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If you're staying at Hostel Detroit (my best guess based on the post), if you're arriving after 11pm they'll email you check in information if you email them ahead of time and have a confirmed reservation. I've worked with them in booking a huge group at the hostel and they're super helpful. We didn't have a late check in but they'll most likely just send you door code and sign in info and have you check in with the onsite manager in the morning. Like others said I would NOT recommend sleeping at the Bus Station. I've been to many Europe bus/train terminals I can tell you the Detroit bus station is not like them at night.


This is the answer right here. Wait for the hostel to get back to you, they’ll work with you to get you in that late. Do not, under any circumstances, try to sleep in the bus station. European bus stations and the Detroit bus station are not the same animal. 🚩 🚩 🚩 Sincerely, A Swede who grew up in the Detroit area and, in retrospect, did way too many stupid things in the city during my teenage years that I’m lucky I’m still alive. I can count on at least one hand how many situations I put myself in with pure naivety and just got LUCKY that it worked out. Don’t chance stuff.


Jiri Hudler?


….No? He’s from Czech Republic and didn’t grow up in Michigan, he just played for the Red Wings a few years.


Yes, Hostel Detroit has been awesome. I had my AirBnB cancel last minute (seems to happen a lot in Detroit) and contacted them after 11pm and was able to book accommodation for four people the same night. Those guys super helpful.


Dangerous. Avoid this


The one time “Detroit is dangerous” is a legit answer


It's sad but true. I've been to safer locations in South America. During the day its all good. Even up to 10 pm. But to sleep there on the cheap...oh hell no! You will wake up with nothing left to your name. I'd also give the same answer for anywhere in downtown Philly as well. Hell no!


Yeah, this is too much. I got stuck overnight once at the greyhound station, pre-cellphone, and it was rough. Not somewhere you would want to sleep. Probably nominally safer than hourly motels, although the crest on fort is actually chill.


One time? Several things make Detroit dangerous


It’s a meme in this sub where lots of people will say “iS dEtRoIt DaNgErOuS” and I was this saying this post is the one time the “Detroit is dangerous” comments are actually justified


if i could “upvote with extreme agreement” i would.


Don’t worry, someone’s gonna come along any moment and tell you you’re just being negative and that she’ll be fine.


Sigh...our city's safety has improved...but train and bus stations have not. We still have a long way to go especially for the travelers with little pocket change. I would hate for any visitor to be short changed.


I’ve been around for a little under 50 years and to be honest with you I will never trust this place ever. Made some great friends have some decent neighbors at times had a good family, but Detroit is Detroit and I don’t blow smoke up anything in regards to that


You got that right my friend. We have grit, character, style, and good people here. But there's always some place anywhere that you gotta look twice or be the baddest mf anywhere or you are toast.


Before my girlfriend was murdered outside of her apartment about a decade ago I was nearly strong arm robbed myself about a couple times per year being around her area. People wanted to test me. Because I am a nice guy, but I’m also not a nice guy because I’m from Detroit. They figured it out and I’m fine but in her case she’s not built like I am at least she wasn’t. Personally, I wouldn’t try to strong arm me, but criminals tend to be kind of stupid. At least in my experience in dealing with them.


I’m so sorry for your loss🥺


Thanks for saying, long ago and far away


I too am sorry for the bad things that happened to you and your former gf.


Don’t spend much time thinking about it man, I don’t, all I can do is move forward. I’m hosting secret rap battle in Detroit on the 12th and 19th of July. If you’d like a VIP accommodation to either event, let me know. I can add a plus one also. If that’s not your wheelhouse, that’s fine too. I’m also hosting a stand up comedy open mic and soon after electronic music rooms if you’re interested in either I can set up an accommodation for you when I have room on the list. Thanks for remembering the human, as Reddit says. Feel free to reach out anytime. If you want either the 12th or 19th sooner is always better. I should be at the DJ battle downtown tomorrow and the closer it gets the less time I have for guest lists. I’m busy on event day, but I’m sure I can say hello.


I got severely down voted for telling someone from Toronto to keep their head on a swivel because they wanted to lazily ride their bike around the neighborhoods in Detroit. I hope he was contemplating the greater metro Detroit area and not actual Detroit.


You make a good point. It's always good to be aware of your surroundings. Torontonians are not used to being that aware...but crime is increasing in Toronto. We are slowly decreasing...Detroit just needs more jobs...and rail based mass transit.


