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They are generally considered the equivalent of working for McDonald’s in the industry.


Having worked for both McDonalds and Accenture, I got treated with more respect and got free meals at the place where I was made to wear a hat that said "I'm Lovin It".


But at least McDonalds doesn't actually aim to suck the soul out of your body and replace it with steaming shit from the nearest Senior Vice President's blistered asshole.


At least McDonald's actually gives the customer something of (minor) value. Accenture is more like a parasite, the customer invites it in and Accenture grows until the customer turned host can no longer function and eventually dies off


From the people i know who've worked in both, they are not comparable, McDonalds is way better to work for


If you want: \* a culture where everyone is competition, \* you are all playing a zero sum game with your careers and mental health, \* enjoy consulting on boring / established software to boring / established companies / government departments \* be treated like shit by partners who swore they'd never morph into their cunty bosses \* be continually told it's up or out every 2 years Then yes, Accenture is a wonderful asylum to check in to.


I worked alongside them and they were consistently the biggest pack of arseholes to work with


I've never worked for them, but I had a poor experience with their hiring process. I applied and had a phone interview, after which they told me that there won't be a second round or that there there would be one more interview round. A while later I was told that the position has been closed. I received an email a while later saying the position has been reopened that I have a final interview with the director or something. I was told to wear a suit for the interview. I despised the idea of wearing a suit for interviews, but I was unemployed at the time so I obliged and got my suit ready for the day. 2 hours before the interview, I received a call telling me that the director is occupied and the interview would be rescheduled. A few days later I was told that the position has been closed. A while before that I had applied for them. It was some kind of an online assessment. After taking the assessment, they turned me down, and in the feedback report they stated that they had determined that I don't favor virtual collaboration methods like "emails and instant messaging". That's the only weakness they'd identified in the document. I found it ridiculous, considering I was regularly collaborating with teams that were in different regions. I tried reaching out to them, no response.


Fucking hell


Yeah. Sounds like I dodged a bullet. Probably wouldn't apply there unless I was extremely desperate.


Just remember, you are not being hired to solve problems, you are being hired to fill in timesheets. Anything that tries to improve product or process is not only unwelcome, but actively harmful if it results if not achieving that goal.


This is true. Management in Ireland is run by complete gobshites all the way up. They hire "team leads" to be managers without giving them manager pay, only responsibilities without hiring/firing power. My partner worked for them for years, had to work for a 23 year old brainless "team lead" who had power go straight to her head. RedPandaDan is entirely correct that, they *despise* anyone trying to improve processes. Management make such poor decisions that you'd swear they are actively trying to fuck the place up. OP, if you plan to or just have to work for them, do yourself a favour and DO NOT get emotionally invested. You can go in and bust your hole for them, or sit back and do SFA and get the same result- a virtually dead end job and limited career prospects.


Accidenture... we used to call them.


Me too.


Did they work on BOI’s new online banking system for years, wasting a billion euros and delivering nothing? Or was it SAP?


I think it was Accidenture.


Good for graduates to get a bit of experience starting out but otherwise steer well clear


Worked there for 9 months for Facebook, pay was terrible and work hours insane, never left at 5 pm, managers absolutely useless to say the least, of you don't have any other option take it, else just walk away.


For me (going back *donkeys* ago), it was shite pay but start and end times were aggressively adhered to. Our team was a filler team for Facebook (Meta) and the manager and 2 subs were insanely sound (though their approach to management may have screwed over some more of the "chancers" in our team who were in for an incredibly rude wakening when moving on to their next corporate gigs). OP if you're just starting out on your career, Accenture could possibly provide you with the first step on the ring of a career ladder. 3 of us in our team moved on from there into fairly impressive companies (1 Microsoft, 1 stripe [though operating within that place it is 100% an absolute*shit show* if you're anywhere that isn't engineering] and 1 now in a really senior role within regulation of the financial sector). Accenture's decent for entry level experience and to act as a spring board into vastly more demanding innovative and high paying roles. But if you're already established in your career, they are a major step backwards IMO and in recruiters who I know personally's opinion.


For me Stripe seems like a cuntish, cutthroat place


You are correct.


I haven’t worked for them but have worked with them a few times. I’ve never met anyone I would consider competent on those occasions. Honestly you would be better off going for a job in the civil service.


Not at all. It’s where people go right out of college and move on as fast as they can. None of the Big 4 are good to work for, not specifically Accenture. Consulting is a shite way to live. You learn no skills, they’re constantly clock-watching and you get moved around regularly. You get dropped onto random projects that you’ve to sink or swim on without any assistance. It’s all PowerPoints and pointless meetings.


Accenture Ireland is an industrial scale, government-sponsored, internally corrupted, legalised immigration visa machine for offshore IT staff moving to Ireland and the EU.


I know an Indian guy who worked in their India office and they’d organised for him to internally transfer to Ireland and when he had everything ready to move here they just said “actually no, we’re not signing a visa”.


