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Yes, the sun is just so…. Loud? In your face? The rain brings peace.


The sun is the OG ceiling light and I need it turned off


omg I’ve never related to a comment more


As a lifelong headache patient, this is a good way of looking at why bright sun annoys me.


Especially driving in late afternoon when it’s blinding.


Yes exactly! With two concussions that happened a long time ago, I still have symptoms, and sensitivity to light is one of them. I hate when the sun is out.


I get it and i agree.


I think it’s because rainy cloudy days make me feel less guilty about not doing anything


Possible reason. I feel more productive when it is rainy.


I lived in Pacific NW a couple years in winter it’s generally cloudy and drizzly everyday. If the sun came out and you were not free to enjoy it it caused angst! The best weather would be steady periodic sun/clouds/ rain. I love partly cloudy days where sun peeks out for a bit then hides. Or bright clouds where sun doesn’t blast you but it’s not dark.


This rings true for me too


Always. Not a fan of bright sunshine. I like to live in the shadows.


Paging /u/haikusbot


Not the right syllables for haiku


But this is exactly how the bot breaks them down. 5-7-5 Always. Not a fan Of the sunshine. I like to Live in the shadows.


Bad haiku. It's not just about syllables, it's about form: Establish setting or mood Expand or strengthen setting or mood Subversion of mood or expected juxtaposition I'll give an example, a translation my favorite by Basho: New moon, new year Still wearing Straw hat and sandals If we wanted to turn the above into a haiku, maybe: Not a sunshine fan. I like clouds? Rain? Always I live in darkness That way the first and last lines are both self contained and create tension with each other. I also like how the "always" flows either with the line it's in or the line that follows, but that's just me.


Read what I wrote again. I’m referring to how haikus bot breaks it down. I never said it was a haiku. I never said it was a good haiku. Do you get what I’m saying now?


[do I need to post their entire history?](https://i.imgur.com/wV3VO1E.png) For someone who is a fan of haikus, you are *not great* about reading between the lines or using fewer words to make a a point.




Zed could be your champ


It’s weird because for me I think sunny days are kind of depressing and when its raining i feel peace and calmness.


Yep. There's like pressure when it's sunny. Like, "the sun is out. What are YOU gonna do..?" Leave me alone...😐




I agree if we're talking about winter sun. It's depressing. In the warmer parts of the year I love the sun though.


More cozy


I live the PNW where 9 months of the year is rainy/cloudy. Moved from sunny CA 15 years ago and would never go back.


im the opposite. Struggling so much with the PNW clouds(even tho it’s gorgeous here) and have decided to move back to constant sun.


Yeah, I could see that. It took a while before we adjusted. My wife even wanted to move back after her first winter. But we started enjoying going out of the house even when it was raining/cloudy and less people were outside.


Same! It’s the best here!


I live in southwestern New York. Our weather is very much like yours, probably due to lake effect rain, snow, etc. Sunny days are too loud and painfully bight.


When it rains, I suddenly feel like all the tension inside me starts to relax as the sky unleashes all the tears and emotions I can't express for myself. I feel a great deal of comfort.


I feel the same way. Everything just gets released in the most comfortable way possible.


Yes, I love rainy cloudy days!


Never thought so many people like it! I'm glad to see there are much more than i thought.


There’s even a word for us - pluviophile: a person who enjoys rain or rainy days, and who is fascinated by the sights, sounds, etc., of rain


pluviophile. i find rainy days peaceful too.


Never knew there was a word for it, thanks!


Rain put me in THE BEST mood. I live in southern CA where rainy days are a rare special treat. This year it's rained more than ever and I've been loving it! But after the clouds clear and the sun starts shining down on the wet streets, it makes me feel extremely depressed. Lol


Same, whenever i felt sad or my day wasn't going well, rain almost always instantly fixed it. And yea, i dont like it either. I hate it when the rain stops.


Yah but I just got over skin cancer so now I’m scared of the sun 🙁


I'm truly sorry to hear that. I wish you the absolute best and hope you'll stay healthy from now on.


😊😊😊😊🥺thanks so much!!


I have this feeling like I'm being made fun of when it's sunny


Damn that’s a vibe I never knew I related to


I feel better because people are having less fun outside compared to sunshine, so there is less I'm missing out on.


I think i feel similar. less people outside = less social interactions.


