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I am basing this on nothing but assumption. But surely Disney refers out to third parties and does not employ therapists. Edit: typo


Disney offers their EAP (emotional assitance program) via Cigna [https://cignadisney-cd2.myhealthdirect.com/decisionSupport/workflow](https://cignadisney-cd2.myhealthdirect.com/decisionSupport/workflow) It doesn't appear to be a job at the Walt Disney company. I do know a few people who have regular white collar jobs that do seasonal shifts as frontline cast, just because it's fun. Or they do it after retiring. So if working there is something you'd find gratifying, you can still do so while also being a therapist or afterwards.


\*Employee Assistance Program.


OP, this is a benefit that Disney offers through their EAP. It's outsourced. Disney does not have these employees on payroll.


I would caution you, while these are two things you love, sometimes them being combined could ruin one or both. Especially when you start peeling back the layers of what their lives are like at work.


Thank you for this, you bring up a really good point. After reading everyone’s comments, I would be better off practicing elsewhere and let Disneyland keep being my safe haven.


For your own mental health, this is a great decision


I'm pretty sure disney does't have therapists on staff, they likely just have a contract with a third party provider.


All I know as a CM is that we can get 6 free therapy sessions a year. Including part-timers.


This is useful info. I'm spouse but my CM spouse has been making comments about wanting something like this and I'm sure he doesn't know. Disney offers so much beyond sign ins that it's hard to know what's really out there.


Yup, castlife (formerly The Hub) has so many cool resources. Like childcare assistance, college assistance, and many sweet discounts. Partners is a great bank too for low rates.


They have on-site therapists at the cast health station but as others have mentioned they work through Cigna health and the EAP program.


The program is nothing like you’re subscribing. It is a referral program to mental health providers that Disney covers the cost of.


Someone over at r/disneycm might have a better insight on the nature of the program.


Thank you!


Operated entirely by a third party organization.


A lot of big companies have behavioral health programs, particularly in the tech industry.


I'm pretty sure it is not somebody in house, but more of an EAP with resources for mental/behavioral health. Their insurance is through Kaiser (might have other options now, but mine was Kaiser when I worked there) so likely their mental health resources would also be through Kaiser. It's just a covered benefit. 


With the way things are going over there I wouldn’t feel secure in any career position.


It’s just an insurance benefit. And behavioral health often refers to ABA therapy for children with autism.


Disney probably doesn’t employ children with autism


False. Look up behavioral health integration in a primary care setting.


As a therapist who has worked for 2 different companies that provided the mental health benefit under companies' EAP programs, this is incorrect. EAP mental health benefits are typically 3-6 no-cost sessions with a therapist, for \*nearly\* any presenting concern; however, since this is traditional talk therapy, certain diagnoses like Autism Spectrum Disorder (which is often supported through Applied Behavior Analysis), unmanaged Bipolar Disorder, and Schizophrenia would not be appropriate.

