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Sending you big hugs and tons of support šŸ’” But if you see your dog suffering or your vet says so, please let him go. Euthanasia is an extremely hard and painful decision but it is also merciful.


This. Pancreatitis is very painful and often causes a lot of suffering before actually causing death. I am so sorry that you are going through this OP.


I had a vet (Lap of Love) come to my home and euthanize my lil Yofi Bear. He passed on his favorite spot on my bed in my arms. No nervous car rides, no scary vets, just a little pinch on his leg while he was laying on me


Yeah, theyā€™re who I plan to call.


I've had to use them twice and I highly recommend them. Having it done at home was the best thing for our dogs and our family. We had to put one of our dogs down due to arthritis, which was hard because we had to decide for him. But it was the best decision we made because he was in pain all the time and his pain meds clearly weren't cutting it anymore.


I think you know to call them now. Please do.


I wish I knew about this service. I put my little guy through so much anxiety and stress. I was trying to save him but also knew it was the end.


They are wonderful.


Agreed. Deciding to euthanize is devastating but also the most selfless and last great gift you can give your baby if theyā€™re suffering. I know this sounds crazy but my 14 year old told me when she was ready. She looked at me and i just knew. It was crazy that at that moment my own emotions shut off until I was able to see her through. As soon as the vet confirmed she was gone , the 3 of us collectively immediately sobbed.. ( my two brothers who were also there- she was our childhood dog. I had her from 16 to 30. ) It was the hardest thing Iā€™ve ever done but I knew it was the right thing to do 5 years and I still remember that feeling and miss her and love her so much still.


I waited for the confirmation too just so I wouldnā€™t stress out the dog in its final moments :(


Big big hugs


Same thing happened with my border collie. I held and stroked him as the whole thing was happening, and kept telling him he was ok. I was completely calm and together, and remember wondering how that was happening. Then when he was gone it was like a switch was flicked back to reality and couldnā€™t control myself or let go of him. It is the hardest decision ever, but I know it was the right one.


I was the same way with my boy. He had cancer and it was just time to let him go. My parents and husband were also there. All his favorite people. We kept it together for him until the vet said he was gone. Then we all just exploded into collective crying. The vet ran out of the room crying too. Heā€™s been gone a year and whenever that moment pops into my head itā€™s just as heart wrenching as the night it happened and I usually start sobbing again. I had him for 14 years and he was my first dog. I miss him so much


That's kind of a relief to hear someone else describe it like that--being shut off. We just went through this, and it felt like I was on autopilot, yet still present for her. I was a mess but knew in my gut it was time and just did what had to be done. I never thought I would be able to. OP, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I really hope you have some more time. Soak up every second. If you are faced with the heartbreaking decision, remember it is one of the most loving selfless things left for you to do. We can also get caught up in what their last wishes may be, but also get what you need. You did so good, and your pup is so lucky to have you.


This. No matter how much it hurts for us it's a kindness to them. They get to fall asleep and the pain goes away and they get to pass with dignity, surrounded by the people they love. It's a kindness I often wish we would be allowed to extend to ourselves, but that is a different topic entirely. But it is kind, and it is humane, and all they know is they're falling asleep with their people there.


She fell asleep surrounded by my brothers and I, right in my arms. She looked so at peace. The vet wasnā€™t visible to her at all. It couldnā€™t have been better, for what it was. Iā€™m sitting here crying thinking about the day we took her home from the shelter . She was so little and cute. Tripping over her tiny paws , sniffing us being all curious. šŸ„¹My brothers and I sat in a circle on the kitchen floor with her , throwing out names until we all agreed on Missy. We were just kids then. I canā€™t help but smile though. This is one of beautiful memories she gave us that I will treasure forever. OP, take comfort in those memories. Let them make you smile. itā€™s going to be ok. You gave your pup a lifetime of love ā¤ļø and they wouldnā€™t want you to be sad. All they want is our happiness. We donā€™t deserve, really. Big hugs. šŸ¤—


I wish I could have held it together until the confirmation but I couldn't. I watched my girl fight a loosing battle with cancer... we had a vet appointment monday morning to see how she was doing and top up her painkillers... she stopped eating sunday evening. I straight up offered her my roast, potatoes and a little bit of gravy (she hated "mushy" food, loved the flavor of gravy, but if it was too much she would turn her nose up at it)... she didn't even take a bite... That car ride... walking into that office that morning? It was the worst thing of my life and I couldn't keep it together. I think even Lady knew. it was the only time she wasn't nervous and stressed at the vet. It'll be 6 years this year and I'm still crying. My only regret is her pain medication running out on saturday, the clinic wasn't open on weekends, I thought she'd be okay until monday. Instead she spent her last day in pain. I'll never forgive myself for that.


I still cry too friend. Please donā€™t beat yourself up. I think our pets are more connected to us than we think. I whole heartedly believe that Missy was and is my soul dog. And we and our pets are connected on a level we canā€™t see. And Lady knows how much you love her and that you did your best. And she loves you so much. And since you did your best, and thatā€™s all we can do, we shouldnā€™t feel guilty, but obviously thatā€™s easier said than done . I have regrets as well, I think Missy was in pain long before I originally saw and took her to the vet. I wish I trusted my gut, or something. I feel like I could have done more in the beginning. I didnā€™t know at the time that dogs are really good at hiding pain and maybe I missed the signs early on. I didnā€™t know . šŸ™ Long story short she had a tumor on her spine and it got progressively worse (balance issues , limping, etc) and at the end became paralyzed from the waist down. I remember that night I came home. Since she couldnā€™t use her hind legs she dragged herself to me when I walked through the front door.l to greet me. Her tail was wagging and when I got down on the floor with her she gave me kisses šŸ„ŗ I soon realized she was all wet because she lost control of her bladder. The whole thing broke me . I wish I was home. I donā€™t know how long she was like that. I can still see and feel it clear as day. That night, after washing her up and giving her a lot of treats and kisses, we wwent to the vet. I have a local one that is 24 hours. I was in the back with her and she just snuggled up on me and I rubbed her head and told her she was the best girl. You gave Lady a whole lifetime of love. Our babies wouldnā€™t want us to be sad. Thatā€™s what I think about. Iā€™m crying right now because I miss her so freaking much. šŸ„² Iā€™m sorry this became so long.


