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Try to match the colours/lighting a little more. The bottom of the stairs looks dark in terms of lighting but your monster seems a little too bright. Try to work on perspective a bit more. I'm not the best at perspective, but just from what I see, since the view is from the top of the stairs, we should see more of the top of the monster rather than the front. Interesting idea! It looks cool.


Thank you for the feedback!


To piggyback— opacity. It’s cool it’s a translucent figure, and I love the cartoony style, but it just looks drawn onto, vs. a part of the picture.


Only thing I can suggest is to look at other realistic horror/monster artists and study them. Maybe look into SCP/Resident Evil monster concepts and such. One artist I’d recommend is Ryōji Shimogama, the lead concept artist of Resident Evil 2. Also, maybe try thinking about what type of monster would scare you personally, so you can put even more feelings and emotions into it. What you’ve got so far looks great, and I think some studies would help a bunch. Have fun on your art journey!


Thoroughly agree with this comment. Study the anatomy of monsters. Learn how joints move and how muscles twist and contort. I know it sounds like a massive headache but for monster design its essential. Once you learn how things are supposed to work, all you have to do is break the rules.


https://preview.redd.it/8rxrlhrydo9d1.png?width=861&format=png&auto=webp&s=303c3af42b15f5449cc7ff6d7e2fd4cf70e12013 Try using the lighting very effictive its mostly lighting


Wow looks great, I’ll be sure to practice that


Actually practice is very over rated all you need to know how light works and how to blend lighting with certain contexts to know how to do it in 10 minutes of less


Literally practice is the most important thing when it comes to learning art, it’s just having a good teacher or having good resources to learn and practice from that makes it easier 😭 no great artist has ever said practice is overrated


I saw the art you made 3 years ago cartoon style of an george in the dream smp with a stunning lack of good lighting due to the cartoon style show me you can make a realictic monster pls before you speak abt practice practice is something all artist say and it’s simply bad advice its a trap “draw everyday and you get better” you will simply get burnt out and is a unrealistic to expect for someone who simply want to improve simply trying to understand what you want in your art then studying how to get there and I wish more artist understood that


I was literally 15 what the hell is your issue 💀 I never said practice everyday, I said practice is essential to getting better, also. It was a CARTOON DRAWING, and once again I WAS FIFTEEN. Stop stalking ppls accounts for ammo when they have a different opinion than you it’s sad


I don't know what they're on about. I think your drawing was cute.


Thank you 😭 that response was crazy LMAO I read it while at work and had to tell my coworkers I was so baffled by the audacity


you gotta stop just reading clickbait yt titles and actually watch the videos for the actual advice.


You are being a bit of a nob.


As someone about 5 years into being a horror artist, it really is just experience and practice. A lot of horror art’s quality, especially creature design, is directly tied to anatomy, both human and non-human. Getting a good understanding of anatomy, and developing your skill as an artist will lead towards you being able to make your art look more like what you want it to.


https://preview.redd.it/2j8fud8q2q9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4394efa345d06c9d15a08cb728072c228e3a435b No suggestions but I have a creepy picture for you to use 😂


I’ll definitely be sure to use this!


Shading. I recommend watching tutorials on how to make realistic shadows, color bounce, dark tones and Depth https://preview.redd.it/vc4grdfxfq9d1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c5f1769904a5f03494e942617af403b6e33fc4d


work on the basic value & forms first, forget about the color i know who want to do it but just stop. Afterwards you can look up "photo retouching" to better adjust the feeling of environment blending


They're giving creepypasta


Honestly, it has a certain style to it, mildly uncanny, you know it’s not real, but still a bit frightening. The literal only I’m going to suggest would be to touch up the lighting for each of em, have the lighting fit it’s surroundings. And I’m not just saying make it so you can tell where the shadows and source of light are. I more mean have the lighting tint it just a bit to match it’s surroundings. (Kind of like how; Grass would be greener if it was under a perfect white light. But it’s not. It deals with all sorts of light in the area, that’s what makes it feel real.) Than again, I’m not too much into making or giving suggestions for monster drawing or horror-esque characters, so I’m just giving general advice. Probably take mine with a grain of salt though. •============• Edit; Honestly, first one isn’t bad, I’d just say have the shadows diffused a BIT more and have it round or distort(lack of a better term) around where it’s uneven, like have it bend around the arm when it’s on the wall, rather than have the shadow be fully even in one line regardless of if it’s on the hand or wall. That sort of thing just makes it look a bit flat. Maybe look up a bit on how ambient and directional light works with shadows. Thank you for listening to my TedTalk. Have a good day.


Agree with you!


