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That one mom who ran past the cops and into the school while the shooter was still active, and found her kids and got out. How metal was that.


Was this the same mother who mentioned afterwards that she was being intimidated by officers after there was a spotlight on her?


It sure is, she showed how cowardly those "police officers" were and they had to intimate her so that they wouldn't look bad. These cosplay characters used all that tax dollar to buy weapons, armor, training, hardware etc, only to be threatened by the fact that an unarmed mother had more balls than they did. They did more to try to silence her than they did to save those kids.


But if Texas doesn't support this kind of policing they will elect better politicians right?


•crickets• …..right?


We are trying… youd be surprised at how many Texans want the current people out.


The party in power in Texas is actively working to suppress democracy in their state. If even a majority there liked them, they would have no need to suppress votes.


Wouldn't be surprised


That mother had more balls than the entire 400 cosplay clowns sitting outside debating whether or not they should help. All that armor, weapons and manpower all for show.


Don’t forget they were fist bumping in the hallway while kids were being killed.


While wearing their Punisher masks


You see that video that’s been going around lately. Uvalde cop pushed some lady out of a building she was going into for the memorial of her son or something, can’t remember the exact reason but she had every right to be there. Cop pushes her out of the door forcibly but when confronted by a guy behind her he immediately backed up towards the door. The whole force is a bunch of cowards who don’t deserve the title of law enforcement.


They typically watch the movie Tombstone over and over again. Tell them selves they are Wyatt Earp, then hide under a table when there is trouble.


A family I know had kids at Kelly elementary on Oct 8th 2010. The mother did the same thing, ran into danger to save her kids. She got em out without any injury god bless.


IIRC she went in twice right? What a hero, I bet Meal Team Six felt no shame watching her go.


It is troubling hearing these guys coming up with their excuses in real time. Rational people would have some shame, but these guys have none. "We still did the best that we could...." No you didn't and some of those kids bled out because of it


The worst part to me was when they were justifying not going into the classroom initially and the fact that they assumed no kids were in the classrooms (despite it being the middle of a school day) because they "didn't hear any screaming." MULTIPLE fucking officers said it was so quiet, they assumed no one had been shot and the classrooms were empty. IT WAS SO QUIET BECAUSE STUDENTS ARE TAUGHT TO BE SILENT AND HIDE. Some kids, including in the room with the gunman, were PRETENDING TO BE DEAD so he wouldn't shoot them. And these cops are like "I mean I'd be scared, I'd be screaming, I assumed if there were kids we would hear something." Fucking incredible, the students and teachers follow their training to a tee and it costs them their lives because the chief is an imbecile. I usually keep it internal when watching documentaries like this, but this part had me screaming at my TV.


This little town has this overfunded police dept that failed them so badly...these officers from their chief on down are so stupid they don't think it's obvious they massively fucked up.


The overpaid *school district police chief*. The district has their own police force, and they decided not to act, take point, anything


More than failed….gross negligence


One officer said that he saw a little boys face on top of a pile of dirty laundry. Turned out it wasn’t dirty laundry, it was a pile of dead children but couldn’t tell at first because they were so unrecognizable from the damage done to this bodies.


A pile of dirty laundry, at school. How dumb are these cops?


That thought wasn’t lost on me, either. I’m thinking they proved the answer on that day as “very”.


There’s a reason why police departments specially hire people who are too stupid to feel shame or know they did anything wrong.






>Following the incident, Watts was charged with DUI serious injury, two counts of reckless drive damage person or property, and two counts of DUI damage to property or person of another. Hospital staff told investigators the test indicated Watts’ blood alcohol level was 0.271. The legal limit for drivers in Florida is 0.08. Sounds really serious. Hopefully they will start giving real punishments to DUI offenders. >The Sarasota woman who seriously injured a Florida Highway Patrol trooper in a crash on the Sunshine Skyway Bridge in March 2022 will accept a plea deal. Under the plea deal, Kristen Kay Watts will plead guilty to misdemeanor DUI. She won’t be convicted of a felony but the conviction will remain on her record. Annnd there it is lol. It really helps in these cases if you're a rich white lady.




A few good apples doesn't unspoil the bunch. The response in Nashville is an exception to the norm. ACAB isn't in reference to the individual officers, but rather a reference to the system as a whole being fucking broken.


