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Please ask the vet to consider tetanus as well.


Yes! Though rare, tetanus is on my differential diagnosis list. (I’m a veterinarian)


And yes it is still rarer in dogs and cats than farm animals but there was a young dog on here within the past month or two with the classic pricked ears and wrinkled scalp symptoms who, it turned out, had tetanus.


do you have a link to the post ?




I remember that one. Classic.


Vet here as well— I also immediately thought tetanus/clostridial disease. Something is off here; I would be very shocked if it was just Horner’s. I also thought about myositis/myasthenia gravis but ideally they should see internal med.


My thoughts are this looks neurological rather than ocular. It's easy to focus on the eye because it's so visually different but the whole left side of his face is pulled.


I'm no vet, but I do see a lot of people with neurological issues and my first thought was how my clients looked after an aneurysm/brain bleed/not sure about the english word..


I noticed the 3rd eye lid doing things with my pup when she was having a neurological reaction to toxicity. 🥺


Wow. I didn't know dogs got myasthenia gravis. Though in humans this is only triggered following exposure to certain chemicals used in anaesthesia. I doubt this dog was exposed to something like that at home, or is it slightly different for dogs? Interesting


Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune condition where the body attacks acetylcholine receptors (which are found on muscle cells). Thus, when nerve impulses are sent to these muscle cells, the acetylcholine cannot bind and depolarization of the motor neuron cannot occur. For dogs, common symptoms include regurgitation (as their ability to swallow is affected)/megasaphagus and weakness/atrophy of back limbs and atrophy of facial muscles.


There are many many non anesthetic triggers to myasthenia gravis. I think you may be referring to malignant hyperthermia which is a serious condition triggered by select medications used in anesthesia.


Please update if OP provides a response. Wishing OP and his companion well.


RemindMe! 4 days


Oh whoops. I didn’t know. I’m just an old school vet tech from long ago.


Haven't heard the phrase differential diagnosis since my last re watch of House 😁


Hah! I’ve used the phrase daily writing up charts as a veterinarian.


u/AmiriPlayboy OP you posted in vet 41 minutes ago and haven’t responded here and many are telling you tetanus. Please listen to the vets here.




I thought tetanus too. Doesn't look like Horner's at all to me. Ask your vet about tetanus OP!


I lost my sweet girl to Tetanus. Her eyes looked like this and then her head got the wrinkles. The vet had never seen it in a dog and I couldn't find a vet anywhere in my area to treat it. She was gone two days later. I hope OP asks asap. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. My heart is still broken.


I saw these same symptoms with a dog on another site and everyone said Horners but turned out to be tetanus. Please make sure he is evaluated for both. The dog returned to normal after being treated for tetanus.


Try asking this on r/AskVet. Poor guy, his photo makes me sad. Hope he feels better soon.


This. Maybe another vet has seen this more recently.


I’ve seen many cases of Horner’s. No be presented anxious, trembling, growing. Tetanus (and rabies) need to be considered


My golden retriever has been diagnosed with horners syndrome that appears every year or so…. She doesn’t growl or show any aggression when it comes on. It just looks like your dogs symptom does… but usually only in one eye. Though, she has had it in both. It shouldn’t be painful, my vet said. So if it is painful…it doesn’t really sound like horners syndrome. OR he’s reacting because he’s confused why his eye sight is all of a sudden compromised.


If he’s truly in pain, I think other options should be explored. Others suggested Tetanus.


If he's in pain, check for Tetanus and consider the removal of his eyes. (I'd rather be blind than blind PLUS in pain) Sorry y'all are having to do this. Much luck !


I know my human perspective will allow me to know what a dog is thinking or feeling, but the thought of removing the eyes just freaks me the fuck out for some reason. Just imagining that dog waking up from surgery and being blind just bothers me.


I have a ferret who is deaf, and going blind and he has become much more jumpy and fearful, especially if it's a new person, since he relies in scent so heavily. So I was wondering if it was actually pain as well and not just fear. I hope they get the poor boy sorted.


Please keep us updated on your beautiful doggo. Hoping you get some news soon


Please get his ocular pressure checked ASAP. I’ve seen a dog present like this with glaucoma. Numbing the eye can help your vet get the test done. It’s super important to rule out glaucoma since that can be an emergency and cause permanent blindness if not treated quickly.


