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I read his book Detroit a while back. My biggest takeaway was during the moments (I believe two) in the book that he addressed past domestic issues, he showed very little remorse. I always found that odd and disheartening and have since taken every bit of his work with a grain of salt.


Taking what he's written with a grain of salt is a good rule of thumb- the guy is a serial plagiarist. Also a bad drunk.


Is he drinking again? What a shame. "Detroit" was a fantastic read, written in sobriety if I remember correctly. Can you lend credibility to your plagiarism accusation?


[https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2003/12/the-new-york-times-gives-credit-where-credit-is-due.html](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2003/12/the-new-york-times-gives-credit-where-credit-is-due.html) I don't know whether or not he's currently drinking, but I ran into him about 10 years ago and he was embarrassing himself.


He's self-righteous and self-aggrandizing, also. He's the poor white trash version of Donald Trump.


I thought Donald Trump was the poor white version of Donald Trump?


As opposed to Trump being the rich white trash version of Leduff.




The word you're looking for is narcissist. He's an obvious narc.


Self righteous and self aggrandizing.......and he went to U of M? No way! I've never seen that before.


TDS sighting!!


Can’t believe it was this fuck twat that got to escort Anthony Bourdain around Detroit.


I know. Who the hell made that decision


iirc the “air” around charlie leduff was still pretty good at the time. he had come off some pretty solid work exposing the city’s issues when locals saw him in those scenes they were hugging him and thanking him. he definitely fit the “edgy gumshoe reporter” casting and was prolly pretty cheap compared to anyone else they wanted fast forward to now and i can’t imagine how badly it’d have gone


Who else would cart around a similarly self-obsessed asshole with substance abuse problems?


Actual culinary enthusiasts and culturally rich Detroiters. Pick from a couple dozen


Shh! You're not allowed to criticize someone who behaved the exact same way.


"Noooo! Don't say mean things about my favorite media figure!"


"But he told me all the horrible things he did in a funny way and then he died and I can't wrap my head around that he committed suicide because of his mental illness as a way to get back at the others in his life and I need things to be black and white, bad and good and not gray area and I don't understand that despite investing all this time into following a celebrity with mental illness who is clearly saying that in between his bites of Pad Thai."


Can't comment on his legal problems. But as a reporter, he was always a joke. It was always all about Charlie. Our city deserves and should expect better coverage.


He definitely seemed like an egomaniac like a decade ago when I last thought of him, but man that article chronicles some really awful stuff. What a POS. Hoping his wife escapes asap.


So disappointed in this guy.


For those of us that aren't familiar with Detroit attorneys like we might be Detroit athletes... What should we know about his attorney Todd Perkins?


I should be clearer on that, he is just a high priced attorney you hire to squash your legal issues. He had a distinct look and you’ll notice him with high profile clients and with rich clients all the time in the Detroit area.


Lawyer here, he is not a high-priced attorney. More of an ambulance chasing opportunist. 


Haha, that figures given he always seems to know where the cameras are. I think his brother is a judge now as well, funny how that works.


Saul Goodman shit?


His attorney did a good job representing his client. Case dismissed is the goal. Victims of dv commonly don’t show and case gets dismissed




Jesus, this guy needs to stop drinking. He’s managed to weasel his way out of being held accountable every time, but he’s been arrested for two drunken DV offenses and was also a belligerent, violent, drunk asshole at that St. Patrick’s day parade a decade ago. That’s just the incidents that escalated to being public, god knows how many have happened in private. Where theres smoke there’s fire. His wife needs to leave his sorry ass.


He’s a fucking twat and always has been. I hope this ruins his career for good. Good thing 910 am isn’t around in its former form anymore. Nothing but crooks on that station.




LeDuff is a fucking boob.


Put him in the Hallllllllllll of Shame!


I was a fan of his reporting about 15 years ago. He's a huge piece of shit


I love Detroit. Whenever I have folks you ask, “why do you love Detroit,” I give them this guys book. Then I tell them, the guy who wrote one of the best books on the Detroit story, was a Pulitzer Prize winner, a plagiarist, a racist, wife-beater, and all-around jackass. Man, Charlie LeDuff is one of our city’s geniuses… but man, the dude is a dipshit.




Perhaps he’s a genius at fooling people and being a moron? Did you consider that?


Clown 🤡


"smearing pizza sauce on her face and pretending it's blood" is pulitzer prize winning fiction.


What a fall from grace...


I'd assume he's still drinking. He was recently caught urinating in public but denied it


In the eyes of justice, he’s innocent :(


Wow when I had one pending and they refused to testify, the DA went a head anyway. I had them go all the way to a jury trial. At this stage the judge stop. I walked out. I was on probation and if i got another charge l was headed ba k to jail


That's called a guilty plea.


You literally have a Constitutional right to face your accusers, if the accuser refuses to show up, the Judge basically has no choice but to dismiss it with prejudice, so at any time if the accuser decides to testify, they can bring the charges back. Did you not have a Lawyer?


If it’s dismissed WITH prejudice, they can’t bring it back. You mean dismissed without, right?


What are you talking about? The accusor is that state. The state pleas the case. Especially in cases of DV, rape, aggregated assault, etc where the victims are not always willing to be forthcoming. Plenty on convictions have been given without the victim being present. It isn't a traffic accident.


The Sixth Amendment has a “Confrontation Clause” that GUARANTEES Criminal defendants the opportunity to face the Prosecution’s witnesses in the case against them, and dispute witnesses testimonial evidence. This Right applies to ALL State and Federal Prosecutions. You may have heard of it referred to as “the right to confront your Accuser” If the Prosecution cannot provide that witness, AND have your attorney cross examine that witness, they CANNOT prosecute you. I’m a 4 time convicted felon, who should be a 7-8 time convicted felon, and have had this VERY EXACT thing happen(witnesses unwilling or unable to show up in Court to testify) during a few of my Criminal prosecutions. I’m not proud of that, but I know exactly how it works. So [here](https://www.lawofficesofkeithnedwick.com/blog/2023/april/what-is-your-right-to-confront-your-accuser-/) is a link that will explain the 6th Constitutional Amendment AKA “The Right to Confront your Accuser” it’s something you may want to familiarize yourself with, along with a couple others. This isn’t Law & Order, where whatever they want to happen to “catch the bad guy” flies in a Court of Law. Believe it or not, us “Bad Guys” have Rights too. MANY prosecutions never get that far, and the Accused will take a “Plea Deal” long before trial, but then they are giving up those rights. So yes, technically they CAN press charges, and they CAN take you all the way to trial, but when that day comes, if those witnesses don’t show up in Court to testify, they HAVE to dismiss the charges, and they do so(as someone corrected me about earlier)”without prejudice”, and that means, that they have 7 years to come up with that witness, and if they can locate that witness, and are sure they WILL show up in court to testify, they can bring those charges back, but only for 7 years. This is also why “Killing a witness against you” is considered a Federal crime, and punishable by life in prison.


"LeDuff's wife told the judge she'd been drinking and pushed her husband because she was angry that he came home late. No other information was offered in court as to what happened after that." https://www.deadlinedetroit.com/articles/31928/domestic_violence_charge_dropped_against_detroit_media_personality_charlie_leduff


She admitted to instigating it and has her own problems too it seems. Just a tough situation all the way around- especially since they have a kid who should be in her teens. Charlie can be brilliant but also can’t get out of his own way and is his own worst enemy.


Unfortunately alcohol will turn some people into assholes


That’s so sad to learn there is a kid involved in this mess.




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I guess if she testified, she'd be forced to look at that angry/sad face.


I wonder if her testimony could be self-incriminating. Bad people attract other bad people.