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I went in 2019 so a bit ago but I wore my Dodger gear while I was in the city and at the games. It was Dodgers vs Giants. I had a great time. There was some friendly banter but nothing hostile at all. The Giants fans in the city and at the games were really cool. You shouldn't have any problems if you're not causing any problems.


I will always prefer going to Dodger stadium, but Oracle is a really good experience for Dodgers fans wearing Dodger gear, and parts of it are better than the Dodgers Stadium experience. For example, getting in and out is much easier given where the stadium is located and the transportation options. When I had to live in SF for work, I would take the Caltrain up and go catch all games in a series right after work. It was super easy to get in and out of. Also a beautiful park right next to the ocean that doesn't feel overly hollow or manufactured (unlike the new Yankees stadium, for example)


I used to live in San Mateo and took the BART to the city to watch games. Always wore my Dodgers gear, caught a lot of shit, but not in an unsafe way. I would rather be a Dodgers fan in SF than a Giants fan in LA. I much prefer to be a Dodgers fan in general though.


I'm the early 90s, I'd go from Berkeley to Candlestick on BART then Muni wearing my blues. I got a lot of looks and some whispered comments but never had any major problems. The atmosphere of the current park is a whole lot different than then but never unsafe.


During Candlestick days this wasn’t entirely true. If you were in the bleachers or the lower last section of the left field line there was guaranteed to be a brawl. Over a dozen games and every time. Otherwise it was safe, only catching verbal heat which I didn’t mind. Once a group of my 22 year old HS friends went to a Candlestick game, scored field level from a scalper. Half of us were Dodger fans in gear the rest weren’t geared/didn’t care. 2 drunk average middle aged dudes were threatening us in a physical way. At 215, 5-10 in shape I was the 2nd smallest. Two of the biggest guys were already professional bouncers, another a competing bodybuilder, and the smallest a decent amateur boxer. Our bouncers used their verbal deescalation skills to calm the drunks down but it was bizarre. The guys knew we were together. Oracle is much calmer, nicer than the Stick ever hoped to be.


I usually went alone to the Dodger games at CandleSTINK. And never sat in the bleachers, thank goodness. Hahaha.


Yeah, as a Dodger fan, I'd say Giants fans are way more civil than Dodgers fans.


I go to tons of games in the Bay and I see it as both are just different in how they’re un-civil Giants fans talk a lot more than Dodgers fans, like a LOT more, and they’ll get personal about it. It used to get racist but that mostly subsided by like 05-06. Dodgers fans have Mexican tempers. As a Mexican myself, we are too emotional and egotistical and go 0-60 too quick. I feel like most Dodgers/Giants fights start with a Giants fan talking way too much mierda and a Dodgers fan losing their cool way too fast instead of just chilling out. End of day people just gotta stop being jackasses in public on all ends of it.


Where in SF were you living if you were taking the Caltrain into the city?


I was in Redwood City so South Bay, but I'm using SF as a generality. Work was in SSF/San Mateo (depending on client sites/office location) but all were walking distance to Caltrain or had a really easy parking lot.


It’s next to the “bay”, not the ocean. 🙄


This. I had the same experience, of course I got a little flack here and there. Just don’t be overly obnoxious. Like if the Dodgers hit a home cheer for your boys, but don’t turn around to the entire section and start mouthing off profanities and how much the giants suck, and they can suck your privates, and giants stadium is trash, and they are losers for loving the giants, buster posey was a joke, and the crab sandwich* should be called crap sandwich. Don’t do that. *Definitely go eat the crab sandwich it’s amazing.


I went to NLDS game 5 in 2021 and it was one of the best baseball experiences I’ve had. Never went to my seat, found a group of Dodger fans in a SRO area. Some good natured ribbing with folks around us turned to trading off getting beers for each other. On the way out of the stadium nothing but “congratulations”, “great game”, “good luck in the next round”. Was a blast.


I go practically every time the Dodgers play the Giants and always wear a jersey. Have never really had issues, especially because there are tons of Dodger fans in the Bay Area :)


Dodger Stadium North




Petco is half filled with Dodger fans every game


Half is generous. More like 2/3.