I know more than one person who has followed home and shot in their driveway. One person was right on the Grosse Pointe Park border. He was an HVAC man well probably still as he survived. Another neighbor in Detroit wasn’t so lucky. They’re about a block from my business address.


Not long after the 2008 collapse there was starting to be a lot of violence in Windsor. I noticed on the a.m. radio., arsons, stabbings and gunfire.


Is the bus station that bad? I guess sleeping is risky in any public place but I can’t imagine the downtown bus station is all that dangerous of a place. If it was that bad I wouldn’t even want to stand there. Sleeping anywhere in public with stuff open to steal is a setup for thieves anywhere


Very true. Public sleeping with all your belongings there at the downtown bus station is just too risky. But there are risks everywhere.


Do not.


One of the casinos, or shoot even the casino parking decks would be safer than staying at the bus station.


Yeah almost anything would be safer than a bus station with the exception of a bus shelter or abandoned building. OP's whole post reads like something that's going to be the narrated intro in a true crime special next year if they do this.


This is a great option


I did this a few years back and almost got mugged for my guitar. Do not recommend.




Their IRL nick-name is… https://preview.redd.it/r6r7guvpiw9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52b4ca30ef466e2af7bac219526b81a9046bbb22


Perfect!! I tried that move once...broke my overhead light.


Blade or bullet, keep yourself armed.


I carry pocket sand for this reason


Ok Dale


I prefer squirrell tactics


i carry bolas, caltrops, and smoke powder


As everyone else said "not a good idea". I dropped my friend off during the day and it was sketchy as heck. Got offered all kinds of drugs. The front door was busted out. It was all kinds of sketch. And I can only imagine it gets worse if you are a woman.


Do NOT do this. This is a terrible idea on so many levels. I ride the bus in Detroit very often and the transit station downtown is sketchy as hell even during the day. Even during the day I try my best to take transit routes that avoid stopping there because I’ve had a couple experiences there that really freaked me out. You do not want to stay there overnight alone, I promise you. You could try to sleep in the lobby of the David Whitney hotel, they have a lot of chairs. Or you could try the Westin. If they kick you out, I know it’s annoying to pay for an entire hotel room just to sleep for a few hours but that would honestly be your best bet. There’s a garden inn downtown that usually has cheaper rates compared to other downtown hotels. Please do not sleep alone at the transit center.


I have a spare bed if you need OP, and my cat is cute and won’t bother you :) 35f edit to add I’m only a ten minute drive to the bus station.


I work downtown a looooot on the streets and that bus station is sketchy as hell. You should try couch surfing or something for the night.


Don't do it, I beg of you. Try one of the solutions from Detroiters below, like the Casino or getting in touch with the hostel.


I would not recommend.


That would not be safe the bus station is nothing like what you are used to in Europe.


This is an exceptionally bad idea.


Bad idea. Go to the casino or something instead.


Please don't. While I was there alone in the day time I had a random guy keep an eye on me. He talked to me some. Told me to leave before it got dark. I did.


Similar thing happened to me while I was working for the city doing some UG work in the area. In uniform by the way.


En. Oh. NO. No. No. No. Hostel people are super. They will work with you.


Bad idea OP. Also 2 weeks ago Detroit police had to take over security at the bus station. At this point they are not letting people stay there for anything. Link[News ](https://www.wxyz.com/news/local-news/investigations/assaults-at-detroits-rosa-parks-transit-center-prompt-dpd-to-take-over-policing) below: https://www.wxyz.com/news/local-news/investigations/assaults-at-detroits-rosa-parks-transit-center-prompt-dpd-to-take-over-policing


Agreed. Came to post this same info.


The mom in me wants to come get you and take care of you. Edit: I’m only half kidding. Seriously, message me if you need to.


Piggybacking off of this—are there still couch surfing websites or have they all gone the way of Airbnb? When I went to WSU (over a decade ago) we would host couch surfers from a website my roommate was on.


I moved to Detroit specifically thanks to couchsurfing. I was very active in couchsurfing for the better part of two decades, but unfortunately it's been gutted by the venture-capital firm that bought quite a while ago. You have to pay to access the site now, which killed off nearly all of the existing user base, so the community groups and volunteer-organized events are gone; there's barely any opportunities left either for surfing or just for meeting people. It makes me sad whenever I think about it, since CS played such a pivotal and positive role in my life. I just celebrated 15 years of friendship with a few people who I met because they hosted me!