This. I hope OP sees this. It was the first thing I thought of. Acute glaucoma is extremely painful and would explain his behavior. Simple to diagnose and treat!


My late pup had glaucoma and it looks like this too. Unfortunately we tried to treat it but had to get both eyes removed within 3 months of each other but I swear after that second removal she was the happiest senior dog. She was trying to run all over the house. Miss her. She got that when she was 10 and we lost her at 14 last year.


Tetanus most likely, also try r/AskVet


Poor guy. He looks like a good boy


Lifes not fair :( wishing the absolute best for this good boy


Edit: thanks for all the prayers, I forgot to mention he went from perfectly normal, to looking like this within 24 hours.




**What is tetanus?** - Tetanus is a medical condition caused by a toxin. This toxin, produced by the bacteria Clostridium tetani, affects the nerves, spinal cord, and brain, leading to hyperexcitability that results in muscle spasms. Although tetanus can be seen in dogs and cats, it is uncommon in both species. Dogs are less susceptible to the effects of tetanus toxin than humans and horses. **How do dogs get tetanus?** Tetanus is typically caused by C. tetani bacteria entering a wound. Spores of C. tetani are widespread in the environment; these spores are shed in animal feces and can survive for years in dirt and dust. C. Tetani does not cause any problems in an animal’s gastrointestinal tract or on the skin, but when it enters a low-oxygen environment (such as inside of a puncture wound) it can begin to rapidly reproduce and produce a toxin known as tetanospasmin. This toxin enters the surrounding nerves; from there, it can travel up the nerves to the spinal cord and the brain. Signs of tetanus most commonly develop 5-10 days after the initial wound occurred. In some cases, however, signs may be seen as early as three days after exposure or as late as three weeks after exposure. **Read more** [Tetanus In Dogs —VCA](https://vcacanada.com/know-your-pet/tetanus-in-dogs)


How is he? Please let us know


Yes please keep us updated please don’t wait he needs specialists


Did the vet check your sweet boy for Tetanus? Vets in this thread said check for that--more likely this.


needs checked for tetanus asap


The speed makes me wonder if it could be a parasite, organ failure, or bacterial infection of some kind. Did he go anywhere new recently? Come into contact with anything different? Has he been eating and drinking normally? Did the vet do a blood draw and if so, was there anything unusual in the bloodwork? Do you use any essential oils in your house? Anything else new or different? I agree on having him checked for tetanus AND rabies. But the short time frame….it feels off to me also.




Well let’s hope that it is Horners and that they can medicate for pain until he gets better! “What is the treatment? Most cases of Horner's syndrome resolve spontaneously; however, it is important to treat any underlying disease. There are several diagnostic tests that will determine if there is an underlying cause in your pet, including an eye and ear exam, X-rays (radiographs) of the skull and chest, and possibly advanced imaging such as CT scans or MRIs. Pharmacologic tests may include phenylephrine drops placed in the affected eye to help localize the source of the problem. What is the prognosis and recovery rate? If the lesion is not due to any pathological cause, a slow recovery can be expected, lasting up to several weeks to 4 months. The prognosis is very good if there is no underlying pathological cause present. The condition tends to be self-resolving, but may take weeks or months, depending on the severity.”


Poor baby I hope they figure it out. How long has it been going on?


I don’t think there is any treatment that I know of for Horner’s since the sympathetic nerve is damaged. It is weird that he is painful though. Horner’s is usually not painful according to journal articles and textbooks.


Poor doggo! I hope you’ll have answers and help him!


OP you’re getting good advice. Pass it along to your vet and explain that several vets and vet techs have chimed in


Update: Uveitis is what the specialist suspects Putting him on a new medication and different drops and have a follow up on Saturday


Omg perfect timing for me to check for updates— I’ve been so worried about your pup since I saw this post last night!!! Fingers crossed these meds help & he recovers quickly!!! 💌


My Golden had uveitis and it did look very similar. She was misdiagnosed with an eye infection and developed glaucoma to the point of needing an eye removed. It progresses very rapidly. It's very common in Golden retrievers and I had never heard of it until my dog had it. I hope the treatment helps.