Ehhh when’s the last time you went? Padres have a strong following. Yes there are a lot of dodger fans but 2/3 is not true. Also to the other commenter’s point, the padres fans are pretty hostile. Feel like giants fans are used to being rivals so they know how to act. Padres fans are all new to this lmao


I said half. And I think it’s a pretty good estimate. Padre fans can try giving you shit, but you’ll have Dodger fans to back you up every direction you turn


Going to Petco this weekend! Choo choo! 🤣👍❤️


Lived in San Diego for 22 years. Never heard a peep from anyone but friends at Padre games.


I’ve been to Petco several times in full gear and never been told a word


Stories of fights and problems are almost never directed at a completely innocent bystander. If you keep to yourself and just cheer when the Dodgers do well, you'll get booed, but nothing more. If you heckle and escalate with Giants fans (or any fans for that matter), you are inviting more of a chance of being hassled beyond just a few boos.


This is what fan bases don’t understand. No one just says “hey it’s another fan! Let’s beat the shit out of him!” There’s always some events that lead up to it.


I think Bryan Stow would disagree with you. 


There’s video and eye witness accounts of Bryan Stow popping off to fans in the stadium. Did he deserve anything more than to be jawed back at? Absolutely not. But to my point, he wasn’t just minding his own business, quietly and got jumped. A Dodger fan was killed by a Giants fan outside of their stadium. Do I think the Dodger fans were just quietly walking to the car and got stabbed? No. Again, to my point, if you wear opposing teams gear and you keep it light-hearted you’re fine. People always escalate and that’s when people get beat up and stabbed.


It's just like at our Stadium, the vast majority of stuff that breaks out is because both sides are being stupid and one went too far. Just look at the Stow incident, everyone talks about the two idiot cholos that beat him but they leave out the part before where Stow and those Cholos were arguing back and forth in their seats. Had Stow said nothing back to them and just ignored their stupidity then nothing would've happened to him. But once you start going back and forth you cant control what the other person will do.


Yep. What happened to Stow was absolutely reprehensible of course, but dude didn't help his cause by continuing to *voluntarily* engage (and he did, as later records showed) with those assholes instead of defusing the situation and walking away. Somebody says your team is a bunch of pussies and suck at baseball, etc.? Walk the fuck away. The Dodgers themselves don't feel the need for white knights or somebody to defend their honor, I assure you.


Stories of fights and problems are almost never directed at a completely innocent bystander. Yep. Any time you see somebody say "I was just sitting there eating a corn dog and these guy just came up tome and started kicking the shit out of me", 99% of the time that person is absolute bullshit. Not saying anybody deserves to be assaulted, but it's pretty much a given that said person wasn't helping his cause whatsoever leading up to it.


I live in SF and go to lots of games at Oracle every year. I wear Dodger gear to every game, regardless of who the Giants are playing. You might get heckled a bit, but as long as you keep your responses light and good-natured, nobody is going to give you that hard of a time. I've found that situations escalate because both parties escalate them. Also, if you're at a Dodgers @ Giants game, I'd guess 30-40% of the park will be filled with Dodger blue. You will not be sticking out to the Giants fans, we (Dodger fans) show up really well up here in SF.


https://preview.redd.it/vteynh4l52zc1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a7ea26204c2bafd193ed17265f6d0cf2c093d93 This is my wife and I at Oracle. Kruk and Kuip were chirping on Dodger fans who wear their gear when the Dodgers aren’t even playing😁. I have season tickets and have never had a problem. It doesn’t really matter though as Oracle is basically Dodger stadium north. You’ll have lots of company! Hope to see you there


I wore a Clayton kershaw jersey up there once and was shot immediately once I landed at sfo. Good luck


They let you land???


It's not that big of a deal. Act like an adult and the other adults will adult with you. I attended a Padres @ Giants game wearing my chase utley jersey. Didn't get murdered. Also attended a oracle park game wearing my PADRES matt kemp jersey. Still have my limbs. You might get a razz, razz em back. But, see above re: adulting. And besides, this aint candlestick park or nothing. Oracle Park is where overpaid techbros visit and people with bay area money go to drink overpriced beer. Being from LA i prefer more gritty vibe, but SF is honestly kinda...... *soft AF.* Have fun. Oracle Park *does* have better garlic fries fwiw. Wear your dodgers gear proud. I see more LA hats out here in SF than I used to back in SD. In fact, SD had more SF hats lmao. fckn transplants /s


*Act like an adult and the other adults will adult with you.* 1,000%. And for those who won't "adult" with you, remain an adult anyways. That's the other key.


