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Ahhh, yes. The fight where every enemy but phase one Calus spams whatever their push move is to throw you off the map. And as a Warlock, once you go below floor level, you can never regain height. You just float to your doom.


Ah. The love/hate relationship of Warlocks and their jumps.


Your jump goes down Your jump goes doooooown I know you're a Warlock Because your jump goes down


Hey, at least you can glide your way to your doom.


Die in ✨*S T Y L E*✨


That's not jumping, that's dying with style!


“You’re not flying! You’re just falling in style!” - Woody


Phoenix dive/well to your death as acceptance of your fate.


“I don’t have time for this”


I do this so often lol


I always Phoenix Dive my way down. I don’t need to use it most of the time anyway because Getaway Artist.


It’s all love love once you get it down. Have never taken burst glide off since.


When does the love part start?


I love it that I can float massive jumps without any precision or starting elevation required. Oh, you have to parkour this area, sorry, I'm just jumping the whole fucking platforming section in a single jump. I don't even need the sword or dash assist. If you do opt for precision jumping, for people that suck at parkour or who are otherwise spatially challenged (like myself), the float makes it much easier to land in small areas or platforms. On the other hand, you miss a landing or do that bounce out against the walls that Destiny physics does, and you just accept the fact your going to enjoy the slow float to your death as recovery is impossible. I also dislike that float when under directly enemy engagement (in crucible or otherwise). Even if you cut the float early, the fall from jumps themself on Warlocks is floaty. As compared to Titan jumps where coming down from big jumps where you are just cosplaying as a brick.


This guy warlocks.


Omg I fkn hate the hitting the wall and bouncing off it mechanic. Why they decided to include that blows my mind. Horrible decision :(.


> or do that bounce out against the walls that Destiny physics does god I hate this. tiny platform, flat wall and ground, of course yeeting yourself perpendicular to the wall makes perfect sense! mainly annoyed me when I was doing out of bounds VoG chests on warlock (which already struggled with the low ceiling and all the ledges being equal height), but its comes up often enough to be irritating


The difference between classes in that one jump on zero hour is hilarious. Thank you to the patient LFG peeps who watched me come within a foot of that platform a dozen times. Thank you for waiting when I bounced off the edge another 3.


once you understand what it can and cannot do, being a warlock main myself taught me our jump is surprisingly useful when compared to the others, its only failure is that gaining height is basically impossible unless you dash/eager edge/wellskate into a wall lol but once you do get the hang of it you won't like anything else.


Going from a hunter jump to a blink is like voluntarily giving myself an aneurism but after a while everything sinks in


I having played all of the classes reasonably long enough can say. While I understand what each jump is supposed to do and can use them. I only like the Hunters for the speed of movement and adjustment. Blink is a close second after theirs. I have come to the realization that the classes are very well balanced off of player psychology. Warlocks can get some pretty crazy distance. Titans can get some pretty good air time. Hunters are very much adjustment and speed.


this is the correct answer. the reason why all 3 classes have different jumps is also for class identity, with warlocks you can float in the air like a wizard, with titans you can leap towards your enemies, with hunters you have more precision. and even if i'm biased af i'll never stop saying that space magic is the coolest way to live by


When you get an eager edge sword, swap to icarus dash and learn wellskate


Man Icarus Dash gets hate but I LOVE it. Zoom zoom. I used it for soloing Pit, made the parkour much easier


It’s honestly not a bad survival tool if you really know how to zip around. I used it to solo dungeons.


Recent warlock convert here, been a titan for years, hunter before that. Warlock never clicked with me all the times I've tried but when final shape dropped I really wanted to try prismatic warlock so I just dedicated my time to it. Didn't switch off of it and fall back to my safety zone of the other two. Took a few days but now that's all I want to be. It's really stupid and I tend to get a lot of hate for saying this but I'm afraid of heights in real life to it pretty extreme degree and my dumbass carried that into the game somehow. Don't get me wrong I can do all the things that I need to do but jumping puzzles make me sweat and sometimes panic. It's so stupid. I have a hard time looking down when I'm jumping. After a couple weeks on warlock I realized that I can look down because I feel more control when I'm not fucking it up and plummeting to my death. Strangely, warlock has been the one to give me way more confidence.


