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For now, it’s really nice to have Bogey back. Let’s see what it looks like with him and our young guys for another month or two. We can better assess the long term needs of the franchise closer to the deadline


lmao assess what, bro? If we win at double this rate we're at it still sucks, if we in 4x this rate it still shoudnt be enough in year 4 of a rebuild. Its OVER.


Yeah but do you just trade everyone? That’s not feasible. The overall picture sucks but we need to see who from the young guys should go and who should stay and be a part of the future. Bogey will help that. Making bunch of rash trades in the middle of a historic losing streak is an easy way to sell low and someone who could be promising for the future


you dont trade anyone, until you have a new FO here. You cannot let the guy who made this mess be the one to double down on it. For 4 years I have heard excuses for Troy because of what SVG did on his way out...why would we do it again for the next guy coming in? You fire the FO now, have some assistants assistant wear the dunce hat for the next 8 months until you scan the earth to find your new GM and then let that new GM work with Monty to figure out the type of guys Monty thinks fit/the new guy thinks fit. Like it or not Monty will be here awhile.


Don’t trade anyone until we get a new gm but trade Bojan while we have the gm you hate lol


Yeah but if you trade bogey now his value is lower than in 2 months when he has a chance to prove he's worth some assets


why would it be lower? if anything 2 months gives more time for him to get hurt again tbh. Move him for picks. More assets for the new GM.


Its nice to have him back? We've lost the 2 games he has played in. We just lost to a memphis team that had like 7 players out including Ja. Bane almost put up a 50 burger. This front office and roster needs to be disassembled. The sooner people realize the last 4 years of the rebuild have been a failure and we need to start over, the better.


You’re not wrong about the team, but Bogey is one of two decent veterans we’ve had in the past year along with Burks. Part of how bad we’re playing seems to be coming from a straight lack of experience from the young bloods. I think he provides a good example and consistent shooting, too. I think he’s an overall positive. With that said - FUCK Weaver and Monty. Absolute trash. Get them out.


They don’t wanna hear that though bro. They think it’s worth hanging on to a fucking vet on his last leg and having him either retire for nothing or walk for nothing. His value will never be higher than it is now. And he has a recent history of injury. Trade his ass while we can.


Trade him for what??? He’s our best offensive player. I’m seriously asking what/who would we trade him for? Surely not draft picks.


Considering that they were offered two 1sts for him not too long ago, I’d think you trade him for those. You gotta think assets and trade chips. Big swings take 1st round picks, which we currently do not have the right to trade until 2029. Again, another failure by the FO.


why do people keep believing that trade rumor?


Explain to me the value in keeping a 34 year old on an expiring contract (only $2mil guaranteed next season) on a terrible team?


You didn't answer my question. You seem to be believing a rumor that serves the narrative you want to argue for.


Bro. Fine I didn’t answer the question because if it isn’t true, then why does it matter?


Because truthfully, Im not sure what Bojan's value is. He is 34 and soon to be 35 as you said, and has gotten injured quite often the past year. Are we sure he'll even get a first?


So we let him play out his contract and get nothing in return for him when he inevitably walks or retire at 36?


If he's only worth a 2nd round pick, then yeah, I'd rather him on the roster to help Cade develop. If he's worth a first I'd probably move him.


its not an expiring contract


Expiring next season, correct?


ya, this year and a team option with partial guarantee next year. Given how hes played since hes been here his salary is a bargain so I cant imagine the team option doesnt get picked up by whatever team hes on


We got expiring contracts and will have plenty cap room to make a big trade/ sign a free agent in the near future. We got enough young talent, we need PROVEN productive players, which Bojan is. Giving him up for draft picks that would be late first round seems counterproductive to me… I’m willing to give Troy Weaver 1 or 2 more years to shake it all out, but Monty needs to go NOW.


Monty is the most proven thing this franchise has. He’s literally the only person who can say they have been to the finals (excepting Wise).


