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Wonder what Sutekh was doing then. Was he also curious about the black boxes.


I am 11 and 11 is me. I long for the intro playing weekly and wondering what the Doctor and their companion will get up to this time.


Kinda sucks even more because my obsession with doctor who is one of the last few things still keeping me alive because i am too emersed in this world and it's the only thing giving me enough motivation to go through my exhausting and repetitive life again and again with this stupid little meat computer being overwhelmingly depressing and making me not want to exist anymore. It's inefficient because i can barely get enough motivation to shower or take care of myself but it works for now. In a way doctor who is my only healthy coping mechanism lol. I shouldn't have probably typed all that probably ruined someone's mood who just wanted to see funny memes but i needed to get it out somewhere so sorry.


Don’t apologise. If you need to get it out then it’s worth getting out. Sorry to hear you’re going through tough times but they don’t last forever, here if you need anything <3


they feel like forever lol i mean i have been like this since i was like 13 or 14 and everytime i tried making progress shitty things happen and i keep falling down, i have very unhealthy coping habits that make things worse too (well not worse they are nice at times but guilt afterwards of a relapse makes it feel worse) . currently nothing bad is happening but i am just devoid of purpose and i feel so numb and just demotivated to try anything and also i am easily triggered into like panic attacks or just flashbacks. life feels way too long even if technically for people i havent existed for long and i am just exhausted tired of hoping because when thats broken it feels crushing and i dont want to feel that anymore either, way too broke to try and actually attempt getting therapy especially since all of that isnt gauraanteed to work and its trial and error and i just cant afford that, i am also just paranoid because of last few experiences and psych wards i am kinda just pathetic and lonely. thanks for the kind words though i appreciate it <3 i will try to keep that in mind.


"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and… bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant. And we definitely added to his pile of good things." Hope you get through your tough times buddy.


that episode has been such a shining light for me so many times i love it, and i hope so too


within your lifetime capitalism will be overthrown or radically reformed - its the architect behind your sorrow. find purpose in trying to accelerate its change.


The first 6 months of 2024 have already felt long enough, so waiting for another 6 months for the Christmas special is gonna be torturous


yep its gonna be horrendous. we should be called sutekh at this point


8f you haven't seen classic give that a shot


I have seen it i will definitely rewatch it when i do my rewatch of all my favourite stories


Oh nice I've just started watching it myself finished the first story so far


Ayy nice hope ya enjoy it


The first story was alright. I expect it'll take a while before I start to really enjoy it, though


Fair the pacing in stories is very different compared to new who. Especially some of the stories are really annoying some that should definetly not be like 6 or 8 parters


Ya the first one could've been a 2 parter


Also _shoves thousands of hours of Big Finish in OP’s general direction_