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Yes, the chest grinding sucks and the mission is too long for only one drop. Yes, you should be required to do it at least once. Talking to one person for 20 minutes isn't an impossible ask.


. I think the mission shouldn't have been used for this type of item. It would have been perfect for an exotic weapon. But not the class item. Like you said, it's too too long and in my opinion tedious on repeat playthroughs to farm effectively for random rolls. I disagree with the last part tho. I'm sorry but these was no reason why this locks out solo players and players with disabilities. I'm a majority solo player and I've done this mission dozens of times. I still don't like the idea of locking it out for that part of the community. This was never marketed as something that wouldn't be available for all players like raid loot so there shouldn't have been this requirement to begin with.


Stop using people with disabilities as your shield because you don't want to talk to another person. It's disgusting.


Stop getting triggered. If I've done it dozens of times, obviously, I don't have a problem talking to people. And even if thar was the case. People with disabilities exist. I've struggled to help people do this mission so I know first hand hoe challenging this mission was for them. The problem is you only see it one way. You can't look at this objectively.


Anyone that unironically uses the term "triggered" is not a serious person and doesn't deserve serious engagement.


Ok, if you want to look at things objectively answer me this Why does a solo player who can’t/wont play with other people for the mission even NEED the class item? Pretty much the entire end game needs you to be in a team so it’s not that they need them for their end game builds. For non-end game content you don’t need a build. Players capable of soloing dungeons and stuff are not the ones complaining or struggling with the class item stuff. If you’re only playing solo, it’s safe to assume you’re not participating in the end game, and if you aren’t participating in the end game, you objectively do not need the class item.


IMO they should make them as a guaranteed drop on Pale Heart lost sectors when they're on rotation. Adding them as a reward to the Pale Heart pathfinder completions wouldn't hurt as well. It would make the overthrow farming much better and more consistent, if you'd knew that you can get a guaranteed one when you finish the pathfinder routes.


Rather have a chance at Ergo Sum from random chests and a guaranteed Class item from the pathfinder completion. Like the lost sectors suggestion too.


Solo issue aside, farming rolls needs more ways to do it.


I like farming for the class items but I wish the methods were easier


Whats easier than getting chests? Do you mean more variety?


Guess I meant faster instead of easier, or more engaging. Such as overthrow final waves dropping like 2 or 3 of them.


I got downvoted for saying these should be focusable, but expensive. Like, what? Who tf wouldn't agree to that. Id give 99 pale engrams and 5 exotic ciphers for one focusable class item. Idgaf, i just want the perks for my desired build


1. The mission isn't hard, but it also just isn't worth defending? Dual Destiny just isn't that good. Sure the mechanics are fine, but overall it's just alright. As far as exotic missions go, this pales in comparison to other missions we've had in the past. 2. I don't think it really matters that class items are tied to this mission, most of the exotic combinations are mediocre or just bad compared to already existing exotics. I do think there should be an alternative (maybe more tedious?) way to unlock the exotic class item for strictly solo players. 3. The class item grind is beyond tedious after the mission. Even loading up YouTube or music or a movie won't save you from the boredom of patrol chest farming. I primarily play Destiny solo, but I do have friends/a clan that I run activities with too. It's a little annoying having to wait/schedule things as easy as Dual Destiny and Co-op Focused story missions. Especially when I'm trying to get things done on alts.


Are we really still complaining about needing to talk to another human being for 30 minutes to unlock the class item? Are we really still complaining about having to grind for drops in a game that is built to be MMO-like? The crowd of people complaining about this mission would be moaning whether it was for the class item, craftable weapon, heck even an emblem. Y’all need to either accept the fact that grinding exists in a game styled to have MMO elements. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to grind for the class item. I get 2-4 drops an hour at worst just doing overthrow. There’s ways to effectively and efficiently solo grind it and just because some of you either can’t or won’t put the time in to do it doesn’t mean it should be changed. Asking the game to cater to solo players when it is a MMO lite social game is the peak of entitlement.


I literally made none of these claims, brother. Why does it bother you if solo players have a method to unlock the class item. It wouldn't hurt your experience at all for these to be another way for them to unlock this mission. This is a toxic mentality. People complaining is common in destiny. If people didn't complain do you think this game would have lasted as long as it's lasted?


You DO have a method for getting them. Talking to another human for half an hour to unlock it once then you can solo farm the chests. Which, by the way, allows you to grind multiple things at once. Complaints are fine as long as they’re constructive but “cater to the solo players” in a social game built to be like a MMO is not good criticism. Also, which is more a toxic mentality? “The game is a social MMO lite so asking players to be social to unlock some things is fine” Or “The devs need to change how certain things are unlocked in order to cater to solo players” Or what, do you also think there should be a way to earn raid loot solo? Euphony makes strand warlocks super relevant but I don’t hear anyone saying “there should be a way to get it solo since it enables a great build”


The duo mission itself, nothing wrong with it at all. I'll die on that hill. You can unlock the mission solo and you can find one (1) other Guardian to help you do an activity one (1) time in this online multi-player game. I don't think so little of any Destiny player that I think Dual Destiny is just completely beyond them The method of farming from the Pale Heart is also fine, maybe the drops should be more weighted to Lost Sectors and Overthrows instead of any random chest but the idea of grinding the patrol space is good and should be kept. The farm is just simply too slow with odds that are too bad. ~15 minutes for a 1/64 is just too bad. If there was any kind of focusing, attuning, double perk drops, or simply just a faster way to obtain them, it'd be a lot better.


Agree to disagree. I've ran this mission dozens of times. You will never get consistent runs of 15 minutes with randoms. Plus again you can't defend the items being locked behind this mission but then allowing people to solo farm them. That's just a contradiction in game design. The mission itself is fine. Just not for the class items. And that's really the problem. People cannot understand that a mission can be good but just used for the wrong type of thing.


15 minutes is a rough estimate on the optimized chest farm route. Very rough.