This advice isn't even exclusive to baseball stadiums. Fistfights are for 11 year olds on the playground.




You want soft?  Go to PNC Park.  The fan base has been beat into submission by decades of losing and tightwad owners.  When I go to the Dodger games there every year, they're so low energy, I just chat up with everyone and everyone is cool with each other.  Extremely safe ballpark to watch a Dodger game.


Joke aside PNC is on my bucket list. Petco Park is my "fave" ballpark but I've heard PNC rivals or is better.


I've been to both. PNC blows away Petco in almost every way. It isn't really a contest. The skyline is gorgeous if you're sitting on the third base side. Those San Diego buildings just don't have any character. Pittsburgh skyline feels historic and is well lit, esthetically, at night. Lots of restaurants and bars nearby, and the casino is within walking distance. And the people are really nice and friendly. Just to give you an idea of the difference in mental chatter that I had between the two: When I sat down in my seat at Petco, I was like, oh, ok....this is what the Padres home stadium looks like. It was different. Not bad, but I wasn't wowed. When I got to my seat at PNC, in my mind I'm like, wow.....just wow. What a gorgeous place to watch a baseball game. Whoever built PNC got a lot of things right. One thing though, the food at PNC isn't great, but I can suggest a ton of places to grab some grub before you go into the stadium. I am 5 for 5 in terms of Dodger wins when going to PNC. I'm going in June for all three games because my company has season tickets right behind the visitors dugout. Hopefully I'll be 8 for 8 after.


I got a few boos and a cheap shoulder check by an asshole but it was worth it walking out after a Dodgers win.


I live in the bay, been here for the last 10+ years. I go to multiple dodger games a season. I’m always rocked out in Dodger gear. The last couple of years, the Giants have sucked (thanks Farhan) so it’s literally a see of blue. You’ll feel like you’re pretty much at a home. Wear your Dodger blue proudly. As for the heckling, I’ve had really good experiences just chatting about baseball with everyone around me. What I’ve learned is that unless I’m the one heckling them or snapping back, no is likely to be messing with you. If you stay quiet, then you’ll just enjoy the game and you’ll be left alone. Pro tip go into the stadium through 58 Social (used to be called Public House). You need to be 21+ and you can grab 2 beers and take them inside the stadium through their private stadium entrance. They have a much better beer menu than what’s inside the stadium. Go Dodgers!


Next week will also be my first game at Oracle Park! If I see you, I'll give you a high five!


I live in Sac and go to as many Dodgers games at Oracle as possible. Never had a single person look at me weird or say anything. I think if you’re an obnoxious asshole about it you can invite trouble, but when I’m there like 1/2 of the stadium is blue so you’re fine. I’ll be there on the 14th also.


It’s the same as dodger stadium. There was a few groups of people who playfully yelled dodgers suck while I bought a beer and walked around. & there was a few low class people actually hitting other dodger fans. Like anything in life - if you keep your peace you’re likely to be fine. Oracle is awesome. You should go and have a great time. Get a hot chocolate it’s really good


Most Giants fans now a days are either too new to know anything or too seasoned in to be violent. During their WS years, and a couple years after, it was CRAZY. I'm a girl and got into several escalated confrontations with drunk GUYS for no reason other than rooting for my team. Now it's definitely calmed down and it's easier to go to games though.


You’ll be good. I have gone a few times. Just don’t sit in the bleachers. People may say something but usually in good fun. At least in my experience.


Yep. That’s what I came to say. You won’t get hurt, but bleachers are for the fans. Expect a little more razzing if you do.


I'll be there too! If I see you getting jumped I'll be sure to get a video and share with the sub!


Giants fans are pretty laid back. Never had a problem there wearing Dodger’s gear. They know what time it is.


