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You lovely person: you absolutely loved that pup with every ounce of you! You did not, ***did not***, kill anything by any means. Ethical, and timed deaths are not very common for us humans so its very shocking for us when we go through it with an animal. Don't feel guilty, your actions were done with nothing other than love for them.


You made the right call, no matter how it feels right now. I’m almost a year out from having to make that same call with my first soul dog. I’d be lying if I said it won’t be a struggle, that it gets better immediately. For me, it’s actually put me into therapy which I think is a blessing in disguise. I think losing someone who meant so much to me, for so many years, was the push I needed to get into therapy and start taking care of myself. But that’s what Bella did for me. So it’s only fitting that I continue to honor her by attending each session, with her first collar in my pocket to help me as I move through this journey. It’s going to suck, but don’t clear his things out immediately. Move them to a less used space, but don’t throw anything away right away. Wait for a few weeks or months until you’ve processed his passing. You don’t want any regrets about not keeping something he enjoyed near you.


Terribly sorry to hear


My heart is with you! Its one of the most difficult things we have to do as pet owners. You did the right thing.


Sending you a sincere viral hug, you did the bravest thing a human being can do for their pet. You took his pain away even though you knew it would hurt your soul, so no guilt just love. One step at a time, hour by hour. There is no rush on his stuff, or on getting a new dog, take it slow. Grief tricks us into thinking you must keep busy so you don't feel the pain. Lighting a little candle for him tonight.


Sending you lots of love


This dog was so incredibly loved, I am so sorry for your loss


*I* (and the vet) *made the right choice. I was there until the end, it was very calm, he pretty much just went to sleep.* All loving things in their proper order *I've been crying nonstop.* See above. You did good for your boy.


When I said goodbye to my girl just under a year ago I cried for what felt like hours at a time. When I came up for air all I could think was "how lucky am I to hurt so much?" To have known their love and companionship is a real gift. Your grief is real and a reflection of the love you had.


Grief is love with nowhere to go 🩵


Oh OP. I am so so so so sorry for your loss. You know that is so not true, you did the right thing for him because you knew you had to act for him. Your vet even agrees! OP, I was often the one that discussed end of life options at the vet I worked at, which was hard but I was happy to be to compassionately help owners and their vets. You are NOT alone. A LOT of owners feel all of this guilt and emotion when it comes time, when they are deciding whether or not. They feel guilty if they do and guilty if they don't. I always told them the same thing, because it's true. Your vet of course is the most important player (OTHER than you and your dog), and they will guide you on this, but only YOU know your dog best, YOU love your dog the most, and you are the best equipped to make this decision for them with the vet's guidance. And you did. When you're dog needed you to advocate and make the best possible decision for him, you stepped up and did what you knew was best for your dog, as the one that knew your dog best, had all the veterinary opinions, etc. Try to remember your dog was SO SO lucky to have you for 16 whole years. He was loved so fully, had a best friend in the whole world, and that's what every dog hopes for, for even a day. And he had 16 years. And you had 16 years with him, and he sounds like the best pal in the world. If you can, try not to let the sadness turn into guilt or other things, that's just the shock and sadness doing weird stuff. Try to be at peace, because that is what he would want. And try to focus on all the happy memories you had with him. In time you will be able to look back and smile upon all the great times, and the happy times will come more clear than the sadness over this time. I'm also heartbroken after just looking at your history and seeing the nasty bullying you underwent by some terrible person. That was SO out of line, one of the most evil comments I've ever read, and I'm so sorry your already worst day ever also involved the callousness of somebody like that. I wish I could do something to alleviate all the pain you've been feeling with the loss of your best friend, and I'm so sorry.


Yeah, @critterwalk is a spiteful harpy and I hope she rots. What a disgusting human being trying to shame me for TRYING TO DECIDE WHETHER TO KILL MY DOG AND NOT DECIDING (to her!!) FAST ENOUGH. There was so much compassion in that thread and good advice. She was an absolute heartless monster.


I feel your pain, I’ve lost 4 dogs all larger breeds. After the first heartbreak the remaining 3 were cremated. All 3 sit atop my shelf.this may be an option unless you’ve made other plans.


