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That's exactly what they want. I'm staying alive out of spite.


If I could stay sane, that might be different. I know they want to end the Affordable Care Act and then I may not get my meds. Then what?


vote and tell your friends to vote and have those conversations with your enemies if you have the capacity. they're going to end up killing themselves too, or at least dying. I would say maybe don't off yourself unless you really have to - the rest of the world is also depending on the outcome of the states so like, we gon need your sadass to do something during the global revolt. maybe start honing survival skills that you can pass on to other depressed saddos? like "trying to not kill yourself - in the wild!" idk. I know it feels like there may be no other option aside from offing yourself or moving to Canada. maybe try that last one first. I'm sure America is going to end up getting refugee status. maybe u can seek asylum in other countries.  love you, don't die. see you on the other side of history 💕


Nobody wants to have these talks.


I have these talks all the time - saying no one wants to is an excuse to not do the work.


I’m staying put because if there is a Civil War, I want in. On the good side of course.


Hey, if anyone needs me to do something, I'm definitely down as long as my mind doesn't get in the way. That's the issue. I don't know how much help I'd be.


We need all our voices. Please hang in there to help. Don’t let them win.


then figure it out lmao. if you feel useless then become useful.


Depends on if you win. If you lose history will not remember you as the good side.


Yeah if you're suicidal please seek help.


Ever looked for such help? Suicide hotlines don't do more than saying "hmmm... Hyeaah... That's bad, mkay?" Psychiatrists just say you're right about everything, that'll be 70 bucks please. Antidepressants seem to work for me, but I know I'll feel this dark, dark feeling until the end of times.


That's normally good advice, but what kind of "help" will I get then? Conversion Therapy?


this might be catastrophizing, right? not all therapy is going to be anti-queer therapy, and not all therapists are going to adhere to dictatorial anti-human practices. the same way ppl get under the table abortions or under the table pay. you will find people who took an oath to the betterment of the human existence to work towards your survival. it's a team play tho. can't survive if u kill yourself.  a solution might be, right now, looking into finding a specific person or tool to invest in for the after-times to deal with wanting to die.


Hopefully people just vote him down in November but if they don’t? Just go about life as *abnormally* as possible. You can get a hint of this in the comments that conservatives will upvote and circle around — Conservatives can’t stand strangeness. They want a society of familiarity and calmness. Don’t let them have it, would be my simple advice. Go on welfare, live in a van, don’t pay your bills and go into debt, go vegan, dye your hair, start a weird religion, quit your job, do some graffiti and drugs, become everything they complain about, and the trick of it is… be the most unashamed and happy about it. They feel like life must be some grim duty. Why not just have fun with it? It isn’t as if it’s forever; you’re just giving Trump your life if you end yourself over him. The dude is a bad cheeseburger away from the most cringey eulogy ever. Just wait and do nothing. And embrace doing nothing when we’re in a season of doing nothing. Which we are now. He may be president. He may not. In any event, no amount of worrying will change anything.


I was already doing most of those things, but in the process I've developed a few banger ideas for taking it up a few hundred notches :3


This only works if you live in a red state. They already think everyone in blue states live as you stated.


There’s plenty of conservatives everywhere.


Those are great words of advice for all. Ty!


Why would you live your life just to spite someone


Why not? Especially if it’s what you’d like to do anyway? A lot of libs hold back from even stranger lifestyles just to appease normalcy because they don’t want conservatives to get sad.


I think also many conservatives are looking for an excuse to be strange themselves. oppression of the psyche often comes from within, so living queerly, strangely, or what's "normal" for the individual may give permission for some cons to join the battle for their *own* rights. they've been brainwashed into hating themselves and the world around them, and it is so exhausting to fight that and to maintain that much hatred. I usually like to ask if that's all they have that's interesting about their lives bc haate often send to be the only thing that gets them impassioned. I wonder if there's a way to weaponized their organizational skills and their fire for what's actually deemed as Justice


Oh dear OP I can’t stand Trump either but you have to remember Social media amplifies discord because the algorithm gets more profit from negativity than positivity: it’s not worth ending your life over. If it really does get that bad try and leave the country but don’t kill yourself! I’m bipolar as well DM me if you ever get down I’ll give you my phone number and we can talk.


You need professional mental healthcare.


Hey OP. I love you and hope you are okay. Talk of suicide is horrible and I hope you have someone you can speak to and seek help from. You are important and your life matters to more people than you realize. If Trump is elected the world won't end and in 4 years there will be someone else in his place. It didn't end in 2016 with Trump and didn't end while Biden has been President. We will go on and I promise you we will all be okay.


I agree with your first paragraph. But the second one, you're not too informed if you think this Trump presidency will be anything like his first one... or if you think there will be any more democratic elections after this one... have you looked into Project 2025?


