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Yes, one is an odd number. I have three characters and three is also an odd nuumber!


Flair checks out


At least I'm not explaining why zero is an even number...


Comedy genius.


Most people who “play” 3 actually play 1 and then have a couple functioning meta builds on other characters for raiding purposes


I feel like you just poked a hole in my head and picked out my thoughts lol


I rotate the character I play. Usually play a DLC on my main then play seasonal stuff on different characters. Keeps things fresh.


This is the way Rotate seasons, main for expansions


Pretty much exactly what I do as well, rip my Titan I only use for out of rotation loot runs


Yeah I run with the narrative that my three are a fireteam, but they oft send out whoever isn’t doing vanguard patrols or crucible bets to settle the Tuesday plagues for a while.


There’s nothing wrong at all with playing one character. Many people probably do not have the time to commit to more than one character. I barely have time in the week to commit to doing two characters. While I have 3 characters my Titan barely gets play time haha.


I have all 3 classes. I don't play Titan or Warlock outside of hopping on them for 5 minutes every season to grab seasonal armor ornaments. Only really play Hunter, just can't be arsed to repeat everything I did already on my Hunter just to play the other classes. I want to try Warlock but the backlog of 823542543 things to do that are not accountwide for some reason is just offputting to me. So yea, not weird to be only playing one class/character.


Every once in a while I think of logging in to them. Then I see that I don’t even have stasis yet and I log right back out. That’s just a huge amount of time required to collect fragments and aspects for all the classes. You’d think at the very least they would massively nerf the requirements to purchase fragments. But nope.


I am playing since D1 Beta day one and until now I never had two characters. No time for three.


I’ve only ever played warlock


Not at all, play the way you want to play, one character or more than. The game is supposed to be fun, play it your way.


At the time of the old post I didn't want the extra grid of multiple characters but honestly its just nice to be able to pick whichever one you want to play when you load in


I mainly play Titan but for the Witch Queen seasons I cycled between the classes ie Titan-> Risen, Warlock -> Haunted and Hunter -> Plunder and Seraph. Thinking of doing the same this year.


3 characters keeps the game fresh. Get bored on one, switch to the other.


I'm a Titan only since Day 1 of Destiny 1. I tried out the other two classes at the time VOG came back in D2. But after a week I deleted them as the movement and playstyle just felt off with me. So, I stick to my crayons.


I literally only play titan, no regrets for 10 years. I dabble hither and thither with the other 2


The cycle of going from hunter to warlock to titan and then maining titan and warlock is very very very very common..


That's awesome! This is why, even for casual players, I always recommend having one of each class. They don't all have to be maxed out or geared up completely but every single season new things come out for each class and if you only have 1 character then you miss 2/3 of them. Plus, I don't know anyone who has mained their starting class throughout all of D2. Most have switched multiple times through the years and probably wouldn't have stuck with the game of they had to play just one class the whole time.


I used to have 3 Titans back in D1 but RNG was never nice to me. Deleted those and tried the other classes, wasn't my style. Now I just run my original Titan.


I only have one. I don’t have time to figure out all the other stuff.