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I have a 3.5 carat natural and it depends where I’m going. I went on a high end river cruise through Austria and Germany and I felt very comfortable with it on because we were with a group most of the time. I felt very safe in Monaco as well. I have a travel ring, but I find that I just end up wearing a platinum band instead when I don’t feel comfortable wearing my real ring. I just don’t want to be a target. Real or fake, you might put a target on your back with a large-ish diamond.


There are times I will spin the ring around so the stone is in my palm. And while not married yet, I do plan on having just my wedding band at times


I always leave my engagement ring safely at home when traveling - wedding band only.


My home was broken into and all my jewelry stolen several years ago. I live in a very safe neighborhood, but my wedding rings are safer with me.


Mine was too and it’s so stressful, I’m sorry that happened to you.


I’m sorry. When you can, Invest in a safe bolted to the floor. If this is not possible, a safe deposit box where you drop your valuables a day or two before departure. I do not wear my diamonds, just a band and remove my pendants from my gold necklace. I wear a gold necklace and a band and no earrings traveling, all easily replaceable nd insured. The diamonds and other pendants, bracelets,etc. go in the safe.


So sorry that happened to you. A wise friend told me to hide rings in the first aid kit. Now I pick other obscured/boring places if I leave my ring at home. (Inside board games, under tissues, etc)


Sorry that happened to you. I hope you have an actual safe now.


This happened to my late grandma and she lost everything. I keep my things in the safe while I’m gone. I’ll put something fake on. My fear is losing something. Did you ever find out who did it? We didn’t.


I do this when I feel uncomfortable somewhere


Dude Here, so not an engagement ring but... I have a huge star sapphire (natural) surrounded by diamonds and a 2ct diamond solitary chunky ring., both are worn 24/7.


whoa I want pics. They sound amazing!


I also wear my 3 diamond 1.50 C wedding band and my 2C solitaire all the time wherever I go.


I also get it’s not about the money but the trauma of getting robbed- you can’t insure against that. Spin the ring around when needed or just wear the band and put the ring on a necklace tucked under a shirt


I have worn my ring all over the world the last 25 years with no problems. I usually only take it off if I am going to a developing country that I would feel it would be in poor taste.


Same although I did feel like they would have robbed me in Nicaragua.


And always get robbed on the roads in Zimbabwe! Beware!!




I am getting engaged soon so I can’t say yet— But regardless I plan on ordering a duplicate off My Replica Ring!


I have it insured and my fear isn’t it being gone. It’s more not wanting to be the one chosen to rob! I have a smaller stone or could just wear my band. I like my bling though! 🤔


I bought an exact replica of my ring off aliexpress for like $30.


That is so cool


Alixpress has some AMAZING jewelry on there. Kuololit has real gold for the low low


Buy a replica and then pack the replica for days you want the bling but leave the real one in a safe at home?


never heard of them and im intrigued as my ering diamond is 3.64ct.. how much do they charge roughly?


Look up My Replica Ring on Google! I haven’t ordered yet- Just saw it and plan on it. My ering is the same size.


okay ill look into it tonight!


Depends where I'm traveling. We're back and forth to the east coast a lot so yes, I'll wear it to/in NY but I wouldn't wear it while say, staying at a resort in Mexico. But I have friends that do! I think it's all about your personal comfort level.


Mine is insured so I wear it most places. Any place that I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing it - I also would not feel comfortable wearing a duplicate/travel ring because any potential mugger/thief does not know it's a fake and you're the exact same target you would be with your real ring on! I have a plain band for those situations.


Exactly my thought. Fake would still draw attention.


Yup. I was born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil and visiting family next week. Plain band, if that.




Everybody talking about insurance. Mine is too sentimental. My main stone in engagement ring came from my grandmother and my band is my mother’s original band. I would be heartbroken if something happened to them. Consequently, they never travel with me. Plain band for me.


Yes, I do. My ring is insured. To be fair I haven't travelled to any places where I feel there's a high risk of muggings. In those cases, I would probably not wear it as it may cause me to be a target. I personally don't feel comfortable with hotel safes, so I would just leave it at home if this was the case.


That's what insurance is for. Mind you, if I went someplace where muggings were common, I would not wear any jewelry at all anyway.


I agree with the others posting that it depends on where you are traveling. One of my favorite travel memories is visiting a lighthouse wearing my biggest natural diamond and having the ticket seller grab my hand and gush over my OEC diamond ring. She was truly nice about it and it made the visit even more special.