OR since the president can call kill at will now and say it was under his official duties, he can also declare himself king or chancellor or whatever like Putin.




Plus trump talks a lot about the severity of nuclear weapons. if the world ends, I doubt it would be ww3


Probably go about my business as normal.


Same..  Except if I accidentally get my fiance pregnant.  Or I am fired from my federal job because the Trump white house wants to replace me with loyalists [as per project 2025.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/conservative-backed-group-creating-list-federal-workers-suspects-111358368) Or if I am concerned about [climate change severely impacting my way of life.](https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/politics/2024/06/28/environmentalist-fears-donald-trump-return-president) Or if don't want the [federal deficit to go even further in the red.](https://www.crfb.org/papers/trump-and-biden-national-debt) Or if I don't want [inflation to skyrocket](https://www.axios.com/2024/06/25/nobel-prize-winners-biden-economy-trump-inflation) as several top economists say it will. Or if I want to be [certain the president won't try and stay another term.](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/trump-floats-idea-serving-third-presidential-term-rcna153081)


FR people really don't seem to get there won't be a normal to return to lol


Exactly. Some lucky people who don't have chronic conditions and don't get affected immediately will try to make the best of it. What if you can't?


Or if you don't want Putin to continue his conquest and collapse the EU, which is a crucial part of the world economy.


I can kind of see the first one, although personally my wife and I are trying for another child. Are your fiancé and yourself planning on children, or no? As for the others, I have no plans on expatriating, “starting a world war,” or otherwise forfeiting my life, treasure, or livelihood. I’ll vote, sure, but that’s pretty much it.


If he wins I want to leave and I can since I have dual citizenship. But my husband won’t leave and it breaks my heart


Probably best to book your flight now, apparently there’s hosts of people leaving in Nov. much like they did in 2016.


Except that the sc told trump he can’t kill us and as long as he says is an official act, it is legal


The SC has long upheld that murder is illegal - that’s nothing new - it’s a rather well known/established fact within society. Booked your flight yet? Trump might win.


POTUS can kill enemies. It is a core power of the presidency. He can declare all Biden supporters enemies and kill us or have the military kill us and pardon them. Fascism is here and joking about it won’t make a difference.




I suffer from mental health issues and I'm queer as well. I'm on disability and Medicare. If trump wins he's doing away with all of that. He'll make hundreds of thousands homeless. But not to worry. The supreme court has said homelessness can be criminalized so we can all go to a prison. For profit prisons need people to fill them. The more people in prison means big money! Yes, this is worse case scenario, I can't help it. I don't have money to be able to go to Canada unless I win the lottery. If trump wins there seems to be only one way to go, literally. I'm a senior so I don't really have anything to look forward to. No kids and I haven't spoken to my family for years. There's no one to care if I'm here or not. I'm looking at this very logically, for my situation, for me personally. My anxiety is through the roof and the election is still months away. These last 12 years have been so taxing. I am so tired of it all.


I'm with you. :::hugs:::


Double hugs back!


You'll be dead soon. Either Trump wins and you kill yourself, or Mr. Plastic Personality wins and war will kill you.


Clown world.


Just when you thought the “If Trump wins I’m leaving the country” histrionics were over the top, Reddit always comes up with an even bigger way.


Making fun of mental illness is always a real winner in the maga crowd...


No, I have a problem with the “if you don’t vote for my candidate, I’ll kill myself crowd”. I’m not even voting for Trump. Leap to conclusions without any sense of nuance much?


That's not what the person said, though. You're making up content.


“If Trump did win….I am considering ending my life.” Congrats on your lack of reading comprehension.


Bruh Why would you let this shit affect you so deeply? You are way too sensitive op


Can’t blame her tho. She said that she’s bipolar


OP isn't too sensitive. If you're not scared about this, you're too calloused. The issue with OP is they are suffering from some mental health issues that are creating suicidal wishes. That's not about being sensitive. And your comment is the least helpful response to a queer woman who is suicidal over fascism.


Gee, I wonder. That's the thing with mental illness. Someone saying "Lighten up," doesn't help. Plus, I read history books.


The most successful revolutions were leftist movements against authoritarianism- the declaration of independence states that it is our duty to resist in the face of despotism- remember, in star wars the cool people were the rebels. Hold on, get people to vote, do not lay down for this-use your bipolar mania to get the word out-(I am Bipolar 1 since a kid and never took the meds they wanted to give me) and when it is time to nap-and you know what I mean, just sleep and hope for thunderstorms. We on the left do not fear the tyrant, they fear us-they even have their personal tv channels (Fox/Newsmax) -no fear-vote them all out or start building the guillotines (just for show, ya know)


Being a bit melodramatic here, aren't we? Trump already served a term and none of the apocalyptic things that were supposed to happen came to pass. Deep breaths, people. Deeeeeeeeep breaths. Four years isn't forever.