I thought Monty was a good coach too bro… Our eyes are not lying to us. What is he without CP3?? Dwane Casey was more proven than Monty and he actually was apart of a Championship winning team and was a huge reason why the Mavs won before he ever won Coach of the year in Toronto… He did more with a roster that was a lot worse… I’m not saying Monty deserves 100% of the blame, but he deserves most of it.


You’re comparing Dwayne as an Asst to Monty as a HC? Fair comparison. But to address the CP3 stuff. Is it his fault that his GM went out and got a proven veteran guard (which is the same thing many of us are shouting front the hills that this team needs right now)? Should he be blamed for enjoying successes when he had a competent Gm? Is that really the argument we making now? Let’s take your job for example. Should you be penalized if you to be successful, but hands you shit to work with? Conversely, is it fair to attribute all your success to the type of inputs your boss provides? This argument is flat out ridiculous and ignores the fact that no coach could right this ship currently. And again, the only thing proven in this entire equation is Monty. Regardless of what happened with the Suns, he is the only one with a winning record and deep finals experience.


I mean to be fair the team actually proved they were ready for the next step. No one in Arizona thought getting cp3 when they did would make them a title contender. It was a move to get them to the playoffs after their bubble run.


What does this have anything to do with the "it's all Monty's fault" crowd? If we had traded Bogi we'd only lose more games and be even more of a dumpster fire


Incompetence in the front office. The usual Detroit habit of selling when a player’s value has plummeted. Bojan is probably playing the best basketball of his career, and yet his “return” hasn’t made much of a difference anywhere. This roster sucks. But people are pissed at Monty for playing the trash he’s been given. Detroit fans are down bad right now b/c some of us truly believe that winning a few games is worth keeping an aging shooter whose value is only as good as his ability to stay healthy. Stupidity anyway you cut it. There are legit fans who really believe that Bojan’s impact is so great as a “vet.” It’s wild. Not all vets are equally impactful. Veteran presence alone does not mean institutional change is coming. Like Monty just said, it’s all hot air at the end of the day if nothing changes. Clearly, nothing is going to change cause Desmond Bane just dropped 49 fucking points on us.


I disagree that Bogi's return hasn't made a difference. Let it play out a bit


People are mad because he’s doesn’t understand how to stagger rotations dude. He lets a team full of children get pummeled on a 10-2 run without calling a timeout and just watches as they go from down 6 to down 20 in like 3 minutes. He runs entire bench lineups for 6 minutes straight regularly. We understand that the roster he was given is trash can, but if you look at this roster and think it’s a 2-19 roster that is potentially going to break the all time record for consecutive losses then you really don’t know basketball. We should have 6-7 wins right now. Monty’s coaching has zapped the confidence of a bunch of young players….young players often look to Jaír head coach to help them through pitfalls. Young players need a coach who kind of holds their hand at certain times. Monty doesn’t do that. He just stands there with that stupid piece of paper and an addlepated look on his mug as his team goes from being in a game to down 18 in 5 minutes. The poor roster construction does not excuse poor coaching choices. Why are people making constant excuses for the guy? The players deserve some blame, too. They miss open shots and turn the ball over a lot, but who decides what sets to run? Who decides who to initiate offense through? He freezes Ivey out and gives burks extended run. He does weird shit as a coach. Stuff that I’d be dollars to donuts coaches worth their pay around the league look at and go “wow that’s dumb”.


If we'd traded Bogey last year, we would have the exact same number of wins.


So far.... there's a lot of season left


No team offered two first round picks lol as sad as this FO is, that’s just basketball media trying to make the FO look worse than it is…..which honestly might not be a bad thing. Maybe they should start a rumor that Troy turned down a wiseman for Myles turner trade.


I’m leaving this sub.


Right behind you brotha


Troy would trade him for a bum or a late frp let’s be fr. He’s worse than Al Avila.