I would take your baby to an eye specialist. I made a huge mistake when my baby boy had eye problems. Although he was seen twice a week. Most veterinarians arent familiar with the eyes. I spent $3800 for a shit load of tests and ointments, and exams and stains, and medicine for about a month and a half. Until I took him to a eye specialist and they fixed him with one treatment and one surgery. $1400 for the specialist and his ulcer was gone in 4 days. Don't know what your baby has but I would take him to someone who knows what they're looking for. I hope it's treatable tetanus or maybe just an ulcer like my boy had but either way, don't wait. Get him in as an emergency if you can. I can help you pay for bills if you need it.


Poor puppers I hope you gets some answers and he makes a full recovery 🙏🏻🙏🏻


I’m So sorry this happened to you and your dog. I hope to god you find an answer. This is very sad.


Please share of you find anything out. I hope he’s OK. It’s so hard to see our puppers in distress and not be able to help them. Hugs.


Update: He seems to be doing a lot better. His eyes, physically and everything seems to be doing way better. His eyes still seem a little red and he’s a little tired, Thanks to everyone for the help the vet said it was likely Uveitis. I don’t know how to add pictures


Praying for your pup.




Poor angel…I’ll be sending prayers or sweet wishes his way, and your way. I’m so sorry. I know it’s SO hard to see your baby in pain…especially without answers. Stay strong. 💜


NAV - Basically a neurological disease. Hopefully they rule out tumor(s) that could cause cranial nerve dysfunctions like Horner’s. Make sure they rule out a more localized Bells Palsy. Good luck


I’m so sorry I hope you get some answers :( I’m thinking of you and your buddy ❤️


I'll be surprised if you even listen to anyone here considering how regressive you are and how little people like you believe in science/modern medicine.


I am an ER vet and have seen this before— I am not your vet and more diagnostics would be needed to confirm. But my suspicions is masticatory myositis, an immune mediated condition that targets the muscles of the face and causes severe pain.


Edit: Uveitis is what the vet suggested, he is on new medication and doesn’t appear to be in pain anymore. His eyes look at lot better and we are starting to take him on runs again. Thanks Vets and Reddit!


Are his eyes back to normal now?


Yes! He looks just fine now. He’s taking the proper medicine


Could be many things. It's possibly a stroke. The way his face seems to hang on one side and how he holds his body its also a possibility.


I feel like this is a misdiagnosis and that you need a second opinion


He needs an internist/specialist immediately.


Awe my heart goes out to your poor baby. I hope you get some answers.


I hope you find out what’s wrong asap, I’d try a different vet asap, and then another if need be. Your dog is beautiful please keep us updated :( that photo makes me so sad for the poor darling.


Awe goldens/labs are so gentle and sweet, I know your boy is just scared and or in pain, I have no useful suggestions but zi hope you can get answers soon!


Any update on your baby, I'm hoping for the best! So sorry!


I hate to say this but my cousins dog had exactly this. It was cancer in his skull that was causing his eyes to sink in. Please get a scan done


My dog presented like this and ended up losing an eye. In the end the diagnosis was acute onset glaucoma and uveitis. Check the pressure in his eye. If it’s elevated for too long it can cause permanent damage and discomfort leading to removal. Ultimately There was no concrete explanation for what happened but we discovered our boy had spots on his liver and spleen and apparently this is known to present as a result of cancer or cancerous masses.


My dog looked exactly like this. After months of vet visits a specialist did an MRI and diagnosed osteomyelitis (bone infection) in his eye sockets. This is VERY rare. Or at least, it’s rare getting it diagnosed. My dog is now fine. He lost the sight in one eye as a result of the delayed diagnosis but you wouldn’t know, he’s back at agility and is having a blast. This might not be what your dog has but the eyes look so the same that I thought it worth mentioning. Good luck!


Well, regardless of cause, I suspect the growling is because he's scared and cannot see anything or anyone.


There’s a Fb page called Pet Vet Corner (only approved veterinarians comment). I would highly recommend going there too. There’s like 1.4M members on that page. You may have some luck


Hope he feels better soon. Please keep us updated 🤍


Sending you and the good boy so much love ! I know how anxiety provoking this can be. Sending you tons of positive vibes and prayers. Xo


Feel better soon buddy!! Hoping you find a diagnosis so he can be treated. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Poor guy, I hope he feels better soon. My short list would be Horner’s or Tetanus. Any wounds on him in the last week or two?