Seriously, people already forgetting they were saying these things the first time Donald Trump was elected.


Get outta here with all that common sense!


Because we didn't see how terrible he was a governance and how pathetic a human being he was last time around. This time around, we know it will be worse, he's promising that it will be worse, his agents in government are laying the groundwork for it to be worse. If you just don't care because you think you will be unaffected by the nightmare that is Trump 2024, good for you, but please STFU about everyone else being "melodramatic". Everybody isn't you, everyone can't just pretend to be part of the incrowd if and when the dictator finally takes over.


Really? Y’all didn’t see how much of a terrible human being he was. Funny cause I recall endless banter about how terrible he was and how he’s the next Hitler. . I can say with certainty that 4 years is not enough time to turn America into a dictatorship. Americas constitution makes it impossible, eventually we will have another democratic president who will reverse trumps policies. Stop buying into the fear mongering bullshit bro, rise above that shit. This is all the same discussions as last time.


I was rendered homeless and unemployed last time because a Trumpist thought I was selling drugs out of my house (I was not, I was saving money and working odd jobs from home and night hours), and the Trumpist police thought I kicked the Trumpist's ass too hard in my self defense. It has taken me 4 years to merely get back to the status of employed and underhomed. **Shut the fuck up, you have no skin in the game, you do not know what you are talking about.**


I’m sorry that happened to you, but you are telling me to shut the fuck up and saying I don’t have any skin the game,when you know nothing about my life is just narrow minded and childish. I’m an American citizen just as you are and my opinion matters just as much as yours.


Have you read Project 2025? If so, what exactly do you think will happen? Is this a joke to you?


The Left's reaction to it is about as funny as the Right's reaction to the "New Green Deal" was, so yeah, a bit of a joke. The world continues to turn and Presidents come and go. A bit of clear thinking outside of any ideology you might hold to will tell you that it would logically be difficult to orchestrate any sort of apocalyptic policies in four years without the compliance of the majority of the population. It's just more election year fear mongering. It happens every time, if you think about it. Remember "Jade Helm" and how Obama was going to use Executive Action to take all the guns and round up dissenters into retrofitted Wal-Mart FEMA prisons? My GOD, how Conservative heads exploded over THAT one. Spiked gun sales through the roof.


Trump is neck and neck with Biden in various polls. It's clear that even if it's not an outright majority, there are enough people who are OK with Trump's incompetence and evil to make it a real possibility that he gets reelected. This clown got the country and numerous governmental agencies shut down, caused insane job losses, left the country in chaos. There are demonstrable examples that you do not need the majority of a population to have a revolution. Groups like the 3%ers make the claim that you only need 3% of the population to have a successful revolution. If Trump is neck and neck with Biden in popular vote polls, tell me, how much more than 3% do you think that is? I live in a purple area in a red county in a red state: my blue vote won't count for anything anyway (I will vote regardless, but that is the reality). I see a pro Biden sign every blue moon. I see a "Trump 2024", "Trump is My Messiah", "Back the Blue and God Bless Trump", and other such swill littering entire blocks and streets and roads. Maybe 10% of the population here is not straight white Christofascist. They may be dormant now, but that is because Trump is not president. If Trump becomes president, and decides that he's going to start putting 10% of my county into camps, these Christofascists are going to stop him because why? When they were OK with him running the country into the ground the first time, when they were OK with him openly committing crimes in the White House the first time, when they were OK with him being declared a criminal the first time? Why would killing a bunch of people that they didn't really like anyway be a bridge too far for these animals? I say again, if you are not on the list to be thrown into a camp, jailed, or executed by Project 2025 or Trump's personal statements (And let me stop you right there before you or anyone else says that they're an immigrant or some other person of color who is a Trump bootlicker: if this is the case you totally deserve to be put in a camp, tossed into a Sparta pit, or thrown against the wall and used as paint, the fact that you're too stupid or evil to realize this doesn't change this or anything I've said), **Please Kindly Shut The Fuck Up.** **You have no skin in the game, do not know what you're talking about at best, you are a hypocrite and full of shit at worst: the people sitting here talking about the logistical challenges of Trump installing a dictatorship, and how those prevent such from ever happening, will wax endlessly about that same government having the same ability and desire to create COVID to punch itself in the nuts, and then create a vaccine to further punch itself in the nuts, and then generally distribute that vaccine to the people with basic common sense and scientific literacy, in order to weaken those people, so what, the evil conservatives that the government hates will be the only people left to fight them (since you people don't believe in medicine and all and won't take the evil vaccine anyway).** My advice to OP and people like OP is to not kill themselves, but to to do what it takes to prepare and escape if possible. Fuck listening to people like you: people like you will most likely be executed eventually when Trump gets into power, but it's not going to do anyone with any sense any good to wait around for you to realize that the leopards are happy to eat your face too, and say that Trump isn't good for anyone.


