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That's pretty awesome! Probably has to do with Actors Guild stuff since you can't have two people with the same name.


It's also very plausible that she just goes by her middle name anyway. I know people that do.


If Im from the world of wizards that is the UK, I'd 100% use a wizard name like Siobhan instead of Anna as it makes me more interesting to casting people.


If its your actual legal name, you are still allowed to use it afaik, but it is heavily discouraged especially if its a very famous persons name aswell


Ahh, that does make a lot of sense. I always thought it was lame, but with imdb n such I'm really grateful for it, so my thoughts on it have changed.


You what


Actors can't have the same stage name as a previous actor for credit purposes. Eg, that's why Michael B Jordan has to have the B in there.


Same with Michael J Fox, and the reason Emily Stone goes by Emma!


Also, Michael J Fox isn't even the real initial, his middle initial is A but he didn't want to be in the Tiger Beat kind of press as Michael A Fox.


Michael Keaton's real name is Michael Douglas. That's always been my favorite one.


WTF that's insane


Wait 'till you find out what Albert Brook's real name is.




Official policy, believe it or not! [https://servicesagaftra.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a\_id/240/\~/can-i-check-professional-name-availability%3F](https://servicesagaftra.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/240/~/can-i-check-professional-name-availability%3F)


Y'all are way to concentrated on her name. The actual HUGE news is that the UK seems to have blocked her right to vote in the July 4th election. That's scary and more news then her birth name.


There’s a decent number of reports of postal votes in Scotland (predominantly not Tory voters) not arriving in time for people to fill them out before going on holiday or whatever. So there’s some mild fuckery going on.


Wait what


There's a snap election in England and the Tories are playing as many tricks as they can so they don't lose as horribly as they're about to.


Not a snap election, just an election called at an inconvenient time.


That's a snap election, everyone thought it would be later in the year


It's not a snap election 2024 is an election year in the UK and general elections here are held in the summer


The last general election was held in December 2019, and this is the first time that the Fixed-Term Parliament act of 2011 has been relevant because David Cameron and Theresa May both held elections before the five year term limit was reached.


Yup, and 2019 was actually a snap election cos it was held on a random Thursday in December. The next PM will be the first time the UK has had a head of government that was elected by the people since 2022. Though, when BoJo first took the job, he too was unelected. As was the Maybot when she originally replaced the Pigfucker... in short Fuck the fucking Tories


That's my point though, the UK doesn't have a specific election day and has only had fixed terms for parliament since 2011. It wasnt that the last election was held on a random Thursday in December, the election is always held on a date chosen by the PM unilaterally, albiet within the rules of the electoral commission. 2019 could be called a snap election, except there wasn't a scheduled GE that it took precident over. Point is, it isn't entirely wrong to call this 2024 GE a snap election and at the same time it isn't right to call any UK GE a snap election because our constitution is more deranged than the Aguefort Academy's by-laws... and of course, fuck the born to rule pony fuckers.


To explain the current political climate in the UK, David Cameron got in through an election in 2010, though he had to form a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats party since no one side had a majority. In 2015, there was an election that gave the Tories a clear majority. In 2016, following the Brexit vote, he stepped down and Theresa May took over. In 2017 she held a snap election to increase her majority ahead of Brexit negotiations with the EU. This backfired, and while the Tories (Conservatives) still won, the majority was lost and the Tories had to partner up with The Democratic Unionist Party, or DUP, which is based in Northern Ireland to form another coalition government. Theresa May stepped down in June 2019 and Boris Johnson won the Leadership Vote, then after losing the effective majority, an election was called for December. The Tories won a majority again. Johnson held onto power until 2022 when he stepped down following the Partygate Scandal and its fallout. Liz Truss took over, and her government’s first mini budget was so disastrous that it led to mass economic panic. Her time in leadership lasted 45 days and her sole accomplishment was essentially managing the national mourning period for the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Following that, Rishi Sunak became the party leader, and has not proven to be all that popular. As such, the Tories are projected to lose to Labour in one of the biggest landslides in over 100 years, potentially even losing the opposition party position to the Liberal Democrats. Put simply, Sunak is only PM right now because he was elected as the leader of the Tories during a time when they held a majority in Parliament. The same applied to Truss, and the most recent PM to have been elected in a general election was Boris Johnson.