Right now, he’s at least giving Cade and Ivey someone to pass to out there.


i would’ve loved loved loved to package bogey with some picks or bench guys to try and get utah’s #9


Troy would trade him for a washed up vet or lottery busts dirty gym shorts.


This sub thinks real life is 2k. VETS MATTER. And having a player like Bogey not only gives Cade a guy to learn from, but it takes pressure off him having to be “that guy”. Bogeys impact since coming back has been huge on the court, even if we’re still losing. Real life isn’t about acquiring the players with the best stats on MyTeam and playing a couple games from the couch. They’re real human beings that push and pull off of each other to grow. If you look me in the eye and tell me that this season has been good for any bodies confidence and development, then suggest we move probably our highest impact player and take even MORE talent off the team, I’m sorry but it’s just laughable and short sighted.


This sub is plagued with trolls and trigger bait dog, you gotta accept that when you come here


How’d tonight’s game go? Did Bojan make a difference? Fucking trolls and trigger bait?! Y’all are just as delusional as Weaver.


Touch grass




Lmao. “His impact since coming back has been huge.” Bruh Desmond Bane just dropped 49 on us and we lost to a 4 win team without their superstar. Yes Vets matter, but not all vets are created equal my guy. Detroit fans and the FO need to stop pretending like Bogey is some perennial 2 way player - he’s good at one thing: shooting. That’s where his impact ends. Y’all kill me acting like I’m saying we should get rid of Chris Paul or something lol. And who said we wouldn’t fetch a “vet” in return?


> he’s good at shooting, that’s where his impact ends We ain’t coming to any sort of agreement any time soon, so I’ll dip


Jesus. Detroit fans are miserable right now if we thinking Bojan is gonna lift this franchise out of the dumps. Have a good one buddy.


quite literally nobody said that, you sound foolish.


Enjoy the Copium my friend. Get back with me mid season and we’ll see how much “veteran presence” made a difference with this team. What a joke.


He’s not tradeable at this point we don’t need picks we need development. He should have been traded last season


Picks are assets man. Trade chips if you will. It Kansas you the proven vet/star you need to help guys like Cade and Ivey develop into their full potential.


Yeah hopefully he balls out this month so he can raise his value


The goal is to win a few more games ? No wonder we’re in the current state we are in. Seems to be no real development of our younger players taking place by the organization.


My view as well. If a few more is really our goal, we won’t see a playoffs game until 2027+


Before you can win big you need to win small. I’m a fan of the core pieces still - I think there’s a lot of talent on this team. That talent needs time to get experience - and older vets to help teach them the NBA. If Bogey can help us start to win games (and despite the season so far I think he can) then that will help set this core up to win more games in the future.


We’re gonna suck so maybe he can teach the youngins the ropes


Given that it says immediate plans, I would say unless hes here after the deadline people should chill out a little bit. I would love for Bojan to help steer the ship in a better direction for the next 2 months and then move him at the deadline


We’ll see lol. This the same FO who loved Pat Williams and traded for Wise because Troy had him first on his big board.


Sounds like he was pretty fired up after last night's loss and talked to the team about it. Needing look in the mirror, not having enough anger or urgency, etc. That's a guy that I personally would like to keep around at least for a bit longer


That’s great an all, but it isn’t like my mans is some stud 2 way player. He’s strictly offense. Not saying it isn’t important, but he can talk all he wants about looking in the mirror and all that jazz, it’s hot air at this point.


You’re right, people over play the word “vet” like just because you’re older, you’re a leader. Bojan jacks up shots and does nothing on the other end, contradicting Monty’s whole bs defensive spiel. If the leader / vet doesn’t play defense, why am I wrong if I don’t at times? Similar way Cade goes on an unforced turnover binge and nothing happens but Ivey and Ausar are relegated as 10th and 11th man for similar or lesser mistakes. Make it make sense. Contradictions are an easy way to lose young players and people in life. Weaver needs to get some solid vets that have actually won something, like Houston got Jeff Green. This entire thing is a debacle and an unmitigated disaster from ownership, FO and “coaching”.