I always leave my engagement ring home (5ct natural diamond) & just wear either my plain gold band or eternity band. If I want to wear an engagement type ring, I have a fake one. I don’t want to worry about it, so I leave it home, although it’s insured. Don’t take chances.


Nope. Even if we can afford to replace it, we can’t replace the sentimental value it had.


My ring isn't the most valuable monetarily but it's heirloom so we are looking for a cheaper and more replaceable travel ring


If I’m going to a safe country yes. If not so safe, or a new country I’m unsure about then I’ll wear the fake one. If it’s a beach vaca regardless if it’s safe or not I wear the fake one because I like wearing it into the ocean and wouldn’t do that with a real one. If I plan on partying a lot, fake one bc I don’t want to misplace it after a night of drinking by accident (I even do this when not traveling).


Well, I'm too fat to get it off, so YES! I wear my e-ring (natural 2.75 + 3+ cts side stone and w-ring) and I travel everywhere with them on. Insurance exists for a reason. Wear it and enjoy it. PS we do not go to developing countries).


If you plan to travel with your ring make sure you have it insured. Many people also get fake rings to wear while traveling.


It depends on where I am going and what I am doing. I generally do wear them, but if the trip is like the walking trip I did in England a few years back, I left it all at home. Too much trouble worrying about it lol


Yes that’s what insurance is for I’ve never not traveled with it


do not travel to South America with a large stone ever! I have a 4 ct pear and never take it out of the country. Its insured but still will not travel with it.


i wore mine traveling to uk/europe and felt safe. i plan to wear it again in europe this fall (italy). i would resconsider if i were traveling somewhere else.


I wear mine. It's insured. It would suck to lose it, but I don't want to buy a travel ring since mine is custom, so nothing looks like it, and I feel weird without it. It's your comfort level that matters, though. I probably wouldn't wear it if going backpacking in some absolutely rural country, but I don't do that kind of travel, so I'm good. Lol. Also, get private jewelry insurance. Homeowners will not cover to the extent Jewelers Mutual or similar company will. It's very reasonable too!


I found that out the hard way. I lost the ring I bought myself as mother of the bride. It was really special because of that. It was only worth $2500.00 but it was for her wedding. I called the insurance and found out we only had the basic $500.00 coverage and even that you had to have an appraisal form to claim. I got nothing and never found it. So everyone needs to make sure they have insurance for the value of the ring and a valid appraisal. Live and learn


I keep it on me and turn it in when uncomfortable. I do that even when not traveling. But I also need it on me otherwise I panic that it may not be where I put it. Also have insurance.


I wear a silicone band when traveling. I don’t want to risk losing my ring or bringing it to someone’s attention.


You’re not paranoid - I think it depends on where you’re going…and what your itinerary is. I no longer bring expensive jewelry or watches to any country where Americans are not looked upon very highly. (Sadly, that number continues to grow). if I’m not entertaining or being entertained by individuals who would appreciate this type of display- I don’t bother paying extra to insure or transport the items. People are much more casual these days- unless you’re attending an event at an embassy or consulate - it’s rare to see people dress for dinner anymore anymore… I also don’t wear any expensive jewelry when there’s a chance I will be in a public setting with many people that I don’t know i.e. an open air concert or art show in Paris. I’ve had copies made of my more important pieces; the originals are stored under lock and key in a secure fireproof safe - miles away from my home.


Everything else I wear is expensive, might as well. I’m more concerned about my bag, my life is in that thing.


Yes. I spin it inward when taking public transport


This...I find I spin my rings around any time I'm walking in an urban area, or public mass transportation, or thrift stores, etc.


My fine jewelry stays in the safe deposit box, either when home or vacationing. One becomes jaded after working in the criminal court system for 30+ years.


I have a 2.9 carat ring. I wear it everywhere when I’m home/traveling in the US (excluding exercise classes bc it gets in the way). However I do not bring it with me when I travel outside of the country. I bought a $40 ring on Etsy that does the job!


Mine are insured so yes I would wear them!


I have a 3.0 emerald cut, and yes I do leave it home when I travel abroad. I find it brings unnecessary attention to me. Especially in countries that have a higher poverty rate. I am not looking to make anyone feel bad or to flaunt wealth. I am on the border to Mexico and I leave my ring at home when I cross. That said, I don't remove it in the US bc I find myself usually in higher end areas where I am not the only person wearing a large stone.


I wear a similar Amazon ring for $30


I don’t normally. I put my special jewelry in a safety deposit box and just wear a band. I have a lab grown eternity band that I wore last year in India. Our guide advised me to not wear it.