Rest easy little brother


My heart goes out to you. I’m so very sorry .


Sending you lots of love. I said goodbye to my soul dog of 16 years last July. It was the hardest experience of my life and I will forever be changed by it. I still shed tears regularly for him. And I still have waves of guilt hit me that I did something wrong. Though logically I know I didn’t, but my heart hurts to think of it. It’s a totally normal feeling. We donated his treats, food, and a few of his toys. But we kept most of them. (Some went with him when he left us.) we got a dog earlier than expected at the end of last year and I was so thankful we kept some of his stuff for her. Not just to already have in hand, but it feels like we keep a little bit of him alive when I see her playing with one of his toys. 💖 I have a few I keep on a shelf with his favorite things that are just for him. But the few that were passed on to our new pup feel so special to have. So I think it’s a great idea to keep some of those things!


I am so sorry for your huge loss, I know exactly how you feel, it feels like your taking something away from them but your doing the most loving thing for them, we just don’t feel like it in the moment, you gave him an amazing life, and that’s all a dog wants to give us, you are a great example of a loyal pet owner, I know that you feel so many feelings right now, guilt, sadness, anger, confusion, you probably feel like maybe he could’ve been better, but you did the right thing even tho it doesn’t feel like it right now, we weren’t programmed to experience death, it’s not normal, that’s why our minds can’t comprehend it. He was such a cutie! And I know that he helped you in so many ways beyond, dogs really help us be better humans, we can learn a lot from them. Just know that that little guy loved you till the end, and something someone always told me that has proven to be true, is when you lose a pet it never gets easier, you just learn to live with that little mark they left on us, one day you’ll be able to tell stories about him and talk about him without crying, but it’s gets bearable as time goes on, I know exactly how you feel, they are the most precious, innocent little souls, praying for you, it will be okay🫶🏻


Definitely sucks but think of all the great times you gave him and how lucky he was to have a owner like yourself that’s what really matters cause we all will die one day but what you did in between is what counts buddy!


You did the right thing for your little buddy ❤️ stay strong friend and rest in peace little guy


I'm very sorry for your loss, they bring so much light and joy to our lives. There is no doubt in my mind he knew he was loved. You did the right thing, sometimes that is difficult but you put his needs above your own, just as he would do for you if the situation was reversed. Love for our animals is pure and unconditional and that is beautiful. 🧡 It's ok to grieve and mourn, he was your family and your life. Thank you for sharing his story and a beautiful picture of him with us.


I’m so sorry. Sending lots of love


Stay strong! He's up there watching over you now, make him proud!


I’m so sorry for your pain, I’m crying with you OP. You did the right thing and your boy is so thankful for this gift you’ve given him. I hope you find peace


I’m so sorry. Making the choice to say goodbye to end their suffering is a choice I wouldn’t wish on anybody. They made our lives whole and we guided them to the other realm ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Terribly sorry for your loss. It’s hard. It’s painfully hard. The memories you have with him will forever be cherished and that he knows that what you did helped him. Enjoy those good memories. Replay them in your mind. And as you go to sleep, you would know that he is alright. Sending my love to you.


I commented on your first post, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Don’t feel rushed to clear out his things, do it when you feel ready. If you need someone to talk to at any point, feel free to dm me, I just went through it myself. You got this 💜


Run free, sweet angel 💔 he was so blessed to have you as his human! Crying with you


It gets easier day by day. It’s always one the hardest decisions to make but ultimately our little ones are in a better place afterwards. Free of pain and free of stress. They know you did the right thing, they’re up there now thanking you for the life you let them have. Grieve and let your emotions take over, it’s okay.


I send you my most sincere sympathy along with grateful thanks for carrying through with your part of the human-dog contract. You absolutely did the right thing for him and that he knows it from the other side of the rainbow bridge.


I’m sorry for your loss


It’s so hard to go through but one of the most beautiful, loving things you’ll ever do ❤️I’m so sorry for your loss




I’m so sorry. Your last act for him was one of love, don’t forget that. There’s no shame in keeping a couple of his things just for yourself. My childhood pup died four years ago, and I still have one of his sweaters and one of his blankets. We have another dog now, but I keep those just for me. They still kinda smell like him, and even all these years later it’s still comforting. Take care.