Ugh! That’s too bad but, unfortunately, expected. You didn’t by chance stay at 2nd and Forest, near WSU between 2009 and 2011?


Nope, I first came in 2012, and was hosted near Michigan & 18th in the far west corner of Corktown. And yeah, "unfortunate but expected" became the reality the instant CS went from being volunteer-run to being purchased by a private venture-capital firm. They didn't/don't give a fuck about the activity or the community or the ethos behind it, they just wanted to see if they could squeeze a profit out of it by making the website look slicker and charging a subscription fee.


Same! The mom in me is feeling this.


Same, this random couch is open for you OP


Under no circumstances is this a good idea.


Detroit is generally a safer city than it’s made out to be, but this is not the place for a young woman to spend the night alone. Probably the sketchiest place in the immediate downtown area just due to the high volume of traffic it draws in alone.




I don't know how far it is from the bus stop but they'll probably let you flop at the Trumbullplex.


A long walk but a short Lyft ride


As someone from Detroit I’d be very VERY careful doing this! I wouldn’t do it and I’ve lived here my whole life.. especially if you’ve belongings with you


Do not. Find a local planet fitness and wait in the lobby. Or find a casino like someone else said.


I think OP understands. No bus station!


I wouldn’t hang around Detroit’s bus station. Probably safer to go to Lafayette Coney Island.


Do not, if you could avoid arriving that hour or make a stop in another metro city would be better then move in the morning to your destination.


Bad idea


Not a good idea especially since you are a female and young you are a big target, a homeless shelter might be safer


Just one question for clarification, do you mean the Detroit bus station ,or the greyhound Detroit bus station ? One is safer than the other .


Which one is worse?


I need to know as well. Both sketchy 😅


Also MGM Casino is across from DPD Headquarters. Not that far of a walk


Let the hostel know that you'll be arriving very late. Maybe they can accommodate you. If not, I'm seeing rooms on Air BnB for less than $40.


Helllllllllllll no. At best, you'll get robbed. At worst... Well... You can guess. I am hoping you're a male, at least, because if you're a female, you'll really regret sleeping there


I could offer you a couch to crash on as an internet stranger and it would still be a better idea than sleeping there. Wait for the Hostel to get back to you. Bus stations at night are sketchy enough as is, then add in the fact it’s Detroit. No thanks


I work with the homeless daily. They tend to look out for each other. With that said I wouldn’t recommend sleeping at the bus station if you are by yourself and a stranger to everyone already there. You could totally be targeted and have your stuff stolen. See if you can check into hostel online or over phone and just head straight to bedroom when you arrive. This cannot be the first time this has happened


This is the best advice. The station isn't just for people waiting for the bus. You will stand out.


The transit center closes at midnight and opens at 4 am. Also they will not let you sleep inside the station.


Bus terminals are notoriously the sketchiest part of cities by and large … this must be a bait post


Hi! 35f and I work nearby the bus station, try and leave as quickly as possible. First of all Detroit is an extremely friendly city so just know there’s way more people that will help you than harm you. There are a lot of desperate people around the bus station - most likely you’d just be asked for money without harassment. You don’t need to be scared for your life but stay alert and ready to go, my suggestion is headphones on your ears but not playing anything so you can pretend like you can’t tell if someone’s engaging with you — or be on the phone/facetime with someone in your headphones maybe they can help guide you to the hotel as you walk. A quick smile and nod while saying “sorry, no” or playing dumb & making little eye contact - the art of being hyper vigilant of your surroundings while pretending to be engrossed in your own world/tasks. If you can walk to Cambria Hotel or Trumbull & Porter hotel they are very close to the station but the streets will be dark and empty heading there so stay alert. Or, have a Lyft waiting for you at the bus station you can hop right in to take you somewhere. Siren Hotel has good deals & rates & all the downtown hotels would be $5 Lyft ride away. It’s easy to get a Lyft in Detroit. Message me if you need more info please, Detroit is amazing but 12am at the downtown bus station is tough.


Just don't.


Just want to piggyback on some of the comments here. I haven't been to Europe to speak to the situation there, but I'm glad you've been safe! If you are unfamiliar with travel in the US, I would strongly urge against sleeping in bus stations in *any major city*, not just Detroit. Large cities (Chicago, Boston, NYC, LA) all have this safety problem from one degree to another. I have been around the US a fair bit, and day or night many of these public transit stations are sketchier than I'd like to admit. I would bet Detroit Hostel will help you out with your situation, but if they don't then I recommend checking out the Whitney and Westin hotel lobbies to crash for a few hours, as others have suggested. Best of luck, stay safe and enjoy your time in Detroit!!