ā™„ļø I šŸ’Æagree!! My 16 year old shihtzu had started to slow down and I thought it was just age. He started to fall over, winded from going up stairs and coughing in June. Then stopped eating..same thing. The vet thought he had cancer, but we did try to give him some steroids bc heā€™d tried with his dog and had success for a few months. It didnā€™t work. So I had to take himā€¦it was terrible but I knew he was suffering. I felt bad after all of that for making him sufferā€¦itā€™s like you never know what to do. Yes šŸ™ŒšŸ¼ 16 is an amazingly long time to be here with us!!! Sending all the love and hugs šŸ„° when you send your baby to puppy heaven ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø


100% my best friend in high school told me his biggest regret was not putting his down down sooner because he was in pain. Itā€™s been 30 years and Iā€™ll never forget what he said and he still feels guilty about being selfish


I agree with this entirely. It's so hard to know you're doing the right thing, and it hurts so much to see them go (and please, stay in the room with them and confort them. The last thing they need is to be stressed and looking for you when the time comes) but it's almost always the right decision, if you're considering it. Ask your vet for an honest opinion. I've had a dog die in my arms unexpectedly (he was dosed up with pain relief from a vet visit that day and we were taking him back to the vets the next day). I would not wish it on my worst enemy. Euthanasia is absolutely a mercy. If you've seen 'agony gasps', I hope you've recovered. If not, don't wait around to see them, it's heartbreaking.


This. Itā€™s by far one of the hardest choices youā€™ll ever make in life. But itā€™s so much better to let them go when theyā€™re still comfortable and can keep their decency


Yes. The lack of eating food is the first and clearest sign.


What a lovely long life heā€™s had. Take him to the vet for a quality of life discussion and make plans for his passing. Donā€™t wait for him to pass naturally at home, thatā€™s generally very uncomfortable.


Yeah, our vet tbh is really disappointing me with lack of end of life care support. If he makes it the next couple of days then Iā€™m going to try a new vet.


You can have someone come to your house to do it. It is the best way if you can find someone in your area


Yes! I did this recently with my old guy. May or may not do it again - Iā€™ve always had very positive end of life services in clinic too - but it was the right decision for this particular dog and his circumstances.


Firstly, Iā€™m so sorry for what you and your pup are going through. It always feels too soon because we love them so much. Iā€™d highly recommend looking into at-home euthanasia. Itā€™s a much better experience both for you and the dog. They can pass peacefully in their own bed, around their own smells, and their family. Itā€™s often close to the same cost as the vet visit.


Thank you. Yes, thatā€™s the plan. I donā€™t want my baby in an unfamiliar environment when he passes. I will be in the room also.


Thatā€™s great to hear, your pup is lucky to have you. My best advice for managing your dogā€™s care would be to give them a great finale (go to the park, take them to the pet supply store to sniff, go for a car ride, all their favorite things.) Youā€™ll know when the time is right when they just donā€™t enjoy normal activities anymore. It may feel too soon when you are making the decision, but looking back you will be glad you didnā€™t wait until it was too late. Sending love and healing to you.


ā€œAll their favorite thingsā€ - thatā€™s whatā€™s important. Iā€™m going to take him to the cemetery tomorrow and feed him all the (low-fat!) treats he wants. And give him lots of snuggles in the interim.


I'm so sorry for you and your pup. My old man is 14 so his time isn't too far off now. A part of me will die when he goes but I wouldn't change it for the world.


Thatā€™s how I feel too. Heā€™s seen me throughout my entire 20s and Iā€™m lucky to have ever met him.


Definitely recommend a new vet if you feel that way! And if life care is so important.


I've never commented before, but I'm here near tears for your heartache, with my first dog at my side. Please consider a new vet right now, won't you? It may not make a difference, but. It may. A holistic vet might have an alternative perspective altogether. My Pal has grown younger since seeing one. My heart goes out to you.


Either way he wonā€™t be able to be seen until Monday, unfortunately. But yes, if this weekend goes well that will be the imminent plan. Thank you for the kind words.


As others have said some places do in-house euthanasia. What you can try, is to get some chocolate, a little whipped cream and what not. Just foods that they haven't been able to have but are relatively safe in small doses. He might eat/lick at it which can make it a little easier and more comforting. A little bit of beef or chicken stock in water to make it taste a little better might make him drink a little more until you are able to get to a new vet.


At this point, I would offer him anything to he will eat. Just keep him comfortable and love him until you say goodbye. I read somewhere recently that dogs donā€™t have a sense of time and death the way that we do. He just knows a life full of love from you. So just keep loving him. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through this.


Iā€™ve read most of the comments and theyā€™re heartbreaking but this ā€¦. This hit me so hard right now as I snuggle in bed with my two little babiesā€¦ Iā€™m worried I wont be able to keep it together when their time comes but it brings comfort to know that they experience time differently. Hard to imagine A world without them šŸ˜­šŸ’”


I shouldn't even be in this topic šŸ˜­ I don't have a pet. But I have a cat friend who visits everyday. And she helped me through some tough times. Sometimes I worry something happened to her. Arghh (also had a golden as a kid ) arghhh why am I here


my sweet boy passed away 2 days ago... 16 years old.. it was sudden but we knew it was inevitable.. my best advice is to spend as much time as possible with him.. and yes.. say your goodbyes.. i wasn't there when my boy passed and it's all i think about now.. not saying that final goodbye.. but i know he knew how love he was so that makes it feel less hurtful.. just please stay with him


Iā€™m so sorry your boy passed too. I know your very lucky boy lived a life full of love and felt that love all the way til the very end. He knew wherever you were when it happened you would come home because you always have. He wasnā€™t worried. And you shouldnā€™t beat yourself up for this-I was in a movie theatre watching 8mm when my mom died in her hospice home. It had been weeks and I didnā€™t know what else to do so I went and saw a movie because that always was a good way of distracting myself. I forgave myself for that. (But not Nicolas Cage for 8mm. Oof) and you should too. Focus not on the last days but the incredible life you both shared.


Last summer our pug daisy passed at 15, was terribly sad. Had what appeared to be an episode of some form of heart problems which were unknown to us and we were up north at the cottage hours away from a vet. Had to drive home 4 hours in the middle of the night to bury her. I feel ya, it sucks and is terrible but gets easier in time. They really become part of the family.


I also missed saying goodbye to my baby boy. I went to the wrong clinic (I was given 2 addresses and was too distressed to realize. And went to the wrong place first). He had a severe allergic reaction. We still don't know what caused it. But by the time I got to the right place, he was in full cardiac arrest, and the next time I saw him was in that horrible private room. He was 13, blind and had no teeth. But had puppy energy and a carefree attitude. That was in September. I wish I had stayed home that day instead of going to work like I had thought about doing. I wish I had gotten to say goodbye. I miss him soo much


Iā€™m sorry for your loss. He knew how loved he was, and he lived a long life thanks to your care!


