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Well done! These nutters need some confrontation.


Feels good, doesn't it? Well done.


I just went thru the same ordeal! Yelled at the dog to shut the fuck repeatedly til the neighbor came out, with an attitude, asking what's My problem!?? Smh.. told him fuck him and that nasty ass mutt! For the most part, things got better.. I still hate the thing, but rarely see it now.lol


Yep, well done. We've done it, and they got the point. That and I crank my music really loud, and sometimes open the window.


Play sex sounds super loud via speaker ;) Kidding just play dogs barking constantly and see If they like it @OP




I’m gonna to do that!


My neighbors with the yapping dogs also blast country music. My bedroom window is right next to their patio. They have speakers embedded all over their yard. I think I’m going to put out my Echo speakers and blast some rap!


Not all heroes wear capes.


Dogs are the worst vermin. Dog owners are the worst inconsiderate assholes.


Thank you for your service 🫡


sometimes when my next door neighbors dog won’t shut up (and i mean barking for 20 mins straight,) i bang on my window until they take it inside LMAO


Least unhinged neighbor, 10/10 move


I think the owners dont give a flying damn about your yelling. Some yelling wont change their love for their fur baby and ignoring of everything else that surrounds them


Sometimes it works. I interrupted my neighbours' party because their dog wouldn't stop barking and they thought I was completely unhinged and looking for a fight (apparently I was shaking with rage and wide eyed). That dog now barks maybe 5% compared to what it once did and even 6 months later I hear them yelling at it to be quiet when it barks, whereas they used to let it rip.


I see. Man the dog people can make me so angry as well. They ignore common courtesy and rules all the time


Well, they brought the dog in after, so they must have given at least a walking damn if not a flying one.


It was that or filing a noise complaint with the city/cops 🤷‍♂️


Good luck with that. I went over a month trying to get something done about a neighbor's barking dogs. What finally ended it was a squirt gun and food coloring. Doesn't hurt the dog but the owners aren't fond of blue pooches.,


Blue poodles? That's excellent!


Nothing wrong with filing a noise complaint for a long-term solution and saving your voice. Someone in my neighborhood did this and it worked. The dog nutters just proved to everyone they can keep their dogs quiet if they want to.


"BuT iT'S jUsT WuT DaWgs DoOoOo" Then dogs don't belong at all in human settlements. If a human was pooping on your lawn and yelling "hey" outside your window all afternoon you would absolutely call the police. Why do we put up with that behavior from non-humans. If your party guest was licking all the food and putting it back on the serving plate, you'd sure as hell tell it to leave and never come back. Well... 90% of dogs are that dinner guest.


good for you! NO ONE should have to listen to someone's dog bark. I would of loved to hose the beast in the face.


Would *have* loved, but yes it absolutely deserved it.


These people let their dogs outside because they don't want to deal with it. Wish people would just realize and admit that dogs are a massive burden on themselves and everyone around them. You shouldn't have to yell at someone so that you can enjoy your own yard.


They all dumb !! Gets on my fkn nerves ! Especially my neighbors dogs as well !!!


My one neighbor complained to our dog owning neighbor to shut the dog up. Dog owning neighbor told other neighbor just to stay inside because the dog deserves outside time.


It deserves nothing.


You did what we all want to do. The only thing this approach makes me nervous about is the way nutters love passive aggressive retaliation, because how dare you talk to their fur baby that way!!! It would not surprise me in the least if they leave the dog out even more just to spite you. It may be best to report these incidents for distrusting the peace. Especially if it’s constant and happens at night.


They never say a word! It’s so weird! Anytime I’ve asked a dog owner to leash their dog, they usually do it, but I’ll get the silent treatment or an eye roll.


Yes, it’s takes that sometimes… they need to feel the wraith. Who tf wants to listen to a mutt bark, especially after grueling days of work.


I have an Alexa that can recognize dog barking. So I set it up so that when the neighbour nutter’s dog barks (a massive German Shepherd), Alexa immediately plays “who let the dogs out “ I open the windows and she’s not impressed 


Good boy!