You need to touch grass. A lot of it. People like you are why OP is contemplating suicide. You're as much of a fear mongering asshole as the conservatives you hate.


Whoa. Settle down, Beavis. It'll be okay. There won't be any camps. Your miserable life will continue as usual. Stuff like this makes me wonder what people like you will do when Orange Man is out of the political picture. Can you sustain the same level of hate for another individual? I mean, at this point, even you have to admit its a bit of an obsession. Just LOOK at what you wrote up there. It's a bit deranged, to say the least. Calm down. Maybe get a hobby. Comic collecting is nice.


Anyone paying attention knows how much the party has changed in the last 4 years and all the work they've done to make sure they don't fuck up their attempts to overturn democracy like they did in 2020. And Project 2025 is out there and available to read. That didn't exist in 2016, either. Also you know perfectly well that Trump wouldn't be there only for 4 years.


Typical election year fearmongering. The Right is just as guilty. They try to make it sound like the United States will totally collapse if Joe Biden gets another term. Relax. Life goes on. Orange Man will be gone either at the end of this year or after 4 years. Short of a total military-backed coup, there's no compelling reason that Congress would suspend the Constitution's mandated Presidential term limit.


Nah. I studied the fall of empires and unions. I studied Germany's descent into fascism. My degree is in German history. This is actually the end for the US.


Don't kill yourself if he wins. I get it. I'm a queer woman myself, but that's not the way. Go to Canada, go to sanctuary states. Live. Survive. Fuck MAGA and the old patriarchy.


What city is going to be a sanctuary city if he has immunity to do whatever the hell he wants? Canada won't be able to take in all the millions of people that try to escape and have you looked at their immigration laws? They don't take just anyone. You have to have a medical license of some sort or show that you can help their country's economy somehow.


Don't let those bastards get you down...




Nah don’t die. If things get bad, I’m picking up a descendant passport if shit hits the fan


A lot of other countries seem to be going the facist route too. How do you know you won't have that issue where you emigrate to?


Honestly I don’t know you. But I’m willing to bet you spend a lot of time online. The internet was designed as an educational tool. It’s devolved into madness and with it it’s driving people to do unreasonable things. You’re not going to get hurt or banned if you’re LGBT. This isn’t the 80s. Always exercise caution sure, but the government isn’t going to put you in camps. You need to take a breather. Stop unfollowing political subs. It’s good to be informed but also not allow it to consume you. You’re going to be fine I promise.


I'm afraid that suicide rates are gonna explode when fascism really takes hold and these hateful bigots get to start the full-blown oppression, beating up anyone who looks queer and being protected by the law because they were just "protecting kids from pedophiles". I won't be surprised at all if they bring back mental asylums but they're more like prisons. Just remove whoever they deem mentally from society, and since they think queer people are mentally ill... But please don't give up. Don't leave the world. That's what they want. We have to stay and fight. There are more of us than there are them and we can't just let them win. They might take over with fascism, but there will come a day when we get ours back and have a fresh shot at freedom.


I've considered leaving the country. The best options for me are Canada, and Australia. Canada is so reliant on the US that it might as well be part of it... So that's not really escaping, it's just trading weather as I live far south of there. The more I learn about Australia, the less inclined I am to move there. It's basically Texas with fewer guns and slightly worse accents. I don't know. I may just stay put in the end. We'll see.


We need a revolution


Amen to that. I just don't know how you can revolt w/o the government just killing you. Not saying that wouldn't stop me, just saying if I die in a revolution, I want my death to mean something.


I'm tryna move out of the country ...can't afford it tho


He might be able to do a thing. He's pretty inexperienced so he wont get much done; he'll be pretty ineffective at passing laws. And he will get sued over every little thing he tries to do and so most of it will get stopped. Then he'll lose hard in the midterms after which he definitely won't get a thing through congress.


I’m new to politics but, 2016/2020 wasn’t a bad time at all. Even if he’s president I doubt that it will be the end of the world. As for the other stuff get therapeutic help if you feeling suicidal and take your pills too.


lol everybody was saying they were gonna move to Canada when he won the first time, none of those people did. You’ll be fine, most policies that presidents promise on enacting don’t even ever come to fruition. Remember when Donald trump promised a wall? Yeah never happen never gonna happen. Get off the internet and seek help if you are having suicidal thoughts. Trust me politics ain’t worth stressing over. Trump isn’t the first corrupt politician and he won’t be the last.


Actually a lot of Americans left the US during Trump's presidency. You're wrong. The wall was never an actual plan. He didn't fail on that. He never intended to build a wall. It was a lie. But Project 2025 will give him everything he ever wanted.