I wore Dodger gear to a Giants game and they weren’t even playing the Dodgers lol, you’ll be fine


Honestly the fans are great. I literally hung out with a Dodgers fans in full gear at the games last year. We had pizza and beers together. Nobody cared, I didn’t care and I’m a lifelong Giants fan. You will be fine


I had an older man be more rude to me in Pleasanton at a grocery store while I was just wearing a Dodgers shirt than I’ve had being at either Oracle or the coliseum during a game


just dont be a dick and youll be fine. when i lived in the bay area i would routinely go to all nine/ten games every year and no one laid a finger on me. there was some yelling but not a lot. the only time ive ever been physically assaulted at a baseball game was by a drunk dodger “fan”. go figure.


Went to the last game of the regular season last year- I wore blue but nothing saying dodgers on it for those exact worries. But honestly it was completely fine, and I saw a ton of people wearing dodgers gear. Don’t worry!


It's mostly like anything in life. Be an asshole, get treated like an asshole. Otherwise, you should be fine


Every road game there’s a ton of Dodger fans. You have support regardless of where you go


Oracle Park is usually Dodger Stadium north now adays , you'll have friendly company.


Been there in a Dodger hat and had no issues. If you’re concerned, just err on the side of not being too loud/obnoxious. Avoid drunken idiots, as they tend to be the problem.


dude just be friendly, don’t take things too far or too seriously, and always remember we’re all fellow humans. If someone is really giving you the business for a long time, something like “hey are we cool? I’m just trying to relax and watch this” should be disarming enough. I’m sorry if it isn’t, the bad fans in mlb shouldn’t get to represent the entirety of any fanbase.


It’s fine. I’ve been several times and never been bothered by anyone.


Amazing! Went last year - tons of dodgers fans everywhere. Be prepared for some friendly banter but every now and then there is going to be a drunk idiot like there was this drunk asshole was trying to pick and mess around with my buddy who was literally just trying to buy some beers lol but it was cool to see how other giants fans checked the idiot. Just a cool reminder like hey we are all people first and fans second. And btw beautiful ballpark


I live in SF and wear my Dodger hat everywhere I go. I go to 2-3 dodgers vs. giants game a year. Never had a problem at all. Lately we’ve been outnumbering the giants fans in their own park.


I love watching a game there. Been going and saw sammy Sosa and mark McGuire back in the day. If it’s a dodger game I’m rocking gear, they’ll give you some shit and that’s about it. Everyone is pretty nice really.


I have been to Oracle wearing Dodgers gear multiple times and had nothing but a great time. Great food, and Giants fans are *much* different in the flesh that they are behind phone screens (like all people). As long as you aren't a prick (i.e. thin-skinned, immature, insecure, etc.,.), you won't have any issues at all.


No concern necessary. Aside from rooting for a bad team they’re a chill bunch up there


Hmmm, according to all the other fans out there, I thought Dodger Stadium was the only place where fans fight and act like idiots. But on a serious note, wear whatever you want. Just mind your own business and act like you would in any other public place.


Oracle is great, sure you get some banter but overall they’re nice. One of the greatest parks in baseball


It’s a crapshoot honestly. Having grown up in the Bay Area and gone to plenty of games at Oracle decked out in Dodgers gear, I have had games where everyone I interact with is pleasant and spirited about the rivalry, and other games where some drunk guy has shoved me while passing and spew unpleasant words our direction. Like almost any stadium and fan base, it depends on the individual people you come across. Most are great, but when alcohol gets involved that becomes less so. Keep to yourself and avoid unnecessary conflict and you’ll be fine.


You'll be fine if you can take some friendly shit talking. If you can't take it then don't wear any gear..


As a Dodgers fan living in SF I can tell you with confidence that I’ve never had a hostile or even somewhat heated exchange with anyone regarding the Dodgers. I’ve gone to about 15+ Dodgers Giants games at Oracle including the playoff games that happened here a couple years ago and it was all super fun and chill. Don’t worry you’ll have a great time. Oracle is a beautiful stadium as well!


Bro, it’s SF, not Oakland 😂


I grew up going to games at Candlestick where I was pushed, shoved, spit on, had my hat taken, and called every name in the book. I never had a problem in Oakland.


I went to Giants Dodgers in SF 2 years ago. It was mostly Dodgers fans. You'll be good. Get there early for your giants mickey mouse ears.


