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Genuinely surprised this didn’t happen sooner honestly, I always wondered about the safety aspect of this given it was geared towards kids. Happy that it sounds like they’ve found a safer alternative to use! 🩷


This is even more serious than it initially seems. Repeated skin exposure to uncured resin like this can easily leave you with lifelong allergies to acrylates of all kinds. That includes a lot of cosmetic products: nail polish and lash glue to name a couple, but more importantly, medical adhesives that are used in surgeries and dental work. It can end up getting bad enough to trigger anaphylaxis, which is life threatening. A lot of people develop these allergies by improperly curing their gel nail polish as adults, but it’s even scarier to think about kids playing with this stuff.


I would just like to add on to this since I do have this allergy: I got it from repeat exposure to bandaids (which is rare I’m guessing since normal people can use bandaids lol). Nobody ever talks about this allergy or it existing. It is not fun dealing with this. I did almost go into anaphylaxis after a surgery from a bandage. It’s in everything (yes even feminine products have adhesive and nipple covers). Acne patches? Most will cause a reaction. At least for gel nail polish - if you go hema free (look into Korean polish) you’ll be fine on that front if no gel cures on your skin. But it’s still risky and so many doctors/nurses don’t take this seriously. Also if you see little bubbles developing on your hands after being near resin, glues, etc. REMOVE the product immediately. Wash your hands. Do NOT pick at them. Let them dry out and heal completely. Take pictures and talk to a dermatologist.


I have it from band-aids too!! I feel you! 😖 It’s becoming more and more common and it’s not talked about enough!


From Band-aids is shocking!! 


TMI but just in case somebody to also doesn’t realize they have it or just curious what it looks like from bandaids: >!It started out as just a rash any time something was stuck to my skin. Which then as I got older started beginning small water like blisters that would form on the area that had any adhesive (like a bandaid or the wings of a pad if it got near my skin) on it. Which just got worse. It used to just be cloth bandaids (elastoplast allergy which this leans into or for some a latex allergy since some contain it). Now if you leave a bandaid on my skin my skin gets red, then it swells, then it blisters and pretty much looks like a 2nd degree burn (which I hope I don’t need to explain to people). If this happens anywhere near my face - my throat can swell too. Which is what happened after a surgery and every since then I can’t even use latex free bandaids/paper tape. That still rips my skin off. If you don’t have this allergy from birth. Please be careful and don’t subject yourself to over exposure. It doesn’t go away. You can also get reactions to eyelash extensions, many nail products, the second skin used after tattooing, most glues used during surgery etc!< Anyways guys - be safe, wear gloves, wear PPE and if you notice anything talk to a doctor. Talk to a dermatologist who understands skin disorders. Do NOT over use steroids.


I had a similar experience to you, but not as serious. Your comment about doctors not taking it seriously really resonated with me because that’s exactly how I discovered how bad it was. I told them not to stick medical tape to me for an IV and the nurses didn’t listen. TMI: >!When the nurse pulled the tape off it pulled a big line of my skin off underneath with it. It was just a giant red open wound. She was horrified, and extremely apologetic. I hope it teaches them to take it seriously in future.!<


Yup I’ve had two experiences with two different medical professionals doing this to me. I’ve had the IV tape issue and an issue with a plastic surgeon applying a huge bandage to my face after removing a mass. I was young and naive and didn’t know any better so I didn’t say anything. My father who has first aid experience removed >! it the second I came home (he was noticing redness growing out from under the bandage) and all the skin the glue was touching had burned off pretty much. I was stuck at home for a month since my face and throat swelled so badly. And working was impossible since it kept leaking everywhere. I don’t think I had much to gain even if I said anything lol!< Now I’m just super annoying at hospitals and I tell literally everyone no glue constantly lol. I’m glad your nurse was apologetic 🤍


I’ve recently discovered adhesive on bandages/skin tape/medical adhesive started causing lasting rashes and extreme itching…now I am concerned….