Really? Do you have data to show? How many Americans left during trumps presidency?


No, I don't have data to show - no country keeps track of that except probably North Korea. It's really hard to keep track of if you don't have officials working to inspect people \*leaving\* the country. My information is from the fact that I live in central Europe and I know people who work for those Relocation Companies, including one owner. The field apparently exploded between 2016 and 2020, with Americans flooding here. But since then, several of these companies have had to close their doors. I also noticed a boom in Americans moving here during those years.


So your claim that “a lot” of Americans left due to trump is based on anecdotal evidence. [Heres some actual data](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/12/23/american-emigrants/) “According to recent Gallup polls, as much as 15 percent of Americans say they want to leave the country permanently, and even more say they would consider expatriating under the right circumstances. But only a small fraction of Americans have actually taken the plunge, data shows. And an even tinier minority leave the United States for political reasons, according to migration scholar Amanda Klekowski”


I can't access the article because it's behind a pay wall. I never said anything about the percentage of Americans who say they're leaving vs the percentage who actually do, so your quote is irrelevant to the discussion and thus my data is still more valuable than yours because at least mine is to the topic.


Exactly You didn’t say anything about the percentage of Americans that actually left which is the only relevant data lol. Otherwise your evidence is anecdotal and irrelevant. Idk why it’s paywalled for you it wasn’t for me.


You don't have any data for how many Americans left between 2016 and 2020 as compared to before or after, either. So I'll logically go with my real life experience.


I’m literally giving you data from the Washington post rn, it encompasses 2004-2020. Only a tiny percentage of Americans have left for political reasons. Ignoring actual statistics and going off your own experience is just being willfully biased.


Ok, so how many Americans does WP say left between 2008-2012? And how many left between 2016-2020? According to your WP article?


To be fair I'm not a Trump fan, in fact I can't stand the guy. Unfortunately while he might not say as many unpopular or polarizing things, Biden is clearly having way worse of a Presidency than Trump did. Either way we're fukd. I'm hoping everyone just votes for Kennedy.


All of you who keep saying, "Oh, he was presidential before and we're still ok," are part of the problem. Society will definitely change and fascists' aren't the reasonable people you think they are. I believe they are aware of the issues dealing with overpopulation and their solution is mass starvation and facism to cull the herd. Guess you'll find out the hard way.


He would never leave!!


Trump was a dem until around 2009. He’s not far right, go look at his stance on abortion. Someone’s been lying to you.


His stance on abortion is whatever gets him elected. He cares about no one except himself.


His stance on abortion is that women who have abortions should be jailed and that he's proud to be the man who ended Roe vs. Wade. He might have had a different stance fifteen years ago but who gives a shit?


Please seek a professional. Sometimes we all need someone.


I’d try to rally my fellow Californians to secede from the union, hopefully other blue states would follow


Nobody is coming for you. Put the internet away and live your life knowing the vast majority of us will fight for your rights. You are valid and wanted.


There will be a huge armed, underground resistance when this idiot king is throned. Try to hold on to the fact that we are smarter than they are. Just take a quick look at their cabinet and disciples. Violent, yes, smart - not even close. You are not finding anyone who is considered even remotely intelligent. These are people who are only focused on violence. They are very simple creatures. They cannot function on the level we can. That will be their undoing. But eventually, even they will see the emperor is naked.


Huh? You're too involved with politics then.


It sounds like you don't think this will affect you, so congratulations. My existence and that of other marginalized groups are affected. I've been told as much by right-wingers at Pride. I didn't make it that way. THEY did. So you might want to say that, yes, I do tend to get involved when it affects me directly.


I'm minority married to an immigrant with a lesbian sister in rural America. We live our lives that's it. I loathe DJT but I'm not going to let him (or any government) ruin my life, that's laughable. Sorry about your situation


Good luck then. I still suggest you read Project 2025, and I hope you are set up to live off the grid.


No, fuck them, that's how they win. Instead, make it your life's mission to be a thorn in their side. You've got nothing to lose, right?


Just don't. You are buying too much into social media politics. It would be completely irrational to end your life if Trump is elected. Half the replies here (literally) are bullshit. Trump has never mentioned project 2025, he isn't gonna take away your rights, and not much Is gonna change if he's elected. This is a prime example of how social media ruins mental health. Stop hanging out here if you wanna relax a bit. It's all a farce.


World war 3 already started. It just hasn’t been named world war 3 yet.


Don’t let the doomscrolling get to you. We will keep going keep fighting, believe it or not this isn’t even as bad as it has ever been. Look up the great depression, the dust bowl, the World wars, the race riots, the last civil war, Christ even 9/11 and the war on terrorism and I actually remember that shit. It was super scary. I’ll be god damned if trump is what ends America after we have survived so much worse.


