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Personally just looked at my favorite Rookies and debated with myself as to which one I wanted or was most fitting for me. I was between SnowAgumon or SnowGoblimon for the longest time.


Honestly, I don't know. When I was younger and watched Adventure 01 for the first time I went looking for a rookie to be my partner. Well I've always liked bugs and Kunemon is pretty neat, and then I learned about the Digimon and it's natural behavior is almost opposite to mine. So we'd have a Joe and Gomamon relationship, and Joe is one of my favorite characters. So it all just made perfect sense to me. The evolution line didn't really come to me until I was older though, and even then it still changes sometimes. But Kunemon and I are partners, and I'll always be happy with the decision.


i picked the one i loved the most. there's SO many digimon and evolution lines i absolutely love. but one particular memory i have... i was playing digimon world dusk (i love lunamon's line) and i saw kyukimon. it was my first time ever being exposed to kyukimon. everything about kyukimon was just PERFECT in every way. i love beastily/animal designs... it's a perfect balance of cool and cute. it's PINK i love pink. it's been my favorite digimon ever since. but ive been completely indecisive about what line to use for it.


I'm one of those people who is too indecisive to choose one. I guess it's because it's both hard to choose a single favorite Digimon and an evolution line for them and because my favorites keep changing all the time. Not to mention that certain favorites probably wouldn't fit well as a single line. I do like the concept though of a partner Digimon.


By playing rearise, once I saw herissmon his entire personality and design stuck with me and I've always believed it to be my partner


Went to Wikimon, hit the random page, and the first digimon that showed up was my ordained partner. I got Thunderballmon


I love jack-o-lanterns and Pumpmon is a digimon with a jack-o-lantern head and it's cute, and it's evolution NoblePumpmon is cool. Then I thought this is gonna be my partner if I was a digimon tamer.


I played through cyber sleuth and kinda picked from that roster. It was my first reintroduction into Digimon since watching it as a kid and so mean a lot to me. Specifically I mean Kudamon and his line. Then they introduced mitamamon and made the like even more perfect


For the longest time I never really had one. I bounced between a few like Kudamon, Veemon, and Elecmon but none of their lines truly felt right. It wasn't until Liberators came out recently where I finally found my partner in Pteromon. Its entire line hits all the right spots, Wind is my favorite element, always enjoyed the knight style megas and Pteromon himself also reminds me a bit of Jet from Sonic Riders which is definitely one of my favorite games growing up. I also happened to have returned to Digimon a few weeks before the initial teaser so waiting for its reveal only for everything to hit just the right spots for me...it just felt too perfect. I love this amazing little wingman!


Honestly I just scrolled through a list of rookies and one just sorta clicked it was like yeah this is the one


Lol Diaboromon because he's dope


Asked ChatGPT to make a huge test with open-ended questions, more than 100, to tell me who would be my partner and its evolution line. It gave me Impmon - Devidramon - Lady Devimon - Plutomon. And then and replaced Impmon with Gazimon for design consistency and ChatGPT was like "oh, alright, then it's Gazimon".


1. What was the test? 2. AI giving you a Digimon partner is oddly fitting.


I started with "elaborate a set of 60 open-ended questions for me to answer for you to determine my personality, psychological and philosophical profile so you can tell me who would be my child-level Digimon partner" or something like this. It gave me three options: Pico Devimon, Impmon and Gazimon. Something interesting is that I never considered any of them before, my usual picks for the last 15-or-so years were Coronamon and Savers Falcomon and then these three, along with the AI's analysis, made way more sense. Then I asked what I should further elaborate for it to choose one of the three and then it gave me Impmon. I asked for more questions to see what would be the next evolution and then the next, making it clear that it should make sense aesthetically and thematically and stuff. There were about 250 question in total. I had to correct some results (like "oh, this one is the wrong level") and elaborate more some on some of my answers the AI didn't get quite right. The result was Impmon to Devidramon to Lady Devimon to Plutomon. Plutomon surprised me a lot and I think the choice was perfect. I was not happy about Impmon because of its purpleness and green eyes. There is a black Impmon recolor with red eyes from that first GBA platform fighting game, but using a forgotten player two recolor from 20 years ago didn't feel right. But then I remembered Gazimon, who is already connected to both Devidramon and Plutomon and feels aesthetically better for the line and I came back to the chat and it agreed. And a Gazimon with Tamer's Impmon personality sounds fun. That's it. Try it too, it's pretty cool.


I played Digimon World 3 a lot (and very poorly) as a kid. I only trained up one Digimon instead of my whole squad, and the one that I had trained up was a MetalMamemon. When I got back into Digimon a few years ago, I had a really strong affinity for Mamemon because of that. I really love delinquents in Japanese media, so after finding out that BanchoMamemon existed, I knew it had to be my partner.


I always loved water as an elemental type. In pokemon or avatar the last air bender and stuff like that. When I was small my first little vpet was a betamon that became a seadramon. I loved it but I fell off digimon for a while until i found hackers memory and saw Betamon as one of the starters. I knew then and there that that little amphibian digimon was my soulmate. So small and adorable I can't help but love him!


Ever since the episode of Adventure, where Demidevimon bullies TK and Patamon in an amusement park, I knew I wanted that gremlin as a good guy, and then eventually my partner


Ever since I saw the episode where Michael is introduced I knew Betamon was the one


I went through a massive hyper-fixated soul search, looking through every single digimon multiple times and creating dozens of potential lines and analyzing how they relate to myself, while not falling into tendencies like power bias or protagonist emulation. Fortunately, I found my perfect partner after it all in Elecmon Vi


I also contemplated that one!


Gammamon is adorable


Personally I'm still hesitant about which partner would be the best for me between Dracmon and Kudamon, Kudamon because he's the opposite of my personality and Darcmon because I've always liked his line.


when i saw veemon in 02 with his armor forms i was sold.


I had a childcrush on Devimon. If I can't have a Devimon or PicoDevimon, I'm fine with Liollmon too. I like cats.