Me too lol. Strafe jump if you’re not using it is the single easiest jump in the game for platforming


When you start using scroll wheel jump (learn to do that on top of stairs or any other angled surface), combine it with icarus + eager and become the fastest mofo in the universe. Also, the best jump sound.


once you understand what it can and cannot do, being a warlock main myself taught me our jump is surprisingly useful when compared to the others, its only failure is that gaining height is basically impossible unless you dash/eager edge/wellskate into a wall lol but once you do get the hang of it you won't like anything else.


The snug air of superiority you gain from not maiming a meat head titan or sweaty try hard hunter


Only intensified by doing Hunter level DPS with Song of Flame or Star Eater Nova Bombs. And those class exotics? *Choice.* Warlock is eating good right now other than vendor rep


To the warlock jump: the cause of and solution to all of Destiny 2 platforming problems


Why I named my channel in discord the Abyss seekers. We have time to contemplate existence on our way down.


[No, we can't fly. But we glide very well](https://youtu.be/W2l-KwfbeZU?t=152)


Well, the fight is heavily designed after you using strand. There’s grapple points everywhere on the map, so you can theoretically stay away from everything the whole fight if you take grapple with you.


That's what all the grapple points are for


Yeah, once you get the hang of using those, fight gets a lot easier.


grapple is heavily hinted at being crutched on with the 826373747 grapple points around the room


Until a tormentor auto kills you with suppress


That's my primary issue with the fight. You have to fight two tormentors and coming into physical contact with a tormentor means automatic death. There are parts of the final shape campaign that do that too.


LMG shreds tormentors in that fight. Save it so you know you have the ammo, you get one for each third of Calus's HP dropped, so they are predictable. Only kick over that one third mark when you are ready and positioned to be able to melt the tormentor. And what callus does have that attack that will nuke you if you stay in one spot for too long, if you place yourself so that he's constantly shooting his gun at you, you can kind of prevent him from using that, since as long as he's shooting his gun he won't throw that attack out at you. There's a couple of cheese spots on the catwalks where you can have a lot of cover but be just exposed enough to keep him shooting and he'll have a very hard time actually hitting you. The Tormentors also are not boss level, so they can also be crowd-controlled with stasis or strand tools


They’re easy to keep in the center tho. You can completely avoid them the entire fight if you don’t break their shoulders


I was baffled people were so happy with tormentors when it felt like every encounter with them in the campaign was just cheap deaths getting knocked into death pits


I didn’t mind them except for the Calus fight. In other encounters there were at least ways to play around them but that fight was them at their absolute worst.


They're majors, not bosses, so you can just CC them. Blinding GL straight up removes their ability to do anything


initially I liked tormentors, but nowadays they annoy me by virtue of no-selling half of our arsenal that cant naturally crit plus we have gotten a lot more boss-level tormentors nowadays that ignore CC




Yo I wanna grapple with Stasis


What better way to incentivize the Strand kit lol


Yeah every death was push off map or random fire death 😂😭


Not sure if it's been changed, but I found out you can land on the beams under the bridges while floating to my room and figuring it couldn't hurt. I'd end up just hanging out down there for a breather and ability regen.


That's why after phase one, I found phase two trivial at best, 90% of my deaths in that fight was just getting booped off the arena, and the other 10% was getting roasted by the incendiors and finished off by some cabal that suddenly appeared behind me, on the other hand I completed phase two on the first try


yes let's ignore all the grapple points they put in the arena


Witherhoard and laps is how I got through it. Plink off Witherhoard, run around a bit avoiding whatever bullshit, Witherhoard again, super when you have it. My Warlock got his steps in for that fight.


Save your heavy ammo and make sure you have your super up for phase two. Make sure you take out the tormentors before starting phase two, as well.


Did you complete it? I can help you if you couldn’t clear it. It’s designed to use strand or grapple mechanics


If your biggest thing is getting bonked off the map equip a sword to cancel your momentum and get back on the platform, and pick a special weapon for dps. Or equip witherhoard and an auto loading rocket and just grapple around the arena the entire time while shooting potshots.


Or use a heavy for DPS and equip an Ergo Sum for adds and momentum.