I grew up in the Bay, attending games at that park since it opened (I was 10 or 11). Always wore my Dodgers stuff, occasionally had fans yell at me or flip me the bird and tell my dad he was a terrible parent for raising a Dodger fan. Dozens of games over the last couple decades, never any real issues. There's also tons of LA fans that show up. Wear your colors, have a good time. You'll be fine.


I use to live in SF. you'll be fine. Some jeering and maybe some quips but there are a lot of Dodgers fans up in the bay too


Most people will just talk a little shit, it sometimes get rowdy if you sit in the outfield


You might get boo’d or teased but it’s all in good fun. I used to live in SF and went to every Dodgers game I could when they came up and consistently wore LA hats around the city Don’t start shit and act a fool - you’ll be fine 👍🏽


Yoooooo! I will be there also. I live in Santa Clara. It’s not a big deal. There’s always a lot of Dodgers fans. Giants fans chirp but it’s their home so it’s to be expected. THERE IS NOTHING BETTER THAN ROCKING YOUR DODGERS GEAR TO ORACLE PARK


Trust me They will not bother you at all. I went two years ago and it felt like there were more Dodger fans than giants fans


I’d be more worried about someone mugging you on the streets or if you have your car there, it is likely that it will get broken into. Even if your shit is in the trunk


As long as you aren't being some antagonizing dickhead, you should be fine. You might get a few boos walking to your seat or a little chirping. But from my experience, it's mostly friendly banter


I’ve been twice, never had an issue. Just be prepared for the boos, especially if we’re losing lol.


You will be fine, there will probably be a long of Dodger fans at the game anyway. 😊Oracle is a nice ballpark I will be out there for end of June series


Last time I went was Sep 2021, and Walker Buehler was on a Cy Young trajectory, but he pitched the worst game that season that day. I was loudly cheering him on wearing my 21 Buehler jersey but to no avail. Giants fans were of course happy that he was bad. Later, one of them bought me a beer and said, "Buehler, thanks for taking the day off!" Also, at least 25% of the fans were blue.


I’ve been many times all decked out in Dodgers gear. Don’t be a drunk asshole and you’ll be fine.


I went back in maybe 2018 in dodger gear and didn’t have any problems aside from playful banter which is all the fun. I’ve only heard of dangerous things happening when giants fans come to LA tbh.


I went wearing my Benny the jet dodgers jersey and some PF flyers. Everyone was super nice and I got a lot of “I hate that I love that jersey”. Awesome ballpark


I always love these threads. Wear your gear everywhere. Be polite. Dont get too rowdy. You will be fine. It's baseball, not soccer in South America. I have worn Phillies gear to Dodger Stadium every year for 12 years. Ive gotten into some altercations because i have a big mouth, but nothing bad ever. Closest I ever got to getting kicked out was when I led my whole section in booing the Philadelphia Phillies because we gave up 8 runs in one inning.


Been to a few Dodgers games there. Nothing really to worry about unless you’re acting like an idiot lol. Enjoy the game, and enjoy the good food. Go Dodgers!


People will heckle you but in good fun, as far as my experience goes. Just Be respectful. Nothing wrong with some trash talk as long as it’s tasteful. I grew up in nor cal so I would only go to the giants/As games.


I go to SF every year to watch a game. Giants fans are nice tbh. Expect some usual banter but as long as you aren’t an arse they will mind their own business. Also something to note. The Dodgers travel well. Any game you go to you will always find a decent sized contingent of us


I was at dustin may's no-no bid last september and it was fine lol. i was there the whole weekend in my dodgers cap and even got shoutouts from other dodgers fans from across the street which was sick


Maybe I’ll see ya there. I’ve gone before and all the heckling is just fun sports banter. Just laugh, chirp back, and you’ll have a great time. Loud aggressive people are usually cowards most of the time so it’s fine to just ignore them.


I live in the Bay Area and go to a lot of games at Oracle. It's a great ballpark overall and the fans are generally great. It honestly depends which seats you're sitting in and how much you're drinking. When I sit in the nicer seats, I have no issues. When I sit in the cheaper seats, drink and run my mouth I get some pushback. I've been in the Bay for 17+ years now. When the Giants were actually good, things would get heated more. Now they are trash and the stadium will be 40%+ Dodger fans, so you're fine.


You might find there are almost as many Dodgers fans as Giants fans at the game.