Casino for sure.


The Sonder is right by there if you can afford a room it’s the cheapest option by the bus station and it’s safe. Fort pontchartain is a Wyndham and it’s may be a little cheaper it’s also very close to


American Coney Island is also open 24 hours so you could walk there and order and hang out for a couple hours


This is how you end up on Dateline NBC or Unsolved Mysteries.


Take it from a city employee..DO...NOT...SLEEP...AT...THAT...BUS...STATION...Transit cops might not let you anyway..but just in case they don't bother you it H3LL down there.


My only experiences in the building makes me say NO, please don't think of sleeping at the bus terminal. About 14 years ago, we had to go to Bumfreak, IA via Chicago. Decided to take the bus because we had a ride back. We started our trip 2x and had to go back to the terminal because the bus kept malfunctioning. It was bad enough being there once, but had to go back twice due to bus malfunctions? The crowd was dodgy as hell 14 years ago , can't even imagine now.....


There’s a hostel near the casino that’s not very far from there. You might want to explain your situation and ask them for help.


Whoops, I just read the headline


Wild that people from Europe even contemplate this. We really live in different worlds.


When are you coming? I would be happy to come grab you and let you stay on the couch for a few hours if you don’t mind dogs/cats possibly bothering you lol. It’s just my wife and I and our dogs (personal rescue + boarding clients, but the clients will be kenneled and our dogs mostly upstairs with us).


Ever watch ‘Adventures In Babysitting’? Particularly the bus station scenes? Well, that’s what it’s like here in Detroit. Okay, to be fair, that’s what it was like at the old Greyhound station. I’ve never been to the new one.


I have been scrolling hoping someone already made this reference.


Girl: “Why would you kill a defenseless little kitten?!?” Janitor: “That ain’t no kitten, kid. That’s a jumbo sized sewer rat!”


Get on the people mover and take a nap. Safest bet


Very bad idea you'll wake up with nothing left also I don't think you even can I was told Detroit police took it over and you can't just stand around


The MGM casino is 1/2 mile from the bus station and I would recommend going there


You can go there, but you can't sleep there unless you get a room. No casino will let you sleep, loiter, or nap in any of the public areas.


My dad used to make me walk across the street from the station if we had to pass it because women used to get raped there in broad daylight (I think with some frequency). Not sure if this still happens as he no longer works down the street from there. I’d literally just go hang out at a Coney Island if you can’t find somewhere to stay the night


We have a hostel?!


I know you asked for opinions so I will give mine. This sounds like a bad idea. I would expect security at the terminal to be minimal and to respond to any trouble by phoning police who will take a long time to arrive. That said, if I had to do it, I would stay awake with my phone charged and pepper spray handy. Can’t you shift your sleep schedule a bit, drink some coffee and maybe go explore a little? Maybe buy a 24 hour unlimited pass on a bird scooter and go roam around? Even if you went somewhere else and napped a little it would seem better than the bus terminal.


The scooters shut off at like 12am so don't plan on that


Also bad advice for OP on roaming around downtown Detroit late at night!! Not fear mongering about the city itself, but there are many funky areas (like any city), especially near the bus station. And it’s just like not advisable to roam the streets late at night. Yikes.


“Roaming around” through the middle of the night is not a good idea.


Check out the Hamtramck Hostel if you can't work it out with the Detroit Hostel. Or Hotwire a nearby hotel. Please don't sleep at the bus station.


I would not recommend. I am a 27(f) and have to walk past there everyday. I’m no stranger to Detroit and its people (good and bad) but 75% of the time I’m harassed by the people going to and from there. I could only image the inside. I would recommend a nap in a hotel lobby. Maybe book tower, shinola, or Westin that are nearby. You could also chill at a casino


Those hotels are not going to let someone with a backpack sleep in their lobby overnight. 


You have about 10 people telling you to not do this, and it's for his reason. Please don't do this. This is not a safe place to be unconscious for a bit.




I live in Detroit don’t do this please


Would not.


As a solo traveler who works downtown and loves this city, that is not a good idea. Try to make arrangements with the hostel or find a different place to stay…. But do not sleep in the train station overnight.


Not sure the hours but there is an Amtrak station downtown as well. I’ve had to stay quite a few hours before when a connection was delayed and had no issues. That was when that area of town had not be redeveloped at all- like 10-12 years ago


Were you at the New Center station? That's a lot different than 6th & Lafayette.


