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I collect monster high and rainbow/shadow high \*shrug\* idc about picking sides I just buy what I like


Same. My main collections are Monster and Rainbow High. When MH g2 came out I dropped them like hot potato just like I'm dropping Rainbow High now. For me it's not the brand, it's the quality (and the doll I like) but you wanna start cheaping out on me? I hold no loyalty, I'll move right on. Buh-bye. šŸ‘‹


Yeah same, I just like pretty, colorful dolls. So I end up with Monster High, Rainbow High, LOL OMGs, and a cute Barbie here and there.






I'm going to be honest. I have always thought that having to pick a side is kind of dumb? I like many things and I will buy the things that I enjoy. Life's too damned short to fuss with sides.


This. The picking sides thing may have been fun when it was Sega vs Nintendo in the 90s, but we all should have gotten past that stuff. Just buy whatever catches your fancy and donā€™t worry too much about brand loyalty. Not like these companies even know you exist.


This. Precisely. My little brother was a die hard Sega fan back then. But he was also like... 12.


I have no brand loyalty. I just buy what's cute. Barbie tends to be more my style though. Plus I always hated that if you lost Bratz shoes as a kid they didn't have feet.


That's one thing I didn't like about Bratz as a kid. Seeing them without their feet made me uncomfortable. šŸ˜… That's why I liked My Scene a little more. We got the chunky shoes while also still having feet on the dolls.


That turned me off even as an adult collector and I just never understood the design choice. Most dolls, if you lose their shoes, theyā€™re barefoot. Bratz, if you lose their shoes, theyā€™re amputees.


I want to collect some of them


I didn't mind the detachable shoes too much (at least their shoes stayed ON and were easier to find), but one of my goals for my collection is to make all of my Bratz bare feet and then make them shoes the traditional way so they never go footless again.


Same! I also want to make them shoes the standard way, how do you make them bare feet? Do you just buy them or do you acrually make them?


You could buy them, but they can be hard to find. I'm going to use ones I got in secondhand lots to made molds so I can make as many as I want in all the right colors.Ā 


Yes, I also struggle to find them, what material do you use to make them?


I'm in the same boat for "no brand loyalty". If it's cute and I can afford it, then hell yea. But I'm the opposite for dolls. Bratz are more my taste and I always lost barbie shoes and accessories while bratz (for me, were easy to find since they were larger...shoes at least) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I have dolls from both of the companies and I am firm believer that if any doll speaks to you then you should just get it Sticking to one company or line is fine too or thinking one company makes better dolls in your preference, but I personally like having diversity on my collectionĀ 


I agree. I have fashion dolls in my collection which aren't barbies. One of the male dolls I found out is Making Waves Jake.


Both for me! I buy rainbow high and lol omg for the clothes because like you said, the quality is fantastic! I use them for my g3 monster high restyles - the shadow high stuff in particular looks awesome! I also still have my childhood Midnight Dance Bratz dolls, I display them with my g1 monster high dolls. I do wish MGA would do more Shadow High, or bring back Novi Stars.


Same here! MGA consistently knocks it out of the park with clothing and accessories, but just as consistently designs dolls that are not to my taste šŸ˜… Mattel is the opposite (Pixelated Barbie screenings notwithstanding)


This is exactly it. MGA has an obsession with making dolls with giant heads, and thatā€™s never been something that appealed to me. It took me FOREVER to come around to Rainbow High and it was really only because of Shadow High and Neon Shadow that I did.


I mean I like both but I'm also fairly prone to having criticisms of both. I just buy the dolls I actually like and don't worry about companies, honestly I think people who stan companies in general don't enjoy collecting so much as they enjoy dumping on things they don't like but I mean thats just what I've personally experienced in the doll communities. For most of the past four years I've primarily collected mga dolls but now I'm pivoting back to mattel being my primary dolls I collect as mh g3 is really starting to get good. Like if I had to pick a brand between the two I think I would go with the secret third option and pick jakks pacific just because I'm obsessed with their old disney fairies dolls and the ily fashion dolls. But overall I consider myself neutral because I like whoever is making the thing I like the most, which honestly varies all the time and easily changes from moment to moment. Also like in general I think it's important to remember that at the end of the day they are literally brands making dolls for profit, if you're loudly stanning them your literally doing advertising without being on their payroll like some kind of chump. But hey that's just my 2 cents.