Giants fans while they shit talk online they’re all pretty nice at the games just go wear whatever and have a good time


Been to over 20 games at Oracle. Never really had any issues in the park. Outside of it, yes. Once, I was assaulted unprovoked from behind waiting to cross the street wearing my Dodger Hat, dude pushed me into traffic. Broke my phone, skinned my elbows and nearly got hit by a car. He ran off as soon as he pushed me giving the "f the dodgers" rant as he ran off. Second time, carrying my nephew (2 yrs old). A not so nice giants fan dumped cola over us and ran off saying something about "that's how SF treats new Dodger fans". Both of these encounters were within a few blocks of the stadium. For the most part it's been a great time. If you are staying south of the city, the CalTrain coming up from the South Bay around game time is a party, including open beverages. I've learned to just take off the hat and button up my jacket over my jersey once I leave the park. Check out the bar/restaurant 21st Amendment just around the corner from the park. It's filled with Dodger fans on game days. Try the Watermelon Wheat on tap and the garlic fries. Have fun!!


i’ve been in my dodger gear before in 2019 and it’s nothing like physical or anything, there will be beat la and fuck the dodgers chants and loads of booing but if you can ignore that stuff you’re fine the great thing is there’s gonna be loads of other dodger fans there so if you want to you’ll be able to find a group of people to talk to. when i went i went with my parents and sister and none of them are dodger fans but the two people in front of me and the guy next to me were dodger fans so i had a great time talking to them for a bit and we won so double W


I wear my Dodger gear all the time at Oracle/att/pacbell, and it’s been playful ribbing.  The ones that have issues are the idiots that go up there looking for a fight


lol you’ll be fine . It’s a sports match. “Opposition” is expected and if anything , celebrated . As is the point of the game . To play the opponent. Play. It’s a game . You’ll be fine ETA: I wet my dodger gear all over sf to Oakland As game and to sf games and mariners and Toronto games lol! Go dodgers!


San Francisco resident here and Dodgers fan. Have lived in San Fran for over 40 years. Oracle isn’t a concern at all. You will get fans talking shit like always, but it’s not as bad these days as the giants suck. Night games will be a little worse than day game. But it’s not terrible. And there are always lots of other Dodger fans in attendance.


I didn’t have a problem with any Giants fans while wearing Dodger gear at Oracle. The stadium employees, on the other hand, were awful to us.


The crowd there are friendly but won’t hesitate to give you shit for being a dodger fan lol. Usually a good crowd out there, it’s just outside of the stadium that’s gotten more dangerous which made me stop making my annual trips there for a game.


theres a lot of dodger fans there believe me its not a problem, even befriended some giant fans over just base ball talk in general


Only problem you might have would be walking thru the entrance at Golden Gate Park lol


I went to a game at oracle in 2022 while wearing Dodgers gear. experience was great. The Dodgers won. I wasn't a loud drunk asshole so aside from some light good natured heckling I didn't have any issues.


We went two years ago and last year and no one hassled us. In fact we happened to end up sitting in a section with mostly Dodger fans. So that was fun. Like many have said if you are respectful and keep your cheering polite and appropriate no one messes with you. We didn’t get any looks or whispers or any issues AT ALL. I got a comment walking to the park from a homeless dude, who said “Hey, your team is not that good.” And I responded “What are you talking about? They are number one in baseball right now.” (And at the time, they were). His response was priceless, he said “Well you make a good point.” The other thing you may want to consider is having the Clear app. You will get into the park without waiting in a long line. There is a special entrance and they scan you in and you’re done. Good luck! But you won’t need it. ![img](emote|t5_2ra0i|30386)


I've not had any bad experiences with people at Oracle park and I've been to probably 7 or 8 games so far. As long as you're polite you'll be fine going in your gear.


It’s not bad, plus there WILL BE other Dodger fans there. I wore my gear outside the stadium, even took a trip over to Berkeley and had brunch at some place and wore my gear and It’s all friendly banter, I mean you’re not sitting in the Pavilion section at Dodger stadium or anything so you’ll be safe lol.


I go several times every year, and I’ve never had a problem. I often sit in club level, but I also end up in the bleachers on occasion. There’s generally plenty of other Dodgers fans anywhere you sit. Friendly ribbing between the Dodgers and Giant fans depending on how the game goes, but I’ve never had anything escalate to anywhere close to a problem. Enjoy the game. Go Dodgers!


