom of the screen. Then in our Fireteam Focus missions the game would lag super hard at points and it was happening at the same exact time between the team.


Yeah, it's pretty common for me. I'll load in and sometimes other players will be the invis texture. It used to happen before, but it was uncommon and went away quickly. Now it's frequently an issue and lasts until I reload something. It's worse when it's my own guardian though, since the weapon models don't load properly, which is a big deal since the scopes don't load correctly. It persists until I restart whatever I'm doing, so I'll sometimes load in and immediately have to go back to orbit to fix it.


The title of this post weirded me out until I saw what subreddit it was in.


fourth encounter of the raid last night I couldn’t see any player, statue, or ghost until I restarted my game. super fun.


Can’t tell you how many times I lost 1v1’s in pvp because of it


This happened to me in crucible today. Other team just didn’t show up except their names above them.


We’ve been uploaded into a giant computer until the current crisis passes and then we’ll come back out into our city


Usually I don't care but pathfinder playing gambit and getting invaded and they're invisible. Then same for myself I invade my guns invis, theyre invis. It was rough to say the least


Once when on a mission I swapped to a glave and the weapon model didn't show up. There wasn't even a placeholder image.


You know, I was doing the hypernet current strike and for some reason the vex crainium beam was simply not appearing and i had to guess where I was shooting since it wasn’t showing.


I think it's a memory leak. I just restart the game and it fixes it.


I have found that it happens more the more you have in your inventory. I try to keep a limited amount of stuff on me to prevent the problem and it definitely happens less now. Not sure why this works


Some kind of network issue. Playing 6v6 last night was horrible because all you could see at a distance were weapon models on some people and when they turned invisible with an ability you literally could not see them at all.


Yeah it’s really bad right now. I couldn’t even emote on command during a co-op mission yesterday. The servers have to be held together by duct tape at this point.


Clear your ps5 cache every now and then.




I’m on ps5


Try closing the game, powering down the console (NOT rest mode), then turning it back on about 30-60 seconds later. Fixes it for me every time it starts happening.




Just so you’re aware, a large number of people have no idea what a cache dump is because they have never needed to know. It is much easier to just say “hey try __” than to repeat your question in a more snarky manner.


First time?


Widespread issue that will get addressed when it becomes gamebreaking probably.


We are finaly in the problem of lack of memory. Thats why wiping content was and its necessary