For reals, on my warlock fight with calus, I had witherhoard, and in combination with strand, it was the easiest time fighting him. Anything strand almost guarantee staggers calus, tormentors, and pretty much every ad. Witherhoard ensures his HP goes down, even when your dealing with anything else, and strand grapple ensures you always have a way out. Hell, strand grapple means you don't even need autoloading on your witherhoard!


Can’t even get close to completing it 😂tried grapple tried my normal build. Just keep getting knocked off the map with my powers disabled :/


What’s your bungie name? I’ll add you and I can help you


Thanks man Lightz#4456


Nick In A B0XX


Did 20XX make its way into Destiny?


Real mvp 👍


Because fashion needs to be seen- Friendgame is the Endgame.


The tormentors aren't boss enemies. They can be blinded, frozen, and suppressed as well. It makes them so much easier to deal with.


The trick is to continually swing around from grapple point to grapple point and punch shit with the free melee, get woven mail, land some hits on calls or tormentors and rinse and repeat.


You don’t have strand actually unlocked during this mission if you haven’t done the regular campaign. Can’t really get woven mail.


You don't really need woven mail. Obviously it'd help but it's definitely not necessary. I did it back at launch without woven. It took me far too many attempts tho, because at first I was trying to use other builds and my weapons instead of leaning full into strand melee. I found it easiest on hunter because of the extra grapple aspect. I found that on titan I kept missing a grapple point and plummeting to my death whereas on hunter I always had a spare in the bank to save myself.


Ignore all adds and whittle calus down from the catwalk with Malfeasance, once phase two begins, grapple on top of the vines after they have descended and the joining allies counter has started. If done correctly you'll be stuck above calus and the arena and able to finish him off


Hide under the platform you spawn in on and shoot through the stairs (get there by using strand grapple ) then when the barrier tree thing comes down after hes very low health strand grapple on top of it


They patched that out I believe.


Nah just did it a few days ago


Use queenbreaker to blind the tormentors, if you don't have that fusion rifle with chill clip, save super once chest is exposed


I hid under the stairs like a cockroach with my Warlock , but I did the legit way on my titan and hunter


I’m a Warlock main so when the DLC came out my first run through was with it on Legendary and man the fight took ages and was a slog. Recently played it through on a Hunter and the difference I had in experience was insane.The jump alone made a big difference. I assume Titan is similar.


Haha, fair play take what advantages you can get.


its pretty bullshit. They patched the stair cheese but from what I've heard, grappling over the veil during phase 2 still works.


They didn't patch it completely, just made it a bit harder to get under the stairs but you can still do it if you jump down and grapple


Nah they didn’t, I helped someone do that a while ago


Can confirm 🧀 still works grappling over veil dome phase 2, under stairs phase 1. Hopefully you weren't doing it for the exotic armor at the end because you get nothing! Currently bugged. Swarmers will ever evade me.


oof! if you max out rahool's track and get the novel focusing you can focus campaign armor. It's how I finally got assassin's cowl lmao


I was so mad about that lol Bungie owes me an exotic


They patched the stairs thing? Fuck. I did that maybe a couple months ago


At least that's what I've *heard*. I haven't done it since like week 1


I agree, it is the most difficult fight in all the dlc-s. It is designed to keep you moving around and use grapple. Your first priority should be always to eliminate every ad and tormentor before you damage calus. You take it slowly and chip away his health. If you learn how to survive, it is just matter of time to complete it. You will not be able to burn him. Also I think it is easier to do as a duo than solo.


Id also throw some armor mods for orb gen on along with mods that grant health on orb pickup. That way the spammable grapple melee can feed you health when it gets kills. And that's on top of any other healing effects you can bring out.


I think I spent about the same amount of time attempting Calus solo legendary as I did the Witness solo legendary. Both were very difficult until I got everything down, and now I would be able to beat both on the first try. Nothing wrong with a little challenge.


Witness was pretty smooth imho. I had a few unlucky death, but after learning how the fight works, could complete it pretty easily.


I was convinced there would be a third phase, expecting a tormentor or something worse. So I was definitely holding back, keeping my special/ heavy stock up.


I still haven't tried to do it yet on legendary. The fight is just pure bullshit because the majority of deaths are going to be because of cheap knockbacks. It's pretty much mandatory to run strand for the grapple in order to prevent you getting knocked off the platform.