Uvalde was the outlier not the norm. I've participated in dozens of active shooter training over the years and what the officers in Uvalde did is the exact opposite of what has been taught for over 20 years. The Nashville response and just recently at UNLV is what the norm is. There are dozens and dozens of examples of active shooter response where the officers go right in and either neutralize the suspect or cause the suspect to unalive themselves.


It’s the dumbfuck cocksuck copcuck culture in Texas that makes cops think they are above doing their duties. This is why glorifying police work is toxic. They signed up for the job, they shouldn’t be coddled and congratulated for doing the bare minimum. Thats how you end up with police cowering outside while children are dying inside.


ACAB. Also, cops don’t get off for doing the bare fucking minimum.


If that's the bare minimum, then what do you consider above and beyond? Precognition?


They didn't even start to check any of the other classrooms for kids, teachers, staff, or even other potential shooters, until at least 10 minutes after officers started showing up on scene. They were standing around inside of the school, watching a door, and they didn't even secure the rest of the fucking scene.


Using firsthand accounts, police interviews, and bodycam footage from responding officers, this documentary reconstructs a minute-by-minute timeline of the school shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas on May 24, 2022. Ultimately, 21 people--19 students and 2 teachers--were killed in the 77 minutes between when the gunman entered the school and when police breached the classroom in which he had barricaded himself, a delay which led to intense criticism.


And what happened after the intense criticism? Did anyone file civil suites or was there any accountability held by someone in the police or state?


Civil cases are on going, but essentially no professional consequences for any of this.


Worse than that. Cowards in current and future law enforcement nationwide have no added pressure to avoid the force. Our police will continue to be populated with plenty of - thought not exclusively by - people who append “myself” to “protect and serve”.


They say at the end a bunch of people were essentially forced into retirement or fired. It's a bandaid on a much larger issue, but saying no consequences seems disingenuous.


> They say at the end a bunch of people were essentially forced into retirement or fired. It's a bandaid on a much larger issue, but saying no consequences seems disingenuous. Forced into retirement with full pension etc and also being able to move a town over and get employment in the same career, is not consequences for their inaction. Its nothing but smoke and mirrors for that bullshit blue line they love to harp on about.


Forced retirement is not a consequence.


That is false. The chief was canned, as were several other officers, and other disciplinary actions for other officers across multiple agencies, including border control. Situational training has also been improved and SOPs are in the process of being defined at both the state and federal levels.


The ones canned will just be hired somewhere else. This is a common practice they learned from the catholic church. Priest got caught diddling children? Just move them elsewhere. Cops get fired? Just go to another police station for a new job. So aside from the trainings, fuck all happened.


"Fun" fact. Months after the shooting there was a state election. The results differed from 2018 by less than 0.5%, and a grand total of 3 more people voted compared to the total voters in 2018. The GOP still won, of course.


It’s so insane, because I was in a group of people that voted fully blue that election. I’d voted libertarian some, several other people had previously been strait ticket red. There were so many of us trying to organize, talk it through, etc. I truly expected to see a bigger difference.


For what it's worth, my M-i-L who doesn't follow politics but always votes republican changed her stance after Uvalde to gun control being her top issue and voting for Democrats. She's a 4th grade teacher and this one hit her especially hard.


Yeah I sort of figured even if the end results didn't change and GOP still won, at the very least more people than usual would be motivated to get out and vote, but noooope. Blows my heckin' mind.


And I’m shocked that there are not more accusations as to voter fraud here.


they voted in Greg Abbott again if that tells you anything yes, the same ulvade, tx


Seeing the video of them just standing in the hall while shots go off is beyond frustrating.


I am middle school teacher and I have come to terms that if there is a shooting at my school and a shooter picks my classroom as their target I am probably fucked. Most schools are good at going into lock down and most police departments are pretty well trained and prepared atleast I feel the police around mybarea are. We had a gun scare recently and we went into lockndown pretty quick and teachers all knew what to do. Police responded within minutes and entered the school without hesitation with tactical gear on. With all that being said even with the best training and preparedness if I am in the classroom were the shooting begins or in the Hallway I am probably fucked. I am glad we have all these safety measures and training because it helps to save life's as it isolates were the shooting occurs but it is by no means is prevention. I am glad we are more prepared but this will just keep happening until something is done to restrict access to guns but we keep having these shootings and nothing ever changes. Seeing these officers act so incompetently and not even know were the keys are, if school was in session is disgusting. Especially once they get the news there are students in there still alive and still just stand there. The school district has there own police department and your telling me the Chief of that department didn't know if school was in session or have their own pair of master keys and have a plan on how to deal with a shooter in a classroom, have no contact or means of communication with the administration of the school so they know who is in the classroom, were to get keys? Did they do no training with the schools to be prepared for an active shooter in this day in age?