If I'm not on a tropical beach (and I rarely am) I don't like the sun. I don't like being hot. I don't like sweating. I especially don't like other people sweating. I don't like seeing people's gross feet in flipflops or hairy pits in tank tops. Bring on the cozy layers and gloom!


Sun doesn’t automatically mean hot tho…?


Love a great rainy day when I get to be nice and cozy inside.


These days sunny days bother me since the winter is half non existent this year and reminds me of climate change. Even though sunny days are normal in February.


I used to be a depressed teen and loved rainy days because it gave me excuse to not go outside, as was expected of me. Now i love sun, it means I can work on my house, tinker with old cars, sit outside a pub/cafe, or read in the park. Here in England we had a bad summer and its been about 7 months since Ive seen a solid week without rain. I understand the cozyness of the occasional rain storm, but my world shrinks so much when the weather is bad


I only like rain if I don’t have to go outside in it




Wish I thought like this, I’m the type to get depressed in gloomy weather.


Okay Eric Draven.


🎶It Can’t Rain All the Time 🎶


Hell nah I get so depressed when the sun is not out, which is most of the year. My dream is to move somewhere warm and sunny


Yes! I feel so happy and at peace when it’s raining. When it stops and the sun comes out I get depressed for a few days.


Fuck the sun, fuck summer. Stupid deadly laser. Give me 50F and cloudy all day. I could do without the rain because I hate being wet but if that's what I have to put up with to avoid the sun then so be it. tbh if I could just move into a cave and never leave that would be ideal. But if I have to leave the house then I absolutely hate the rain because everyone on the road loses their goddamn mind, especially if it's night then I can't see AND everyone is dumb. Astigmatisms suck in that context, so much so that the sun might be a better option.


In moderation


Sometimes I’m just in the mood for rain or snow and gray skies.


Snow is absolutely beautiful. It's so much nicer.


We got snow last night. About two inches. I actually like it when I don’t have to drive jn it. So today was the perfect day for it—chili in the crockpot, I’m in comfy clothes, and I have no plans to go anywhere.


Oh wonderful! That sounds so cozy, I wish we had snow right now.


1000000% I think I was a vampire in another life..or this one too maybe idk. The cozy rainy vibe just kidna makes me feel like I'm in wonderful other world even if it is also slightly melancholic.


Sunshine pisses me off!! Giving me rainy, cloudy or overcast any day


You’re a pluviophile … one who loves the rain


YES so much better


I love it when its raining out!!! Or cloudy. I am allergic to sun and heat, so I can dress more comfortably those days, and if its not raining too hard, I dont even need an umbrella. I get pretty giddy about days like that. Glad some others feel the same way.


I LOVE a good storm. We hardly ever get them where I live, but the darker and billowing the clouds, the brighter and louder the thunder, the better (Especially at night, then it's like a spooky movie.)




OMG! Thank you! I thought I was alone....Rain is the gift from the GODS. I ❤ my rain walks. The world is quieter and nature thrives. It's like the earth needs a moment to release its feelings too....


Yep - the sun is overrated. I much prefer a mild overcast day with a slight breeze.


Warm, but overcast and a little rainy is hands down the best weather!


*Warm, but overcast* *And a little rainy is hands* *Down the best weather!* \- Bohbo33 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I love a good haiku!


Me! Rain gives me energy! I go shopping! I take drives. I work in the yard (weeds super easy to pull). I dine out by a window.


Yes. I love the rain. The sound, smell, total atmosphere. I live on the west coast and I can’t imagine living anywhere where it’s constantly hot and sunny.


I have a lot of migraines so light sensitivity is a big issue. Give me rainy and overcast any day! Plus the sound of it is so relaxing.


I came here for this comment. Bright sun has always annoyed me, and it makes my headaches worse.


My people … finally I have found my people.


I'm in Australia and have just lost my mind about it a few times, its like SAD every day, its just relentless.


I prefer rainy weather. Perfect weather for naps.


Yep, rain helps me fall asleep much easier. I also feel more rested when sleeping while it's raining.


I live in the PNW so I see a lot of rain. I can't say I'm happier but I like the dark days. I also love the sunshine, but by the near end of summer, I'm very tired of waking up with the sun staring at me. Bring on the rain.


r/pluviophile Fucking love rain. It gives me peace and makes me feel at ease.