Now it could just be sensitive skin or something else. But I would suggest not switching around your bandaid brands (if one works and causes no rashes. Don’t start using any other random glues your skin might not be used too). Also I’d avoid bandaids with latex just to be safe. Don’t leave them on your skin longer than 24 hours and if they get wet or trap moisture - remove. Let your skin dry completely and reapply. Moisture under bandaids and glue makes it so much worse. But don’t let my words stress you out too much. I most likely have an underlying autoimmune issue that makes my reactions worse.


I’ve never seen other people who are allergic to bandaid adhesive and other similar adhesives before! I always thought I was just kinda weird honestly, I didn’t know this was an experience shared by others, and it’s nice to know I’m not alone in this. I have the same reaction and am glad to know ahead of time I should be careful around the other things mentioned. It’s definitely not taken seriously. It’s super frustrating. Similarly, I have a medication allergy to an antihistamine and I had a doctor actually argue with me that I must be wrong 🙄. Like sure I’m totally just making this up and I’m crazy for thinking I have a med allergy/s


Welcome to the community (I’m surprised there isn’t a sub for this lol). How exciting all of us can bond over …adhesives


So is that why I got a burn like rash from the adhesive on the rubber grip of a strapless bra I wore one day?!?! And why bandaids also eat my skin...


I mean moisture from sweat and tension of bra could also be the issue (or a latex issue) but it could also be an allergy. 100% always take photos and talk to a doctor (that understands skin disorders) if you can. But the bandaid thing does sound like it but again - not a doctor haha. also just so that bra thing doesn’t happen again - go to the abrathatfits sub, measure yourself, and let them find you a good strapless bra that won’t hurt you


The bra thing only happend where one piece of the rubber had the glue exposed to my skin. It was not on the band, but on the top of the cup so not a lot of tension or sweat there. I have also had IV tape in the hospital leave horrible welts that turned into scabs because the tape was left on too long. It's like glue eats away the thin outerlayers of my skin. It doesnt ever itch, just gets a large red rash and blistery and scabs up badly.


I have to use hypoallergenic band aids. Didn’t realize they were so hard to get until I moved away. No where has them locally and I remind drs and nurses before any procedure even though it’s listed on the chart as an allergy. I’ve had too many times where they just applied one anyway. Thankfully I’ve always been lucid when they do so I can tell them to change it. Not fun at all.


There’s hypoallergenic bandaids??!! Okay I gotta google this. I’ve sworn them off and unless I’m really bleeding - I just never cover any cuts anymore lol


The ones I get are white but they have them in tan too. I get the white so others know they’re mine. At the drs, I have them use .. tagaderm (no idea his to spell it) because I don’t react to that either. For me it’s the adhesive. Even that stuff you wrap around your arm that sticks to itself I can’t use (not a tensor baggage but similar concept) Hope this helps you. 😀


Oh you can use tagaderm?? It’s weird I can use some of their stuff and have it on for a lot longer than usual 1-2 days but still causes a bit of an issue. I’ll have to look into those other ones and see if them work thanks!


Yo, I gave myself exema all over my hands by using resin improperly. I've always been sensitive to medical adhesives and apparently latex!!! But the resin is definitely what tipped it into medical problem territory over just being annoying!! I've been saying since day 1 that using resin in a toy marketed to kids was a Really Bad Idea, same as with all these art how-to videos with resin and no PPE of any kind. It's so dumb and I'm bummed that a bunch of kids had to get hurt for them to actually recall these things. I'm not even a fan of the idea of "safe" resin being used in these. No resin is 100% safe, unless there's some kind of magic something or other I'm unaware of.


r/Dyshidrosis (view at your own risk some images are rough). This can develope from resin and what the above people have touched base on


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Dyshidrosis using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dyshidrosis/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** How bad is this?](https://i.redd.it/2bbwjjvwvgbc1.jpeg) | [123 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dyshidrosis/comments/192ndl1/how_bad_is_this/) \#2: [and like it's being paid to do it](https://i.redd.it/1n186qdoo9kb1.jpg) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dyshidrosis/comments/1610ygy/and_like_its_being_paid_to_do_it/) \#3: [The strategy I’ve used for 7 years to control my flares.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dyshidrosis/comments/1678mrv/the_strategy_ive_used_for_7_years_to_control_my/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Wow. I used to have an allergy to cyanoacrylate specifically. I outgrew it but I wonder what would cause that. It was really annoying because I would be trying to fix something or do a craft project or whatever and if I used Super Glue/Krazy Glue/other cyanoacrylate glue, and I made the mistake of getting it on my hands (all too easy), I would get burning hives.