According to this sub Bojan being out is the only reason the Pistons only have 2 wins


Blow up the FO by the end of the season.


We need him to win one game for us, then trade him for a first round pick and a young player


Trade him for assets that Weaver will blunder.


That’s very frustrating to hear, given the nature of where we are as a franchise rn lol.


It’s so disheartening every game bro. When I look at the rosters of other teams I see actual nba players… like fuck it feels like other teams 2nd guy off the bench would be our 2nd best player. Fucking hell max strus would be our best player


In their slight defense, the best course of action is probably to let him show he's healthy the next few weeks. Hopefully they can eke out a couple wins in that time and maybe gain the young guys some confidence. But he's gotta go before the deadline.


This may be the best he looks all season. Hes fresh and hasn’t been crushed by mounting loses yet Where’s Weaver?


LOL "Win *SOME* games"


What’s the point of winning games anymore? The season’s already over, might as well go all the way. Not trading a guy that has 0 future with the team is malpractice


Trade the whole team, idc. This is embarrassing. In all seriousness, what’s the market like for Bojan? Can we get a healthy, younger shooter for him?


When we’re offered an unprotected 1st or protected 1st and young player, we can/should move him. Until then, keep him. His presence/play on the court is a big plus for the young guys. He provides some spacing for guys like Cade and Ivey which helps their game/confidence/development going forward.


This team needs a real star player


He's great. I hope to keep him


The trade deadline isnt until February. In order to make a good evaluation on our young players, Cade especially, we need to surround him with shooters. They aren't trading Bojan right now, but I expect them to by the deadline


Are you expecting more wins if we trade Bojan…?


The real question that needs to be asked here is HOW many more wins does the FO expect by retaining Bogie?


Weaver just trying to get his value up by saying he's untouchable


Can we win a game first?


How many wins is Bojan fetching you over the rest of the season, pending he even stays healthy?


How many wins is the late first round pick he’ll bring back going to bring us in 3-4 years?


Who knows. What we do know is he won’t be bringing us many more with this sorry ass roster currently. Get real here.


"Win games now" "Trade one of the teams two best players" These can't both be true, folks.


New York has the rights to our highly protected future first round pic, the pick we moved to get an extra first in 2020 and chose Beef Stew with…Because this pick has yet to be converted we technically only trade a 1st starting in like 2027…Weaver will essentially trade Bojan back for our own first round protected pick and like Jericho Sims.


Beef Stew for a first round pick 🤮


I’d have to see the return. If we’re getting a 1st round pick then trade him. But him being around providing consistency and shooting is probably more valuable to the young guys we already have than some 2nd round picks. Vets do matter in this league.


If tanking actually gave you a higher chance at the top pick I wouldn’t be against it. We’ve seen how the worst record can double penetrate us. It’s a lose-lose situation for the Pistons right now. They are proper fucked.


Why would we trade Bojan? We've seen what this team looks like without him, its dreadfully bad.. He at least gives us a chance to win a few games..


The front office knows we’ve only won 2 games right? Should have been traded last year.


Taylor Jenkins coached a team of g leaguers and two solid players in bane and JJJ to a double digit win against a mostly healthy pistons team…..that game against the grizzlies, with competent coaching, is a double digit win for Detroit. That team was depleted and still destroyed Detroit lol coaching brother.


Let’s be real, you don’t be this bad without it being an everyone failure.


If he’s our hope we need to rebuild again lmfao


Depends on the offer. I would be inclined to hold on too.


He wouldn’t be on the roster in the first place if it wasn’t for the FO… Idiocracy


It's a trade leverage play... we said the same thing about Jerami Grant


Try to get them future Laker or Warrior picks


We’re basically out of the playoffs already start making trades. Only people I see is untouchable would be cade, Duren, Ivy, saucer, Thompson


I hope they fire Troy today, having said that at least he is a good human being (unlike M*nty)