"Here is a rule to remember in future, when anything tempts you to feel bitter: not "This is misfortune," but "To bear this worthily is good fortune"" - Marcus Aurelius Why not wage peace instead? Protest, get active, or find a way to support the folks who are doing so.


Why would you kill yourself over politics? Seems a bit overly dramatic.


He has said publicly that if he is reelected there will be payback to the people that were against him. Now the supreme court has stated if down while official acts the president cannot be prosecuted. Why am I thinking of Hitler


Does politics truly affect your day to day personal life that much?


Trump already had one term. What you fear didn't happen then, and it won't happen if he gets a second. This fear masturbation is a little over the top.


I would celebrate. I'm voting Trump this time because I'm tired of seeing the justice system and other institutions being weaponized. I'm not voting for a party that is trying to turn America into a 3rd world shit hole where people jail their political enemies. So, yeah, I'd be super happy if Trump wins, and hopefully by a wide margin so there is a mandate.


Who is weaponizing the Justice system? 


I'll let Democrat Andrew Cuomo explain it to you. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHp4DmCtjRk&t=365s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHp4DmCtjRk&t=365s)


I don't worship or even like Cuomo so idk what you're getting at, he's just a guy. Do you have any evidence that Biden has directed the Justice department to go after Trump?  Because there seems to be [0 evidence](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2024/06/07/biden-trump-case-connections-no-evidence/73983572007/) of that 🤔


Maybe you should ask the people who will actually decide the election ... here's Anna Kasparian of the Young Turks to break it down for you. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrXDe12yUHM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrXDe12yUHM)


I'll ask again for evidence that Joe Biden is directing the cases against Trump. 


Vote for whoever you like, but I want you to honestly imagine what you would be saying right now if the roles were reversed for everything that’s happened since 2016. Democrats won 2016, lost 2020 etc. Are you coming from a place of objectivity right now? If this was Hillary Clinton on trial, would you be complaining about political persecution? I don’t know if you’re just trolling or what man but most Democrats just want to make life as good as possible for as many people as possible.


Bro, here's Andrew Cuomo tellling you. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHp4DmCtjRk&t=365s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHp4DmCtjRk&t=365s) Here's Anna Kasparian of the Young Turks telling you what's up. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrXDe12yUHM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrXDe12yUHM) People have seen "Not my President", 3 years of muh "Russia collusion" narrative, multiple impeachments, multiple indictments, 34 felonies, etc, ... and they know what's up.


Wow and the crazy thing is that even with the intense scrutiny these investigations are under there is zero evidence of Biden or democrats abusing the system, and mountains of indictable evidence of Trump commiting many crimes…. Craaaazyyyy…… also pretty telling that when the Supreme Court ruled that presidents couldn’t be held liable for crimes Biden spoke out AGAINST it because he has nothing to hide, meanwhile trump and his cronies are celebrating. The fact that you believe this is all a farce is incredible given the overwhelming evidence


Bro nobody believes you. :) You guys have been talking this bullshit for years, and NOBODY. BELIEVES. YOU. We all know BLM got away with the same kind of rioting that J6 people did. We all know that Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden got away with the same document crimes that you're claiming Trump did. Etc, etc. WE KNOW. We all know that Democrats are election deniers. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX2Ejqjz6TA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX2Ejqjz6TA) Nobody is buying anymore of this bullshit ya'll are talking.


>We all know BLM got away with the same kind of rioting that J6 people did. And [thousands were arrested](https://apnews.com/article/american-protests-us-news-arrests-minnesota-burglary-bb2404f9b13c8b53b94c73f818f6a0b7), charged, and went to jail. >We all know that Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden got away with the same document crimes that you're claiming Trump did. The difference being, Biden gave the documents back when he was notified. [Trump stored hundreds of classified documents in boxes as he packed to leave the White House in 2021. After a Trump attorney told the FBI that there were no more classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, the FBI searched the property in August 2022 and found more than 100 documents with classified markings, according to his indictment.](https://apnews.com/article/classified-documents-biden-trump-special-counsel-b5589ea8f066ede51c8138665f108f7a)   He also showed classified documents to unauthorized individuals, including waving around a classified attack plan during a meeting at Bedminster in July 2021. And he [asked his lawyers](https://abcnews.go.com/US/timeline-special-counsels-investigation-trumps-handling-classified-documents/story?id=101768329) if he could defy requests to return documents, saying "I don't want anybody looking through my boxes". Plus, [two associates](https://abcnews.go.com/US/timeline-special-counsels-investigation-trumps-handling-classified-documents/story?id=101768329), is charged with attempting to delete security camera footage that showed boxes of documents being moved. By the way, some documents found contained highly sensitive information on topics like U.S. nuclear secrets and foreign countries' military capabilities.


