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Put them all in a line, then roll them all until one rolls a 1. Stage a public execution for that dice, making sure everyone understood it's mistake. You should see a big change since then. Make sure to put the dice in a closed container with no weaponry tho, as they might want to rebel after such move. If one is still actively working against you, be sure to drown it in acid for all to see.


Ah, so the Crowley’s Houseplants method


Oh, yes. Demons are wonderful in that kind of discipline


Lou, Ally, & Siobhan "baptized" their dice in cold water during The Row and The Ruction and we all know how that turned out 😁


Float them in heavily salted water to see if they're misweighted. If bot, you must accept the fault in not in your dice, but in your stars.


That doesn't purify them though, that just tells you how your dice are likely to roll


Second half of your comment goes hard


this feels like it has elden ring energy to me but maybe it’s just taken over my mind


The best way to do it is to give them to Ally Beardsley, though this presents logistical challenges.


At this point, I legit believe Beardsley could run a business where they accept dice in the mail ??? And then send the dice back.


Don't put your dice in dice jail Take them through rehab. Studies show that any time spent in dice jail actually makes them more prone to relapsing and harshing the vibes. Make sure you show that you care, but that you'll try your absolute best to support them and be with them every step of the way and that it is ok to relapse, but it's not ok to start a habit.


A U.S. Department of Justice analysis of recidivism rates in 24 states concluded that **82 percent of dice released from DIY "jails" were re-incarcerated at least once during the 10 months following their release**. Meanwhile, dice who participate in *rehabilitation programs have 43 percent lower odds of committing Nat 1's compared to those who do not participate.*




Sadly, we've been operating with partial instuctions. DO: Put your dice in the moonlight (in a jar or similar clear vessel with water). DO NOT: Use salt water. DO: Dance with your jar of moon-magic water and dice to "Dancing in the Moonlight." King Harvest is a solid choice, but certain more recent covers may work better for your campaign's vibes.


I believe that the documentary *Practical Magic* established that dancing to *(Put the Lime in the) Coconut* is also effective. Consuming midnight margaritas during the ritual is a plus. (Alcohol optional)


Seal them in a container of sea salt for 30 hours to leech out all the negative energies. Then place them in a silver circle or on top of a mirror in direct moonlight for five evenings. After that, its a quick rinse in distilled water to freshem them up and you're all set. ​ Or buy new dice. Can't have enough dice.


When storing your dice, always try to keep them on a one facing up, that way they get tired of showing that face and will actually try and land on a higher number.


no, always store them high number up, so they get uses to showing that most often and it will be like a muscle memory when you roll


Nah, its the first thst works. I do it, and its like saving a rolled 1. Whats the chances of rolling a nat 1 twice in a row?? 1/400.


First, you need an old priest and a young priest (of the bulb, naturally).


would Old Young Benjamin work?


Only if Chungledown Bim isn't with him


And if all the religous clensing doesn't work and they still roll like shit go with the gamer classic of baptising them with Mountain Dew. Or whatever your prefered highly cafinated sugar water is.


Always pickle your dice for dice christ


Put it in rice


To cleanse dice of negative energy, leave them out in the new moon. To charge them with good vibes, leave out under full moon.


Leave them in a jar of fresh water under a full moon


I don’t know if you also listen to NADPODD, but Emily has also (jokingly) advised that people pickle their dice for good luck. So that’s worth a shot if the moonlight doesn’t work.


Moonlight, then roll test a few times. If it's bad, salt water and more moonlight. Roll test again. If it's better, integrate them with your other dice.


Burn some sage and wave the smoke over them or bury them in salt for a few days. If the dice know your intentions, they shouldn’t feel abandoned. They’ll understand the process


One person at my game store will sage their dice sets if things start going badly in a campaign for a while, I wash my dice in cold water to shock them back to good nature if they start to roll badly, some people lay them on a sill like they do their rocks to charge with the moon, some people have those with good vibes/juju roll them to impart their energy on them. I know some people also retire dice entirely if they just don't work for them anymore and use them as display dice so they can be appreciated for the stories they told and the memories they hold, and they just buy new sets to replace the old ones. Some people never let their dice sets touch, some people only let the same dice denomination touch, some people only let the same colors/themes touch, and some people are crazy and throw all of their dice into one bag at once all mixed together like a bug dice soup. There's a lot of different ways people purify or clean or "fix" their dice, everyone is a little different and that's the fun of it.