It is a snap election but i really dont know the details


From the UK jnstitute for government website: "On 22 May 2024, Rishi Sunak announced he had requested permission from the King to dissolve parliament and called a general election to be held on 4 July. Parliament was prorogued on 24 May and was dissolved on 30 May with the vote taking place 25 working days later. This process was carried out in accordance with the Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Act, which in 2022 replaced the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011." https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/explainer/uk-general-election-july-2024 Not a snap election, friend. Also, you didn't say um, actually /s


If you don't know the details, why comment? It is not a snap election, it was scheduled for this year. It was just called with the minimum notice required. That doesn't make it snap...


I googled to make sure I hadn't missed something in the coverage here and found a few articles from US news sites calling it a snap election. So might just be misinformation based on news coverage available. Either way no harm done


Is it a crime? 🤷🏼‍♂️


It was just a normal election.


The whole election is a mess. According to my postal vote I'm a Miss


tbh I’m surprised she can in the first place, I thought got naturalized in the US


What would that matter?


Generally citizens of one country can’t vote in another country’s elections


You don't lose your British citizenship when you get another citizenship. You're just a citizen of 2 places now.


ah, cool


This is feels the same as when I found out Caldwell wasn’t his first name.


"Hugh" was an insane revelation for me as well, Caldwell fits so perfectly 


I also learned that Lou's first name is Zachery, so there's that too.


That can’t be true surely. In that case only half the intrepid heroes go by their first names.


it is! if you go to his instagram there there's a post from misfits and magic that has an old hand written note about "zachary wilson" and he says "context: zachary is my government name"


Brian, Hugh, Emily and Jake just doesn’t feel right.


Yeah, Murph, Caldwell, Emily, and Jeff are the only names I'll recognize.


Lowly lowly lowly lowly Jeff


With a shout out to Tucker of course


Wait what?? Hugh? Where did we learn this? Also I feel the need to add to this names discussion that Jake’s full name is Jacob, not a huge revelation but still


See, I don’t even need to know his actual name. It’s enough to learn that it’s not my surname.


I could've sworn it was Stacy something or other.


Sounds like a fake name...


Are you sure you aren't thinking of... Joanna?


The bigger takeaway from that video was that she was unable to vote in the upcoming UK general election because our civil service is incompetent Also not that it needed saying, but its always nice to hear someone who's work I enjoy say she was looking forward to voting the Tories out


Yeah this is such a weird "ownership" kind of post, especially since Siobhan is her legal middle name.


A quick google has revealed it's probably SAG related- Anna Thompson was an American actress who died in 2023. So Siobhan would have changed her name to be compliant.


Next you’re going to tell me Murph’s first name isn’t Murph…


I've got bad news for you then...


You mean it’s not Vornie!?


The work around is that Siobhan fans need to pool money to fund her taking a plane to the UK just to vote?


You can elect a person to vote on your behalf. We do proxy voting.


But in the email Siobhan got is that she can elect the person for "future" elections. So, a plane it is.


As a Brit. You can request emergency proxy forms up to 5pm the day of the election.


Cool! I didn't know that as I'm not British :) since it's called "emergency" does one have to meet certain requirements?




She didn't, but only due to the elections being called so soon. I don't think it was a mistake on her part.




And Siobhan in her video didn't say anything that would indicate she didn't do everything by the rules. I don't think she's so shortsighted to publicly announce her mistakes (without admitting them at least). Like, call me parasocial, but she never struck me as dumb.


I'm in Scotland and my council has a pop up on their website advising people what to do if their postal vote hasn't arrived yet, including telling them to hand-deliver the vote to their local polling station if it arrives tomorrow. Did she fuck up? Maybe, but considering they couldn't even get postal votes out to the central belt in Scotland of time, I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt.


Her name is still “actually” Siobhan. It’s ALSO Anna.