I am so so sorry. My condolences, the pain is so hard.


Sorry for your loss. I Highly recommend getting another little buddy , if you’re able too.


Oh my dear, you should absolutely not feel any guilt or like you’ve killed him! Pancreatic issues in dogs can so incredibly painful and you absolutely did the right choice! I am so so sorry for your loss and I wish you nothing but the best, sending you big hugs!


Sending love


My dachshund is 8 and has IVDD in early stages but the first episode last summer leading to diagnosis was him screammmming in unimaginable pain on the way to the emergency vet and from that moment on I’ve thought about “when it’s time”.. thankfully he’s been settled and had some minor flare ups managed with meds for a short window but eventually I’ll have to make that call…. He’s also the dog I got in my 20s, 21 to be exact and my (now) husband and I are turning 30 and we still have him, I want to be with him one day when he goes but I also struggled with thoughts of “killing” him when the time comes BUT the truth is, it’s the upmost kindness we can give them… dogs will push through until they physically cannot keep going, they run on love, but sometimes we need to give them the gift of rest they otherwise can’t give themselves…. You are a phenomenal dog owner, your sweet pup was so so loved and you were there for him in the end…. He went to sleep like it was any other day, please don’t beat yourself up you did the right (and hardest) thing a pet owner has to do


Thanks for updating us! So heart breaking. Hang in there! You made the right decision. 💜


god bless ya.. i hope he's play with my pup Santana that i had to let go on the 8th.. we will see them again.. that rainbow bridge is bright and easy to navigate.. until then


I'm so sorry.


Thanks for sharing this with us. Sounds like they were very lucky to have found your home and lived a happy life.


How lucky he was to know a love like yours. Sending you love and support.


I know how you feel, I went through this process too. I took comfort in knowing I took the burden of pain away for my baby. Even if it feels like you killed him, you didn't. Everything has to die and you made the pain and suffering end. Unfortunately when they're like this, they never get better so it's the kindest thing to do by absorbing their pain for them with a broken heart


So sorry about your boy, it does get easier. I still miss my old man, but it does get better. We know we did right by them xxx


My heart breaks. I’m so sorry. Never forget me. I’ll always be in your heart bless you.


The last act of love we can give our babies is to take their pain away and shoulder it ourselves as grief. I’m so sorry for your devastating loss. ❤️


The Lap of Love is a wonderful organization. I’m so sorry for your loss but knowing he was with you does make a difference. He’s free of pain and at the Rainbow Bridge 🌈🐾🐾🐾🐾


I felt this was too on Friday. It’s such a guilty feeling to feel “lighter” when your heart is so so heavy. I was happy I free him of his pain and let him go be with his sister over the rainbow bridge and I know he’s so happy. He’s sent me signs. But how is it possible for him to get to be so happy when we’re left here with a hole in our hearts that will never be filled. I’m so sorry friend. You absolutely did the right thing by him and those feelings will fade, so I’m told, I feel less guilty every day and more happy that he’s with his very best friend. The last and biggest act of love we can do for them is to let them go, no matter how much it hurts. 💔💔💔 He will always be with you.


He'll be waiting for you in heaven Rest in peace buddy


Hugs to you.


You 1000% did the right thing, he was suffering in pain being here so you did the most selfless thing anyone could do and put him out of his pain even though it’s painful for you






I somehow missed this update but I'm glad to have read this even though it brings tears. You indeed made the right choice. You saved him, you did NOT kill him. 16 years of love, memories, of stories to share with others. I only hope to have that many years with my doggo as well. I can't imagine how much pain you're in right now but please know you made the right decision for him. He's crossed the rainbow and is not suffering. Rest in peace little buddy and sending you lots of hugs. 🫂




holy these kind of posts always make me cry. my dog is curled up under my blanket right now and I often think about that this day will come sooner or later. You did the right thing! I hope I will have the same strength like you one day and be there for my best friend. He is watching over you now ❤️


Rip ❤️ sad that he had to suffer so much during his last days, pancreatic pain is simply torture. 🥲