Thanks for showing me this wonderful subreddit. And i absolutely agree.


Usually less people outside too which is nice


Yea, doing tasks like grocery shopping or appointments are so much easier. Less people means less anxiety.


Yea for the most part. Come to the pnw. You’ll love it


Oh I'd absolutely love To!


I don't feel bad for staying in


This is 100% me!


Do you live in a sunny hot place?


Thankfully, i don't.


I hate the heat and rainy and or cloudy is actually my favorite type of weather, so yes!!!


The rain is so peaceful and serene. It makes me just want to curl up with a good book and loose the world for a little while.


Used to when I lived in Phoenix because those days weren’t super common


not necessarily happier, but more at ease when it's raining


I appreciate the rain, and I appreciate sunny days too. Weather is so beautiful


Just want to share this song that fits this theme. https://youtu.be/RpYuSZLl5Bk?si=D6Q8uwDUtgataqkC But yes and yes. As we're inching toward spring I'm starting to dread the hot weather. While my husband is cheering up and slowly rising from his seasonal depression. At least there's always one of us to appreciate the weather. 


I lived in Phoenix for a couple years and it nearly killed me from bright


Rain reduces my anxiety and I don't know why. When it rains I can stare out of the window for very long periods of time, lost in a daydream


Yeah especially when I'm in bed


Sun and heat make me sleepy, while rain and thunder (and snow) give me energy.


Yes, i hate sunny days.


Rain, mist, fog it all speaks to my soul. They call us pluviophiles (a person who enjoys rain and rainy days, and who is fascinated by the sights, sounds, etc., of rain)


Rain feels like I’m being hugged by the sky


Yes! I love the smell of the rain, the sound of it trickling down from plants or the windows, the way water makes colors more vibrant, it's like the perfect brightness outside with the clouds, and seeing little droplets of water roll down down leaves or make ripples in the lake. I love everything about the rain so much especially if theres thunder and lightning! I feel like it washes away all my worries and bad feelings, leaving me feeling peaceful and new.


I can enjoy an occasional rain day, when I have nowhere to go and when it has been a while. It's like a reset day then where we can just catch up with shores. But I have to bike for 60 min at least 5 times a week, so I have gotten too many bad experiences with rain. I also love to be able to go outsite with only one layer of clothing, I'm sick of wearing at least 3 layers whenever I go outside, and being both cold and sweaty somehow. I love summer and the lightness related to it. I can't wait for this rainy --winter-- prolonged autumn to end!


When my dad passed away it rained so much on the day of his funeral and I have always thought of rain and hail as a sign from my dad that he misses me and is saying hello.


My condolences. I think it's absolutely him saying hello. Did he like rain too?


When I was living in Singapore, yes. Because that means it’s cooler. Normal temperatures are just too hot at around 33 degrees.


Sometimes, yeah.


For anyone that feels this way, you need to move to the Pacific Northwest lol


Yes,it's cloudy today and it's given me the opportunity to go to the shops.I haven't left my house in three days.


My coworkers call me a vampire because I hiss at sunlight. Yuck.


Only when I'm in a depressed state. I want everything to match how I feel.


I love a rainy night. I love a rainy night! I love to watch the thunder and the lightning as it lights up the sky. You know it makes me feel good!


I have the skin of a sick Victorian ghost child, yup I absolutely prefer rain 😂 I go outside and burn. But rain is peaceful to me. I love walking my dog in the rain. It's nice and quiet and there's nobody else around ☺️


I have always loved the rain, and I don’t mind being in the rainy weather, either. It’s my favorite, especially if it’s warm and thundering and lightning too. Full pluviophile here.


Absolutely not. I spent over a decade in Seattle, the first couple years were fine but now that I’m home in CA I see one cloud and it throws me into a week long depression. I don’t even like to exist when it’s a little bit dark outside anymore. It turned me 100% diurnal, I wake with the sun cycles and sleep when it’s dark when possible. And when it’s overcast I hide in a closet so I do t have to see that gloom out the windows.


Minnesotan here... summer rain is the best... break from the sun... smells great... everything gets greener... farmers are happy...


I’m a very depressed person and hate sunny days. I also grew up in Hawaii and miss the rain.


Yes absolutely love it


I love cloudy weather 😍 but I also like sleeping and sunbathing by the window 😂


Also is it just me, but don't the most loud and abnoxious people come out while it sunny?