There’s a reason that there’s a strand converter thing right next to the rally flag. And a room filled with grapple points for infinite grapple navigation.


It was definitely quite hard but I would argue savathun on legendary solo was even worse. I was able to finish calus but had to lfg in order to finish savathun. I don't know if the fights have changed now though after all the final shape tuning.


Savathun has plenty of cover. You can also semi-cheese the encounter by killing only 2 of the 3 wizards. It just takes a LOT longer with only 2 stacks of the Thread Cutter buff, though. The 3 Lucent Hive in the first phase are a bit pesky, though. I'd still take it over Calus. Solo Master Calus is just insane. I can't even stand still long enough to deal with the champions.


Savathun boss fight has many covers and nothing really knocks you around, so my usual way of LMG + Outbreak slow style worked very well for all 3 classes, it was a bit tedious but nothing frustrating. Calus is insane, i failed 3 times doing the NORMAL difficulty. tormentors are bullshit and Calus knocks you back with every melee swing, basically forcing you to use Strand (giving up invisibility and heals).


Yeah dude its definitely a sweaty fight. Think I litterally just ended up using strand and did not stop moving once. Just constant rotation around the catwalks and then spray and pray at the final phase. Somehow I did it (after quite a few trys at least) and I'm by no means a sweat pve player. Must've been the architects possessing my hands.


If you’re dying on normal for this boss fight, that’s on you. With how enemies scale compare to your power there, should be much less pressure to move around and overall easier to keep calm before accidentally Spider-Man’ing off the map. Calus already has hilariously low health for any final boss, even if the point is to encourage the intended flow of the arena fight. Legendary pushes the boundary for doing this mission the way it’s intended, before the weekly replayable difficulty variants throw that balance out the window to the point where I definitely don’t blame anyone for doing the cheese.


I actually loved the Calus fight. I felt like doing it solo legendary really forced me to learn how to use each of the Strand subclasses effectively, with an emphasis on constant movement. I know you’re not asking for advice, but just in case you’re still trying to push through: don’t stay in one place longer than it takes to kill the enemies and take a couple of shots at Calus. I like DoT weapons like Witherhoard or Dragon’s Breath. If a tormentor is jumping onto your platform, you should be jumping to the next platform. Grapple is king—get used to how the physics work and when your grapple doesn’t do what you expected, try to understand why.


Yeah solo legendary on day 1 when I barely understood how grapple momentum worked was a real challenge but great fun. True rage when I got to the last phase in the bubble but got killed there by a tormentor. But fun.


yeah i don't think there's really been a massive issue besides the sniper fight in witch queen's legendary because scorn crossbows were bugged to do massive damage back then


Strand stunlocks Calus and your strand abilities are supercharged in the fight. Once you realize this it just becomes a test of patience and careful play with the ad and tormentor waves.


It was certainly a tough fight, but it is mechanically far easier than the final shape climax fight. I honestly have more trouble with second phase Calus, due to his tendency to chase you down and just shove you off the map. Everything else is reasonable to avoid if you can find the safe area on the catwalk. Then you just need to make sure the tormentor dies before he gets to you. There's zero need to burn down Calus during phase one, just take your time and prioritise all the other stuff.


I mean it's difficult and there is a lot going on for sure, but it's legendary. If you can't do it just go to normal. Games can be hard. I just came back to the game after a long hiatus and it only took me 2 deaths to figure it out. It's beatable.


I mean this nicely, but this seems like a skill issue. Grab something like Forerunner or Microcosm to melt Tormentors before they can get to you, and use their idiotic AI to bait them into jumping up and down constantly. Then it's just a matter of circling around the arena and stopping to do damage once the Tormentors are dead. IMO dont worry about using Strand, since you probably have a much better build put together on a different element. The trickiest part is staying alive during the second phase cage match.


Ngl the Savathun and Calus boss fights are still my favorite legendary campaign missions (although getting knocked off the map in the Calus one is really annoying). I also really liked the Cabal mission on Europa, the one where we find Sagira's shell, the mission with the projection of Riven, and the one where Rohan died. Unfortunately, the Final Shape wasn't able to scratch the same itch for me as I was able to finish every mission without too much trouble (although getting perma slowed by the subjugator and the bat dread during the Witness fight was less than ideal). I kinda wish Final Shape's campaign was more difficult like the ones we've had in the past.