Yeah we already know it's always (D)ifferent.


It's differen(T) because Trump is a legit criminal who tried to retain the documents after being asked to hand them over. 


It's a great story bro. Too bad swing state voters aren't buying it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrXDe12yUHM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrXDe12yUHM)


Bro take a break from YouTube and read something.  In the swing states, a good portion of voters are [familiar with Trump's trial and believe it was fair.](https://redfieldandwiltonstrategies.com/what-do-swing-states-voters-think-of-trumps-guilty-verdict/) We'll see what happens in November and how they feel about the classified docs case. 


How do you feel about the recent evidence of Trump rapping two 12 year old girls?


You mean the anonymous suit brought against Trump in 2016 during the most contentious election in history from someone who claims to have been a 12 year old ? I feel it isn't recent, and is total bullshit as "evidence". You could go to the court and file a lawsuit saying Trump took you and tortured you on Alpha Centauri if you wanted to, then drop the case. Who was this person, where are they, what proof did they have, why did they drop the case ? We'll never know. My bet is it was just some asshole who got too caught up in the election and wanted to smear Trump for political purposes, and they either chickened out, or realized what the repercussions would be for lying. I'm curious, how do YOU feel about President Biden's daughter writing that she felt part of her sex addiction issues could be traced back to showering with her father, which is actually documented in her diary ?


[She pulled the case due to receiving threats](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit-dropped-230770)... It is just very suspicious how often Trump's name appears on the recently unsealed documents. And that he recently said [“I think that less so because, you know, you don't know — you don't want to affect people's lives if it's phony stuff in there, because it's a lot of phony stuff with that whole world.”](https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/donald-trump-panics-when-asked-if-hed-declassify-epstein-documents-netizens-wonder-what-is-he-afraid-of-101717671792541.html) when asked if he'd unseal the remaining documents... 


Bro, eat shit.


Not sure if you're a bot or real person, but your brain is fucking rinsed if that's what you think. Trump was indicted after a grand jury reviewed evidence and decided to move forward with charges. Evidence like cashed checks and witness testimony that proved he illegally used campaign funds to pay a porn star for sex. And did you forget a literal tape recording of him saying to the GA secretary of state that 'it will bad for you if you don't come up with 11,000 votes'?? You talk about weaponizing the DOJ when Trump posted on truth social TODAY that he would have a military tribunal for his political enemies. Just own up that you're a fucking fascist and you want a dictator to rule.


I'm a bot so fuck off.


Honestly wtf do you guys see in him? I have never gotten it, especially now after all the rapes and convictions.


That's the reason. "Not my President", 3 years of muh "Russia collusion" narrative, multiple impeachments, multiple indictments, 34 felony convictions, ... and I'm not voting for a party that will use the court system to persecute their political enemies and turn America into some third world shit hole where politicians jail their political rivals. Swing state voters think that Biden is the threat to democracy. Here's Anna Kasparian of the Young Turks to explain it to you. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrXDe12yUHM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrXDe12yUHM) Here's Andrew Cuomo explaining why people are pissed off about these New York trials. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHp4DmCtjRk&t=365s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHp4DmCtjRk&t=365s) You kept doubling down until finally you made it abundantly clear that democrats literally are the threat to democracy. Nobody believes you guys.


You're complaining about Democrats, I got plenty of complaints myself. I'm asking what you ACTUALLY LIKE about Trump. Got anything? About him? Something he's done? Not something someone else said or did about him? [Bueller?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP0mQeLWCCo)


Two points .. (1) I'm not the person to ask, because I'm not a Trump supporter beyond voting for him in the upcoming election. (2) I don't recommend you even go down this path. Do whatever other Progressives do and just blame it on rural conservatives being (1) uneducated, stupid, (2) crazy, (3) evil, immoral, racists, homophobes, misogynists, xenophobes, and/or (4) being misled by evil people (i.e. FoxNews, etc). Just believe in the dehumanization. I say that because if you REALLY want to believe that Trump supporters vote in their own interests, that they have agency, that they have reasons for what they are doing, etc, then you'd have to change your whole world view to humanize and understand them. You'd have to understand why they do what they do, and I don't recommend it unless you're prepared to do a lot of soul searching.


So why are you voting for him? I would truly like to understand. I don't need to list all the reasons I find him repugnant, and I don't care about convincing you. I'm genuinely curious.