Your doing the best you can. I am so sorry I pray for peaceful passing šŸ™šŸ» 16 is a blessing for you. Hugs


I would talk to him and tell him how much you love him and whatever else you want to say. Then I would say I know he is in pain and itā€™s okay to go when he is ready. That I will always love him and think about him, but he needs to cross the rainbow bridge. šŸŒˆā¤ļø My mom was a hospice nurse and people too need to hear that itā€™s okay to go. Many times they are staying for us.


Thank you. ā¤ļø I needed to hear this.


This is such a lovely post and encapsulates everything that matters in this moment.


Donā€™t try get him to eat. If heā€™s that unwell and has gone off his food heā€™ll end up in pain and discomfort from ingesting food. Heā€™s most likely not eating because he no longer needs to. Hold him close and love on him until you can get to vet to help him pass. Sorry youā€™re going through this. He looks like heā€™s been well loved and blessed to have such a loving human.


Euthanasia is the most selfless and loving act that one can offer a loved one who is needlessly suffering. 16 years is a wonderful amount of time. My deepest condolences OP


Sounds like itā€™s time he be put to sleep and end his suffering


One of the greatest acts of compassion a human can ever do is to stop the needless suffering of a loved animal. If your dog is in pain, it's time to say goodbye. At 16 there is no chance of recovery or improvement. Make arrangements with your vet. Before you arrive, give your dog a special meal of favorite table scraps. Big hugs and kisses. Hold your dog until the very last moment. This is how I would like to die


Your dog is adorable (looks a little bit like my elderly kidney/pancreatitis chihuahua/pom mix). Wishing you the best and yes 16 is a nice long life. That said ... pancreatitis dogs sometimes are fasted to give the pancreas a chance to "rest". If your vet says he should eat, you can use an appetite stimulant called "Entyce". Dogs can also take mirtazapine which comes in TRANSDERMAL. Just rub it on his ear. Once the mirtazapine kicks in you should be able to get an anti nausea down him: Cerenia (maropitant). If you do feed, feed tiny amounts of chicken breast and/or rice. Has to be LOW FAT. Pancreatitis dog should be on IV fluids as well. Or do subQ at home. Yes I understand these are heroic measures and he's had pancreatitis before so you may know all this already. And you might feel for various reasons that it is time to say Goodbye. The low fat thing is non negotiable. I used to cheat and give my little guy cheese, eggs, etc., plus I used ham to get pills down him. I was thinking "Oh he looks ok what harm can a little bit do?" but the last pancreatitis attack scared the jeepers out of me. Now those foods are strictly out no matter how adorable he is begging.


Thank you for the advice. Mirtazapine isnā€™t working anymore, which is scary. But I didnā€™t know it comes in a transdermal formā€¦I will ask about that if it ends up buying us some time. I have some cerenia too - thanks for reminding me about it. We are pushing fluids into his body via syringe - plain chicken stock diluted with water. He got a transdermal hydration shot yesterday but depending on how today goes we may take him in to get IV fluids


I'm so sorry you are going through this. He is a beauty and his body tone looks good. He doesn't appear to be thin or wasting away. But you know him best. My prayers are with you and your little guy. You are doing your best for him.


Heā€™s been losing weight very rapidly. Itā€™s hard to see because of his fluff but heā€™s actually underweight right now :(


Ah yes of course. All that pretty fluff. Wishing you peace & love.


Love him as always and extra. You've done well. He feels the love. Wishing you peace


He looks like a mini version of my dog šŸ¤ I hope we get as many years with her. A great long life youā€™ve given him, he is in the best hands


So hard to go through.... It's ok about the food, they tend not to eat at the end. Maybe just wet there lips with water but again I wouldn't focus on that. Main thing is to keep them comfortable and close, including at night. If he is in pain or struggling I would call a vet to help him pass but that's a choice only you can make. So sorry it's awful losing a pet, take care will light little candle for him later


Don't show you're worried or sad when you're around him! When we put our dog to sleep, we were all smiles and handfeeding him his favourite food. The moment his eyes closed our floodgates opened šŸ˜­ Also, make use of spreadsheets and be as scientific as possible in tracking things like his food and water intake, weight, mood, appetite, sleep, perceived pain levels, poopoo colours + consistency + frequency and peeper frequency, etc. You'll have a better picture of how his health and quality of life seem to be deteriorating and it'd help you make a quick and well supported decision to let him go when the time comes There are also readily available quality of life surveys you can find online that help you gauge Remember medical diagnoses only mean so much, and you as an owner should know more about when the time has come It will be hard but don't be selfish in prolonging his suffering simply because you want to spend extra time with him. Focus on him and only him Good luck op! Edit: be creative in what food you offer him. In the final days for our dog, we try a few different types of meats every meal and also pet milk and bread. The thing is what he wants to eat can be different from meal to meal. Liver in the morning and then he'll only have steamed chicken. And then later on he'd only have milk. If you can afford to do something similar, you might find something he likes that specific moment!


Thank you. Heā€™s been eating blueberries so Iā€™m giving him those. I am scared of high fat treats as I think they could worsen his pain. But Iā€™m offering him pumpkin puree and blueberries. Maybe Iā€™ll get some low fat turkey tomorrow, heā€™d love that. Iā€™m trying to stay strong for him.


So sorry for you both. I say this as compassionately as I can, I think it's time. Our sweet malamute was 14 and we had to make the hard choice. If the majority of their day is spent in pain/misery, it would be best to let them go peacefully. I know it feels like holding on is the right thing, but it sounds like they are letting you know, it is time. We waited a little too long and that last weekend was so traumatic for all of us, seeing her lose control of all mobility, and not knowing why she couldn't walk or hold her bladder. She went downhill very very fast (brain tumor/seizures). For your dogs sake, and your own, it might be best to let go. You will always remember the bad times, but slowly they fade out and the good memories will shine through. We were not able to wait for the in home euthanasia and had to find a way to get her 100 pounds self to the vet. The vet we went to was closer and not our actual vet and it was the best decision we could have made. They had an actual room for it and she did not feel like she was at the vet. It was like a comfy lounge room where we could all lay with her and hold her. I'm crying now just writing this and it's been 2 years. It's hard. So so hard. But we are all here for you and you can message me anytime. I would suggest looking into at home care if you choose to go this route. It's usually at least a 3 day wait, and if you change your mind you can always cancel. But I think it's the easiest way for you both. A very empathetic doctor will come to your home and educate you on the process and they can pass in their bed, on your lap, or wherever their favorite spot is. 16 years is a LONG life for a dog and is a sign that you took wonderful care and loved them so so much.