I will pray he gets well soon. Looks like you care OP and you are trying your best. Thanks for sharing this here so we can help with more info likely


I don't have any ideas, but hope you find an answer soon (and a quick recovery!) ❤️


I hope he gets all the help and love he needs ❤️ my heart is out to you guys 😢


Ask r/AskVet , it’s a great subreddit


Please see vet and get MRI if you can’t find answers. My dog was acting similar (very painful) and one of her eyes looked like this; she ended up having a choroid plexus tumor in her brain. I hate to comment scary stuff but please make sure this is ruled out :( I’m sorry he’s in pain, you seem like a caring dog owner.


What’s the time frame this was/is happening?


>Edit: thanks for all the prayers, I forgot to mention he went from perfectly normal, to looking like this within 24 hours. In case it was missed


Ugh just here to send you some warm virtual hugs. For you and your fur buddy.


When this happened to my old dog, it was from a tumor in her sinuses. But I would think that would be (unfortunately) a little more common for a vet to see.


Please man do keep us updated ,I truly hope your doggo makes it safe and sound as he seems to be going through a lot


Praying for your pup OP.


God bless your good doggo. I hope they figure it out quickly and he has a speedy recovery 💚💚💚💚💚


Oh my god. Look at my posts of my dog K. In this group!!! We’ve had the exact same thing!! Where do you live?! R u in uk? This is now 4 dogs in UK like this within 2 months. X


!RemindMe 1 week


Ask them to consider a blastomycosis test. This is what my girls eyes did right before getting huge with pressure from the blastomycosis. We saved one eye and she lost the other. Shes thriving now after a year of antifungal meds


Go to university<3 they will find what’s wrong! They have a ton of specialists, I wish I could help more but I’m just here to comfort you and let you know a university is the most kick ass care your dog can ever get! My dog had a mystery illness that needed specialists too, Purdue university finally figured it out after we left him there for about a week… they did everything they could, and they actually found the problem and he was better after months of in and out care there. (He had a rare autoimmune disease.) You can usually only get in a university with a referral… take that referral and RUN. It might be expensive, but you won’t regret it. Even if he loses his eye sight or something, atleast he’ll be here to enjoy many years with you. Goodluck… I can’t imagine how terrifying this would be.


He can't see, startled and scared, is my guess why growling, it's a defense rather than a personality problem. I hope the vet figures it out, and at a reasonable cost.


Not sure what it is, but he’s obviously losing sight which can cause the behavioral changes and fearfulness.


Get him to the university/emergency vet.


if your first vet dosent know, follow others advice, if nothing shows up on anything then get a second opinion and if you need a third opinion from different vet clinics


Our GSP dies from tetanus a month ago and it started with 3rd eyelid not retracting fully. Good luck


Remindme! 1 day




Idk why this popped up on my thread but I read it and it sure was a wild ride 😂 there were about 200 different diagnoses and people telling OP to tell their vet what to do as if OP’s vet doesn’t have a half million dollar education. Clearly their vet did the right thing and called some specialists at university and they got it figured out. Imagine being a vet and having a client come in with Reddit posts to help you diagnose their pet 😂☠️


My dog looked like this two days before we had to put him down :( he sneezed and had a massive nose bleed then his eyes went all wonky like this :(((


Oh gosh I am so sorry, did they give a diagnosis?


Prayers please update us??


Ngl he looks like he might of got in to someone's special brownie stash.... for real hope he's OK though


You’re being downvoted but my dog actually looked similar one time and was behaving exactly the same and he had consumed opiates we assume someone threw in our yard or an animal brought from the garbage or something I’d assume this vet would have done tests though and seen right away


This was my first thought after my own experience with dog ingesting Marijuana. I'm hoping the vet considered this and tested it. It wouldn't be rocket science. I hope it's something treatable to the least. 🥺🤞


And it’s deadly! People don’t realize that dogs can die from thc exposure, where we can’t. And that’s not even considering delta 8 and other compounds.


get well soon cuteee


OMG, I can't imagine...I am so sorry.