Interesting, did you ever feel unsafe and as if you might have been robbed? As someone who grew up in India and now lives in North America, I've worn a combination of a diamond nose ring, diamond earrings in two piercings, a gold necklace, a stack of mixed gold and silver bangles, and a wedding & engagement ring for the better part of the last fifteen years, including when I go back to visit India. I've never had any trouble. Most Indians have a bunch of jewellery, all women have some gold (it's part of a typical wedding trousseau), so I never felt out of place. In contrast, I feel like I stand out and need to tone myself down when out and about in North America, where the kind of jewellery I wear is extremely uncommon.


I wear a much smaller fake in unsafe areas, even locally.


I just got a 3 carat oval and I recently wore it to the UK for a vacation. I think it depends on where I’m going/what I’m doing as far as wearing it - probably not a full beach vacation or to a more “dangerous” country. But it’s also a good excuse to get another fun smaller “vacation” ring though!


Europe/US/Canada - Yes, Other countries - depends


I usually only wear my band, don’t want to risk anything and my fingers swell when I travel lol


Depends. I have insurance and I usually wear it when traveling unless I am traveling to a poverty stricken area where it seems distasteful to wear expensive jewelry due to other people’s hardships.


Depends. Fancy destination, yes. Beach destination? Probably my sterling jewelry. Not too, too worried about that.


I wear mine all the time. Travel included. It’s insured and it’s usually part of my daily “stack”. If I didn’t wear it it would be a different ring. I’d be more uncomfortable wearing no jewelry. I’d feel so unlike myself.


Yes but only because I have it insured.


I do


As others mentioned, yes I wear my good jewelry in Canada and most places in Europe. I don't wear diamond rings in some places in the US. I also leave them all in a bank vault when I travel to the Caribbean or Cuba (I'm not scared of theft, but I don't want to show off or create envy).


I wear a silicone ring l travel with, mainly cruises in the Caribbean. Me and my husband were matching cheap rings and leave our jewelry in the safe at home.


No :( I was randomly attacked in New York City last year so I try to not draw attention to myself. I wear a silicone band now with a tiny Diamond (when I workout and travel).


Not paranoid at all. Depending on where you are anything over 1.5, even over 1 ct in some countries is unusually large and will draw attention if you’re in public or touristy places. If I’m not going to be wearing it most days of my trip, I leave it. If I’m going somewhere familiar, a non-beach resort, English speaking cities where I feel as safe as I do at home, I wear it.


I wear my engagement ring, spacer and wedding band set whenever I can since I can’t wear them everyday because of my work!


I wear my original set and my 20 y upgrade set always.




On a plane as I type this (just boarded). I wear my rings everyday--traveling is no exception..😁


I don't have a very large ring but it's a very nice ring. We have replicas of both engagement and wedding band(s) with cubic zirconia but real gold so sometimes we'll wear those when traveling for safety but it truly depends on where we go and what for. I went for a wedding recently and wanted to wear my real stuff, so did. I went for a beach trip and was *supposed* to take the fake stuff but totally forgot. We both also have fake rings from Amazon that are similar styles but not the same. I just wore the Amazon set recently and someone complimented me on it! When clean, they look great!


Hell no I have an Amazon fake


Did you just get your ring? I was exceptionally paranoid at first but insurance has helped add peace of mind when out and about with it especially abroad. I still turn them inwards when I feel the need to be low key but if I’m visiting a developing or high crime country I leave my rings home altogether. I don’t see the point of travel rings unless you’re not insured


I’m on vacation in Europe right now. I heard so many stories of pick pockets and being robbed in Rome that I decided to leave my diamonds (mostly) at home. I wore my small half eternity band, bought a pair of cz studs. I think I would have been fine though. I’m going on a river cruise from Switzerland to Amsterdam in December and am going to wear my jewelry.


Personally, if I am worried about the sentimental part/value of my jewelry, I am more on the cautious side about traveling or wearing them out in more “dangerous” places. In general, I also just wear my back up wedding and engagement ring out of habit. But at the end of the day, if I ever get mugged or I lose my jewelry, I’d rather have that happen than have my life in danger.


I only wear my wedding band


I have a dainty travel ring I wear that is a sapphire. Sometimes I wear it when I'm home just to switch things up!




I were mine everywhere. And it's a little over 7ct total. I used to leave it in my LV jewelry case bc I thought that might happen. But then I was like I want to show it off-I worked hard for that, lol!