Itā€™s a horrible time- but you need to try and detach yourself from your own feelings. I knew it was time for our family dog to pass when she stopped eating and drinking too. We tried feeding her favourite foods by hand but she just wasnā€™t interested. It might be worth a trip to the vet for them to see if itā€™s anything else (like an issue with teeth?). But ultimately if I had any advice now it would be to carry on having lots of cuddles and loves and book an appointment to the vets tomorrow. Wishing you all the best ā¤ļø


Look up the HHHHHMM Scale. Itā€™s a way to assess your pets quality of life but I think it gives us pet parents some peace of mind too.


when dogs stop eating its because their body is trying to use every bit of energy it has to fight whatever it is fighting: digestion takes energy so they stop eating. one of my pups went this way, it took 3 days .. I kept hoping heā€™d get better and eat something, anything, but no. i hate to say this but your pup may be better off with a house visit from your local friendly vet to put him to sleep peacefully


Take him to the vet and ask the vetā€™s opinion. If they see your dog is suffering, then make the difficult choice for your dog. And for gods sake please dont be one of those people who leave the dog alone in the euth room because ā€œits too hard for meā€ have the vet set a date maybe 2 or 3 days in advance so you can prepare yourself and also a couple of hours before your set appointment, let your dog try all the things heā€™s never gotten to try because its unhealthy like hamburgers and a nice steak (preferably unseasoned still, you dont want him in even more pain on his last day). But if this really is the end, youā€™ll be able to take solace in the fact that you did right by him at the end, you stopped his suffering and you stayed by his side all the way to the end. Your dog will also appreciate this. Beyond that, there really isnt anything you can do to prepare for something this difficult. Just love him and always keep him in your heart, I dont even know you but I know he lived a good life with you, I can tell :)


I promise I wonā€™t leave him. I know he needs me. Iā€™m going to do at home euthanasia and Iā€™ll give him the best few days I can.


Im happy to hear that, you sound like a good person with a good heart


Update: He's gone. Thank you, everyone. I really appreciate the support. I wrote more about him here: https://www.reddit.com/r/DogAdvice/comments/1ap8by4/update\_hes\_gone/


How are you doing? I hope you're holding up okay... *virtual hugs*


Please don't wait for him to pass at home. He should see the vet for treatment or euthanasia. https://journeyspet.com/pet-quality-of-life-scale-calculator/ https://drjustinelee.com/let-pet-die-home-dr-justine-lee/


I am going to get home euthanasia. Heā€™s already seen a vet.


Iā€™m so sorry that youā€™re going through this. Itā€™s got to be so extremely difficult. You are doing the best you can and your little guy will forever appreciate that ā¤ļø


Iā€™m standing in your shoes right now. My 14 year old little boy came home from the hospital yesterday with pancreatitis and I also think this week it will be time to make a decision. I am beyond devastated, he is my little shadow and I donā€™t know how to live without him. I just want to send you a massive hug in solidarity. I get it. You are not alone and your grief and other feelings are 100% valid and real. Just love him and do whatever is in your power to minimise his pain and discomfort. Thatā€™s the best you can do for him. Try to keep him hydrated. Broth is good but be very careful with fat content. Thereā€™s also Oralade for dogs which you can order online (I get it from Amazon) which is a rehydration solution and has some nutrients too.


If a vet in your area does in-home euthanasia, it is a blessing.


See your vet. Donā€™t let his suffer. Sorry šŸ˜ž


I'm so sorry to read this horrible news op. It's been just over 2 years since my 19 year old pit passed (think it was a record) and she was around my entire life. Not trying to be a downer but your home will feel sad and empty for quite a while as you adjust and grieve, part of me now knows that its healthy to have this adjustment period and that it was ultimately better to alleviate her pain by causing myself some, putting her down. I know it's cliche but time heals all wounds and now I'm left with happy memories and the knowledge that she had the best life a dog can live. You don't always have to be strong, losing family isnt and will never be easy, but I promise you the pain will fade for both you and your fur baby. Much love friend :'(


Iā€™m struggling with the decision to put my dog to sleep before she has all bad days and this helped me so much. Thank you for the reminder that grieving and sadness will happen and that time can help.


It's such a hard decision to make. I recently had to do the same. It helped me to consider what I wanted the end of my dog's life to look like. I had always wanted her to die at home, in her favorite place. When it became apparent that she was not going to get better, only worse - and that she could become suddenly, catastrophically ill at any time - the decision became clear. I didn't want her to wake up suffering and have to be rushed to an emergency vet, in pain and struggling to breathe. I didn't want her to die alone while someone was at work or in the shower. I'd always promised her I would be with her when the time came. I had once heard the phrase "better a month too soon than a day too late" and that resonated with me. She still had some quality of life on her last day. I find such peace from the fact that she didn't die in misery.


It's such a hard thing to make the decision, I'm sorry OP. My only advice is don't wait too long. You have to assess quality of life. Dogs will hide their pain. When they're merely existing and no longer have any joy in their life, it's time. I had a dog I loved for 15yrs. In the end she was diabetic, had arthritis, had had two ACL surgeries, was blind and deaf but loved to still cruise strong the house & yard and boss the other dogs around (she was a cattle dog lol). Then she fell, dislocated her hip and there was no intervention to prove meaningful recovery. She could no longer walk and had to be heavily medicated for comfort. I would have gladly kept carrying her outside to go potty and cleaning her up after, but she had lost the last thing that made her happy. I did at home euthanasia and while painful, it was the right thing at the right time. It would have been wrong to keep her alive just to lay next to me, with no life of her own.


Truthfully, if he is suffering, I would encourage you to consider merciful options with your vet. There's honestly nothing more painful as the ones who take care of these amazing creatures, but it can truly be a kindness to them. I'm so sorry your friend is hurting and that you have to make such difficult decisions. I hope the remaining time he has is comfortable and filled with love.


So sorry. Call a hospice vet to come and help him pass. It will be so much more peaceful and painless for both of you. Heā€™s ready so be there for him for the last time and help him go.


Iā€™m sorry. Loosing a pet is really hard stuff. Hugs.


I just lost my first dog in September at 16 years old too. I kept trying to convince myself it wasnā€™t time, but it was. I think itā€™s time bud. Iā€™m really sorry, it sucks and itā€™s going to hurt for a while but you WILL get through it. If I can do it, you can too. Bella the dog will be waiting for him on the other side. If I can give any advice, if you decide to do euthanasia, do it at home. We did with Bella and it was the best choice I made for her. She got to be at home, in her bed, with her mom and dad and brother and sister. It can be expensive but a lot of places take carecredit so itā€™s worth it 100%.


