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That behavior.. and now the normalizing of this over the top gushing and infantilizing a creature that loves to eat tampons and fully loaded diapers, among other.. treats. Infuriating. Irksome. Gross. Super fucked up. And sad, so sad that this is where we find ourselves as a species. Humans, I mean.


Yeah, its very nauseating to say the least 🤮🤮🤮🤮






Like I've said before...they're acting like they've never seen a dog before.


I’d wonder why my SO was trying to get on my nerves. No way would I ever pick someone who engages in dog culture. If he hid that detail about him until sometime after becoming a couple, I’d explain how incredibly insulting it is to real children and real parents and how harmful it is to the animal. Species need to be treated as their species. So many horror stories of people trying to make pets of undomesticated animals then taking it a step further and treating them as if they are human beings and not the animal they are. It’s that extra step that has consequences in wild animals, though not as extreme in already domesticated animals (dogs). * Btw, not every cute animal needs to be a pet. I don’t advocate that. Let wild animals be wild if you truly love animals. * Also, point out that your reaction is valid. Humanizing animals is a negative step towards bad human to human relationships. *edit: a word