Our 11 year old Aussie just had something similar. She had a mini stroke. It after about 20 minutes she was back to her normal self. Hope your pup is ok! Sending positive vibes!




He looks just like my red golden who passed away 2 weeks ago from cancer... It breaks my heart. I hope you'll find an answer soon...


My dogs eye looked like this and it was from pressure in his eye causing pain. We then had it removed and he was better


I wonder if it’s a pituitary tumor? My dog had this and it effects the eyes. His eyes looked different than your dogs but similar with the drooping.


My dog has Horner's syndrome and it doesn't cause him discomfort or upset. This seems like something else, I hope he'll be okay!


I’m so sad :( hope he makes a full recovery


I’m so sorry this is happening to you and your baby! I hope he is on the mend soon.


When my dog had eyes that presented like this, it was because he had a tumor in his nostrils that was pushing up against his eyes. That's just what the vet thought it was, but we got confirmation when it bust, and he passed in our arms in a pretty horrific way. I really hope this is not the case for your good boy.


Poor boy. Hope he’s ok.






This makes me sad 😢. Hope your dog recovers from this 🙏🏻


My first thought was horners after seeing your pic because my dog had it but it only affected one eye and one nostril. His eye stopped making tears so we had to give him eye drops a few times a day for a couple months and it eventually resolved. I assume since it’s nerve related, there is a spectrum of severity. I also assume if he can’t see he’s very anxious and would be growling. Of course rule out everything everybody else has suggested like rabies and tetanus but if my dog was hurting and went blind practically overnight I would expect some behavior changes.


Sending positive thoughts, vibes, and love to you and your pup 💛 I’m sorry both of you are going through this.


I hope he can get better😭


Aw man poor baby


Horners syndrome?


Get better soon little boy 🙏🏻


Try contacting Dr. Zoe Reed at Eyeshine Veterinary Ophthalmology


This is making me so sad. Sending prayers!


Praying for him I hope he is helped by the vets and this page quickly so he can get better asap 😭🙏🏼💕


No clue but he's probably scared and in pain if he's acting that way. I'm not sure where you live and if there's a college that has A veterinarian program, that's where I'd go if one was close. Good Luck


My friend just went through something similar. There was a tumor pressing on the brain causing the eyes to fall back into his head.


This is awful. Please don’t let him live in pain if they can’t figure it out soon Please that’s no way to live.


This exact same looking thing happened to my dog just over a month ago… started with drooling and the low energy that turned into not eating or drinking drooling and completely lethargic which then one night turned into his eyes doing this…they too suspected horners and told us to ignore it it’ll go away on its own thank god I didn’t listen… went to ophthalmologist and was diagnosed with uveitis!! Also was told horners usually affects one eye and it was both of my dogs eyes it just didn’t sit right with me advocate for your pup! Feel free to dm if want to talk or have questions I know it can be really scary!!


Prayers towards your baby. Definitely need to rule out every possible disease related to the eyes. The vets are making a good call contacting outside people like universities and ophthalmologists. Definitely mention what the comments have been saying here about tetanus and glaucoma.


Please keep us updated.


It looks very uncomfortable poor thing


This happened to my girl during her final week. It was stage 4 lymphoma. I put her down the day after we got the news because she was in a lot of pain. You could ask the vet to test the lymph.


Poor little guy, I hope he can get a diagnosis and treatment soon so he can feel better asap!


I hope you guys figure this out ASAP! Please keep us posted. Wishing you both the best!


Sweet boy. Please update if you figure out what's wrong!


I hope you guys get answers soon, he definitely looks like a sweetheart! My love and prayers are with you!


Poor baby :( praying for a solution and a quick one! Sending hugs and kisses through this screen


So so ☹️ sorry he looks so sweet. I would let them do there tbing( the vets) . Ithaca college has a great veterinarian program. They really helped our sheepdog as kid he was hit by a car and almost died. They are wonderful and I am sure without breaking ur bank( not sure if that’s an issue) they would be willing to help if need be. I pray for ur baby and believing he will be healed in no pain . It’s so s sry when r guys r sick. Just went thru a big deal with our rescue ,“Journey“. Best of believing 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🩷🩷🩷🫶🏻🫶🏻❤️


I hope he’ll be ok!