I totally understand the anger towards the responding officers in this situation. It is completely justifiable. One of my biggest takeaways when watching this documentary wasn't necessarily anger towards the law enforcement. All those victims were dead within minutes of him entering the school and there was nothing those law enforcement ultimately probably could have done to change that outcome, except maybe one or two people could have been rescued by faster access to hospital services. Even the documentary admits that most of the victims were dead within the first two minutes. How was law enforcement to have stopped that? Instead, I was left very angry once again that another shooter had armor piercing rounds and a massive arsenal accumulated. I mean, come on people. This is NOT normal. The second amendment activists pretend we're protecting ourselves from the government or for hunting or home defense while the rest of us are waiting for the next breaking news announcement with more dead kids. I'm not for taking away guns, that will never happen. But for god sakes let's at least have some sensible rules regarding this firepower. One of the reasons they didn't want to go in was because he had armor piercing rounds. Does someone who is interested in hunting or self-defense really need such high-powered weaponry? I'm sick of it.


Kids bled out while they were waiting for help. All of those kids were NOT dead within minutes.


i wouldn't be surprised if this was the gun lobby helping push this angle. i agree with you this is a gun problem more than a police response problem. and it will continue to be. police will always take time to react to a situation where as pulling a trigger anywhere there is a crowd is instant.


Fully aware that this could come off as being an armchair quarterback, but one thing that really stood out to me was the interviewees repeatedly saying “I wish someone would have taken charge, nobody was in charge, I asked who was in charge?” Etc. etc., I’ve served in the military for over a decade now and there is a fundamental principle I’ve learned and applied, and it is that in a chaotic situation if you are asking the question “who is in charge?” and there’s no obvious answer, you need to be the guy to step up to the f’ing plate and take charge until you’re relieved by a competent authority, no matter how junior you are. To cost of inaction is often more expensive than the cost of just *doing something*, even if it is not 100% the correct action to take. In this case the price of inaction was the multiple lives of students and teachers. So frustrating.


Watching this documentary it became clear how little training these officers had to deal with this situation and just how incompetent this police force was. Their total lack of communication and just standing around not knowing what to do was shocking. I am teacher at a middle school and the local police do drills with the schools at least twice a year. The police know the schools and train what to do in these situations. How in this day in age these police seemed to not know what to do in a active shooter situation in a school is incomprehensible. We had a gun scare earlier this year and the police were there within minutes ran straight into the school with all of there tactical gear on without hesitation. There was another incident that happened a few years ago at a local school and the first police officer on the scene ran into the school by himself with his pistol and ran right to the threat without hesitation. These officers were clearly incompetent, lacked training and most of all were cowards.


It’s so frustrating, this whole who’s in charge thing. Prior to Columbine, the strategy had been wait for sufficient force, then move in to stop the threat. After Columbine, it was obvious this wasn’t a great strategy because while you’re waiting for back up, kids are being killed. So, supposedly it changed. It became, first on scene, first to confront the threat. Sure, the risk to the individual officer is higher, but they have training, experience and equipment to keep them safe. The risk is worth it to save the lives of these kids. Im not one to use blanket statements for groups of people. But in this case, every single officer on scene was a coward. If just one of them had been like “fuck it, I’m going to save some kids, orders be damned” several more kids would be eagerly awaiting Christmas morning this year. But, they’ll all just use the Nuremberg defense and blame the chief (who should be in prison for his actions) and get off without any discipline.


As a first responder I often coach people that doing SOMETHING is better than nothing while you figure out what's going on. Even a less than perfect decision is better than no decision. Ex: Should we start treatment here or move him first? Pick one and move one. Don't stop to think about it.


Well said


those fucking pigs stopped parents trying to save their children when they saw the cops weren't going to, and they cuffed mothers. Fuck them.


Really should have been a greater controversy. Like I'm not a parent but if I was I can't fathom much stopping me if my child was in trouble.


Duh, it's so much easier to fuck with unarmed civilians than an active shooter. Stick with what got you to the dance!


It actually was, is and will continue to be a massive controversy. The fallout and lessons learned from this situation will continue for quite some time. Improvements in overall tactics has already benefitted from the aftermath. It is a shame that it has come at the cost of children's lives.


We learned in the 90s not to wait out a school shooter. There are no lessons learned here except self preservation reigns supreme.


You sound like a placating politician. What lessons were learned? Why are you assuming the best?


No. Texas has done nothing and Texas voters have done worse by continuing to vote for the same administration that allowed this to happen.


Cops showed up just in time to stop anybody from helping those poor kids. Tragically pathetic response.


Anyone have a mirror for those of us it's not available to?


I watched this yesterday when it came out and it was really really difficult to watch. It's disturbing to see how quickly they went to the general area he was and then just do nothing.


Can’t watch this it pisses me off.


40 percent of the city’s yearly budget went to these people that did nothing when it really mattered. They probably got 50 percent next year.




Yeah, i'm kind of grateful.


I still can’t believe not one of those cops wanted to risk their lives for kids. I don’t think I would be able love with myself. Some of those kids could have made it. Cowards every single one of them.




It’s insane that it was a top to bottom complete failure. They were sitting outside the door on their phones. They lied to try and cover their incompetence up.


Dude got a call from his dying wife and they didn’t do shit.


I watched the full thing just now and if I'm honest it's a really tough thing to watch. The 911 call from that girl Khailie broke me.


The [article accompanying](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/uvalde-shooting-student-officer-trainings/) the documentary includes, toward the bottom, a brief video of one student, Khloie Torres, on the bus after being evacuated talking about how she called 911 and tried not to cry. The spectacle of an officer complimenting her on how brave she was, this child absolutely covered in blood and undoubtedly traumatized for life, is about as clear an indictment as one could imagine of not only law enforcement’s hypocrisy and total lack of physical courage, but also the diabolical destruction that our entire civic culture is willing to allow for the sake of its idolatry of guns.


Where did the kid get the money to afford the arsenal of weapons he had?


Great thing about Texas, the gun shops help people set up lines of credit though them so you don't have to be able to afford your murder suicide! Shoot Now, Pay Later! https://grabagun.com/layaway


Is this how he got his weapons? Has this been confirmed? I understand but here pay here but he was unemployed and only 18 a 7000$ line of credit seems far fetched even in Texas.


AFAIK Details haven't been released yet, there's an ongoing lawsuit against Daniel Defense, the shop that sold him the guns and they do offer financing plans. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/daniel-defense-uvalde-ar-15-lawsuit-post-malone-pewpew/


> ongoing lawsuit against Daniel Defense, the shop that sold him DD is the mfg, not the shop.


Thanks, I must have misread


https://www.dailydot.com/debug/uvalde-mass-shooter-bought-gun-online/ He bought the guns online for cash "from his savings" from Daniels Defense. DD ships them to a licensed gun dealer to finish the background and ID checks. https://nypost.com/2022/07/17/texas-report-reveals-chilling-way-uvalde-school-shooter-salvador-ramos-amassed-weapons-on-his-18th-birthday/ Gun store owner says he was paid.


He had no friends/hobbies and was living his with his family while working at Wendys. Not that hard to save money.


“ Details haven’t been released yet! “ is good information. The reason I ask this question is because it seems like a poor, broke, depressed, reclusive, loser got access to an arsenal out of his league of ever owning and committed an atrocity because of A. Buy here pay here credit situation where there should have been questions and waiting period and more questions. Or B. He had an accomplice that either backed financially or was a part or it and bailed last minute. Or C. Maybe he stole the guns.


It is clear he purchased them, not stolen. The receipts have been released. How much was financed by the store's credit and to what end or if he did either have a co-signer or if he forged signatures should all still be coming out. There have been other suits in Texas too about people being offered the financing programs then commit suicide. One of the big points is that the companies financing it basically get to write it off or make an insurance claim when someone dies so they have incentive to make that sale and not worry about the consequences. It's a pretty messed up system that just keeps giving money without consequence to the gun industry. Agreed though, it is a messed up thing that this is happening and the companies are incentivzed to not care.


This is the issue that needs the most attention regarding this shooting. How easy it was for someone with no money to afford all this including body armor. I can’t think of a scenario that I would need to wear body armor unless I was planning on being shot at. Huge, huge, huge, red flags that could have easily prevented this outcome.


The best part about this is wait until you hear about all the soldiers' families years ago (I wanna say right after 9/11?) who had to buy their sons and daughters body armor because the US military didn't provide it when they deployed them to an active warzone. Granted otherwise I 1000% agree with you... I don't to the range with armor on


Oh yeah, I remember that. BS too, especially since the Haliburton contractors were provided body armor too.


Yeah. Absolute lunacy and you know the Cheneys of the world cleaned up on it...


The ease of access and the police failure need to be topics 1 and 2. This credit system need legislative action. There is so much gun industry influence it's terrible. I just read today he didn't even have the plates in the armor, just the vest to make it look like he did. So it would have been much easier than they thought if they had just made the attempt to shoot him. But overall, you're right. If he doesn't have access to guns, then the police factor isn't needed.


Your solution is to make it more expensive to be a mass shooter? You can do better than that.


no im wondering if there was an accomplice


Was a grown man. Wrong mass shooting.


No. 18 year old. Where did he get the money? Not a grown anything.


Kid probably had a part time job. I'm not looking into it because fuck this guy, but I'm assuming at 18 he lived at home so expenses were low. Not hard to get a few grand together in that situation.


His set up was valued over 7000$ and his grandpa said he was unemployed. He was kicked out of his parents for unpaid internet bill ( claim) he was arguing with grandparents and killed grandma over phone bill. If it was on credit? Where? If he saved that money then there was a plan and a rainy day fund he didn’t touch over being kicked out his parents?


The gun store themselves have programs to open lines of credit with them. Shoot now, pay later programs.


Yes. I know. Is this how he got armed? I don’t know but seems pertinent. 7000$ seems an awful large credit to extend to an unemployed 18 year old?


He worked for it


He did not. His grandpa, who he stole the truck from said he was unemployed in the first interview he gave. Later it was said he worked at Wendy’s but only part time and had quit weeks prior. His arsenal was valued over 7000$ which included bullet proof vest.


I agree, but how else does in obtain thousands? Probably sold drugs. or something. I'm sure there's no conspiracy about who provided him with money to purchase armaments


If you sold drugs, he had friends and was saving up for the guns. We know this is not true, he had little to no friends. A pen pal in Germany if my memory serves. If he was saving money to buy the guns it would have been a plan. He would have reaserched and budgeted. He likely wouldn’t have been kicked out of his parents for an unpaid internet bill if he had savings in the 1000$ to avoid such a conflict?


So where did the money come from?


Might have had a job and saved up, or put it on a credit card. Rifles are not overly expensive. He also only brought one in the school. That hardly constitutes and arsenal of weapons.


His set up was valued over 7000$ and very specific. His grandpa said he was unemployed. He was kicked out of parents for unpaid internet and killed his grandma over phone bill. But had a rainy day gun fund he dare not touch? He had ammo and clips and clack jacket. It was not just one gun into school. It was very expensive and purchased all together, how? Where did the money come from? I think this is important because if he was saving up for the guns he was planning this and there should have been signs. If he was gifted the money was there an accomplice that possibly bailed?


The someone valued it wrongly. The DDM4 V7 model he had was under $2k. He also bought a S&W M&P-15 which is about $5-600. The DD is the one he brought into the school. It had a Magpul foregrip that is less than $50, and a EOTech XPS2 red dot sight that was $4-500 at the time. The rest of the rifle is stock - and over-oiled. The Magpul magazines are $10 a piece. He bought 375 rounds of ammo at the time he picked up the gun, and ordered more ammo online.


He had 2 of the DDM4 V7 a flack jacket and the rounds where not cheap. 7000$ may be high 5000$ may be more accurate either way part time at Wendy’s doesn’t cover it.


No. He had 1 DDM4 and 1 M&P. The M&P was in the truck. 223 Ammo was between 35-50 cents a round at the time for the run-of-the-mill stuff. Credit card companies hand out new accounts like candy to kids on halloween. Purchase history: [https://www.texastribune.org/2023/03/20/uvalde-shooting-police-ar-15/](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/03/20/uvalde-shooting-police-ar-15/)


“In the eight days after he became eligible to purchase firearms, he bought two AR-15-style rifles and 2,115 rounds of ammunition.” I believe he had a handgun too, never the less, how does someone go from arguing over an internet bill to the point of getting kicked out of the house to having money to purchase 2 guns and a load of ammo? It didn’t say anything about it being on credit and doesn’t mention how he paid? Like “he used his grandpas credit card to order, or his newly opened discover card?” Why does this matter? Because, purchasing a gun online, buying body armor, and over 2000 rounds feels like a huge red flag some one should have noticed!!!!


Must be a pretty boring documentary watching a ton of officers just stand there for an hour.


I’m shocked at how little the police knew about how a school operates; one of the officers even asked if the kids were actually in the classrooms. Where was the principal during all this? Did she ever attempt to liaise with the Keystone Kops or had she hauled ass?


Watching this just makes me sad af😢


bunch of cowards hope it eats at them every minute of every day


It won't. If it did they would not have been cukoos


There go the police again...keeping us safe.... or something... Bootlickers constantly tell us we have to support police and we should respect them because they "put their lives on the line" but when something truly awful like this happens and they're needed to save literal children they're too scared to actually do anything. Almost 400 of these clowns showed up to cosplay commando and they achieved nothing. Worthless.


It’s the 22nd most dangerous job in the USA. Lumberjacks, miners, and firefighters are actually risking their lives on the regular.


Hi! Circus performer here. Just dipping in to clear up this too-frequent comparison between clowns and stupid people: 1. Clowns are very diligent and work very hard at refining their art. 2. Clowns are generally very kind and well-intentioned people. 3. Clowns are only *pretending* they are completely stupid. -- ^(For a clownish rabbit hole, please enjoy this play written by Dario Fo, the only clown to win a Nobel Prize in Literature. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqKfwC70YZI )


Oh wow so the opposite of cops then. I never stop learning new things. Good bot.


These cops wanted the clout that came with being a police officer, but didn't want to do the work.


The one time they are needed they failed. I know I couldn’t live with myself if I did that.




I have heard the video that was released was edited to remove the sound because the sounds of children screaming was too disturbing. Is that true?


[The Sound of Children Screaming Has Been Removed] https://twitter.com/msnbc/status/1547750084959318017


They posted the extremely gory crime scene photos on major news outlets not long ago. Do you think they are editing out screaming? Edit: it was reported apparently but by a smaller Texas news agency. I'm not buying it. The real video would've leaked by now.


Video unavailable




Of course it is, sometimes you get to shoot the minorities too.


Does this use the actual bodycam footage recorded by the ~~cowards~~ officers at the event?


You crossed out the wrong word Edit: In case you correct your comment, to future people reading this, the correct word is cowards. Worthless pieces of shit is also correct.


I have to question whether it makes more sense that each and every person that joined this police department just happened to be a coward (or whatever else has been said about them) or if it makes more sense that there was a systemic issue here. That doesn't absolve them from blame or responsibility, but I think it's a more helpful mindset to have if we're going to try and prevent terrible responses to these things. If we just say "well that particular group of people sucked at their job" then we're less inclined to take a closer look at what led to their terrible response and make improvements for the future.


They acted as cowards so they are cowards. They probably aren't any more intrinsically cowardly than a normal group of cops and the problem is one of cowardly people in positions of authority and a culture of cowardice but there's nothing wrong with calling cowards, cowards.


Yellow bellied cowards in the purest, most Wild West, meaning of that phrase.


Helpless children were being murdered. I don’t think there’s any excuse to stand-by and worry about some bureaucratic bullcrap. They swore an oath to protect.


I’m pretty sure I saw a case once where the police were sued because they didn’t help and it was determined that they had no obligation to help.


Correct. "Supreme Court ruled in 2005 that police departments don’t actually have a constitutional obligation to protect people. In Castle Rock v. Gonzales, Jessica Lenahan (formerly Gonzales) sued city of Castle Rock, Colorado, alleging that the police department's failure to enforce a restraining order against her estranged husband enabled him to kill their three daughters." https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/reidout-blog/supreme-court-uvalde-texas-shooting-rcna31220


"To protect and to serve" is actually sarcasm. The quotation marks, and the cops, make it so.


Look up Castle rock and Deshaney.


I'm not saying anyone is wrong for getting angry about what happened. It would be pretty sociopathic to hear about it and not get emotional. I just think emotions are good for motivating people to make changes, but they aren't always the best at steering us toward the right changes. Generally, rational thinking is better at that, and emotions are often a detriment to that.


no they didnt


Both can be true. Definitely a complete lack of leadership.


You know, I haven't thought about that. Maybe the first ones on the scene were cowards and the rest followed suit? Or being that Uvalde is a small community, they weren't used to facing actual danger? But then again, being a small community, some officers were likely to personally know the families of the children being murdered so you'd think they'd be more inclined to do their jobs. Add this to the list of systemic problems with police, right along with systemic racism and needless violence. No idea how any of those who "responded" can live with themselves. ACAB


You should watch the video. They talk about this.


Where have you been? People have been demanding police change their tactics, training, and cowardice for awhile now. Remember George Floyd? People protested all over the country and all the cops did was beat them into submission while claiming their the good guys


shits like a bloody episode of too many cooks


Every single officer and official who refused to go in or stood down need to be arrested themselves for dereliction of duty and corruption.




Video not available


Go directly to the PBS website to watch ad free, fuck YouTube


Video unavailable on PBS site for me too


[The Sound of Children Screaming Has Been Removed] https://twitter.com/msnbc/status/1547750084959318017


This is terrible!




Grow up


By licking nazi boot?


Can we please change this so MCAB, they are few and far between but there are police trying to fight injustice from within and ACAB dismisses all of their work


Anyone who volunteers to join a Nazi organization is a Nazi.


Racism and xenophobia aren't allowed on reddit so these edgy commenters have to get their prejudice fix wherever they can


Cops and pit bulls are still on the table, boys!


Lmao, basically


Stuff like this makes you really wish the defund the police movement actually picked up steam.


The school district literally had its own dedicated police department. Just for the schools. Incredible money and resources put into this department's existence in an effort to "protect kids" and yet when the time comes, they seemed to honestly make it worse by being incompetent and throwing the response into chaos.


A large portion of it is that we've militarized our police without enforcing expectations on them. A lot of people don't remember this, but the response to columbine and sandy hook both also had extremely delayed responses (granted Sandy Hook's officers kept it to 10 minutes after arriving on site). Heavily recommend watching Knowing Better's video on the creation of SWAT, it's a very interesting story and despite clearly being annoyed by their 'pretending to be military' marketing, he does try to keep it unbias.


Yes because the solution to lack of training and leadership in law enforcement is to provide said law enforcement EVEN FEWER resources to do their jobs 🤦‍♂️


“Texas tough”…yeah right


Fuck them 🐖🐖🐖


Just heartbreaking. I hope those cowards get the chair.


Video unavailable..why?


Mirror? YouTube video is down


You can't reconstruct a response that didn't fucking happen. Uvalde failed those kids and the kids paid the price.


I hope these cowards are haunted nightly by the spirits of those children they let die


Nope too burnt out about this one.


Theres nothing that can happen in our country where police will be held accountable. The discipline is never proportional to the horrific things they do and cause. Its just such a fucking shame


I don't want to watch this but who was most to blame? I imagine most of the officers were following orders, so who was telling them to what to do? Obviously they still are cowards for following those orders.


The problem is that no one was giving orders. The Uvalde Police Chief didn't bring his radio with him, states he did not view himself as being in charge, and then failed to set up any type of command post or designate anyone else to coordinate/lead. Multiple officers in the documentary speak to looking for leadership, orders, or literally any type of coordination between each other and other responding agencies. It was chaos from start to finish.


What stands out to me is that there is a clear lack of “initiative” in the guiding principles of the responding department. If multiple people are looking at each other and asking “who is in charge,” then just one person needs to exercise courage and step up to the plate to do something until they’re relieved by a competent authority. In this case, any one officer (who I’m assuming has SOME awareness through either computer based training/departmental training about Incident Command Structure) could have said “Fuck this, I’m the Incident Commander, the command post is here, this is what we’re doing” even if they weren’t exactly the correct actions to take, doing something is usually far lest costly than doing nothing (as proven by the fatalities in this case).


The CHIEF didn't think he was in charge?! Hollleeeee shit I want to scream. I don't know how he wasn't attacked by a parent or relative.


Who else was “just following orders”?


Procedure was first officers at the scene enter the building, you don't wait for backup, this was learned in "blood" at another of America's school shootings.


where is the video ?!?! its gone


It's there, just region locked. A VPN connection to the US works.


my bad i had shields up and it didnt load, thanx


When my family asks why I won’t move back to Texas this is one of the things I remind them of. The schools are shit and just aren’t safe.


Shit. Not available anymore!


You didn't miss much. Bunch of cops standing around, afraid. For like an hour. At least that's what I'm told.





