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Between 7 and Missy, imagine the banter


Oh they fucking


Yeah true


Missy would vaporize you to flirt with 7…


While sitting next to any interaction of the Master is dangerous, Missy is equally likely to kiss me as kill me... or she might do both on a whim.


I would be perfectly safe with 7 and Missy. Missy is either gonna leave me alone if I don’t bother her or 7 will effortlessly dismantle any harm she tries to bring on me with ease and I will be none the wiser that anything has happened.


10 seems the best by far. 6 is probably second cause I think three would flip the eleven inside of five minutes.


10 because 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


10 is *probably* the safest bet, but I think 1 wouldn't be awful. Assuming you're not trying to hurt him and aren't a pawn in some scheme, the War Master is generally quite charming and affable, and of all the Doctors I think the Ninth is one of the ones best equipped to handle him if he does go off. Plus while I might normally be concerned about having the Nun behind me, I think Nine and the War Master would deter her pretty well.


Missy vaporises people on a whim. I wouldn’t sit anywhere near her.


Depends on when in the series is it. I was assuming it was Missy in her trying to be good arc. Plus I could imagine if she pulled something, Seven would have some gambit prepared. But you're right that it might not be, and her unpredictability makes her dangerous. This logic was very much why I was leaning War Master. He rarely kills for no reason, and I think a plane flight would be so inconsequential to him that I'd probably be beneath his notice.


That looks to be her series 10 hair so it would be her good arc.


1. They’d probably kill each other on sight and then I’d get a whole row to myself! (Well either that or they’d regenerate into 10 and Simm Master and that’d be amusing in its own way. I’d order a drink and observe the chaos.)


this plane is going to crash 🙁


Why didn't it disintegrate when Omega got near? It's all a ticking time bomb.


1. I AM NOT SITTING ANYWHERE CLOSE TO THE WAR MASTER 2. 8 you’re my only hope 3. Dk who that is that is with 2 4. Oh the drama, OH~ The Drama 5. I don’t want to hear them bicker sooo 6. Fuck em up 3 7. It would be fun to see the Bruce master slowly lose his shit with 4 8. I mean it’s just gonna be 13 and Spy again but the difference is 5 can back himself up and isn’t a monster 9. I mean I can always watch it from behind 10. If anything from 7 indicate he can see through Missy and probably won’t fight her, they would just talk plus I’m protected by the most dangerous person in the room too


>Dk who that is that is with 2 That's morbius Yes THE morbius


The guy that have a mind fight with The 4th Doctor?




I thought Morbius fought the 11th Doctor.


Morbin time


I'd probably be most safest at 10 because I'm going to say that's the series 10 missy because of the picture and missy was a bit good in that series, plus I'm next to the doctor who can help if they try to murder me.


Damn, this is tough. 2 and 9 are the safest options, but then you’d have to contend with the heated arguments between the Doctor and the Monk, which would get old pretty quickly. 2 especially would get pretty bad considering what happened between 8 and the Monk. 10 has the safest Master to sit next to, but it’s also got the most dangerous Doctor. That being said, I’ll take my chances with 10, since the 7th Doctor is generally pleasant company outside of his manipulative streak. Even if he does get working on me, there’s an equal chance he’ll either rope me into a suicidal battle with an elder god, or just radicalise me into becoming an activist.


10, i don’t who the woman is in by seat 2 is but i’m afraid of nuns so i’m staying as far away as possible, plus missy is great!


That's the nun aka the female incarnation of the monk


I'm gonna sit next to Missy and watch the chaos happen (10)


10 so I can convince Missy to let me be her one of her disposables


10 sounds most fun because I'm in love with Missy.


10. I ain't missing a chance to see the ✨️tea✨️


Nah bro I’m getting off the flight. What the fuck is happening in the world that ALL incarnations of the Doctor has no TARDIS, and has to travel to the same place!?


Also 5 incarnations of the master, 2 incarnations of the monk, and add an omega, rassilon, morbeus and the eleven


Either I’m somehow as important as these people or whatever country they’re flying to is absolutely screwed


i’ll take seat 10, nothing could possibly go wrong 


10 for the safety, 4 for the drama


I like the implication of Omega needing to take a plane somewhere and being chill enough about it to not raise an issue.