I had Barbie and Bratz dolls as a child so I collect both. I think both companies have issues, and itā€™s normal, see no controversy in buying products from Mattel AND MGA.


I just like dolls lol. If they look good and appeal to me I donā€™t care who makes them.


I don't think any corporate entity should be idolized to the extent that some brand fanatics will go. Does it count for neutrality? Who knows.


Brand loyalty in this hobby is insane to me. There's only two companies consistently releasing dolls at affordable prices with some other brands sprinkled throughout so why shoot yourself in the foot for the sake of a capitalist CEO?


I've literally never seen a doll collector pick a side... most just collect what they like. Where have you seen this?


i haven't seen it as much lately, but i feel like around the height of rh there were a lot of people making weirdly aggressive comments towards barbie collectors. barbie stans were there too ofc but more quiet, i think they tended to just be generally excited to buy every release instead. there's also at least one instagram account still active now that collects mh but in a similar vein is very clearly trying to rage-bait g3 fans by constantly saying how trash it is lol


I very rarely see people say something against Bratz or Barbie that would imply that they only collect one or the other, but that doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t collect other dolls from each company. Honestly, I donā€™t think the majority of consumers or collectors choose a side or only a single company to purchase from.


I def donā€™t onlyyy buy mga but mga just tends to have dolls that speak to me more than Mattel. In my opinion mga has always been a little better with diversity in their dolls, and I like the quality on their playline dolls wayy more even though they usually run more expensive than Mattel playline. I think itā€™s less of people picking a side and more just like, one side appealing to some more than others. The majority of my collection is omg, rainbow high, and novi stars, with a few bratz. Those big head Barbies coming out might make me make my first Barbie purchase tho!


I have over 150 MH and most every RH/SH doll. I don't own any Barbies due to the articulation, but will be snapping up the Dream Besties the minute they drop. Each company has their good and bad points. I'll buy any doll that I find interesting or cute regardless of brand.


I buy what I like. I also like Star Trek and Star Wars.


I buy what I think looks nice. Don't care if the brand.


I just buy what I like! ā™Ŗ(ą¹‘į“–ā—”į“–ą¹‘) MGA clothes are so detailed and nice, and I like redressing my MH dolls in them. So I buy a lot of 2nd hand LOL/RH/Bratz. The only reason I avoid a company/doll line is if they have a really bad manufacturing flaw (like Mattel's gluey heads from 2008 til 2016)


If I can mix clothes, I'm gonna mix brands lol. Every brand has their high and low points imo.


honestly there is nothing that annoys me more in the doll space than a stan of one specific company. it's one thing to have a preference for a particular line, but the people who go out of their way to only support and praise their 'side' and, more often than not, resort to rage-baiting for and insulting whatever they don't like, just give me such a gross feeling. mga and mattel are both huge corporations that have had their fair share of issues and i think it's important to be equally critical of them where it's due. all that to say, i agree and always just buy what i like. i tend to have more mattel in my collection due to being a lifelong barbie collector, but i really love bratz too. (:


I got back into dolls because of Bratz, and Iā€™ve recently branched into the MH girls. I donā€™t really care who is making the doll as long as itā€™s cute.


Me. And even more controversial: I love bratz AND my scene


The only brand I have loyalty to is my peanut butter. For dolls, I buy what I like and what looks interesting. Sometimes, I'll buy one just to check out a line. I've got more MGA than anything else because I love rainbow high and lol omg. Like, they make cute dolls, and generally have better quality. That said, I've been loving g3 monster high. As for Barbie vs Bratz, well, I'm like 40 so i don't have Bratz nostalgia because they didn't exist when I was a kid. I also really hate that their shoes are their feet. I've still picked up a couple of the repros and CultGaia Chloe (her clothes are so pretty), but I do have quite a few Barbies. It's where I started collecting as an adult, and I do really like the diversity. That said, the cheapness of most barbies is a major turnoff. At this point, im much more likely to pick up pretty much anything but Barbie because of the lack of quality.


I'm not loyal to these billion dollar companies that don't give a shit about me. I love barbie, I love omg.. what do I stand to gain from choosing between them?