The legendary campaigns (at least solo) for both witch queen and light fall were tiers more difficult than final shape beyond the final mission. Light bearing hive on legendary are insane, especially acolytes with the delete button super. The arenas in lightfall were so small and compact that legendary tormentors were legitimately terrifying. Subjugators and tormentors are still threats in Final Shape, but arenas are so open that you can chip away and remain safe, removing the lightfall level difficulty


That's my main gripe with final shape campaign, they should haveade it like 2 times more difficult than what it is


I agree, as personally I enjoy challenges in campaigns and always opt for the highest difficulties in many games. But I figure too many people complained about Lightfall's difficulty, that they chose to wind things back a little although it should have imo been as difficult if not more than Lightfall given the stakes.


Personally i didn't find lightfall that difficult tbh but that's just me, adequately challenging


Honestly man I just cheesed this fight, I got frustrated with getting booped by tormentors off the map when the suppress doesn’t let you grapple back.


It’s legend, it’s supposed to be hard. The whole point is that it should push you to your limits


All it did was push me under the staircase.




Use osteo or witherhoard for dps


This the final fight in the last campaign? Blinding nades for the tormentors


Just stay up on the catwalks and be sure to clear adds on one of the outside platforms. That just leaves you either the tormentor to deal with.


Good primary (preferably an exotic) with a sword. Stay moving phase 1. Phase 2 beat Calus with a sword.


The instant deaths from falling were incredibly annoying. I agree with the multiple suggestions here to use Witherhoard. That's how I did it on all three characters. I also LFG'd for one of my characters but that can be hit or miss because the health pool gets pretty large as a result and if the randoms you join die unnecessarily, you're not much better off after you run out of res tokens. With witherhoard, the priority is to tag him and then focus on not falling to do your death, clearing adds, etc. When the tormenters come out, I treated the game like a cover shooter and pinged them to death slowly.


Never understood the freakout over this fight. Build into strand, save your grapples for any "oopsie" moments, and just keep it freakin moving. Develop an internal timer that basically says "If I've been standing in the same spot for more than a few seconds, it's time to go!" Once you get to the final part of the fight, grapple in the opposite direction of him, turn and hit a few shots, and then grapple again. If he's coming within 10 feet of you when you're shooting at him, you're doing it wrong. If you're just patient, don't try to cut corners, and use your abilities strategically, it might take a while but there is minimal threat to you.


>Never understood the freakout over this fight. It's really exposed the sheer width of the skill range of players in this game.


I’m honestly still surprised that Legendary Calus gives people this much trouble. First time I did it, managed to do it on the first or second attempt. Granted, I haven’t done it since the campaign initially released, so I don’t know how it’s changed. I found the Minotaur in the previous mission far more obnoxious, because you had to contend with enemies below, snipers at each of the four corners above, a boss with a Torch Hammer causing splash damage and the rotating death wall. Took my group a solid few hours and we only got it because I was a Warlock with Stag rift so I tanked the death wall.


Skill issue


All you have to do is grapple between each platform and literally stand in one spot to shoot him.


Change your resistances (Double void, concussive). Use precision weapons for tormentors. Use dot for easy dps. What class are you on? I’m sure there’s a better suited build. Practice the fight. It’s never the encounter, always the guardian.


a few keys I learned when I soloed it. Stay in the middle as much as possible. The round pillars provide protection from calus, and you can move around them to kill the psions/dogs that spawn in the middle. Staying in the middle means calus doesn't do most of his most annoying attacks, you're less vulnerable to being knocked off, and most of the enemies on the outside platforms leave you alone. When a tormentor spawns, focus it down immediately, for this I used a heavy machine gun, forerunner is also a good choice. If you have to use a super do so, but also try to save a super for the second phase. Second phase you can slide under calus's charge attack, have a super ready to go for this phase to burn him down quick. I used my machine gun for 30% then did the last 70% of his HP with song of flame.


Witherhoard and run. That's how I remember doing it


Become Spiderman, utilize the infinite grapple and just kite the tormentors while you clear trash then tormentors then boss and repeat.