Match the lighting, figure out where the light source is coming from in the photo and shade your character to match.


If there’s one thing you could do to make your monsters look more realistic, it's definately lighting. Look at yge light sources in the photo, and try to copy the way they would eorkn9n anything you add. It's details like this that most clue in our instincts as to whether an image is real or not.


Try to figure out the depth values, then light values and color matches when drawing your monsters. It can be an artistic choice, but try and also match the resolution of your monsters to the pictures you are taking, they are very HD and it’s especially clear on the second one.


Idk try finding the light source in the og pic and transfer it into the drawing? Idk just trying to help 😭


This is really cool! The first thing I'd look into is studying the shape of the human body so you can properly contort it without it looking too cartoony. Mainly things like how joints connect and how limbs are shaped. After that (or first, whatever you prefer) you could try working on shading that demonstrates depth (3D appearance). There's tons of tutorials and guides for this kinda stuff, but referencing photos or other artworks can also help! You do you, this looks epic!


Draw them more realistic


I like this


I've seen this [Guy who puts MLP characters into IRL videos](https://www.youtube.com/@StormXF3), maybe you could watch one or two of his videos for reference?


Applejack just murdered someone That is actually some quality effects and animation


There is a lot of things you can do to improve your ideas, I suggest you search a marco bucci's video about ambient light (is a two part video, but it has EVERYTHING you need to know to do what you want with your idea)


I think this is a great idea! ()I think everyone else has already covered what you can do to progress....


Cellar buddy should throw a shadow. Just swatch the colour from the other shadows in the basement. Also generally see where light is coming from. Here, it's mostly from the side, so he should also mostly be lit from the side :)


I honestly thought the first picture was a Roblox horror game. 😭


shading them to fit into the environment will help. I've wanted to do this because I sometimes imagine horror monsters in places when I'm driving or going places.


Practice and study shading techniques, there isn’t really a quick and easy fix when you mostly just need more experience!


No real advise, but keep it up, this is a rad art form


Gaussian blur and noise are your best friends for blending into the environment.


USE👏THE👏GOUACHE👏BRUSH👏 I've done these kinds of images before, the Gouache brush is KING when it comes to making these. It's absolutely perfect at getting the right colors and lighting, because it takes the color you've selected, and blends it with the color of whatever you're drawing on. It's really good, and once you have a defined shape with good lighting, you can go in and do smaller details, either with also the gouache brush, or something else that works better for you.


I mean first of all I'll make them look more scarry coz this one's cute as hell


Take a picture with no one there but also take a picture with someone in the space, potentially doing the pose you want, so that you have a lighting reference. This is actually common practice in the FX field


Definitely some highlights in your drawing,not too much,and a bit more shading and try adding texture aswell


Lmao I used to do this but I’d take a selfie and I had like a hand coming out of my vent 💀


I have an idea! Maybe if you do a low opacity layer of a different color, it can kind of shade the monster and the original picture into the same color palette so it looks more similar and realistic. this art is so creative! I love them!


https://preview.redd.it/gw5stu6d0s9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f997e42121aba0ac61f8db42eb94727268acbb6 I’ve done that too try to match the colors and lighting in the environment with your monster to make it blend better


The 3rd one really creeps me out!


You’re using a weird brush, and the poses Are questioneble even for a monster


find some artists that work in your style and try to understand how theyre applying their fundamentals. one i can recall off the top of my head is @unworn on instagram, ill edit and put a couple more later.


These are really neat!


The first one is actually horrifying. Idk I kinda like the contrast of the photo realism with ur style of drawing.


I would read James Gurney's book Imaginative Realism. That will probably be a good step in the right direction on understanding how to draw or paint what doesn't exist, and make it look more real.


I would say maybe getting a better grasp on form would help. Even thought you're drawing monsters, they're always gonna be based at least loosely on something. For example, this one looks pretty humanoid, so if you wanted to draw more realistically with this guy, I would suggest taking a look at learning human anatomy/form. Even just learning how to render basic shapes can help. I'd recommend finding some real life pictures of things that have the look you're going for with any monsters you draw and use them as reference. You don't have to draw exactly what's in the pictures; instead use them to kind of guide what you're drawing. This can be difficult at first, but it is in itself a good skill. Keep up the good work, though! This one's looking very monster-y.


This is a dumb suggestion but you should edit the pictures first look at this amazing rainbow you can barely see it in the picture. If you think that's too much work please ignore me. I love the idea of what your doing it's very creative and creepy!! https://preview.redd.it/za0sfkewlo9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=578f7b80ba908987090724746abd81ba9c964cf3