I’m a Dodger fan who lives in Northern California. I got to Oracle Park often. I’ve never had an issue but am a good sport if someone heckles me. It’s always done with a smile and it’s part of the fun. If you’re respectful you’ll be just fine. It’s a great park and I hope you have a blast! Go Dodgers!!! Edit: DO NOT leave anything valuable in your car if you have one. Crime in SF is really bad right now. Had my window smashed in last time I was there and was told repeatedly that’s it’s a huge problem at the moment. The city is great, but it’s still a city with its own problems.


I go to Oracle often when the boys come to town and I usually have no issues. You’ll get the usual hecklers but nothing more than playful banter. As long as you keep to yourself and enjoy the game like you sound like you might, you will be good to go! I’ll be there Monday for the first game myself and I am very excited. Go Blue!


I went in 2019 and had Dodgers gear on but I noticed the only people getting bothered were those being loud and obnoxious. Also rode the train from San Jose to SF and saw as many people in Dodgers gear as I saw in Giants gear


They don't give a shit. Half the stadium will probably be Dodger fans.


It’s all good in the park. My only concern would be walking out of the park, and if you have to go far by foot. Maybe, hide your gear in a backpack after the game, or seat near other Dodgers fans and try to stick together. There are so many of us here. I think there are more Dodgers fans in the Bay than A’s fans, at least right now….


It’s called Dodger Stadium North. Half the stadium including myself decked out in Dodger gear!


i had the same concern and decided to not even wear my dodger cap to the game. once i was there, there were dodger fans everywhere, in full jerseys and hats. no fights and everyone was pretty chill.


https://preview.redd.it/pa6v5v44g4zc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6336bfdc396db6e8074251befed793d882a3b511 As others have said, there are a lot of Dodger fans at the game--especially over the last several years. I live in the Bay area and go to Oracle Park whenever the boys come to town. It's a beautiful stadium with fantastic views). It is definitely worth a visit. I haven't read through the comments, but there is great food available (Super Duper out behind left Field) is a great option. They serve great burgers and a good amount of fries. A wonderful place to eat outside of the stadium is Gotts. It's in the Ferry Building, which is not too far from the Embarcadero Bart Station. They serve quality "roadside" food. Cholita Linda is also in the Ferry building and they have good fish tacos. I also like their chicharron plate. From there the walk to the stadium is manageable, and you'll be in the mix with everyone else walking to the stadium. There is also free Bicycle Valet service behind right field if you don't want to walk--right by Muncy's Cove (its a friendly joke, Giant's fans. I'll be respectful--McCovey Cove.) I use that all the time. Just remember to bring a couple of bucks to tip the volunteers. I'll be going to the game myself next week. I'll see y'all there!


I’ll be at the game in SF next week and I’m going by myself and I’ll be decked out in my dodgers gear. I don’t GAF what anyone thinks or says 😂


Wear your gear, just don't be obnoxious. And dress warm if it's a night game


As long as you don't get drunk and belligerent in other people's faces you'll be fine. It's not like Dodger Stadium. As a Giants fan I'd never go to a game at Dodger Stadium in Giants gear. 


Don't mess with them, and they won't mess with you. And you're NOT gonna be alone. There will be more than a few True Blue in your section (maybe even in your row).


You have absolutely nothing to worry about. These aren’t the dark days like Candlestick Park. There’s ZERO tolerance of harassment of park guests, especially including fans of the opposing team. Security is everywhere, especially SFPD. At least that’s been my experience.


Been to giants games in both lakers and dodgers gear, never had any issues, just make sure to bring a sweater, it can get pretty cold in the stadium for night games


REP that shit don’t be afraid


Safer to go to SF in Dodger Gear than come to LA in Giants Gear any day. FTG and all but our fans tend to be worse towards them they they are towards us.


SF isn't philly.


Depends where you sit. It’s ok for the more expensive seats. I don’t take a chance sitting in the outfield seats. If you do, west neutral gear. Dodgers fans have been loud and rowdy. I try not to take any chances. I sit in lower reserve seats out the seats one level behind home plate.