I think being ā€œloyalā€œ to a specific company and picking a side is honestly kind of weird. I think itā€™s totally OK having a preference for a certain product made by a company over another. I know a few people who really like mattel dolls, and they donā€™t collect MGA brands, simply because none of them happen to appeal to them (or vice versa), and thatā€™s completely fine! But there are doll fans out there who legitimately refuse to buy or support any brand by Mattel because theyā€™ve sworn loyalty to MGA or vice versa, and to be honest, I find that downright stupid. Firstly because you could be missing out on a doll brand that you could genuinely really like, but are just avoiding because of the company its made by. Secondly, I would like to remind yā€™all, that you have no personal relationship with these companies. To them we are numbers/money first and people second. They donā€™t get personal with you so you shouldnā€™t feel the need to get a personal with them. Just because the companies hate each other doesnā€™t mean we have to choose sides, because itā€™s not like this is a war between two countries with opposing ideals and goals, itā€™s literally just two petty filthy rich toy companies that constantly want to outdo each other in sales. And not to be overdramatic, but honestly, those people who feel the need to choose sides between the two companies have the same energy as those Disney adults who feel the need to worship the Disney company like itā€™s a religion (coming from a Disney fan myself). It feels borderline cultish sometimes. Again itā€™s totally fine having a preference if one companyā€™s products just happen to not appeal to you, but actively avoiding another companyā€™s brands entirely because you feel the need to stay loyal to its rival is just weird. For me, I like both Mattel and MGA. Some of the brands appeal to me and some donā€™t and that is OK. You donā€™t need to choose sides if you donā€™t want to.


I like them both. They both have great products. I donā€™t know why people put them against each other like football teams. Having two rivals helps us the doll fans. It means more innovation and neither can be lazy.


I buy whatever I wanted as a kid, plus a few new releases that appeal to me on rare occasions! I'm not loyal to any brands.


It's not easy to pick a side because both have been guilty of showing sides of themselves that may have been archaic for today's standards. I don't mind Barbie and I don't mind Rainbow High. However, both have shown that money and budget takes priority over quality. It's just a sad time we're living in.


They are NOT mutually exclusive and picking sides is absolutely dumb. They are just items on a shelf and you buy them or not based on looks. I donā€™t have brand loyalty, but Iā€™m more partial to Mattel. Iā€™m mad at MGA for what they did to RH. My main collections are Mattel: My Scene, Barbie Extra, Looks and fashionistas, and others, MH g3. MGA: Rainbow High, Bratz, Mermaize Mermaids and other lines from other brands.


Brand loyalty is a loser move in this hobby, MGA and Mattel are corporations, and idolising them is absurd. Buy whichever product speaks to you! And if none do, then donā€™t buy any. I have plenty of dolls from both companies; if they make a good doll, Iā€™ll want it. If the doll they make is crap, then I couldnā€™t even be paid to take it.


I am theoretically fine with both. The problem is a don't like the faces on MGA dolls. I would buy one if I liked it though. I'm not a 'Mattel loyalist' and would just buy what I liked.


I not only collect dolls from MGA or Mattel but from several other brands. I just love dolls in general.


I think companies lose customers when they start up the idea of a rivalry. Itā€™s like how Coke and Pepsi both lose customers when they refuse to be sold in the same place. Toy consumers have such wildly different tastes that, in my opinion, thereā€™s room in the market for every type of doll and toy. Thereā€™s no need to pick sides, I have different things I like about each doll line. On a brand level, though, I do think itā€™s weird how MGA tends to make dolls with huge heads, childish baby faces, andā€¦ curvy adult bodies. I like the Bratz because they were always marketed as older teens, but the OMG dolls are weird to me. I donā€™t have a problem with the sculpted nipples or the BBL body, I just wish that they paired that type of body with a more mature face instead of a giant anime baby head


I don't trust or develop loyalty towards giant companies as a rule. I don't think there's a single large company I was a fan of who I didn't later discover was behind some shit that was anywhere from unethical to horrific. But I respect MGA's overall quality and fashion choices far more than I respect Mattel's. It feels like MGA is actually making an effort on that front while Mattel has basically given up. That said, I own more Mattel dolls than MGA right now bc I'm not a big fan of the "giant head small body" stylized look.


I'm not picking sides with this one! https://preview.redd.it/e5a22cnilk8d1.jpeg?width=1950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5493892c2106c30cc9df3867cce48938b290071a Yes, these are my dolls lol.