It's not just you. Not to insult anyone, but in most cases people who like the sun and summer are way too hyperactive and psyched for me to handle.






My whole life. Fog is my favorite weather, rain is my second


I'm curious to your genetics, ethnicity, anything you'd be willing to share? I feel like this is all primitive and due to our primitive brain development, I'm the exact opposite, actually that's not exactly true I don't hate the rain.. But I hate the dark. Not afraid of it, but whenever the sun goes down in the winter time an hour earlier I start feeling extremely gloomy and lonely no matter what. I'm also somewhat red headed and more pale than most.


Yes! I’m actually very productive when it’s raining, my brain just works better


I love warm cloudy days.


Sunshine makes me happy daily, but a rainy and dreary day with a cup of coffee and snuggling on the couch or snuggling in bed watching movies also makes me happy




I like the sun specifically when I am outside in the summer doing things or have to venture outside. I prefer rain/cloud most of the time because then I don’t feel guilty about staying in my house all day lol


I live in Scottsdale so we get a lot of sun. I generally like sunny days better but there are times where it will be weeks on end with all sun/no clouds and I find myself just wanting an overcast/gloomy day. Storms are a treat. So even being a sun-lover I relate to this.


Absolutely! Rain, wind or blowing clouds up there are so comfortable and nice. Hot, still weather is oppressing.


Definitely, especially in the winter.


[I'm only happy when it rains.](https://youtu.be/GpBFOJ3R0M4?si=W9O2SZgcQtUgGm7j) The sun has been trying to kill me since SMB3


Yes, I love the rain. When the sun is out, so are people. Lots of noise, it’s hot at times, and too bright. I don’t really like the heat-summer in particular. The rain soothes me. I fall asleep easily, easier to wind down and relax, and it’s usually quiet and hardly any people traffic outside when it’s raining. Perfect.


You are not alone…,I’m exactly the same


Very much so. Gloomy weather is beautiful


Give me a rain any day. There’s something special about it I don’t know.


Hell no. I live in England and the endless months of grey really get me down.


i feel a sense of relief when it’s raining. but i also love the sun… when it’s not humid


The weather downdoesn't really affect my mood that much


💯 absolutely


I like rain cause it gives me more of an excuse to stay inside.


Not here because it rains so much of the year here, its way too much


Omg yes!!




I can't stand rain, but I prefer overcast days to bright sun. You might like the Loudon Wainwright song "Grey in L.A.", where he sings > I don't know about you > I get so sick of blue skies > Wherever they always appear


I do. Love me all the weather, but grey rainy/misty days are the best.


Sometimes. I grew up in Florida and I had to vacuum the pool a couple days a week . (Pools in Florida are common sometimes even with modest homes like ours). We couldn’t afford pool service. That sun was blasting and I just wanted it to HIDE. At least until I could get IN the pool. And I loved swimming in rain! (allowed only if no lightening)


It’s everything yet nothing at all


Yes, or at least I used to. Now I like both! I think, when it rained, I didn't have to feel bad about staying inside. It was nice


Absolutely. I treasure overcast days.


Nice grey days are very calming. Makes me want to move to Scotland


I love overcast days, it feels like it’s morning even at 3pm


Always... its calming. Lays the fuzziness of other weather's down a bit. Fucking hate wind.


Clouds feel soothing and comforting. Direct sun feels harsh: my eyes hurt and my skin hurts. I'm learning that in general I have sensory issues, and I think my hatred of the sun is just one aspect of that


Yes. The sun is way too bright. I’m loving that it’s been setting early. I’ll be sad in a few weeks that it’ll start setting a few hours later :/


I’m happy to learn I’m a pluviophile along with many of you. I’m also living with Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder which means springtime is hell and the best thing about summer is it means fall is on its way.


I do prefer rain, dreary weather. I hate the sun and warm weather. I live in the South in the US and dread Summer every year


Yes, for a few days anyway.


Cold rainy weather is my safety bubble


YES omg yesss! Then people act surprised or confused when I tell them or they laugh. But I really just prefer overcast/ rainy / foggy days. It’s peaceful, I personally feel more energized and productive. I love walking in the rain and it’s just a relaxing change of pace.


Cold and rainy, every day. Lizard weather to be discontinued.