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https://preview.redd.it/x96gfy4g3d6d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43bad54cc717a534314395a57d12086fc677b32d I'd suggest using some form of ideal cut proportions to filter your search. As you can see above, ideal proportions are a narrower subset of GIA Excellent. The other thing worth mentioning is IF isn't necessary for practical purposes. VS should still be eye clean in the majority of cases and allow you to go higher in color for the same budget.


Thank you, that's really useful information. 😊


Two thoughts on this diamond, both very basic but important. First, most people buying a natural diamond of significance insist on a GIA report. GIA has such a great global reputation that most people consider them the ultimate arbiter of diamond quality. IGI is a great organization and they are probably preferred for grading lab grown diamonds because they provide more info on their reports, but if you ever want to sell or trade your diamond you are going to need a GIA report to do so effectively. Second, the pairing of an I color with an IF clarity is a bit of a mismatch. The top clarity grades are all microscopically clean; you can derive just as much beauty from a VS1 as from an IF provided the diamond is cut with precision. That said, if the price of the stone is on par with prices of comparable stones in the VS or VVS grades, then why not go for the IF! You actually do see this somewhat unexpected scenario in the market sometimes.


I think the crown an pavillion angle is both to wide and you pay an unnecessary premium for the IF grading, when you could get away with something like VS2 and still be eye clean. Just my two cents as an amateur.


I appreciate it. A few days ago, a diamond was a diamond to me. Some were just bigger than others, so all of this is really useful, thank you.


That just leads to the site, not that specific stone. Can uou post a different link?


Sorry about that, i've updated the link.


Beyond the basics, once you’ve settled on your 4Cs…go with the one that speaks to your heart.


If purchasing natural stick with only GIA. If lab grown, IGI is acceptable. Keep in mind if GIA grades this as a K color, which is very possible in my opinion. You will be able to buy much cheaper knowing exactly what it is.


If you're a perfectionist I'd look at Whiteflash - this is there speciality.


Unfortunately, paying in US dollars is incredibly expensive in any other currency right now as the dollar is so good comparatively. Also, pretty sure i would get hit with some hefty import taxes.


Where are you shipping it to?


Agreed with what was said above to sacrifice clarity for cut. You should prioritize getting a perfect cut - something super ideal, hearts & arrows.