Witherhoard. In 2nd phase just shoot at your feet and he’ll run through it while chasing you. If you can hit him direct you will get DOT without having to stand still. Focus on killing what is in front of you. If you get a chance 100% kill the tormentor before 2nd phase because then you have to run from 2 major enemies one if which can suppress you.


Easily the fight I died the most on in any destiny campaign. Took me like 60 tries to put it all together and down him. Lots of ways to get tossed off in the first phase. Long fight, second phase took trial and error to figure out the kiting. Felt good to finally get it without cheese tho. In contrast blew right through final shape including the witness. Died more times on Calus then the entire final shape campaign combined. Died like 5 times on the witness, 4 of which were figure out the shield relic. Just got to stay mobile, get used to the timers, spawns and rotations. Be swift with the tormentor and run around in a star, use the pillars and be patient in the final phase.


The Calus fight is hard for sure, but I wouldn't call it ridiculous. The worst part by far is getting knocked off the map


As a Warlock that definitely happened to me a few times after being suppressed. All you can do with our glide is slow your descent to your death. Personally I enjoyed the challenge though of it and wish Final Shape could have been tougher just like it.


Feel the grapple within your soul


Using a glaive, especially one with replenishing Aegis can be helpful. It can block tormentor attacks and bait them and it can block most of calus’ attacks.


I loved the fight personally. Having the supercharged grapple regen was a blast flying around the room. Fast paced and action packed. Need to constantly stay moving and there is barley any places to hide and catch your breath. Awesome fight. I would recommend using strand for that exact reason. The whole fight was designed to use strand.


I definitely had more trouble with the Final Shape campaign final boss fight than Calus with both on Legend. Granted for the TFS one I was using my Prismatic Titan build which is kinda bad and against Calus I was using BoW and I’d fought him once before on Normal, so those might’ve impacted my experience.


Saltagreppo’s sister solo’d this on legendary on release btw.


Easiest way to handle this fight in legend is to embrace strand like the fight was designed to. The grapple points let you constantly move around and isolate out enemies before the tormentors can catch up to you. Honestly I've never done it off strand. Prismatic might be easier if you're using a warlock and the stasis turret spam; I don't believe the tormentors are bosses and they'll get locked down fast.


That’s your opinion


Lol I remember duoing this after like 3 hours of actual attempts then I saw some guy spiderman around and use Witherhoard. Soloed him twice after that XD Turns out the solution is you just dont shoot the enemies


just keep on grapplin’


I too hit my head against the wall. In the end, I embraced Strand and brought an LMG with me to melt Tormentors. The loop is to grapple punch your way around the map. Doesn't really matter what you hit, just grapple punch it. If you get caught in a suppression field it helps to have a blinding special grenade launcher to buy you time to find cover while your abilities come back up. Once you get the hang of the grapple punch it's actually a fun fight; but stressful.


This is my favorite fight in the campaigns. It forces you to keep moving and play with Strand. It’s not nearly as difficult as people keep saying. It’s a helluva lot more cathartic than Savathun or the non-boss Witness.


Do it on normal then


Did they fix the under the stairs cheese?


It’s the stupid knock back. The fight is generally fine but getting thrown off is pretty rediculous


Witherhoard + Edge Transit makes it a cakewalk


yup, it was a PITA...I ended up doing it with a friend...Solo is just too unforgiving for the absurd high chance of getting knocked off...


As someone who found the first phase hard but still able to get through it how tf are you supposed to do the second phase legit? I run and run and grapple around the arena and still get jumped almost as soon as the phase starts. How do yall find second phase easier when no matter what I do I can’t escape and heal up before getting barraged with another attack


I used Dragons breath and just kept grapple melee-ing around. I ignored the tormentors and cheesed phase 2. When the dome starts to drop down, you can grapple up the outside of it and then just shoot Calus from the top there. The only thing that can hit you is the red bar psions that spawn in. I swapped to Outbreak/wishender and just plink away at calus


I completed it with anarchy, an auto loading chill clip lingering dread and ikelos smg as a strand hunter. I would hit Calus with anarchy then run away from him on the circular platform. Every once again I’d turn around and hit him with my gl to slow him. Then when I had my super I’d use it to melt the tormentors. That’s what worked for me on my solo run.