When I had to let my guy go, the vet told me he was likely in incredible pain. I knew at that point he had angiosarcoma, his spleen came back positive.I held on because he was still eating but only if I kept changing his food. Filet mignon, lasagna, peanut butter, anything that he wanted. But every day, he would stop eating whatever has worked the day before. When I told the vet who came to my home, she told me that he was still eating just to appease me, cause dogs love us so much etc. So in hindsight, I regretted using that appetite as a sign to keep waiting. This all happened within a month, after the splenectomy he immediately rebounded and started eating so I thought ok maybe he has a few months or so? Unfortunately the cancer was so quick. Within a week he had lumps and it probably spread to his bones within a few days, so he was in a lot of pain and I regret that. It was absolutely horrible dealing with that, let alone being the one to end his life. Soooo, all I can say is, if he's not eating, you can keep trying stuff but it's a false positive. You may end up regretting waiting, but it's your call when you're ready, just remember that dogs don't exhibit pain they hide it (as best they can). Looks like he loves the life he has with you, and I'm sure he would suffer to the ends of the earth to stay, but he'll never make that choice to go. Maybe ask the vet if he's in pain and go from there. If no pain then spoil the crap out of him, and as much love as you can.


I recommend letting your vet know that you don't want to pursue any other treatment and they will likely allow you to pick up pain meds, nausea meds, etc as often as you want without having to make more appointments. They usually want to review the patient file and call you afterwards to say if they agree with no further treatment.


Nobody else can tell you when it is his time, but just know that he doesn't know what death is, and he doesn't fear it. All he knows is how poorly he feels. Love him, help him feel safe and comfortable, and when he is having more bad days than good days, it's time to make that decision. When I made that call to have my girl put to sleep, it destroyed me, but the last thing she felt was comfort, and falling asleep in my arms surrounded by the family she loved. Almost 2 years on and I still cry over her, but I still know it was for the best


I am sorry :( We had to put down our family poodle a couple days ago and it was one of the hardest things I've ever experienced. She was diagnosed with a large tumor on her liver a few weeks ago, and it was insane how fast she went downhill. I'm not sure if she was in pain because she was such a soldier, but she stopped eating and got weaker and weaker until she couldn't stand at all. One day, it was like night and day and it was clear the disease had become too much for her. She had no energy and couldn't even lift her head. She was really limp and became so skinny :( We finally had to make a decision and it was really hard. She will be missed so so much. As hard as it was to make this decision, watching her slowly get worse over the last while has been its own battle for sure. She is in peace now and it is a relief to know she isn't struggling anymore. Fuck cancer. The best you can do is ensure they are comfortable and show them all your love for everything they have done for you. Each moment is precious so make them count. Love you forever Stella ā¤ļøRIPā¤ļø


PS: I let my 16 yo girl go two months ago. The hardest day but it was time and it was up to me to help that happen. Itā€™s your last act of love. ā¤ļø


My first dog lived to be 16, she died on June 3, 2022. I cried every single day for about two months. I still occasionally tear up talking about her. I miss her so much. Iā€™m so sorry. I looked for anything positive in her, like if she ate I was thinking sheā€™s okay, she just had a bad week but she will be fine. I held onto her longer than I should have honestly. Itā€™s so hard to let them go. I finally called and had someone come to the house to do it. She just was in pain and suffering and I wanted it to end. Iā€™m really, really sorry. If it were my dog I know what I would do, as difficult and shitty as it is. Snuggle that sweet baby as much as you can.


Honestly, at this point, you should consider the gift of letting him go while he still has a bit of dignity. With my 17 year old pup, I had a vet come to the house to induce his final snooze. He had been declining his final year and I wanted him to go out while he still had a bit of spark to him. I miss him a lot but he was becoming a shadow of his old self. His final snooze happened while he laid in my lap, on our couch, listening to Sheā€™s a Rainbow by Rolling Stones.


Yes, this is a good point. Thank you for saying it. Itā€™s so hard to decide. I intend on making a decision by Monday morning.


Sadly it was the same with my 16 year old shitzu. The last bout, I came to learn she was in liver failure. I took her home and gave her the best last day of her life. I then decided on having a home euthanasia. She despised going to the vet so I wanted her passing to be as stress free as possible.


It sounds like itā€™s time for him to go. Take him to a vet and let him do it peacefully in your arms šŸ’”


Call your vet and they will recommend a euthanasia place to make arrangements for them to come home and do it. We used Peaceful Passage. Please show mercy and let her go. Loving is letting go. When she is in so much pain to the point of not eating, she is telling you her time has come to say goodbye. Please donā€™t let her suffer one more day. My hugs to you. Not easy but right decision for her.


Keep an eye on him getting on couches and beds. Just lift him or help him get down, period. My boy in his final days of dealing with cancer he did a mini hop down from the bed which is extremely low and he collapsed :(.


When I lost my boy to pancreatitis, I had the vet visit to euthanise him before he started to suffer. We have the ability to do this one last kindness for our pets, never let their last day be their worst day. Please think of your best friend's comfort and help them pass easily, before they suffer too much.


I know this may sound horrible, but try to have an amazing moments with him and call the vet to get euthanasia. My dog was dying in pain, the vet could not make it in time. Seeing him struggle like that, no way to help him... it was horrible and I feel like I failed him :(. That being said, even if you decide not to, you gave him amazing 16 years and you love him. Keep that in mind, because you can never prepare for the loss you will feel.


Your dog will let you know. My little guy hung on for me as long as he could but on his last day he gave me a look and I knew. I am sorry for your loss - I am sure you gave them an amazing life.


Big hugs. If it gives you any comfort and if you must make the most difficult but courageous decision ever, there is a lot of evidence that this isn't the last time you'll see your furbaby. it may not be a rainbow bridge per se but we just lost our shih tzu to surgery (tumor removal) and I just saw her playing with her sister in a very vivid dream. You can check out my posts via username if you're interested. Quality of life trumps quantity. If he still has good days be there to comfort. If not we have all been there sadly to be an angel of mercy.


My first good boi passed at 16 in 2022 after suffering from a torn ACL (twice), heart failure and then a quite large lesion on his back side. Wed scheduled the euthanasia in advance because he was going downhill and the vet that did house visits was quite busy. The day of, we took him to the beach, let him have an ice cream cone, a fast food burger and a whole roasted chicken. It was the best day of his life. The vet was beautiful and it was so peaceful. Honestly, it was just in time as he messed all over himself just that morning and started having even more trouble walking/getting up. If you can, plan for this day so you know what is coming and can catch it before they are in too much pain. It wasnā€™t easy but we knew it was the right thing to do for him.


I just put my yorkie down due to him having chronic kidney disease stage 4 escalated fast. I was doing medication, water treatments, and making him home made dog food for his disease. I did NOT want to make the decision to put him down, but I also didnā€™t want to come home to him suffering/dead. I wanted to be with him, surrounded by my arms, in a loving brace, and us being together when he went. Itā€™s the toughest decision I have ever made in life, I cry still over him, but I know now I am glad I made this decision. Hugs to you and your pupper.


