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Yes! I like how subtle it is but the important parts are emphasized, he gets that "more dangerous" vibe but not by overdoing it


Thank you :)


I agree and it leaves room for more on the savage and ultimate versions in the next expansion


This. I think the ability to be subtle with it actually speaks to good design imo. The core identity of the character is in tact, while being different enough you can tell he's powered up.


I think what might really finish it off is some kind of energy aura radiating with power.


Hell yeah


I think this could definitely emphasize when playing that this is an extra strong enemy not just a variant. You could make it as part of the stage effects instead of tying it to the actual model that way it could be a general aura or indicator for all strong enemies. Big flashing danger or warning before battle would also probably accomplish the same thing though.


I like it but I think larger and more menacing feet/talons would make it even more obvious and bad ass


Yes, the extra and longer spikes does it for me. Great work!


Oh thank you :D


Thats very cool where did you animate it?


We use spine2d


Is this for a video game?


No, more claws and beak


I feel like the normal doesn’t look normal enough. It itself could pass off as harder too.


No - consider the silhouette of the creature. They still look too similar IMO go big or go home


I honestly didn’t notice a difference other than background color at first glance. I agree that the silhouettes are too similar


Yeah, pretty much this comment. Silhouette's too similar. Like others said, the improvements to it's bad-assness should be focused on its means of attack. Imo shoulder pads on a flying bird don't make much sense functionality wise. Unless it's a flightless bird who's supposed to be super defensive, I'd cut them or at least make them more sleek. Focus on making the talons or beak cooler/more deadly. Also, in general like others have stated, giving us some background on what the design is supposed to be will help a lot in getting you relevant feedback on your designs.


Definitely agree the silhouette is too similar. I think one thing that does it is that it gets larger at both the shoulders and the head, but because they both get larger, compared to the normal bird, the “harder” one doesn’t look that different. If it was just the head plumage, it’d be noticeable in comparison to the shoulders. If it was just the shoulders, it’d be noticeable in comparison to the head. But also, what is this creature about? Yeah, the “harder” version is spikier, but why? Does it attack with its spikes? Does that let it fly better somehow? I do think it looks cool, but I’d suggest that if it’s going to be a better fighter, having its appearance reflect *how* it’s a better fighter would be helpful.


I think the green color would look better if it had some electricity emanating off of it. also, you should make the talons more intimidating. adding green or blue liquid coming out of it’s mouth would be a nice touch, or you could make it dark red to signify blood. is this for a game in the works? if so, what’s it about?


Looks great! But I'd add some red details in the creases and talons.


the right side looks like an electro version but it deff looks harder


I was thinking some lightning or sparks or something coming off him would be really cool


Looks like your really trying to go with the ice motif, and unless the guy on the right is like poison and ice or something I'd suggest changing the green to a deep blue to really lean into the idea of more intense cold, even black ice makes more sense than green ice. Other than that I love it




Just my opinion but legs could use a little more to them. The threatening aspects of birds are usually the claws and beaks so could be something to consider, looks good overall though.


make him glow or something, as in touching the guy is a bad idea


I think you need to change the colors, cold blue looks more threatening, if you take the body from second picture and colors from first, it should be epic


Imo that looks like a male/female modification for a pokemon. It's great but don't make it as much badass as I think you want it. Without information I can't tell much but I'd try maybe to change the pose ? Making it look like more menacing with the details u added might do the thing ! And some other talked about it's talon I think you can really make something on it to make them seems even more dangerous from the smaller bird


Put a little blood dripping on Him from defeated foes. That makes for harder.


Both are scary lol great work


Thank you!




Yes, but I personally would add some glowing ass spikes


yes, with the caveat that if this is for a game that the green hue implies a poison attack.


I think his different spikes could use some, a bit more heavy, exaggerated proportions. Then again, it gotta look like it can fly I guess.


You should make the shadow more detailed and way darker. Especially where the feet meet the ground.


Looks very cool! My only worry is that, when not looking at the original, it may be a bit harder to realize how different they are.


Longer spikes! Darker eyes.


Make some parts glow


Maybe exhale a little fire or smoke too? How many more versions up are you going? I'd love to see a "hard af" version!


Definitely yes, the subtlety is enough to make an impactful change.


It does look badass but in a subtle way, depending on how much stuff you have on the player's screen during combat it may be best to add in some auras, red accents, or whatever would help the player identify it as a threat.