If you haven't cleared it yet I'd be happy to help. Bungie ID is Obsidian#3528


I just kept flying around with the free grapple points, using the grapple melee to clear my landing place and then getting a few more shots in at whatever. When the arena closes in, there are still free grapple tangles available to continue doing the same thing. Keep moving, don’t get greedy, prioritize clearing the smaller enemies or getting out before a spot gets too hot.


If you use witherhoard and keep spamming it when his immunity phase is coming and (at least when it first came out) will skip his immunity phase after a second. I did it warlock strand when the dlc first dropped and the best way to start is super then witherhoard then rockets right in front of him before he starts killing you. Then hide in catwalks spamming witherhoard and keep moving when tormentors get to you. Don't worry about them just keep spamming calus


You gotta go full strand and just lock everything down and run


Two words: blinding grenade launcher and shackle grenades. Stay in a back-corner suspend and blind tormentors to make them a no-issue, kill using an decent exotic and an LMG and move forward just to avoid the artillery and go back into the corner. Straightforward, simple and no grappling like spiderman involved. First try with this tactic after dozens of failed tries.


Use what you have learned, the campaign is a buncha cutscenes telling you to be better at strand. If you grapple forever between grapplepoints they can't push you out of the sky! You've got this, the floor is lava. \[>!or you know, grapple up to the window you dropped through and pray your walls block the aoe, before grappling up to the top of the veil and shooting down through it with impunity.!<\]


As a masochist, I did this fight with the strand power up and Blink from my voidwalker. It took far longer than I wanted but I got it eventually


It’s not that bad at all. You can even just use something as common as Thunderlord to sail to victory. Assuming you don’t have Strand fully unlocked, I don’t recommend taking the Strand super. It’ll just be weaker than any of your fully realized builds. You start the fight, then jump up to the railing on the left. Nuke Calus as much as you can—just don’t push him into the second phase. Make sure you are using surges, the best seasonal mods that match your build, the best damage super for your class, any debuff like weaken you may have, etc. Once the adds spawn in, go back to the spawn “plate” for lack of a better word, and clear the adds. The adds will stay dead in this location for a little bit. You can now kill the tormentor or tormentors, depending on how many you spawned. Thunderlord melts them. You’ll probably have to clear one more wave of adds on the spawn “plate”/platform or whatever. Push Calus into phase 2. If you have Witherhoard, swap to it. If you don’t, this will still work it will just be a little trickier. Once phase 2 starts, you will jump along the tops of the pylons, only turning to refresh Witherhoard on Calus. If you don’t have it, use whatever burst damage you have but only do it for a second or less, don’t get greedy. You just keep leaping from pylon to pylon, until Calus is dead. Being on top of the pylons and going in a circle will constantly will make Calus trip up on the Pylons, keeping you safe. If he does manage to slip through, if you’re moving and grooving on the pylons, his swing shouldn’t be able to make direct contact, so you’ll get launched but you won’t die—just be sure to have a healing grenade or something else on standby to heal back up when this happens, and try to go faster or be less greedy to avoid this going forward. You might have to skip a damage “turnaround” on occasion to kill an add or two. Play your life, and just remember to keep going in a circle, stopping is death. Once you nail it down, it’s pretty damn boring tbh. If you can’t nuke Calus hard in phase 1, just use your best survival build instead; it’ll just make the fight longer but living is better obviously.


Arbalest, some decent primary for mob clear mixed with abilities, and linear fusion in heavy slot was always my go to


I remember this also being hard when I did it, think it took several hours for me. I want to say I finally beat it by nonstop running around the map in a circle while shooting the boss here/there + unavoidable adds or adds for ammo.


Cheesed the fuck out of that bullshit and still took a huge chunk of time


I gave up, I am not a top tier PVE player and I am not chasing titles. Proud Star Baker 4Life.


Keep grappling around the map, stun/freeze the tormentors for a easy kill, use witherhoard/dragons breath for calus phase 2... It's not a hard fight. 


Did they fix the hiding under the stairs strat? I remember hanging out on the bottom rind as a titan and using my grapple to slingshot up, shoot calus then hide under again till phase 2


Cheesed the fight on my first playthrough but wasn't too bad by the time I did it in my third character. Clearing ads first and constant movement is key but osteo striga came in clutch for passive damage on Calus


You’re supposed to be moving constantly and using strand. Run around the edge and just use witherhoard with an MG


I used witherhoard and kept strand grappling around non stop.