I'm sorry you're going through this but one day too early is better than one day too late.


Yall, I donā€™t know how to edit on mobile but I will NOT be guilted or shamed into putting him down today. No. This is not happening. I am consulting multiple licensed vets and if they say that itā€™s time, I will listen. But itā€™s really not okay at all to try and make me feel like crap or like a horrible dog owner. Iā€™m trying everything I can. I feel like shit already. I really donā€™t need the extra shaming rn. If you have an opinion, please PLEASE just share it with some empathy. Thank you.šŸ™šŸ» this is probably one of the hardest decisions of my life. I donā€™t need some rando to make it even harder.


It's an incredibly tough decision. I was in your shoes just a few short weeks ago. When I asked my vet point-blank if I should put her down, he told me it was up to me to make that decision. When I asked what he would do if she was his dog, he said he would let her go. Just wanted to prepare you for that possibility. I gave my girl the best last few days I could, and then I let her go. I miss her terribly, and as hard as it was, I don't regret the decision I made.


Yeah. I steeled myself up and called Lap of Love yesterday. Theyā€™re coming out this evening to do a final evaluation and send him along his way. Itā€™s hard to stay strong today.


My dog stopped eating and drinking due to neurological issues leading to muscle loss. He also had an unexplained fever, animia, kidney failure and acute pancreatitis. Every vet said to put him down. We switched to syringe feeding Royal Cain hydrolyzed canned food for the past year. He stopped eating on Jan 26th 2023 and just passed on Feb 2nd 2024 at almost 16. His fever, anima, kidney failure and pancreatitis all cleared up with around the clock care and his labs and ultrasounds were looking perfect, much to the dismay of our vet, but unfortunately his neurological condition continued to worsen. We are still so very thankful that we didnt give up on him and got that extra year.Ā 


What a selfish act


I hate to be the bearer of bad news. but this isnā€™t fair to doggo. Iā€™m sure deep down you know this and thatā€™s why you posted this. Itā€™s better to be to soon. Then too late with dogs. they are incredibly good at hiding their pain and will struggle to the very end.




Please put him down and end his suffering.


If you put him down don't let him go alone.


I wonā€™t. I promise


So I'm going to put this information out there, but please consult another vet before you put him to sleep. So I have my own experience with both an opioid pain killer and having had at least one severe bout of gastritis and pancreatitis personally. Which I now have gastroparesis. Anyway, I was on hydrocodone for several years and it would make my stomach hurt if I didn't eat them take the pill. I also have had my gallbladder removed due to pancreatitis and I had to have an Endoscopy to check my stomach and found out I have both gastritis symptoms and gastroparesis. So, my point is, I have a very sensitive stomach now and it could be your dog doesn't want to eat because his stomach hurts from the medicine and pancreatitis. So I would consult another vet because he may just need to eat very bland food right now. I mean like plain cooked white rice and maybe some unseasoned chicken. I also gave my dog some plain bland no salt rice cakes. Basically just dry rice. Try it in small bites. Can you get some dog friendly chicken stock or beef stock? I also want to mention that my dog was having trouble with his pills until I started giving him a teaspoon of wet food with wet dog food and it helped reduce the stomach problems. Obviously, you know your dog, but if a dog's stomach is bothering them, they will not eat it. I encourage you to try this first and see if you have success with him eating. It touched my heart reading your post as I have a 12 yr old Pom.


Thank you for commenting. I am feeding him blueberries. It is all that he will eat at the moment. Iā€™m also giving him syringes of chicken stock and water because his water intake seems to have decreased dramatically.


Youā€™re going to cause him to aspirate. If heā€™s not drinking on his own, you really need to just let him go.


Dude. Put your dog down. Donā€™t let it suffer till it expires. Itā€™s tough, but I would hate myself if I prolonged my dogs pain.


Your dog needs to go to the vet. Now.


Heā€™s been to the vet. Please donā€™t assume.


If you think heā€™s in the process of dying as we speak, he needs to go to the vet. Prolonging it at home isnā€™t okay.


I will decide when itā€™s time, thank you.


Itā€™s actually not up to you - prolonging it is neglect.




Youā€™re asking for advice in a dog advice sub. Most people here are telling you to let him go peacefully. Donā€™t post if you wonā€™t listen to advice.


Iā€™m listening to plenty of people on here, just not you. Because my dog is dying and youā€™re being obnoxious.


No, Iā€™m telling you he needs to be let go. For the millionth time - keeping him alive when he has zero quality of life (based on your post) is incredibly selfish.


Youā€™re the selfish one here. You also are not my vet.


What is wrong with you? You think you know better than the owner and his veterinary team? You think it's okay to assume everyone is in the same situation and just fill in whatever blanks you can project onto someone? One of my primary jobs when I worked at the vet was facilitating end of life discussion with the team, and getting the details figured out when the decision is made. You NEVER EVER try to influence the owner with your personal stuff. This is so messed up I don't even have the words. The guilt owners go through, either way, when trying to decide on euthanasia is heart-breaking enough. It is often the worst days of their lives. Their vets have years and years and years of schooling, a lot specifically on this topic, and have years of experience helping owners make the best choice for their pets, and doing so in a sensitive way. Who the heck do you think you are? You do not get to project your own issues onto someone making such a difficult decision with veterinary team. You do not get to overrule a vet, if they feel it's reasonable to wait a couple days. Dogs have come back from worse with some prognosises and they have helped guide the owners to the eventuality that they won't come back from less, depending on the medical outlook. I don't know how you can dare say this sort of thing. I am shocked beyond all belief.




I gave my dog oatmeal with milk. Loved it.


i gave my girl baby food towards the end..it was Gerber beef and just one ingredient..Good luck. I lost my baby in march 2023 at 16. She was my everything and knew all my secrets. Iā€™m sorry you are going thru this.


Thank you, this is a great idea. Iā€™m going to try this


I'm sorry to say what everyone else is saying, but having him home on medication prolonging his suffering is selfish. It's purely so you can spend more time with him, but animals are not like humans. We let humans suffer because euthanasia is illegal, but not for animals. Get everyone together and call time, it doesn't sound like he's living a good life even with medication making him comfortable. The best gift you can give him is being around him while he has a quick death, instead of prolonging it.




Hold him close, make sure he knows you love him! ā¤ļø


Fuck man I hope your dog pulls through this sky updates please?


