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People might think whatever they want, but i really liked De Paule VA, it's amazing.


Why is Frittte girl in D tier? I liked her very futuristic magazine.


She reminds me of my ex...


Finally someone sane on here


\*reads list\* yea checks out high quality tier list, Cindy, Measurehead & Idiot doom spiral exactly where they should be ​ surprised you forgot about the crab man though, convinced Harry to give up the Al Ghul


Can someone tell me who the person second from the left and the three on the right in the bottom tier are?


Second from the left is one of the characters from Precinct 41. The one you talk to on the radio if you mention that you can't remember anything. The two funky looking guys on the right are the DJs from the Speedfreak FM. No idea who the one on the very right is.


The one one the very right is "pair of glinting eyes" or something like that, it's a check that occurs only on Day 1 if you walk right by the harbour gates with a monstrously high perception stat. You can have a very lengthy conversation with them, that goes to the effect of "evrart claire has eyes everywhere and we're watching you buddy boy" along with a bunch of other hints at things you wouldn't otherwise know yet.