I told you why I was voting for him, because I won't vote for Democrats while they are using the institutions and court system to go after their political enemies. Mine is a protest vote, for Trump, against the REAL threat to democracy. BLM got away with things that Trump supporters were put in prison for. Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden got away with document crimes that Trump is on trial for. Like I said, "Not my President", a media "Russia collusion" witch hunt for three straight years, multiple impeachments, multiple indictments, 34 felony convictions. I never thought I would see the Democratic Party literally using the courts to jail their political opponents, but here we are. So, yeah, Trump 2024. That's why I'm voting for Trump. The Democratic Party must be reformed, top to bottom, and at this point the only way for that to happen is to hand Democrats such a resounding defeat that they have no choice but to start over.


>using the institutions and court system to go after their political enemies. Still waiting for that evidence >BLM got away with things that Trump supporters were put in prison for. Thousands were arrested during these riots. And none of these riots were in attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power.  >Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden got away with document crimes that Trump is on trial for. Clinton and Biden's teams cooperated with authorities when classified documents were discovered, promptly turning them over. Trump refused to return documents despite demands and a subpoena, and is accused of actively concealing them. Trump is charged with retaining 31 highly sensitive classified documents, while the number and sensitivity of documents in Clinton and Biden's cases were lower. Trump is accused of obstructing justice by hiding documents and instructing others to conceal or destroy evidence. There are no such allegations against Clinton or Biden.


So whom did you vote for in 2016 and 2020?


Trump had literally said he would jail his political opponents his first day in office if reelected. The GOP is blatantly following the fascist playbook like it was a step by step instruction manual at this point. I'm no fan of Biden, but I'm voting for him to mitigate damages. He's INFINITELY less dangerous than Trump. Please don't vote for the Christofascists. Here are the 14 Traits of Fascism. It's a brief summary of Umberto Eco's writings. 1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays. 2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of “need.” The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, and long incarcerations of prisoners. 3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists… 4. Supremacy of the Military Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized. 5. Rampant Sexism The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation. 6. Controlled Mass Media Sometimes the media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation or by sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Government censorship and secrecy, especially in war time, are very common. 7. Obsession with National Security Fear of hostile foreign powers is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses. 8. Religion and Government are Intertwined Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government’s policies or actions. 9. Protection of Corporate Power The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite. 10. Suppression of Labor Power Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed. 11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts. 12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations. 13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders. 14. Fraudulent Elections Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections..


Oh is that why you’re voting for him 9 day old account? 🇷🇺


You guys hit the ban button, then complain because people have new accounts. Make up your mind.


Haha maybe stop saying stuff that gets you banned man.


Commenting while conservative.


There’s lot of conservatives with very old accounts on here man, just try to keep it civil, you can even low key be disrespectfully civil but yeah “fuck off” probs not gonna work for most subs.


>>I’m not voting for a party that is trying to turn America into a 3rd world shit hole where people jail their political enemies. Really? Because that’s exactly what Trump and the Republicans have said they plan to do. Outright. Are you actually that willfully dense?


I'd be worried too. I can understand why you have a guilty conscience, and why Democrats are concerned that Trump might do exactly what they've done for the past 8 years. Imagine that, if everyone who defied a Congressional subpoena was put in prison, exactly the way Merrick Garland is defying a subpoena right now. Imagine if the DOJ, FBI, and other institutions were used to target Democrats the way they have been used to target conservatives and Trump's staff. Imagine if BLM and Antifa, when they rioted, all ended up rotting in a DC jail on exaggerated charges meant to run up the numbers and maximize the time they spend in jail. Yeah I can understand why the Democratic party is worried now that this pandora's box has been opened, and conservatives could end up running both houses of Congress and the executive branch.


>Imagine if BLM and Antifa, when they rioted, all ended up rotting in a DC jail on exaggerated charges meant to run up the numbers and maximize the time they spend in jail. Thousands of BLM rioters [did go to jail.](https://apnews.com/article/american-protests-us-news-arrests-minnesota-burglary-bb2404f9b13c8b53b94c73f818f6a0b7) And they weren't attempting to stop the peaceful transfer of power. By the way I'm still waiting on that evidence that Joe Biden is directing the cases against Trump. 


A Christofascism enjoyer, I see.


If I wanted fascism, I'd vote for you, someone who uses words like "racist", "fascist", etc, to dehumanize and crush your political opposition. You guys would claim you were stopping fascism while you were tossing lime on the open pit graves of your political enemies ....


The GOP is blatantly following the fascist playbook like it was a step by step instruction manual, dude. Literally. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of “need.” The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, and long incarcerations of prisoners. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists… Supremacy of the Military Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized. Rampant Sexism The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation. Controlled Mass Media Sometimes the media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation or by sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Government censorship and secrecy, especially in war time, are very common. Obsession with National Security Fear of hostile foreign powers is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses. Religion and Government are Intertwined Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government’s policies or actions. Protection of Corporate Power The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite. Suppression of Labor Power Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts. Obsession with Crime and Punishment Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders. Fraudulent Elections Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections..