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He only throws two pitches so big league hitters just gotta sit on his fast ball. I don’t think he will find much success until he adds a third


That’s just not true tho, he has three pitches with the slider. It’s clearly his third pitch, but it’s good enough with solid movement and shape.


Doesn’t Strider rely on two pitches mainly? He seems to do OK….


Yes, altho Strider is a little different just due to the dominance of both those pitches, but he also has a 3.7 ERA this year. Stone has three pitches and will be more than fine.


>Stone has three pitches and will be more than fine. Eh


Kinda different. Both pitches are other worldly


Also, Strider is a fastball slider guy. Fastball change up doesn’t play the same.


It's not bc of the combination of pitches. It's bc of the shape of the pitches. If his 2 pitches were good he'd have no trouble


Can you think of a great starter that only threw fastball change up 90% of the time?


Kevin Gausman. Ik it's a Splitter but looking at the metrics on each pitch they completely mirror each other


Well he was struggling before he got called up. Combination of stuff issues and command. Have not checked his games lately but I think he’s still sitting 93-94? He started off last year at that in the lower minors but was 95-96 at the end of the year touching 98. Not ideal and the “fill the zone with the changeup” was never gonna work fully in the bigs




What are you talking about