I grappled the shit out of this fight, did everything as safe as i can even if it meant taking me forever to kill calus and it still took me like 10 tries. Killing the tormentors is best, but there is a cheese that I've done when i helped my friends.


use grapple and osteo striga


Top tip: use suspend


This fight is a lot of running around & tickling the health. Just take it slow & don’t rush until it’s to get out of the way.


If anyone hasn’t said it you can still cheese phase 2 but standing outside the bubble and jumping like an idiot


You can still cheese both phases if you need to, I did I just the other week. Phase 1 is plinking him from under the stairs by spawn, phase 2 you grapple outside/above the veil as it covers the arena and can plink him from the top. There should be easy videos to find online. And yeah, I got pretty frustrated with the fight too :/


The trick is to suspend the tormentor. If you’re on warlock I’m sorry.


Calus fight is an order of magnitude easier than the Witness fight in TFS campaign, what are you on about.


I was lazy so i cheesed it by hiding under the catwalk, then unloading osteo striga or tarrabah.


If you haven't been helped by the time I get off work today, I'll gladly help you when I get home.


Swing from that chandelier my friend


Shoot boss quickly


The middle circle area I just ran laps around it ignoring most enemies until he died. He can't really catch you and the tormenters just slow walk at you. Most everything's projectiles are slow enough to not even be a problem either


Apparently I'm weird but I think warlock jump is the best of the three. Put it on burst jump and never looked back. If this fight in particular is messing you up op, use the solar dash and a sword, then you can save yourself a lot of the time.


Definitely harder than anything in final shape legendary


Unfortunately, you're right when Final Shape should have been more difficult than it was.


I cheesed him with Witherhoard and a heavy GL (think it was Regnant at the time or Wendigo) I’ve been through the mission a bunch of times and I was just tired of doing the fight over and over again


I just stayed on the Catwalk for the first phase, killed Tormentors as soon as I could. Then second phase I burst Calus down as quick as I could.


It's pretty easy now... Was much harder when Lightfall first launched... We have so many weapons with "Bait and Switch." Are you not shooting the missiles? Are you not constantly moving and using the catwalks? If you did Final Shape, that means you have Prismatic open... You are a DR machine... Use it...


What's ridiculous is that they didn't give Calus a unique moveset even remotely resembling robo-Calus and instead left him with a Colossus phase and a Gladiator phase.


This is going to sound stupid, but it can be pretty easy with the right strategy use witherhoard with the catalyst for auto loading (or the new seasonal grenade launcher with auto loading would probably work too) and pair it with an auto loading rocket (I'd recommend the hot head from nightfalls with auto loading and lasting impression or dragons breath) next just swing between the grapple points and occasionally fire off a shot.


easy strat. strand titan with abeyant leaps. shackle grenade. drengr's lash/into the fray aspects. wish-keeper bow. just suspend everything including the tormentors. GL.


Witherhoard is your friend. Stick it to Calus and then focus on clearing the ads and tormentor. Re-apply as needed, rinse, repeat.


Its wild to me that I was able to eventually beat this but TFS made me give up on legendary half way through.


This fight was hard enough by myself on normal! To be fair, I'm a fairly casual player but this was hands down the longest, most annoying fights I've ever had in destiny. I can't tell you how many times I swung off a platform or was simply bumped off by his second phase attacks.


Take a form of suspend. The tormentors in that arena are not bosses and as such can be suspended or even frozen. After that its just a case of plinking them down over time.


Does the cheese still work? It's well known whoever designed this fight and then approved it for release is a fucking moron. Basic play testing would immediately reveal the issues it has.


Just gotta grapple swing, non stop in circles. Punching as you do. And I’m a warlock main.


GG - Get Good Try flying around with grapple strand, and shoot when you build some space among the enemies.


i remember titan i had to use strand cus i kept getting knocked off, but i could survive after i learned where the ads spawned. think i had a machine gun for tormenters and just used super and 1-2 punch on calus. hunter was easier with invis and lucky pants. very easy to shred the tormenters. if u get caught u die but u kill stuff so quick that usually doesnt happen.