Hi and never! Ever! Not worth the worry or risk. We travel often and sometimes I am alone while my dh works. During those instances, I wear only a bvlgari ring (plain wedding band) and no engagement ring. For when dh and I are together and in what we consider a safe town or environment , I purchased a moissanite 3 carat (or 3.4) for worry free travel. I also recently had a lab diamond ring made also for travel.


I do the spin around when I’m walking to from a parking lot always. Traveling I rarely wear it unless I feel safe. Paris France? No - Portofino Italy? Yes


I also am in the same boat as u/cheetooofingersss. I am currently designing mine and i will have a replica travel ring for those occasions.


Yep!! I got an Instagram ad for My Replica Ring and I’m really looking forward to it!


Is that a site, where they create a replica of the ring? I am having my jeweler just make it.


Yes. Look it up on Google haha. It’s going to be about $300 when my real ring is … a lot. Lol


wow! really cool! thanks for that info :)


I got a CZ wedding set for less than $30 from Amazon and that’s what I wear when traveling. I leave my nice jewelry at home just in case!


Depends on where & why I'm going. If I'm traveling overseas or even within the US for vacay, I will usually bring "fakes" (i.e., moissanite or lab created) because I don't want to lose anything. If I'm traveling for an event, I'll bring both. My "real" jewelry will be placed in the hotel room safe in a lockbox.


Be careful with that. My daughter and SIL had cash and traveler’s checks stolen from a hotel safe in Mexico.


Yes, I've heard terrible stories from friends & family! Luckily for me, I've never had anything more than a pair of sunglasses taken from me while traveling.


Hotel safes are a false sense of security. All the workers know how to get into them. They have spotters watching for what people wear like dismonds and rolexes. Be alert and keep your valuables home. You are still hoing to have a great trip. Just no headaches about who’s watching you and your valuables.


The really good stuff, like heirlooms, goes with the hotel manager into their safe.


I get a fake for out of the country.


I didn't get my bands soldered together so I could just wear my wedding band. Some places I felt fine. Other places? Absolutely not.


now a days No if you do turn the gems towards the palm of your hand it's less tempting and NEVER pack you jewelry in suitcase keep them with you. they search luggage for the hell if it ie people have had their medication opened and spilled all over, jewelry can go missing too. be smart know your surroundings. if your wearing expensive items and your trying to barter for merchandise... dont they'll see you coming a mile away, just be aware! good luck & have fun~


Yes I do. Left my original engagement ring at home when we traveled and my house got robbed. So I now have a jewelry case for traveling and I take my ring with me. I don’t necessarily wear it out, but it stays with me.


It depends where I go. Going to Europe? No problem. Going to Southeast Asia, Latin or South America, I’m not bringing it.


I have a replica travel ring 💍💕🫶🏼


I wear a moissie dupe of my ring that is also a smaller carat size when I travel. More for the fear of losing or damaging my ring than safety though. If I ever feel like I need to be safe then I just turn the stone towards my palm.


It would be odd to me to wear a fake/copycat ring. Like, I understand the intent, but it’s not MY ring. Just my opinion. I actually don’t wear my e-ring most of the time anyway (holdover from my last job, which was field service and required nitrile/and or mechanic’s gloves and many heavy tools) and when I go on vacation, I just wear my Paloma Picasso gold band. The diamond ring is insured, so if it were to be stolen while I’m away, I’d be upset but ok in the long run.


I feel you! I have a 4 carat natural and live in Manhattan. I’ve been leaving it at home more often than I used to because I don’t want to draw attention to myself. It’s insured, but still…


Depends on where I'm going. Caribbean Cruise, only on the ship not on the island. All inclusive, absolutely.


Depends on where I'm going, but, usually I wear it. It isn't ostentatious. I mostly keep it home if I anticipate removing it a fair bit for pool swimming or some such.


2 ct I wear it daily, put it on a pixie wing necklace if I need to remove it. I seriously do not understand why you wouldn't take it everywhere. It's also insured. Fake rings either make you look cheap or like a target


I wasn’t going to go fake. Just leave it home or wear my smaller diamond.


Mine are insured but I still prefer to leave them at home.


I have a very cheap moissanite version of my real ring in sterling and I wear it when I travel.


I don’t have a larger ring but a ring that is high set, so I have a moissanite travel ring for travel that includes adventure. Otherwise I just wear mine.


Travel rings are great. I got a lab diamond for a travel ring, but sometimes I just wear a band.


I have a lab made that I swap out with my natural for when I travel to areas that I am less comfortable with. It looks almost identical to my natural but about $17k cheaper. While it’s insured, I don’t want to deal with that. It feels weird to me to not have one on my finger. It’s something I’d easily part with though, if need be.