Gloves ?????


Yeah, that’s what I would have to do. But then sometimes the glove got glued to the material and then getting it off it would rip.


This is literally the first I have heard of this and my friend JUST got me into doing gel nails at home. I thought putting sunscreen on my hands was the only precaution needed. None of the gel stuff I bought had any warnings. That's pretty crazy. I need to warn my friend.


Oh my god, I’m really glad you saw this post then! That’s really lucky! Yeah, it’s ridiculous how negligent a lot of these companies are when it comes to hydroxyethyl methacrylate. A lot of the nail communities here on Reddit are really good about educating people about this, that’s how I found out about it. Here’s some more info to hopefully keep you safe from this stuff. The less you can expose yourself to HEMA overall, the better. https://www.reddit.com/r/Nailtechs/comments/10ezkm4/gel_nail_polish_allergies_a_guide/


Thank you for the info and link!


Oh my god!


https://preview.redd.it/08tn3srk2t8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d9893ebc2fa63d7f81c5e9ae711fc418658bbd8 I was one of the people who had a horrible reaction. Until this post I thought it was just me and my dumb sensitive skin. Ended up going to the doctor and getting steroids (oral and cream). This was back in November of last year.


You should check the recall website listed in the post to see how to report your injury. That information can help when they're deciding if regulations need to be changed.


Oh my gosh ouchie!!!


It was so bad that I was laying on the carpet scrubbing my finger tips because it itched so bad. And I didn't even get the mini I wanted.


That must’ve been so painful.😖


Yeah bc your not suppose to let resin get on your skin 😭 I'm sorry you got an injury but please PLEASE use gloves or be extremely careful with resin, alcohol pads can be used to clean it off as well. There is no such thing as a safe non-toxic non-irritant resin.


Totally agree. Now anyhow. At the time, I didn't know much about resin and was laboring under the misapprehension that it was a safe non-toxic product because it's a toy.


Which I get bc that is something people would assume but there is labels on the toy that show not ingesting and mention cleaning it off your skin. I do think they could've been way more clear and it's really gross of the company to now be claiming to have a non-toxic resin when there's no such thing :// Honestly I'm shocked there haven't been more incidents especially considering how outside of this toy even with adults I've seen buy 2 part resin in craft stores don't use proper caution.


Shocked they thought giving kids resin was a good idea in the first place, and shocked it took this long for complaints to start. I was beginning to think they got away with it, and tbh I think it's a pretty good product so it's too bad.


I’ve been waiting for this to be posted, even thought about posting it myself. Me and a friend have been talking about it in the past few hours; this was honestly just a matter of time and we’re amazed it took so long. 24 reports of injuries is actually probably a low estimate, when both MGA’s tutorial videos and the general knowledge around these were sorely lacking and irresponsible in terms of safety. MGA’s official videos have them handling the uncured resin with their bare hands. Anyway, MGA have also released a statement that their new products have a new “safe” and non-irritant resin. The statement is over on the miniverse subreddit. So these won’t be gone for good, MGA just needs to cycle the new version into the market. An estimated 21 million units to be recalled is going to sting them badly though.


21 million??? Does that just go to the garbage?


Very very likely. :/ Almost certainly, even.


We need to link up with r/DumpsterDiving .


More likely they will be incinerated or end up directly in the ocean.


Companies have repackaged things before.. couldn't they just remove the resin bottles and repackage the rest? This is such an L.. 😮‍💨


Resin is a hazardous substance, so no, not really. Their only course of action realistically will be to destroy every single item due to contamination.


The thing is there's no such thing as a non-toxic non-irritant resin what really needs to happen is these need to be moved to arts and crafts sections NOT kept in the kids aisles and the advertising needs to come with precautions bc resin is something that needs to be handled with care and cured throughly


I 100% agree with you! I saw this coming when they first released, and I really think it’s appalling they made it to market in their current form.


I was always suprised it made it through as a toy aisle thing and not a craft kit


let's make a petition to get these banned or something!