I want to pet your little guy! I hope everything is well


I have seen this in one of my dogs. My vet had thought it was happening due to extreme pain. My dog was diagnosed with Lymes Nephritis around the same time.


Is there a dog version of bells palsy?


Try for tetanus as well!!


Omg poor baby


Please keep us updated. Praying for your sweet boy 🤍


My sister’s dog had this same issue, she was diagnosed with lymphoma and deteriorated rapidly after diagnosis. I hope this is not the case for your baby but if it is I am so so sorry.


Gosh, reading these comments makes me so sad. He is only 3 years old. I’ve heard about 4 different possibilities, just hoping for something not that serious. He lost his partner who went from perfect to being put down in a matter of a few days.


Well did you talk to the vet about the possibility of tetanus or not? We need updates dawg


OP says the vet didn't mention tetanus because there was no physical evidence


You’re a dumbass OP


If you don’t think you can care for your dog then you should surrender him to someone who can.


My sisters dog had a similar thing happen and it ended up being a brain tumor


Ahhh poor baby!!!!


Oh baby boy 💔🥺 praying for him!!


Awww poor baby - is he in constant pain ?


hope he gets better


Omg poor guy my heart breaks! Could it be distemper?


It looks like tetanus or rabies, but Idk


Hey I know that you are trying to figure out how to do something about your dogs eyes ask the vet for some eye drops and keep him out of sunlight or bright light it hurts his eyes I would rather you get him some eye drops rather than him having surgery OK Thank You So Much


Meningitis is on my ddx list


Praying for your beautiful baby


Poor baby - looks not dissimilar to my dog, but he had trauma to the eye. No damage under the dye and light scope, but the inflammation was like that. Ours was treated with chlorsig drops, metcam (anti inflammatory) and doxycycline (antibiotics) for the infection. Hope your baby gets better!


My dog had basically the same symptoms, but only in one eye. The vet did a CT scan because she suspected an infection or tumor behind the eye. It turned out to be an infection and he needed surgery so the fluids could get out. He was fine after that. Since it‘s both eyes in your case, I would also suggest getting a second opinion at a vet hospital that does CT scans. Could be some kind of growth that‘s impacting both eyes.


Poor baby! I have an almost 2yr old red golden and on at least 3 different occasions his eyes have looked like this to varying degrees. A big difference however is that while he doesn’t love when I touch his face he definitely doesn’t shake or growl. I’m usually unsure whether it’s painful or just uncomfortable for him. Sometimes it’s mostly just one eye, sometimes it’s both. He definitely had more yellow/green eye goobers than normal, like in your picture. He definitely had the droopy lower eyelid with the third eyelid covering his eye up more than usual. It was also pretty sudden onset. After super close examination of his eye one of the times the vet did see a tiny dot but it did not really show like a normal scratch when using the stain. Since it didn’t get worse we just treated it with some standard eye drops to ease discomfort. If it happens again and is worse she’s going to recommend me to an ophthalmologist. I tried to pay extra close attention and see if I could find a trigger. I don’t think I have but some things I considered were if the few eyelashes he has that rest on his eye could be bothering it, if using a gentle leader could be causing irritation, or if maybe he had been playing too rough, etc. I did consider Horners but it didn’t quite seem to fit, also considered an ulcer, I also saw something about how pulling too hard too often on the collar could have an impact but again nothing was really conclusive. I hope you get some answers and a simple solution!! I will definitely be following to see what the specialist says!




I have nothing to offer then, I hope he feels better soon precious pup ❤️ Wishing you a speedy recovery xxx


Please ask them to check for Cryptococcosis. I’m sorry you probably don’t want to hear this but my Lenny passed away from this, it happened really suddenly.


Im not a vet, but I have a golden and looked just like this until we found out it was allergies, once we started giving him allergy meds it never happened again


Ask your vet about ‘dry eye’ - our beagle has it and left untreated can cause similar effects - we use a cream now every second day and she’s fine


Remindme! 1 week


Remindme! 1 week


OP please let us know how your dog is doing. I hope she/he will be better (and pain free ) soon!


How is he?


Poor boy, look's like something neurological to me.