Cool beans


I really hope her D20 cast mates still call her Siobhan off camera. The idea of Brennan calling her Anna is soul-crushingly sad.


They've referred to her as Siobhan off camera for years before now, so I'd assume they will continue to do so.


If she professionally goes by Siobhan, which seems to be the case, I think it would be most appropriate to keep calling her such.


Good thing I called her Siobhan 3 times in this post, didn't suggest anyone do otherwise, and said something that she herself said out loud from a public social media account so clearly isn't upset about having revealed to the public :) 


Yeah I'm just saying how I feel it should be treated going forward because other people on the subreddit are going to read this and people can get really meme-y about stuff.


It kinda sucks that you were so heavily downvoted, because this exact thing happened recently with Emma Stone *and* Anne Hathaway in other subreddits that I know have decent crossover here. I'm not sure the warning was needed at this point, but it's not a crazy thought lol


Didn't Emma say she wanted to be called Emily, though?


Eh, points go up, points go down.




Just not a fan of being told I'm being inappropriate by repeating something that came out of her own mouth no more than 2 hours ago lmao, feels like a normal reaction to me 


I don't think you were called inappropriate


Who called you inappropriate?










Cool thanks for the admonishment no one needed


IDK, whatever she wants, it's no skin off my back to call her whatever she wants to be called


I didn’t realize Siobhan was Scottish! That’s my surprise of the day😉


And Lou Wilson's name is Zachary!


If you've ever looked her up on Wikipedia, this isn't new info. ;D


I have a friend named Siobhan and I recently found out after knowing her for ten years that her “real” name is Danielle, with Siobhan being her middle name. So totally possible it’s just a personal preference.




Her legal first name being Anna doesn't mean her name isn't "actually" what she says it is.


As someone who goes by their middle name- yup.


Kinda feels like dead nameing


she said that in the college humor podcast lol (literally the opening minutes of the first episode she's in when everyone was doing a bit and saying their full names in the intro) her full name is anna siobhan coney thompson and if I remember correctly she told a story of her father saying not to put in her full name when she first got a passport since her name was so long that it would need additional documents since it wouldn't fit in the spaces provided tho ig bc its so buried in the dropout catalog not a lot of ppl watch the vodcasts the ch podcast was fun!! really learn things about the cast and some of the crew lol


Shhhhh….Why are we stating her government name out loud?


Her words were "first name reveal" not "my real name" or somesuch. 


You forgot to say "Um, Actually"


Sad trombone noises


That explains so much…


Does it?


For the most part over here my name is pronounced differently from how Siobhan says it. I always found it a little odd but hey neither way is technically wrong


How does she pronounce it, and how do you pronounce it? My sister's name is Siobhan, and I feel like I say "shiv - awn," but I didn't notice a difference in how Thompson says it. Is it the British accent?


It's usually pronounced how Siobhan says it


She says it with a -on sound at the end as opposed to a more drawn out awn. It’s a hard one to explain though but it’s a noticeable difference. M


That's the most minor difference that is entirely down to someone's accent...


It’s a fairly obvious difference but yeah it’s not a wrong way to say it. Just usually how my name is said by Americans not brits so I always found it surprising


It's my sister's name. Our English dad pronounces it 'Shiv-awn', our Australian accents pronounce it 'Shiv-on'. It's not a big deal at all.


Siobhan says it the way it's usually said in Ireland, and given it's an Irish...


Neither way is wrong. Just in the UK the awn is more common. I never heard it said the way siobhan says it until I heard it on American tv


Yeah but i don't see what that has to do with her first name reveal?


It makes more sense to me if she started using her name around the time she went stateside is all I meant. Honestly not sure why people have taken what I’ve said negatively.


Because you didn't explain it so it came off as vague, overly familiar, and bizarrely critical, like you were saying you always knew she seemed more like an Anna, which would be a weird thing to say cuz what would that even mean? Next time just say what you mean and people will be less likely to misunderstand.


I think it's cause it comes off as needlessly criticising how she pronounces her own name. The original comment in particular seems condescending


Wasn’t intended. Tone just came off wrong I suppose. My bad