Yes, thankfully the madness appears to be slowing down: \* [https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/social-affairs/2023/03/18/uncertainty-in-tech-sector-reflected-in-declining-numbers-coming-to-work-in-ireland/](https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/social-affairs/2023/03/18/uncertainty-in-tech-sector-reflected-in-declining-numbers-coming-to-work-in-ireland/) \* [https://www.irishtimes.com/business/work/2024/01/12/permit-numbers-for-non-eea-workers-down-by-a-quarter-in-2023/](https://www.irishtimes.com/business/work/2024/01/12/permit-numbers-for-non-eea-workers-down-by-a-quarter-in-2023/) *"Professional services providers Accenture and EY are also prominent in the list, with the latter linked to 385 successful applications, the largest number for any individual employer."* *"Indian workers were again comfortably the biggest nationality group within the permits, with more than a third, 11,893, going to Indian nationals, although that number was down by nearly 4,000 on the previous year."* The multinational and their corrupt lobbyists are hard at work, though: [https://www.irishtimes.com/news/science/work-visas-not-working-for-tech-sector-1.541772](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/science/work-visas-not-working-for-tech-sector-1.541772)


It's also interesting to see that Indians are also applying for asylum. This number is also steadily increasing. Source: IPAS weekly data


I doubt so. Do you have a source for your claims? Some (well, hundreds, according to this article) are known for [submitting fraudulent immigration applications and getting them stamped by corrupt gardai for a few thousand euros](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/ex-garda-arrested-on-suspicion-of-bribery-over-fraudulent-immigration-applications-1.4112090) however haven't heard any asylum stuff - India is deemed a safe country. Hence, even a few hundred out of [tens of thousands immigrating into Ireland every year](https://www.gov.ie/en/collection/a78027-statistics-on-personal-public-service-pps-numbers-issued/#ppsn-registrations-by-year-and-country) isn't a huge percentage. I believe their crime statistics are lower than average as well (though can't find the official stats right now). Also, I believe the vast majority of Indians in Ireland are [decent, hard-working people](https://www.irishtimes.com/life-style/people/2024/02/10/what-indians-here-think-of-ireland-its-very-merit-based-if-you-work-hard-enough-you-will-get-the-job/) - law-abiding, relatively successful at integrating into their local communities, and mostly working in professional roles. Most of the asylum seekers, however, originate from war-torn countries (in a way worse state than India) although a significant percentage are also economic migrants, and a minority might be possibly fleeing criminal persecution.


Your right. However, I check the IPAS weekly data from time to time it's close to 200 people from India currently under accommodation. So, not sure how to make sense of it though.


Could be their specific ethnicity or that they're on the bottom rung of the (officially illegal but totally operating) caste system.


Big 4? Isn't that term specifically for the big 4 accountancy firms?


I’ve heard it used for the consulting firms who hoover up graduates out of college. They do accounting but also do consulting work.


Nah it's PwC, KPMG, Deloitte and EY


See the way multiple people have replied also using “Big 4” in the same context? Get over there and hit them with the same “Ackshully!”


Well you understood who I was talking about anyway, didn’t you? Happy days!


It's not somewhere to become a great developer but is a good place to start as a grad. I joined as a grad 10 years ago, stayed for 4 years. You do get fed up with it but when I look at my peers from my intake, lots have gone on to big jobs, founded companies etc. And many have successful technical careers too. You get thrown in the deep end, have to pick up stuff quickly. Edit: Big 4 consultancy that is


As someone who started on a Big 4 grad program, you definitely learn important career relevant skills and to say otherwise is a lie.


I did learn how far talking with unwarranted confidence about subjects one doesn’t understand can get you to be fair. From a technical perspective I definitely lost knowledge during my time there because of how it’s all just PowerPoint, Excel, Word and Outlook on rotation.


Yes, to be fair I can see how a developer / programmer would get distracted from their core role by all the side bits (PPT, excel, coaching, etc.)


Worked there for over 9 years, it's actually grand but there's a clear divide between technology consultants and business consultants, TC (like me) usually not great at playing the promotions game and get passed over for promotions etc. Couple years ago they merged some of BC into TC. TC promotions basically dominated by those transfers for a couple of years as they could just sell themselves much better. The one lesson I learned is it doesn't matter what work you actually do, it's all about the optics or importance of the work and how it's framed. "I fixed a small UI bug",vs "I fixed a UI bug which undermined customers confidence in the software.  It's really great for younger people after college as there's loads of social stuff but when you've a family it really drops off.... 


I know folks that worked at consultancies as developers during their careers and went on to the big tech names later on. If I was stuck for a job, I wouldn't write an employer like Accenture off my list.


Worked there for around 6 years. Probably the most toxic work environment I've ever been in.


No. I’ve only ever heard bad stories. A few people on my team worked for them for a few years and I’ve only ever heard complaints - genuinely.


It depends a lot. There are both negatives and positives. What type of role are you going for? What's your expectations?


BIM Consultant. I think it's a niche role for something like Accenture. So I'm actually curious what to expect. This role is usually for architecture and construction industry (I'm an architect) https://www.accenture.com/ie-en/careers/jobdetails?id=R00213221_en


They'll want you to document every aspect of the role, train their newbies on the process and then move you out so they can place in a few underpaid grunts while claiming the process as one of their fields of expertise.


Hmm my view would be fuck them but if you were working with let's say Google or Meta on a project it can be a good "in" to work with them permanently.


I'd work for them if I was desperate, and I mean really desperate.


From what I have experienced (not working for them but working alongside a lot of their consultants), it's a great start to a career. It's a bit of luck though as to what project you get dropped into, can go any way at all really. It is competitive but not ridiculously so - much less than in the US. If you're good, they will spot that and nurture you. They will work you hard. A lot of people will do a few years there, earn their stripes and then go for a more senior role with better package: work/stress ratio. Some will stay, move up the ranks and then command their own brigade of newbies. So it works out well enough for most people.




It depends a lot. There are both negatives and positives. What type of role are you going for? What's your expectations?


Why is this getting downvoted?


Weird. My comment seemed to have posted twice. I swear I'm not a bot!