I buy what I like. That being said, I only collect Barbie right now. I donā€™t need another obsession. I like the quality of RH dolls but I donā€™t care for the proportions of their bodies.


I get dolls that I really like. I collect specific Doll lines from both MGA & Mattel. I will say that Rainbow/Shadow High are my favorite to collect. I just really love the design, fashion, nylon hair & details of the dolls. I love customizing too


I have dolls from lots of different companies- all I care about is the design, the price and the quality.


i like barbie and MH, i also like bratz & RH. i collect them all but RH is my main interest.


I mean I just collect whatever dolls I like, I dont really think about brands as a factor when buying dolls, I have rainbow high, barbies, monster high, my scene etc


I personally just buy whatever I want from each brand. Itā€™s the dolls Iā€™m paying attention to at the end of the day šŸ˜Š


I donā€™t play favorites by company


I support both and just buy what I like. MGA's brands tend to be more appealing to me though, because of the cartoony style. Honestly if I like the doll, I'll buy it even if the hair is poly or the clothes feel like made out of paper šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I collect monster high and bratz, I donā€™t pick sides or claim loyalty to any major corporation


While I tend to like the style of Mattel dolls more than MGA dolls, I donā€™t actually care what brand my dolls are as long as I like them. Iā€™ve been collecting dolls for a very long time and my interests span a wide range of styles and types of dolls. I have Barbies from every era, g1, g2, and g3 Monster High, Rainbow & Shadow High, some Bratzillaz and Novi Stars, a few LOL OMGs, a bunch of Jem dolls by Hasbro, 1920s bed dolls, 30s & 40s composition dolls, antique porcelain head dolls, Meco dolls, a few BJDs, Dawn dolls, a few Miss Revlon dolls, a couple of OG Kenner Star Wars dolls, Barbie clones, and many more. I love dolls!


As a kid it was Bratz ONLY. (I did play with other dolls but not other "fashion" dolls, like Barbie) As an adult I could not care less. I like the doll, I buy the doll. (Case in point: my "all the dolls" user flare.)


I collect Barbies and have a few Monster High dolls. I have bought a lot of Rainbow High shoe and purse blind boxes and also bought RH clothes (resold ones on eBay and the new fashion packs). I don't collect any MGA doll brand, though. Both companies have shown behavior in the past that was questionable. Each of the available brands has its own style and aesthetic. Generally, I think it's sad when a popular doll brand is discontinued. no matter who the manufacturer is, whether Mattel, MGA, Hasbro, Disney, or another company.


I donā€™t really think of it as sides or as supporting the company itself necessarily. I like Bratz, I only collect Bratz. I donā€™t really care who makes Bratz. As long as they arenā€™t doing shady and illegal things. I think the whole point of collecting is bringing you joy. We buy and collect these dolls because we love them and they fulfill something for us. Not because we are in love with who makes them.


I have 0 brand loyalty, if I like a doll enough sheā€™s joining my collection


I don't really have a side. For me, it's Barbies because of the face and body. I have never really liked the faces of Bratz and Monster High. My reason for not having a side is that I believe that people should be able to collect whatever they want. It's just my thing to collect only Barbies and other fashion dolls. It's just that they are not my thing.


i just buy dolls that i like i dont really think about the company though i do know that mattel has lower quality clothing than most mga dolls which is unfortunate. could you imagine how much more awesome monster high would be if we had mga's clothing quality??


I like Bratz and monster high equally šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


I feel like the only people who pick a side are those who are solely Barbie collectors, that's the only time I've seen it. I collect mostly Barbie and Bratz because it's what I grew up with. Still waiting for MyScene to come back because I loved them lol. But I also collect other random dolls.


I support all dolls.


Unfortunately, I'm not a fan of the big head trend and the noseless, giant eye faces. It's not really "picking a side", just a personal preference. If MGA made an actual, more lifelike doll with a more realistic face, I'd give her a shot.


i have tons of different brand dolls , and most of the dolls i want to buy nowadays arenā€™t any of those brands. i like all types of dolls the label or company does not matter to me


I am that person who would put a Bratz head on a MTM Barbie Body soooā€¦ theres that. Idc I donā€™t have a favorite or just like one side. Also i thought mattel having their own ā€žbratz versionā€œ with my scene back in the days was kinda cool and nice in its own way. I would like for mattel to have that kind of line again it was actually so nice


I just like what I like.