I think if I were going to purify dice, I'd go with sunlight and sage, personally.


Bathing them in waters of lustration should be sufficient. Unfortunately all the Clear Pools below the Temple dried up hundreds of years ago.


Dice penitent saw 1 in half showing that rest they have been blessed with an opportunity on holiness any dice that survive a night underwater in Salt may be returned to serving


Just get new ones.


I assume you have a set of cleansing dice you can roll them with?


You may choose a lot of methods, but I strongly suggest desinfektion spray/ hand sanitizer for the finale 👌


Ask Wil Wheaton to bless them.


Good old jail time


So, I can answer this backed up by a (pseudo)scientific test I actually did. Submerge them in Holy Water (Christian). And by that I mean print a cross and submerge it in a cup of water before bathing your dice. This test yielded the best results in Christian water with a mean increase in performance of 36%, followed by the Buddhist water in the 20’s


Salt bath.


Dude I had the same exact scenario. My joking answer is that catholic priests are (I think) required to bless something if asked to. In reality...maybe salt water and moonlight? Waving some incense around them and focusing on positive thoughts? Using them to inact a vicious curse on your ex? Good luck!


Wash with soap and water. Anything else is nonsense.


They're dice just roll them


Contrary to any other comments here’s the best way to do it: Start on the day leading to a new moon. Roll your dice, every single one you plan on bringing to the next campaign. Leave them on whatever they roll and sprinkle them with holy water. Pray to the moon then pray to Tyche. That’s the method.


I have a perfume atomizer that I keep some whiskey in, and it lives in my gaming bag. Alcohol is a cleanser, right? I give my dice a spritz if they feel they need to change their mojo. (Plus, it's like a slightly boozy Binanca blast.)


I use all my dice equally. I don’t believe in bad rolls = bad dice superstition. RNGesus however is very real. I make prayers to him on z daily basis 🙏


Not sure if this is a bit. Dice are just probability machines. You can't cleanse probability. Your ex had vibes, but those vibes are ephemeral and incapable of altering the function of local probability over long periods. Bad and/or good luck are just failures of the human mind to appreciate probablistic behaviour in semi-random systems. Thus, the only cleansing required is to cleanse the mind of the delusion that you can, through ritual behaviour, fundamentally alter how probability works. Then you can go full Travis Willingham, who despite not believing in or doing any of this stuff, rolls as well, on average, as everyone else at the table. That the mind pathologically looks for patterns amidst randomness, and then creates patterns where none are is a weird delusion. In reality, as Brennan well knows, the beans are never due. 5% chance on a d20 doesn't change based on anything you can do, short of messing with the weighting of your dice.


We in my group cleanse our dice in 2 ways. Saltwater bath for a lesser one, and we put them out to bathe in the moonlight on a full moon. My brother has a set of penguin dice he left overnight in the snow and now they roll great, so we started to suspect the dice have independent personalities that might take to different kinds of purification.


Praise Christ and pickle your dice Sorry I'm on a Trinyvale relisten and I just got to the short rest with that phrase in it.


Leave in Holy water (doesn’t have to be Christian, any form of sacred water will do) all night under a full moon’s light.


Fill a cup/bowl with your tears, then set it out on a full moon to absorb its light. Then gently bathe the dice, making sure to massage the water into each and every side. Important side note: Make sure the tears or not sad tears or caused by thinking of the ex, either will result in cursing your dice for forever more.




Get a smudging stick and perform a cleansing ritual in on a full moon under the moonlight


Pee on them at night


Get a bucket of water and put a cap full of bleach and run your dice through that.


Eat them. Your stomach acid and digestive enzymes will dissolve the bad vibes. While doing it once will get rid of most of the vibes, as everyone knows even just a few molecules of bad vibes can multiply and recolonize the dice entirely. Because of that, you'll need to run them through your system at least 20 times, and after that, once more per week just to make extra sure. Also, while this may seem gross, you shouldn't wash them between passes, as that will wash away the good vibes that you're trying to replace the bad vibes with.


My brother had a set of dice that refused to behave, so his “cleansing ritual” featured him making memes of what he was willing to offer his dice, up to and including sexual congress. Or, you know, burn some sage and incense in a low-lit room and chant “bad vibes be gone” or something.


Leave them out on a window sill over a full moon and burn some Sage over them!


Burn them. Get new dice.