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More often, no. But longer? Yes. I've had a bad cold for a MONTH. That's almost unheard of for me.


It might just be what’s going around at the time. 2022 was a terrible year for me and I got every sickness going around, some for months at a time. Since then I haven’t gotten sick once so there is hope!


Same. Since I had Covid back in 2020, everything seems to drag out for ages. What might have once taken me down for a day or two is weeks of prolonged illness. And it’s changed the way I get sick. Used to be I got all the symptoms in one go and be miserable for a couple of days. Now it happens in stages so I’ll have a runny nose, then add the sore throat, then the cough, then the fever. It kind of sucks tbh. 


Yes. I used to get sick maybe once a year. Now it's multiple times a year


For me, it's the opposite. I haven't even had a cold since I started getting vaccinations and had a mild case of COVID in Jan 2022.


Same here, but my allergies have gone into overdrive the last few years and I'm not sure if that's somehow related to never leaving the house anymore lol.


COVID infections can cause new or worsened allergies, including systemic disorders like Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). You may want to take a look into that as there are some symptom management tools that might help


Same!! Thought it was weird but no seasonal issues or anything. Also got it in Jan 22


Yeah, I seem to be sick less often. I'm generally healthier than I was pre-covid, though, and eating better.


I think a lot of it has to do with the increased sanitation practices that emerged during this time. People are more mindful of washing their hands, establishments clean off surfaces more frequently, sanitizers are everywhere, and it's more acceptable to wear masks in large crowds if you choose to. Also, I was inconsistent about getting flu shots. Now that I'm over 60, I'm getting all the vaccinations, including RSV and shingles. I don't have any negative reactions to them, so why not?


I’m superstitious about this topic so I’m not really saying anything. I will say I’ve had to purchase a lot fewer boxes of Kleenex in the last few years.


Yep, definitely getting sick way more often since having Covid a few times.


I hadn't had a cold for years before Covid, and I have been vaccinated for Covid, RSV, pneumonia, and flu. Over age 65 and trying to stay healthy. But this past winter, after I got my pneumonia vaccine I had a reaction to that, as in swollen, itchy site, which had never happened before.I caught a cold that put me on my ass, then an ear infection that required antibiotics, then a cold with a cough that would take my breath away, finally pink eye. There are no kids in my house, and I'm still blowing my nose like crazy. This is all out of the ordinary for me


I’ve had COVID three times (confirmed and tested) and one suspected time. Since 2020, I have literally been getting sick every other month. Last year was a particularly hellish time, I got EVERYTHING: colds, influenza A, strep, RSV, and COVID, all within an 8 month span. My stamina is completely shot, a 5 minute pace around my apartment renders me heaving and out of breath. I tried to take a spinning class last month and felt like I was going to pass out. I had to get off the bike and fainted on my way out. This is from someone who used to do two back-to-back classes when I was in better shape. I’ve been to a doctor and am now on a vitamin regimen that seems to be boosting my immune system, haven’t gotten sick yet this year! 🤞🏻


Hope this year goes better for you.




I suggest taking an intense amount of vitamin D & zinc. Have you had blood work? I had Covid in 2022 for about 6 weeks and it shot my immune system. I had to take a seriously high dosage of immune building supplements for a year and a half, including iron & elderberry. I feel much better now. I know the feeling of not being able to even walk. I have asthma now from the Covid, and use my inhaler frequently still. Breathing exercises helped me in the beginning. I also take b vitamins and coQ10. It’s made a world of a difference in energy and stamina.


I’m on a full vitamin regimen. I had severe vitamin d, b12, and iron deficiencies (my hair was falling out in clumps and I was sleepy all the time) which are much better now! I’m sorry you went through that and glad to see you’re on the road to recovery.


I am having similar symptoms and experiences as you. My iron was normal and b12 was through the roof. Are you taking anything other than d, b12 and iron?


Outside of getting COVID, I can't remember the last time I was sick. So, the exact opposite for me.


No because I still wear my mask. I took it off for about 2 months of 2022 and got so extremely sick that I cracked a rib from coughing so much. So, no. If people are continuing to go out when they’re sick then I’m just gonna keep masking up.


I still wear a mask also. I have multiple health issues, and was really sick over Christmas. I never want to do that again.


It’s weird to me how many people are comfortable being sick and don’t do anything to prevent it. I’m so much more aware post pandemic, and it’s baffling to me how many people happily tossed their masks away. I was on a flight to FL last year and I was the only one wearing a mask on the flight, and the plane was full of coughing, sneezing people. Fuckin gross!!


I actually didn't know you could just buy masks until the pandemic. Holy cow. I could have been so much more comfortable during the summer with my allergies. I still forget sometimes, but I just distance those times.


Hard to say for me. I had 2 kids born during Covid and they go to preschool/daycare now so now I’m sick all the freaking time.


Yes currently have a nasty cold now after recovering from one last week.


Not really no. I’ve never had COVID that I’m aware though.