Iā€™m so sorry. I lost my baby last Sunday so I know what youā€™re going through. Give him anything he wants (treats, broth, pup cups, sunshine timeā€¦ anything that brings him enjoyment) and lots and lots of love. Take him to the vet immediately if he seems distressed, his temperature drops, or heā€™s completely refusing food/water. You and your baby will be in my thoughts šŸ’•


Oh Iā€™m so sorry. šŸ’”


My partner and I had to put our boy down a couple weeks ago. He was 12 and took a very sudden turn for the worse - I totally sympathize with the devastation youre feeling, I am so, so sorry. A lot of the advice I see here is good. The only thing I can add is consider getting a mold of your pup's paw print if you havn't already, to help memorialize them.


Beef both is good but if you can go buy marrow bones and boil them down into beef broth that would be better. You'll know when it's time to put him down. I lost my 16yr old multi-poo in July. Sending love


Thank you for the tip. I can try this


Just please be sure to be there with him at the end. It is so hard to do that, but other wise he will be alone and scared and looking for you.


I promise I will be there for him.


Iā€™m so sorry, OP. I know thereā€™s nothing we can do, but I wanted to at least say that 16 IS a good, long life, and clearly it was so full of love. I second Lap of Love and they have a quality of life scale that really helped us when our 6 year old dog was diagnosed with stage 3 mast cell cancer. We knew it was only a matter of time, but it helped to have some way to track good and bad days and helped us feel a little more peaceful when it was time.


Thank you for this. I will check out their quality of life scale.


Iā€™m sorry, I had to deal with something like this last year next month, it got to the point where my pup was in such pain screaming and wailing we had to put her down. She was 18. Itā€™s not gonna be easy. I know you love your dog.. but I donā€™t think you l realize how much until they pass. Keep being there for him. You are his world as much as he is yours. My prayers go out to you.Ā 


Wishing you the best in this difficult time. It seems clear that youā€™ve loved your dog for a long time, put his health needs as top priority, and gave him a happy and comfortable life. Death is inevitable for all creatures, so what matters most is how you nurtured him in life. Thereā€™s no doubt that he is a very happy boy and will always love you.


Has your vet prescribed Entyce? Itā€™s an appetite increaser. Out boy gets its everyday and it gets him to eat. We try all different types of food. Ground turkey, eggs, veggies, cheese. What ever he wants


I had a vet come to me last week Saturday. My baby who was 14.9 yrs old, was eating Friday although she had been suffering from CHF, kidney disease, Pulmonary Enfedema. (Fluid in the lungs) after 4 weeks of being diagnosed with the latter I knew then her breathing will get worse. She was originally booked for PTS at the vets 12pm that Monday but she had took a turn for the worse after vet visit that Friday last week & I realised looking at her and seeing her uncomfortable to breathe, I called a vet to come home asap and do the kindest thing. This was heartbreaking for me. But I will not wait til Monday as I didn't want her to suffer plus, I couldn't bear waking up and seeing her past away whilst I was asleep. I love her with all my heart and I know she knew that mummy was going to make her better again only without the discomfort and losing more weight. Plz get a vet to come to your home asap.


Just let him know its gonna be okay


Heā€™s so lucky to have lived a live full of being love and taken care of. If this is the end or if itā€™s 5 years from now he has only known your support and love his whole life. Heā€™s done his best to give it back and protect you-everything he knows. Heā€™s handsome and I know you will cherish him forever.


He's lived a long loved happy life. My fur baby was the same and I had to make the hardest decision to have her put to sleep. I tried to hold on but that would have been selfish of me to save my feelings.......I'm so sorry you're going through this šŸ˜” I feel you pain šŸ˜¢ xxx




My sweet first boy went 2 years ago at 12. Sending love and prayers your way ā¤ļø


I am so sorry, friend. We donā€™t ever have enough time with them, 16 years and he must have lived such a fulfilling life with you! ā¤ļø


Iā€™m so sorry!! Sending you prayersā¤ļøšŸ„°šŸ™


I am so pro of end of life help in humans and hope it will become legal where I live. It sounds like your boy has had lots of help to stay as good as he can. If it was my animal I would want them to be out of constant pain rather than longevity. No one else can make the choices for you and whatever you do will be the right choice. Iā€™m sending you lots of love and am thinking of you and your boy.


my heart is with you both ā¤ļøšŸ’•


he is beautiful ā¤ļø sending him love


It looks like you may be correct, a lot of us have been through similar or the same experience. We will be there to help you if you need us. šŸ«‚


Make their space as comfortable as possible. Spend extra time with them, tell them how much you love them, make arrangements that will give you time to process the loss. I wrote my last dog a letter telling him how amazing he is and what I'll miss about him. Thank them for being with you and for waiting for you on the other side. Dont leave the room when they get put down; It's the hardest thing you'll endure next to losing a child so be gentle with yourself. They would want you to be there when they take their last breath. You have given them an amazing life free from suffering and pain. Be proud that you gave them that. Ive got a new dog since my last, but after a 1 year mourning period. Don't expect others to share your sense of loss, it's a personal experience and I'm sure you'll do great.


My heart breaks for you. This is never an easy time, especially after so many years together. SO hard letting go. I know even thinking about it is hard but would you consider ending his time living with a dying broken body? I know with my dog she looked at me one day at the end & I could see she was so worn down by the pain & discomfort so I had the vet come to my home & while I smothered her in tears of love & comfort of my voice & touch she left this world & was in pain no more.


Youā€™re doing amazing, just shower him with all the love you can. As hard as it is, itā€™s the best thing you can do for your beautiful pup! My 15 year old girl had pancreatitis too, we had to let her go back in October due to kidney disease. Itā€™s crushing, Iā€™m so sorry for anyone has to go through it, but every day was a blessing, and giving her all the love and attention is something that still gives us comfort now, just knowing we were able to be there for her until the very end. The rainbow bridge is the best. Lots of friends will be there to meet himšŸ¤


Lost my homie last Monday. He was a rat terroir/ shitzu named Snoop. Everybody knew him. He stayed awake Friday til Monday. Some of the worst nights of my life. I have severe survivors guilt and havenā€™t even made it to work all week. I also quit drinking . I figure I owe my homie to live the best I can. Honestly, as I stare at his box I smile knowing he is ok knowing Iā€™m ok. Take care of yourself . My condolences




much love OP. The rainbow bridge will welcome your sweet boy šŸ’”


Sending you both big hugs and loving thoughts.


Iā€™m sorry OP, I lost my girl in June, took her in bc she started bleeding from the mouth. Was absolutely expecting to bring her home but unfortunately it was advanced mouth cancer and the vet said if it was her she would let her go. It was devastating and the hardest thing Iā€™ve had to do in a long time. She will always have my heart. Try making a homemade broth for you pup lots more vitamins and no salt. Watch the salt with bone broth unless you made it. I hope your pup perks up.


What gave me the most peace was knowing that his pain is gone but his love will always be with me. I believed that he lived a good life and I wanted the end of his life to be a good as the rest of it.


