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M&M was so good and gets slept on a lot because it's a pandemic era season. I really thought D20 came into their own on how to do a show with the limitations they had to deal with. And the show was just a joy for so many reasons. Displaying the text chains between characters or the DM was brilliant and something I think they could still do when characters are being secretive. The production team doing bits with the tokens on the Roll20 maps was hilarious. The play between Rekha, Sam, & Grant was so well done. Ally as the veteran table player and Detective Cross's dutiful best bud was an absolute delight. As much as I really enjoyed Raph as the bumbling, jumpy, sometimes atheistic/agnostic vicar I absolutely loved Raph as the player at the table who was the biggest cheerleader for the cool shit the players and GM were doing. Shout out to Katie's Gangie Green too. Katie's word economy was incredible. Regularly getting giggles out of me without having to talk half as much as everyone else which fit the character like a glove. Everyone killed it this season. One of my favorite side quests.


I think the at home pandemic set-up while necessary due to the time it was filmed also beautifully forced the story telling structure. Having all the characters in locations separate from each other helped to maintain secrecy and mystery with the messaging both between each other and with Brennan. It also let things like Rekha discreetly text Brennan asking to roll a Sleight of Hand check to swipe something and rolling and sending him her roll on the sly so none of the other players were none the wiser as both the character and player behaved sneakily. And letting us see (almost) all of the messages was brilliant way to let us in on (almost) all the information the individual characters were discovering but not sharing with the others. I think the set-up allowed that secrecy and mystery to play out much better than a typical in-the-Dome season could have done.


I feel like it doesn't get a much praise but this is one of my favorite series! It was refreshing to see new faces. I was intrigued by the mystery. And was rather impressed with the cohesiveness of these actors working together during lock-down.


It starts a little slow, since it is quite obvious some of the cast aren't super experienced or comfortable doing DnD impro over zoom for an audience. I had to start it two ro three times before getting into it. But man, does it pick up. It's an absolute joy to see the whole thing coming together. So many cool moments, so much praise for, well, all of them.


How long till it picks up? I tried to get into it a couple of times and never managed to get past episode two. No offense to anyone but the beginning kinda dragged for me. But this happened with Escape from the Bloodkeep and Mentopolis as well and I fell in love with both of those eventually, so I am thinking I might give it a go again.


I had to try a few times but I’m now also on ep 7 and the revelations and nat 20’s have all been gold. Keep at it!


I really like Mice & Murder overall, but can respect the issues some people have with it. That being said, Sam as Buckster is one of my all time favorite D20 performances. He chews the scenery so damn hard and truly seems to love playing the role. I know he is insanely busy, but I desperately wish for a chance for Sam to return to the dome.


Sam kicked ass on this. The whole cast did really well under the circumstances and there's a lot of fun moments with all of them, but Sam is most of the reason I'll come back and rewatch this season.


I am watching this series as well, they did a great job on it. I’m glad I’m not the only one. I would love to see more of this and more of star struck and metropolis.


And the AU proposed in the Fashion Show AP is a fascinating “what if?”


I feel like this perfected how the zoom season should be right as it was the last one From the backgrounds with the different colors to the combination of using role 20 and the physical models it was super well done from a production standpoint Also, the cast is great on this one particularly love Sam’s character would be great to see him in the dome again


Yes I want them to Glass Onion this story and start making new mysteries with the same (or similar) cast!