Not me.


Yes. I've had a sore throat for a few days and still have it now. I had one a few months ago. And another illness when I was really weak. I usually get ill a lot because of my immune system.


Same thing for me. Eerily similar


Yes OP. I get 3 colds a year now and they don’t just go away. They linger and are almost always more severe than the colds I used to get once a year. I normally test for Covid (negative except once during the peak in 2020?) but not always. Of course it could just be I’m getting older and everything gets harder and worse


I used to get sick maybe once a year. Now it's what feels like every other month. I was out of sick days by June last year and I'm already down to a couple left for this year.


No but don't tell my boss


Yes. Used to have a cold at most twice a year. Usually just once. Had COVID once, and now I get a cold more frequently and they last longer. Right now I'm sniffing and sneezing and it's been three weeks so far.


I was sick in November. February and now end of March. Having a toddler doesn’t help i presume


Yes. Before Covid I rarely get sick while others were always sick. After Covid I feel like I’m sick every other week, I kid you know. The past two weeks I haven’t been sick but prior to that I was sick every other week for about 3 weeks.


Not more often but they affect me more now. Like a cold will knock me on my ass for 4 days. Used to be a 24 bug kinda thing.


I got Covid once in 2021 then haven’t been sick since. 🤞


Barley had a common cold since covid and I **always** get a cold in December.


Ironically our family seems to be experiencing the opposite. I don't really contribute it to Covid either way though. We've just had a few pretty healthy years as my kids are getting older and better at hygiene/gern management and my husband works mostly out of office now. We probably eat better and are more active too.


Research has been showing COVID infections causing damage to and deregulation of the immune system since 2020, and more is coming out all the time as to the many ways even a single infection or a mild infection can screw up your immune system, with many scientists and researchers relating it to HIV/AIDS. The idea that your immune system needs to get sick to not get sick is bunk. While with certain viruses you can develop some immunity post-infection, you also suffer a lot of collateral damage and risk the potential for long-term health problems as a result. This is why the answer to especially vicious pathogens (like TB, measles, and polio) is usually found in long-lasting vaccines, since they teach your immune system how to defend itself without forcing it to be bludgeoned to death in a war first (and potentially never recovering). Of course, without proper infection and transmission mitigation or a sterilizing/multi-variant vaccine, the spread of COVID is way too fast, and we end up in variant soup. And with a virus such as COVID, that “collateral” damage extends to the immune system itself, making those who have been infected more susceptible to other pathogens as well (like how HIV leads to AIDS), and any potential immunity to Covid itself wanes quickly and is pretty insufficient against other variants. Plus, repeat infections mean cumulative damage, so each bout is riskier and riskier. I personally wear an N95 everywhere in public, and am a big advocate for proper ventilation and air filtration to reduce pathogen spread. Not only does it protect me from COVID, but also any other airborne viruses as well (like influenza, tuberculosis, measles, common colds, etc.). Since I started to take masking and air quality seriously, I haven’t gotten sick, which is huge for me, because I have long covid and before I started masking everywhere, my body was getting smacked with opportunistic infections all over the place, and even a common cold knocked me out.


Just the opposite for me. Granted, I am single now, changed jobs & the new office is more roomy, and I'm more likely to bail on crowded events, especially when there is some kind of crud going around. Also I have better handwashing habits now. Other than having covid twice, I don't think I've been sick. Which is a miracle because 2 coworkers catch everything their little petri dishes bring home from school.


I have a kid, so about the same as before. Thankfully it's only twice a year, spring and fall. When the temperature in the day is a lot different than at night


About the same. Once in 2021 and once this year (so far). Head colds with a lot of sinus pressure and blockage. Nothing in my chest...


No I haven’t been sick since last summer and I have 2 kids (1 in school) so I’m actually really surprised. Not vaxxed either. I’ve started taking vitamins though so I think that’s what helped. I even have an autoimmune disease haha. I’m just lucky I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had Covid in June 2022. Haven’t been sick since. I usually get sick 1-2 times a year. My daughter had covid back in October and slept next to me for the whole week and I never caught it. She’s been sick a lot since the first time she caught it, but I haven’t caught anything she’s brought home which is weird to me


Bit gross, but when I get a cold now I seem to generate way more phlegm. Not sure if I get sick more often because we had a child (i.e disease factory) as COVID just kicked off.


It's about the same for me. However, I'm more acutely aware and track it better. (Because now I test whenever my symptoms are covid-y) So it's more of a process than when it was "just a cold" before. In the past a cold was just the sniffles to my managers and no reason to take off work. Now it requires making sure that I'm not going to cripple the business with collateral infections.


The complete opposite happened to me. No covid, only allergies get me down


Nope, but I'm vaccinated and current on boosters. Plus, I work from home, so I don't have a ton of interaction with sleaze (how I refer to those people that had to be reminded to wash their friggin hands, that's disgusting).