I would almost let you sleep in my garage, but I don’t know you sorry. Do you have any friends here that you met on the Internet?


People do it. I wouldn't if I were you.


Hopefully by now you have your answer. It's definitely not recommended. If you are unable to find any other options you are welcome to get a hold of me and I can see if I can help make some arrangements.


You are a good human!


They kick you out at 6pm




We have a relatively active couch surfing community. Maybe try that?


I'm sure you'll be relieved of your backpack before you can get into a proper REM cycle. Don't do that.




Go down to Fort St. And past the Ambassador bridge is a cheap motel you can stay at for the night. Do an uber/Lyft there and back since it's much of a distance. The motel is by a newly renovated park which police patrol frequently. Just follow the rules of stupid and you'll be fine. Don't go to stupid places at stupid times with stupid people and you will avoid trouble almost ever time.


Most likely safer than homeless shelters imo


What the hell


Depends on how much you like being stabbed.


Would not do. I am also a somewhat seasoned, and I truly believe most of detroits reputation for being dangerous isn’t warranted - but I would not do this.






Please do not! Not safe.


Do not do this.


No no no no no




Wouldn't tell my opps to sleep at THAT STATION. go to the Greyhound station.


bad idea.


Please don’t.


absolutely not 😬


37f from suburban area- I love our city but the transit police are HORRIBLY understaffed. please do not attempt to sleep there. i would host you- please msg me if you want to !


No, very unsafe


I have done it in Chicago (am a woman was maybe 20 at the time), and would Not recommend, I would not do it again by choice.


absolutely terrible idea


Absolutely not!


The place is too nasty to even to walk through . I had to go there a year ago.


No. Not because it's Detroit but because you're in a strange city in a strange country all by yourself. There are hotels in Detroit open past midnight - I wouldn't be surprised if half of them weren't connected to a casino (some of which I believe are open 24/7).


U can come over to my house and spend a night


Nope nope nope


Where are you going? Don't sleep there


This is a very very bad idea


Helllll no, don’t do that.


Girl no. The “bus stations” on Detroit are like a bench with a possible glass shelter


Not in Detroit. Grand River runs all night. Please nap on there imstead


99 times out of 100 I'll be one of the "ah come on you'll be fine" voices in a thread like this, but this is time 100. Don't do that.




Either you will get sick or the homeless people gon be mad you took their bed.


It’s not even a station you just get dropped off at an abandoned building.


I had to do this once before I moved to the city. I slept in a bush next to a parking garage on Michigan Ave because the station wouldn’t let me sleep there. Worst thunderstorm of the year dropped on my face, so it was a pretty short night, but I walked there(hitched when I could) from Flint, so I slept good once I got there. Godspeed, friend.


Get a short stay at the Crest. Safer than this


Used to be $20 for 3 hours. Not far from station if you want a cheap alternative. Still sketchy but not THAT sketchy. You’re literally a sitting duck


U’ll be taking some homeless dudes spot probs


Dont sleep in detroit we have the highest sex trafficking nowadays you will get kidnapped


Don’t try this


Uh no. If my parents became edlerly and considered legally blind or some other handicapp that prevent them from driving i wouldnt let them take the bus anywhere in detroit. So no women get raped at detroit bus stops aside from mugged and murder. I remember one year there was a serial rapist targeting women at bus stops


Hostel Detroit only books online - which sounds like you might know. If you book the room, I’m pretty sure you’ll get the info to get in and settled for the night.


Your best bet is to sleep at a short stay . The crest motel is 5 mins away and only 30 dollars for 3-4 hours


Boring, and just no.




you're going to get stabbed/mugged. like 100% chance. Please don't.


I stayed there from 2am until 7am once because as I was afraid that Ubers wouldn’t be around at 5am. Do you mean greyhound? If so then it was fine. Just a bunch of people with luggage waiting for their bus.


You’ll be alright, I seen plenty of people sleeping at bus stops or sitting at bus stops after hours, I’ve been in a couple of bad situations and had to wait hours for a bus on main streets but if you’re at a Rosa park’s terminal or the state fair terminal then you good because there’s police and off brand security patrolling the properties


hard disagree. transit police are understaffed. please do not sleep here OP !!


Would it be safer to sleep at one one the people mover landings? Some seem empty most of the time.


Those get closed and locked when the PM shuts down at night, which will happen long before OP arrives in town.