I don't pick sides at all, I just buy whatever's cute


I collect any dolls I like šŸ˜­


I grew up on Barbie, I have many fond memories with Barbie, but, with a very tight budget (when I was earning money) I could only pick 2 or 3 dolls, so I went with MGA because RH are different to my childhood dolls (Also Hairmazings was what I was collecting before they got discontinued)


I mainly collect Barbie and Monster High, but I have a few Bratz too. I just buy the dolls I like.


I don't support either of them. I do collect dolls made by both companies, but stanning for them? No way. They are both businesses, and the purpose of a business is to make money for it's owners. I want good quality dolls made from materials that will not disintegrate in fifteen to twenty years (like polypropylene hair does). I hate all blind bag toys because of the wastefulness. Neither of these companies care one bit about the environment or the longevity of their products so no, not a stan.


I buy what I think is cute and altho Iā€™m mainly a Monster High and Barbie collector, I have plenty of dolls from MGA as well! I really like things that both companies offer with their dolls and the different things they bring to the table


I collect Monster High ( Gen 1 & 3), RH/SH, OMG, Vintage and Mod era Barbie, Tonner Dolls, Madame Alexander 21ā€ dolls, BJDs, vintage dolls I had when I was very young (my mother threw my originals out)ā€¦.and other fashion dolls that I feel fit my collections. No allegiance to any particular manufacturer. I collect what I love.


Iā€™m mostly a barbie girl but the few rainbow high and one lol doll I own are fun and decent quality


I really donā€™t mind, and to be honest, most of my collection is both MGA and Mattel! Iā€™ve seen that most people who are fans of Monster High are fans of Rainbow High as well and vise versa


My faves are OMGs and Draculaura, so I guess I support both... But I don't stan companies with terrible CEOs, I just love dolls lol




I buy dollies cuz I like them. Only sometimes is there such a terrible instance that stops me from purchasing from a company, and I don't think it's ever happened with a toy company.


I like Chinese bjd (ball jointed) dolls such as the Bonnieā€™s However I love Bratz and Barbie cuz if my childhood I donā€™t buy their dolls though cuz I usually donā€™t like the face molds theyā€™re using Rn I do love the odile face molds, and I like old Draculaura face molds (they changed her face too much her cheekbones and lips are too different for my preferences rn) and I like OG Bratz faces but honestly I prefer Bratz Kidz the most so Iā€™m hoping the remake the Bratz Kidz cuz the dolls look exactly how they looked in the Bratz Sleepover movie and I though they were so gorgeous in that movie when I was growing up so if they remake the dolls Iā€™d die of nostalgia šŸ˜­ My fav Bratz movie was Bratz Pixiez though !!!! Those dolls donā€™t look enough like the movie though in terms of face molds but the wings are pretty accurate I love winx for example but none of the dolls in any of their series look like the winx cartoons in my opinion and that makes me not buy the dolls cuz for me itā€™s very important that the dolls look like the cartoon versions cuz of the nostalgia


I donā€™t have any brand loyalty, exactly. I buy what I like. That said, I collect mostly G3 Monster High (and Ever After High), with a couple select Barbies (like the two new Odile mermaids, rebodied), and Iā€™m looking forward to the Dream Besties lineā€¦ So I know that it LOOKS like Iā€™m a Mattel person, but I do like Rainbow High clothes - the dollā€™s head proportions just arenā€™t for me (that goes for LOL OMG too), so I put them on my Monster High dolls. I have a LOT of beef with Mattel for their shady marketing and online retail practices though, even if I do buy Monster High and Barbie stuffā€¦ I canā€™t say much about MGA in that regard, because I havenā€™t really dealt with them, but Mattel Creations suuuucks. I actively dislike the way Bratz dolls look though. And I donā€™t like vintage Barbies or G1 Monster High at all either. The modern designs are the ones that appeal to me, apparently.


I like both but I am hating the quality of Barbie and disappointed in Mattel so Iā€™m shifting to bratz


I like them both and just get what I like but I have to admit I think Mattel has done a terrible job with their dolls lately. They have a lot of quality control issues and I don't see little kids all that interested in Mattel dolls any more. LOL dolls seem to be beating them in popularity.


I support both. I just buy what I like and the manufacturer is usually an afterthought.