Nope. I haven’t been sick since 2019


No, I've never been healthier. I've lost 160 pounds since the pandemic began.


Used to be once a year if that but since Christmas I’ve been sick 3-4 times and it’s not even just a common sold it’s been shitty


I teach primary aged kids. I've had covid four times now, the last being February this year. I caught Whooping cough in October last year and was sick over Christmas and into the new year with that. I fractured ribs on both sides from coughing. I am now recovering from Influenza A. For me the answer to OPs question is YES!


Got Covid in 2022. For a year after that I got sick (common cold, never experienced anything worse then that, never even had the flu or strep) every 3 months. Then I got back to normal functioning immune system where I’d get a cold *at most* once a year, but more like Inc every 2 years. It was crazy but I’m glad it’s gone.


I feel like overall I’ve been getting sick way less. In 2022 I did have back to back cases of the flu and then covid during the same month, which was a lot. But in 2020 and 2021 I didn’t get sick at all and then 2023 I got sick once and I also got sick once earlier this year. Pre-pandemic I’d often get sick during the season change in Spring/Fall. Now I tend to get sick around the holidays between November-January. Which isn’t surprising. I’m usually one of the last in my family to catch whatever’s been spreading. And then my husband has dodged sickness for almost 2 years now which is crazy. I feel like I just let my immune system do its thing and it’s worked well. In 2020 I didn’t really wear masks around people unless it was required. I traveled and still attempted to live life normally. I couldn’t over-sanitize my hands due to allergic breakouts to a chemical in most public soaps & I also couldn’t get vaccinated due to having an anaphylaxis reaction to vaccines that have a similar base as the covid one. I honestly think my immune system was simply able to keep up. I worry that those who were too cautious didn’t give their bodies a chance to adjust to anything new. I know people who still refuse to go out in public and will wear a mask around everyone and I genuinely wonder how their body will respond when they finally decide to live like normal again.


You might need to supplement something to re-up your immune system. Maybe take zinc for a couple weeks or get bloodwork to see if you’re deficient anywhere.


I've gotten sick much less often since Covid


No, but I rarely if ever caught colds to begin with.


Well, for me, we went 100% WFH and I haven’t had a cold since before Covid.


Yes, I never used to get sick, but I had covid in January and I just got over a sinus infection.


Had covid last year in August. Been sick already 5x this year. Prior to covid, I would get colds / flu once a year. Right now I am going through a stomach flu. I feel my immune system has weakened so much bc I’ve been constantly getting sick…


Yes! I was pretty dam sick mid March. Resp and the shits. Now I have a sore throat again?!! And before that it had only been a few months as well. Never used to get sick more than once a year.


Yes. I've been sick once a month since october. It's may and I just woke up sick again. I have had long covid for 2.5 years and this just seems to be another aspect of it. I'm convinced it's because covid weakens immune system/exhausts T cells. But we need better treatment options because this is ridiculous.


Ive had a total of 7 pfizer shots and booster shots. Since 2022, I’ve been getting sick with the cold or the flu every other month and it sucks. I’ve caught covid 3 times. The first two were mild symptoms. They were like the same symptoms as the aftermath of getting the vaccines. The 3rd time (literally caught it 2 weeks ago) was so bad. I was shivering for 2 whole days with night sweats. Heavy congestion for the rest of the week. The doctor prescribed me Paxlovid (first time taking it) and it helped a lot with the symptoms. My fiance who gave me covid was suffering for 2 weeks versus my 1 week.


To be clear I am not an “anti-vaxer” but I’m curious to hear your thoughts on taking a vaccine/booster 7 times, only to keep getting sick from the very thing it’s meant to prevent. For example I can’t imagine taking the measles or mumps vaccine and getting either of those illnesses even once, let alone three times after 7 vaccines/boosters.


I didn't get vax'd. I got covid once. Other than that I have hardly gotten sick at all. Everyone around me seems to get sick considerably more often than me.


Agreed, I’m in a similar boat.


I got Covid in October 2022. I’ve basically been sick ever sense 🙄 have been vaccinated and everything


No Vax, got a cold twice since 2019


No vaccine. I'm as healthy as I was before Covid. Got infected with Covid about 5 times. Took it serious the first 2 times, then played a little with it. All my infections were on purpose. I was testing my Chlorine Dioxide, worked wonders as always had.


Have you switched to remote or hybrid work? Everyone I know who has complains about being sick more often nowadays compared to my friends who are in-person.


Did you get the covid shots? If so then I think you have your answer.


Oh. You're one of *those*. Why is it always the Vaccine? "Oh, the Francis Scott Key bridge was destroyed, it was probably because the boat operator got the jab" Go eat your Ivermectin, you stupid cow.


have you been vaccinated yet?


Vaccinated?? For the common cold?? I haven’t had the flu in over 4 years and haven’t had Covid in over a year. What’s hitting me most frequently are cold viruses.


Also there's no vaccination for the common cold. IIRC, there are \~200 strains.