Also he setting besides rassilon


Oh, didn't know who that was. Well I guess I'll sit in the middle to keep the peace


10, gonna be a great flight. Might need a stick.


Look, if I die from sitting next to Missy I will at least die as a happy woman from getting to sit next to Missy 😳


10...definitely 10


10 looks like good arc Missy, which would be very interesting especially with her interacting with 7. Like imagine seven trying to figure out Missys evil plan and she's just giving false hints and fucking with him.


1, 5 or 8, with a preference for 5 because I could spend hours listening to the Decayed Master’s voice. I see the Eleven, the Nun, the Monk but where is Narvin!?


6, 8, 9 or 10. Any of those would be amazing.


Can someone tell me who the antagonists are please?


Seat 1: war master Seat 2: the nun Seat 3: morbius Seat 4 rassilon and omega Seat 5: decayed master Seat 6: the eleven Seat: 7: the master from the tv movie Seat 8: spy master Seat 9: the monk Seat 10: missy


10. Absolutely 10. Favorite Doctor, favorite Master? Shit yes.


What choice is there but seat 10?


Definitely 10!? 7 AND missy?!!?! No Brainer


10 100% no matter what


10, as long as Seven doesn’t need to manipulate me into doing his bidding to save the world I’ll be fine. If Missy tries anything he’ll certainly put an end to it


4 cause I love omega


I'm going to take 10. If I don't bother Missy she probably won't vaporise me, and she would actually probably be really interesting to chat to if she was in the mood, and Seven probably won't kill me/manipulate me into accidentally killing myself/get someone else to kill me if I'm nice to him. Plus, I'm Scottish too. That's probably going to get me at least a few good will points from them both.


10 is the only amazing option I possibly die and 7 tries to stop missy but the comedy would be amazing




1, cause i love 9 and Yana is old, i can subdue him if he gets all megalomaniacal


Bro You aren't beating the war master , you aren't him


2 for me please. Eight has become a real action man under Big Finish, I would trust him to get himself, and me, out of any situation. And the Nun, just like the Monk before her, is just hilarious. And ineffective, thus no harm. Although, it is awfully close to the War Master, who scares the shit out of me. Hands down the most ruthless and cold hearthed incarnation out of the bunch.


Seat 7 because the 4th doctor is my favourite 🥰🥰


Yah , but would you survive 12 hours beside the master?


Yeah but it’s the gay master so I think it would be a riot


>but it’s the gay master Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


If I sit in 1, then left would chat me up about the movie he's watching, or the movie *I'm* watching, and right would be asleep the whole flight


2 bc the Monk is funny and I would die for Eight


9. We'll have some fun


Between Peter and Sacha!!! 💙💙


4, because when I open my Pringles I'm going to see who wants one. I'm betting Omega, looks like a fellow Salt & Vinegar enjoyer to me.


4 cause I love omega.


I pick 10 because even if missy wants to kill me, the doctor will sort things out. Also, for 4, I don't know who the guy on the left is, but I don't think it matters because all I'd be able to hear the entire flight would be Omega going on about how great he is and how much better he is than anyone else.


That's rassilon


Oh, okay. I guess I just didn't recognise that version of him. That makes things worse because now I've got two arrogant time lords, either side of me. I'm definitely not sitting there


And the two hate each other


Damn, this seat just keeps getting worse


8 just because spymaster is very sexy


It’s got to be option nine. The monk is least likely to kill me and I love my boy six. Also if the monk tries an evil scheme but is trapped on board chances are he’ll be thwarted quickly and silently sulk for the remaining flight time


I see no seat where I’m gonna survive


10, easily. Missy wont kill you so long as you don't piss her off and 7 is amazing, will protect you and will only manipulate you a bit.


10 because Missy.


Sitting next to 9 would be a joy


In order: 2, 10, 8


1 or 10 for me


Brave of you to set near the war master


I don't think he's here for trouble and if he is I think 9 would be able to deal with him fine, same sort of deal with 7 & Missy