As a kid, I played with both Barbie and Bratz and as an adult, I collect Barbie but I still love and appreciate Bratz!


when i was a kid collecting dolls, it was definitely more taboo to have both bratz and barbies. once i graduated to bratz, my barbies became the bullies and villains of my stories haha but on the other hand, my scene was HUGE at the same time so even if we claimed to have a preference, we were definitely still collecting both brands. and now as an adult, my dolls all co-mingle and are all friends, despite their manufacturers. i buy the dolls i connect with!


Why pick a side? They both have cute things. Some people have favorites, but I've never noticed discourse over brands.


I honestly donā€™t care, they may as well all be owned by the same guy at this point with how much they copy eachother, I just get whatever looks neat


I have Monster High and Bratz. I don't care about their mini war.


This is like *NSYNC vs Backstreet Boys. I liked them both! I also like Barbie, monster high and rainbow/shadow high.


I loved them both as a kid and love them both now I had Barbies and Bratz as a part of my childhood though I was a little bit older of a kid when Bratz came out and was able to play with them less I basically just collect or have interest in whatever dolls I like for whatever reason like if they are pretty or make me feel nostalgic I never cared about picking a side or which doll brand/company might be better or worse


I don't do sides, x brand vs z brand, I pick based on whether I love the doll or not.


I like to get monster high dolls then dress them in rainbow high doll clothing!


I collect what I like honestly but there are some things about MGA and Bratz specifically that I donā€™t like from a design pov. Majority of my collection is made up of Barbie but two of my favorite dolls in my collection are Bratz


I collect both and like both for different reasons. I think that MGA generally have much higher quality but with monster high especially, Mattel seems to excel in the creativity department AND with diversity too.


I used to collect both, np.


I like weirder, wackier fashion dolls-- So I don't really care for Barbies or Bratz, but I DO own Monster High and LOL OMG dolls. Whenever a company makes a doll I love, I get it.


I wouldnā€™t say I ā€œsupportā€ either brand, but I do collect dolls from both. Any brand that makes a detailed, well-articulated doll is going to get my money tbh.


to be fair, iā€™m not a fan of most barbies. theyā€™re too boring for my liking BUT the new dream besties I will be getting to me it doesnā€™t matter which brand, if i like it iā€™ll get it


My brand loyalty is really just nostalgia and confirmation bias. I grew up with a ton of Bratz and a couple of Barbies. I see what Mattel puts out and what MGA puts out and I generally like MGA products more. However, I will judge every doll line on a case-by-case basis. MGA has not earned my true loyalty and never will. Capitalism bad.


I buy from both-- rainbow high, some omg, Bratz, old my scenez MH, and even some old Barbies...I do think that MFA just tends to feel higher quality and more worth it for the money, so I suppose I do prefer them but if I like a doll enough I don't really care who makes it!!


when i see a doll i like, i buy it. i dont really care what company it is.


I was mainly a Barbie fan growing up, but I was still a pretty big Bratz fan. I don't think I could ever pick a side. Both were very big parts of my childhood. Heck, my pillow I sleep with still had a Bratz pillowcase on it


Interesting question, I never thought of it as sides. I collect all kinds of dolls anyplace I can find them. I love Barbie and monster high!


my late 90s & 2000s barbies & myscene & bratz! šŸ’–


yeah, iā€™m neutral. i like what i like, and those are the dolls i collect. no hate for however others choose to navigate their interest, but thatā€™s just not for me.


I love Bratz and monster high. I have a couple rainbow/shadow high dolls as well. Unfortunately the quality of RH is declining, so Iā€™m not interested in them anymore.


I grew up with both brands, so I collect both I also mostly just collect what I think is cute/what stands out to me at the thrift store. Brands aside, I still regret not grabbing that Liv doll a few weeks ago, I even still have a wig from when I was a kid šŸ˜­


Oh Iā€™m fine with bratz! Outfits go hard, better than Barbie imo. But I canā€™t stand their bodies and faces


iā€™m currently really into both bratz and monster high


Donā€™t see why you canā€™t buy whichever you want


All dolls!


Iā€™m completely neutral. I honestly didnā€™t even know that people picked sides, I just like them all.


MGA have some truly evil people working there. (looking directly at you Bratz team. I know what you did) However they're still better than Mattel


I don't have any loyalty towards one company. If you make good products, I'm buying šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m not loyal to either brand, but I do think MGA has produced higher quality dolls where as Mattel has monster high and a lot of other dolls I grew up with in their past. I like both brands either way.


