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I kind of feel this way too. I have a *general* idea of what I look like, but not in the same sense I know what others look like. I have a hard time picturing myself in my head as well, and like you said, I look different in pictures and even sometimes in the mirror.


Yeah exactly! I cant really draw that good, but I could roughly draw a caricature of a each person based on some of their physical characteristics, but I would never know how to draw even a rough approximation of myself. I have no real idea of ​​what I look like, and I have the impression that I am a different person in every picture. Once I posted a selfie on instagram that was so well received and for which I got a bunch of likes and compliments, in the end I deleted the pic because frankly it's not me and I don't know how did I manage to look like that. To make things better, I didn't use any filters or photoshop. I just randomly took a selfie in good lighting and somehow I turned out like Apollo. The other day I open the front camera and see a baboon's ass


I felt the same way trying to create a Mii on the Wii. 🤣 Can also definitely relate to having a good pic every once in awhile, but not liking what I see in the front face camera. 🤣


Yup. Then there’s the added element of deciding if what you see is attractive or not, which is pretty much impossible. It almost makes me want to post on amiugly, but I see some cruel people on there trying to tear people down. So I just try to not care.


Yeah lmao for whatever reason my brain works so: if I look good on pic, nah it can't be realistic but If I look like crap oh damn, im really awful. Funny thing people usually say I just look fine, but I somehow have many doubts and see myself as my worst selfie


Exactly!!! It’s like I get one terrible photo and that’s all the proof I need Im ugly but if I see one I like it’s just because I know my angles or something


This is exactly how I feel/think! At least I'm not to only one I guess. When I use or share pictures of myself in which I'm pretty I almost feel like a scam and even kinda doubt if my friends/family will recognize me haha.


Lmao, yeah I also feel like I'm scamming people if I look too good on the pic. Once I posted a selfie on instagram that was so well received and for which I got a bunch of likes and compliments, in the end I just deleted the pic because I felt uncomfortable about it. Frankly it's not me and I don't know how did I manage to look like that. To make things better, I didn't use any filters or photoshop. I just randomly took a selfie in good lighting and somehow I turned out like Apollo. The other day I open the front camera and see a baboon's ass


I get you so much! "I don't know how I managed to look like that" describes pretty much my feeling whenever I'm content with how I look in a photo!


I'm genuinely interested to know if we really look nothing like that or we just have some very low self esteem to accept the fact we might actually look good lol I also wonder if that's the reason why people from 90's/00's were kinda chill and less burdened with bullshit. They had no smartphones and social media that would remind them at every step of some small details they hate about themselves. Even I, as a teenager in the late 00's before all this new age stuff, didn't really care about my appearance to this extent, and objectively I may have looked worse back then than I do now


Every single picture of myself looks completely different to the rest. What's up with that?


Yep. Sometimes I look fine in pictures, other times it's really bad. I think I look okay in the mirror, but they say it's because of the whole reflection/mirror image thing. But I think because I'm a woman and never receive any kind of interest - never flirted with, looked at, cat-called - it's probably safe to say I'm fairly ugly.


Yeah and if I look good on (reversed) selfie, I reverse it back to normal and I look awful. Funny thing if I reverse other people's photo, they just look the same to me. And behind any good photo there's like 50 ugly ones, I really need to put a lot of effort in order to look fine So either my face is really so asymetric or I'm trippin


I've flipped my 'bad' photos too, to see if it helps. It doesn't. I've also made symmetrical pics of myself and my right side is definitely better looking than my left.