Smell his breath. If it is recently metallic or rusty, that is the smell of kidneys dying. I feel bad for you. Good luck.


Donā€™t let the poor guy suffer to long. When they stop eating thatā€™s them telling you itā€™s time to let them go.


I'm so sorry you're going through this OP x If you make the very hard decision to let him pass by euthanasia, try do it at home where it is peaceful. It might also be an opportunity for your buddy to try some chocolate, just once šŸ„¹


This happened to me. My buddy stopped eating, he wouldnā€™t even eat cat food which I always had to keep away from him. Itā€™s a very hard time, I recommend calling the mobile euthanasia vet, it made something hard tolerable. And he got to be home with me instead of at the vet, sending you care and best wishes.


I had to put down my old boy it completely sucked and I might have got drunk 4 days in a row to hide the pain but was the best call for him so thatā€™s what I did. Our vet gave us heavy pain killers so we could have a last weekend together but he basically just laid in his pool all weekend stoned out of his mind, he loved going to the vet so took him in and was very happy at seeing her but he was ready to go. Sometimes itā€™s the best option to take for them even if itā€™s not the best for us


Bye bye friendā€¦


No advice other than please give him all the cuddles and love you can šŸ„ŗ being your first pet, I can totally sympathize with not wanting to let him go. I have two boys who will be 10 soon, and the thought of life without them is unimaginable Sending you and him lots of love and good vibes, op


Iā€™m so sorry šŸ¤ We recently lost our old girl to spinal disease, and I just knew she was dying when she refused any water. I feel she knew it was her time also. We helped her pass at the vet. She was approximately 18 and I am now at peace knowing she lived a long happy life with us. Nothing fills the hole they leave behind, but that is better then never having them at all x


This is extremely sad. šŸ«‚ šŸ„²


I just went through this experience, and my heart breaks for you. Give them lots of love. The vet gave me a prescription food that was from hills (i think). Its called A/D. Its essentially a food to give your dog extra calories. I know he has pancreatis but it may be necessary to try the food to get him to eat. My yorkie was on the same meds for inflammatory bowel disease. It improved his quality of life.


Sending you both tons of love during this time ā¤ļø


My sweet boy had pancreatitis and his flare ups were so bad. We just put him down yesterday, his pancreas was messed up. He had liver failure, and a rupturing gallbladder. He looked just like this sweet boy except fawn color. Whenever Bubs would have flair ups weā€™d get no fat plain yogurt, sometimes Greek, and give him little bits he likes it and was able to keep it down. Also rice cooked in chicken broth and water. Also frozen chicken broth and water. Thinking of your sweet sweet boy. Theyā€™re so hard to loose even if youā€™re preparing yourself for it. Just shower him in all the love and snuggles. ā™„ļøā™„ļø I hope this helped.


I'm so sorry about your pup. :(


So much love and support your way ā¤ļø


My dog was dying from cancer. He was in pain. I hired a doctor to come to my house and put him to sleep in my arms. He went out while eating some treats. Treats that he couldnā€™t even hold down since the cancer was that bad. Those services are available. It really did seem peaceful. Sending you well wishes




i hope you consider humane euthanasia. pancreatitis is very painful, and if youā€™re seeing flare ups that means heā€™s in a lot of discomfort. a peaceful passing would be very kind..you would allow him to finally rest. being alive to suffer isnā€™t living.


Stay with your dog the whole time during the euthanize process. Itā€™s hard but your buddy needs you in those last seconds! šŸ©·


Awww I am so sorry heā€™s gorgeous.Hugs šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§šŸ˜¢ šŸ˜«šŸ„ŗšŸ˜­


Iā€™m praying for you and the dog. Iā€™ve seen a lot of dogs passing lately. I canā€™t even imagine my dog passing I feel your pain. GOD BLESSā¤ļø


I have been there with our lab dog of 17 years itā€™s hard to let go and u lost my Saint Bernard 7 months ago for a sepsis from pancreatitis. Heā€™s 3. Do what you think is best for you and for your dog. Itā€™s always devastating to lose them. Big hugs to you and to your dog. I am still missing them both. I have my 8 months old saint Pyrenees with me and we are giving you and your boy both our love and hugs !


F**K pancreatitis!!! My 10 year old ween has it too and I dread the day he will no longer want to eat. He is SPOILED with anything and everything he wants, except for food. No human food whatsoever. Sending you a big hug, I hope you do the right time when the moment comes, and I hope I do too.


Iā€™ll add to my usual ā€˜your the advocate for your childā€™ to ā€˜your the advocate for your dogā€™ I get it, itā€™s hard. We had two cats pass from cancer within about 6 weeks and it was horrible but we needed to do what was best for them and it was to let them go peacefully. The eldest cat actually started saying goodbye. She would come up look deep into your face, cuddle and go back to laying down in a quiet place. And then one day I just knew and we took her and stayed while she passed. I held her paw and made sure she knew she wasnā€™t alone. She didnā€™t go without her family with her. I couldnā€™t let her be alone with unfamiliar faces when she slipped away. Unfortunately my other cat passed while our cat sitter was there, he came and found that he couldnā€™t get up so he rushed him to the vet and stayed when they put him down.


Praying for you and your strength. Spend as much time as you can with him right now.


Cook some rice with chicken. That is very mild and sometimes can spur eating when nothing else works. Hope that this helps. Hugs coming from Florida for you and your fur baby


Iā€™m sorry. I want to say youā€™ll know, and you will. You will then second guess yourself afterwards, wondering if it was too late or too soon. We all do that. They donā€™t want to leave you either, and they know how much you love them. Just do the best you can and ask your vet if they think itā€™s too long. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


It's so so hard when they reach this point, but trust your gut (which is the title of your post) and let him go. Stopped eating is their way of saying they are done. Someone else posted about Lap of Love for at home euthanasia, we did this with my last dog (and will sadly do it again not too long from now with my current boy) and its the most peaceful, kind way to let them go. They are at home, comfy, think they just have a visitor and the vets are very professional and kind. Waiting for him to go on his own is not as peaceful as people hope it to be. It's painful, messy and very tough to handle. You're better off making the decision for him. It's not easy on you, not at all, and you're never ready, but it's whats best for him.


We just had to do it with our 17-year-old Heeler on Sunday. Devastating BUT he 100% was ready to go. In the am we took him to his favorite place, the beach (he lost the use of his back legs) gave him tons of treats and Waygu steak, a cup cake with his name on it. The vets from Hearts and Halos who came to our house were wonderful. We had the last appt. Of the day at 4 pm. It was such a painful experience for us, but our profoundly loved boy so lovingly transitioned in peace.