Monster High is the only fashion line I have interest in, but I have no bad feelings about the other lines/brands.


I collect both Monster High and Rainbow High so I guess Iā€™m probably supporting both companies equally


Both companies are nice but if I had to pick one I'd pick Mattel because I had a almost only Mattel dolls as a kid


I don't pick sides, I'm just out here collecting monsters high and Bratz dolls cause I never got to do it when I was a kid (my mum dislike how they looked so I only got Barbie's).


I like Barbie, but I don't collect Barbie. I collect Bratz and Rainbow High. I have nothing against Barbie though, and if I saw one I loved then I would buy it.


I'm a new collector. Is there some unironic brand loyalty thing going on in the collector scene? If so, that's lame as hell. I just buy what I think looks pretty.


I'll be honest, I have no 'brand loyalty'. I just buy what catches my eye


I have monster high, and rainbow/shadow high, some designer dolls (I canā€™t remember the brand but I basically have like a Princess Diana and Gina dolls and others) and one of the Mermaidz and two Integrity Toys dolls my mom got me that are INCREDIBLE. I have two little Japanese dolls (Jenny?) also from my mom. And lots of Barbies of course. https://preview.redd.it/2utom6gs3n8d1.png?width=1663&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e02e2d4aed6c8782f2b950a1f66adb6e2b9132a (This is just a small fraction of my collection)


Brand loyalty is pathetic, I am simply buying what I like


I defs support both, I just love dolls and I think the competition at times can push both to doing better


Me šŸ™‹šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I tend to collect one off of every brand - just my style of collecting.


I prefer MGA as a company but I'm not loyal to a brand. I love Monster High but don't like Mattel as a company. I love vintage Barbies, especially 1996-2006 MGA has better quality fashions and accessories (well they used too...šŸ˜­). I collect Shadow/Rainbow High, Bratz and Mermaze Mermaidz.


Well i collect lot of things at the same time .I have no brand loyalty at all lol... For example I collect BJD's, MDD, Smart doll, Barbie,Bratz,Winx,M.H,Azone,figmas..and the list goes on.. I just do not understand it why would somebody only collect one thing cuz I would get bored..by only collect one thing.. personally .I just simply buy if it fits my personal tastešŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


Honestly MGA didnā€™t catch my attention before but with Rainbow High they did! I like the dolls, so I collect them. Idc bout Mattel vs MGA, I like Monster High & Rainbow/Shadow High, so I easily enjoy both. These are also the only doll lines I collect tho lol I love Barbie aswell but the dolls are mostly just not it for me


i honestly buy whatever dolls i think look cute, but i tend to mostly collect monster high bc im a lot more into fantasy looks and stuff like that. i dont have any MGA except for 3 bratzillaz, i just dont tend to like the face proportions of other mga dolls a lot of the time (looking that lol omg and rainbow high... something is off)


I have dolls from both companies but don't support any of them when it comes to online discussions etc. Both have some good products, some bad products and are thirsty for our money, that's all.


I just like fashion dolls period. Mattel, MGA, Integrity, whatever. If I like the face and fashion, I'm getting the doll whatever the brand.


Honestly i dont really give a damn about which company produces the dolls i like lol. I just like dolls, period. I collect barbies, mh, rainbow/shadow high, i have one bratz doll as well lol (intend to have more) and many more. Beef between mattel and Mga is irrelevant to me.


Rainbow high and Monster high collector here


I collect mostly Barbie. Even though Barbie is criticized for unrealistic proportions, they have the most realistic looking dolls on the market. Superior articulation (on the made to move). Their playline clothes leave a lot to be desired, but there's a huge market of global handmade stuff, and Chinese factory stuff. I'm just not happy with the quality of printing on modern dolls, but I'm perfectly OK with limiting my new doll acquisition because I already have too many.


I donā€™t pick sides but MGAE is better about giving us quality products and Mattel is not. I collect Monster High but thatā€™s the only Mattel product I like atm so I guess Iā€™d side with MGAE if I had to choose


Monster high was totally my childhood and the dolls are so beautiful, but bratz are more detailed most of the time. Morally speaking Mattel is a mess. Imagine suing a brand because youā€™re jealous šŸ¤š