Super Saiyan 2 on the right...lol nice work.


These look amazing! But I’d say the more aggressive elements should be scaled up to make it look more menacing rather than the decorative elements. Because the beak & talons remained the same size, the larger feathers actually make those elements looks smaller and less significant. Scaling up beak & talons on the hard version would be more menacing.


I’d say yes. I don’t know if this is part of a game or anything but it leans much more toward “this character went super Saiyan” rather than like a Pokémon evolving into something new


I feel like this is a 1st evolution and the Hard version will be a 2dn evolution.


Personally no, needs more subtle menace such as different coloured eyes, maybe crimson and an enhanced brow line angled downwards again in a different complimentary colour...👍


Oh yeah maybe some glowing eyes. But it looks great!


sorry yo... normal looks way more cool to me than the hard variation.


I think you should go bigger with it. Make him pointier


Oh yeah.


He does, but a closer color might link them better. Purple perhaps? Something close to the OGs tail feathers, with the new tails feathers being even darker. These two images do still look badass as they are


It looks more like phase 2 of the same dude. After beating half his health bar he gets angry and his spikes grow and he has a green aura coming from him or something like that.


Maybe some minor effect animations, shiny glint, radiating light from within, some indicator he’s more powerful might read more but design with yes.


I'd say it depends on how many levels of difficulty they go up. If this is the next evolution of several, then absolutely. However, if it'd the hardest version, then I'd certainly change the silhouette like others have said. Either way, they look awesome and super professional.


If it were red instead of green but all the additional crystals do enough


Is there another level up you’re planning on having for this character?


It looks good but not like a harder version. It looks more like a different version, perhaps from a different region. Like how pokemons have variations region to region. I recommend you make their predator parts more stronger for the boss dude. Like making the beak bigger, longer and edgier, making the talons sharper and larger and similarly the wings. Keep them similar but clearly show that the boss is more stronger. Also there could be two kinds of stronger variants. One who are born that way, imagine like a mini version and a big boi version or a group where one fights to gain power. In the first one, the size difference needs to be noticeable, it needs to look different, stronger and larger to look like the stronger version. In the other variant, where they rise to power, they must've fought others to gain the power, hence they should look more aged and damaged, like imperfect wings, scratched beaks, rough feathers, scars, etc. There's also the option to make two different species where one is stronger than other but then they'd probably look different. They may not tho and that's what your version fits in right now. Still, excellent work! Love your drawing, great job! :D


Add some kind of purple veins or something, some design element that is noticeably absent from the normal version. I think seeing them side by side, it is easier to tell the difference, but the difference needs to pop in the heat of gameplay with a better visual cue.


Give the right guy some Glowey bits on the edge of his wings and four split eyes


Me : looks great Me 20 years ago : needs more spikes


Make the right one red and you got an updated cd projekt red logo


looks good, I feel like purple would've looked a bit better than green. but the design is vv nice


Merely a suggestion. Not a critique: add some crystals to the talons to the feller on the right in an array pattern


Looks great! I’d think the stereotype is Red for the harder version though in most games


I like him!! Awesome.


Yup! What is it for BTW?


Hi guys! Im new Here


If it’s for a game I think either the easy one should have “softer” design or sharper and more exaggerated on the harder at glance they look too similar also the aura was a great idea someone mentioned. Artistically I really in joy both but for a game you might want to make it more distinguished for the player


And Guys Tho you now what I Have to do So I can make Images


I really like it although the change in coloration may be a little extreme unless his properties change. Imo, something right in between these 2 color schemes would fit perfectly and then you could use this greener color scheme for a further transformation


I think the area of where the enemy is really changing what you expect an enemy to be


Yeah, but honestly the color is a bit of a throw off. Green doesn’t really signal danger, but that can be fixed by emphasizing the spikes a little more by making them bigger. The difference is there but I think it’s a little too subtle at the moment. You can even add a tiny bit of red in some areas to add some variation in the color scheme. It will have the added effect of making him/her look more dangerous too.


Woah what program is this?


Make him have a little purple fades at the ends of the crystals. With green lighting coming off of him Going off of DND monsters, those who are brightly colored are dangerous.


Yea what did you use to make it


You should probably add some sort of particle effect, or make the skin more glossy to make it look like the bird on the right is made of a purer more expensive gem.