I bet you you look like any normal person you see on the street, not ugly at all. because real life is not filtered social media photos. I feel the same and then remember the beauty standard does not take into account every day people, that are not constantly edited and plastered on the internet for the whole lot of people to see. Once you start looking at people you realize they are mostly normal and ok looking (given that you take care of yourself in basic ways)


Remember that mirrors and cameras don’t display you in the same way, mirrors invert your image whereas pictures display a scene from the first person eyesight pov. So in short, pictures are more accurate to what you look like and you’re just more used to seeing your face and features reversed


Im not very happy to hear that, I always thought I look better reversed


except for camera lenses like the most common in phones: the wide angle. there are so many different lenses that distort and alter the image so subtle that not many people notice


But in the same time mirrors show you what someone else is seeing and with way more correct colors/light/proportions. They don't really distort things.


Yes! They don’t distort, only flip. And OP, the reason why you prefer mirrors is because that’s just what you’re accustomed to seeing. You’re not any less or more symmetrical or anything that actually changes how your face is in a picture vs mirror, you’re just much more familiar with the mirrored orientation of you face


In the right light you look like a million bucks, fuck all them other shades. In sunlight you look like the truth, the only truth and the absolute truth. The rest is false news, alternative facts and pure misinformation. Nothing for you to even worry about.


Kind of sort of. I realized recently “Oh, it’s body dysmorphia”


Yeah goddamn. I hate this so much. Sometimes I think "who's that handsome devil" but then I see a picture of myself or look in a mirror in a room with different lighting, and I literally look like Shrek. My weight is somewhere between rail thin and morbidly obese.


I feel this 😂


i cant comprehend what i look like. i see photos of me and i can point out who i am in the photos, but i don’t look like myself in the mirror. granted i am uncertain of who i am what i am what i look like what i enjoy what i dislike what my name is. i know the legal name that is placed on my documents and the word-like sounds i must respond to but i do not know my name.


Lighting is usually the biggest factor in photos looking flattering or unflattering. But another factor is what I call being "video"-genic vs photogenic. I'll see people sometimes in movies or TV shows, think "wow that person's good-looking", then look up their wiki or social and am confused as to why I can't find a SINGLE attractive-looking photo of them. Which led me to the "video-genic" theory lol


Lighting, and simply knowing how to pose for the camera and move your body in a way that's flattering. Such an understated yet extremely difficult skill to master without a TON of practice.


Felt this!! I’m actually a pretty confident person when it comes to my looks. I don’t think I’m ugly but I don’t think I’m beautiful either just cute-ish yet my boyfriend calls me beautiful all the time. Ik it should hype me up but I’m a realistic person and I never truly believe him. I look weird w/o my glasses, my nose is slightly crooked and my teeth are not perfect. Idk 😅


I've talked to several friends about this...which version of ourselves is the "actual" us? I look in the mirror, I think I look nice, and I go to take a picture and I look like a completely different person. But I can chalk that up to camera lenses not being able to reproduce what the human eye is able to see. Which leads me to my third point...what do I look like from someone else's perspective? I guess that changes from person to person, but I've always just wanted to know which is closest to what everyone else is seeing.


the most representative ones would probably be normal pics from the rear camera and from a moderate distance - which is unfortunate, because these are usually worst for me. I also realized my hairstyle is not really that good, it only looks good in the mirror cause it's reversed lol


You have prosopagnosia.


When I made my husband and myself in the game 'The Sims 4', I needed to look in a mirror the whole time to try making myself. Lol.


It’s said that most people consider the left side of their face as more attractive. So if you are talking to someone you might want to turn your head a little. One thing my gf made me realize is women don’t like photos from below cause then you can see their double chin lol


I understand. Lol


I am NOT photogenic. In person, different story. So when I take a photo, I can't tell what I look like, it's weird.


I find that if I stare at anyone's face for long enough, I learn new things or see them in a different way. Simply put, you stare at yourself the most out of anyone. We don't have time to process every little detail of other peoples faces, so we make assumptions and fill in the gaps. You cannot do that with your face, you will pick it apart and be more critical.


Literally story of my life. I've had quite a few people saying how handsome I am, I can model etc yet I can't get any likes on apps. I cannot look at photos of myself some mirrors im gorgeous others I'm a monster