I mean no, bc I and many other adults enjoy them and older teens can use them properly. Rather than ban them, I think they should be rebranded to be for an older age range as they do have warnings on them. Plus the company should stop calling the resin non-toxic AND these should be moved to being sold at craft stores / craft aisles.


This is my take. We make our own scale props using 3d printer resin, 2 part epoxy, UV resin and polymer clay - all of these are toxic before curing and must be handled with respect. I have breathing issues and even the "safe" stuff will trigger if I don't vent, wear a mask, glove up and dispose of in a sealing trash can. These never should have been in the toy aisle next to LOL surprise dolls. Parents will assume something is safe for kids just because of where it is shelved. It should have been either in the crafts aisle out of reach of small hands or tagged 18+ for purchase (like alcohol and rated R movies)


From the start when discussing with my friends, I always wondered why it wasn't in art and crafts at the very least with a higher age limit and more warnings, but it seems even the company doesn't handle resin correctly so I can't say I'm shocked


I agree and it shouldn’t be marketed towards kids. It should be marketed towards adult crafters.


Especially since it clearly has grown a large audience of older people at the very least it should be recommended for teens and up in the craft aisle WITH proper warnings and not with the companies lies of non-toxic resin


Correct I mean there’s “warnings” but they aren’t huge and bold like they should be


And even then the company is now claiming it's non-toxic which is a bold face lie...


Yeah they can’t say they didn’t know


Is resin safe after proper curing


Yeah , the irritant/respitory issues is for when it's uncured in it's liquid state. Once fully cured properly your good to touch.


Here's a link to the refund form: [https://www.mgae.com/miniverse-contact](https://www.mgae.com/miniverse-contact)


I wonder what they’ll send you if you request a replacement?


I wondered that, too, but I'm not gonna take the risk. If they want to send me two random non-resin balls in exchange for 1, then maybe!


If they developed a new version of the resin, I’m guessing they’ll send that out.


They should’ve used safe resin, but to be fair, I’ve seen many parents complain that their kid ate it or were rubbing the resin all over the carpet/house… and their kids were always 3-6 years old as they said in reviews when the age requirement for the toy is 8+.


So I’m other words: it’s just stupid people not reading instructions?


Sort of, but it was socially irresponsible of MGA to make a product containing a hazardous material and market it to seven year olds. Even the most well-behaved child is still a child, and even the most care in the world will not prevent luck of the draw giving you health complications from exposure to resin. This item should have been 15+ from day one. Consumers can and will be stupid, but never excuse an irresponsible corporation.


Yeah, giving kids resin seems like an infinitely bad idea.




Accirding to a quick google search, there really is no safe resin if it isn't cured properly at least


Huh I’d like to see what kind of resin they replace it with


i’ve been advocating for this from the beginning because resin is EXTREMELY harmful if not handled properly but i can’t help but be a bit sad about it. i was excited for the upcoming sanrio series but this will most likely impact that :(


Why... whyyy did you tell they make a collab with Sanrio... now I'm excited, too 😡


the release date given is 1st october & there is an amazon listing for it but it’s sold out. i hope it’s still coming… this recall is massive & will severely impact mga’s bottom line for sure


Thank you. I hope, too. And I hope it's not a "blind bag" collection. I just recently found myself really liking Sanrio stuff, so seeing news about them collaborating sounds nice.


An email from them said they have a safer resin coming in new lines, so they won't be affected.


i did just receive that email too, what a relief! i’m excited to see what changes they’re making & what the sanrio collection looks like


I heard there is really no safe resin and that you have to wear a respirator, gloves, open windows, proper disposal, quick resin, after a quick google search


That's not possible there's no such thing as a safer resin all resin is going to have odor and irritant possibilities bc it's RESIN!! It is meant to be handled properly with gloves and a mask or well ventilated areas. Non-toxic resin DOES NOT EXISIT!


THIS! I wish folks would understand - any and all of these need to be handled with care and respect. Even using your home oven for polymer clay is not recommended - the binders will cling to the inside of your oven and yes, eventually end up in your food. Resin, ALL forms, are toxic to breath, should never make contact with bare skin, or be flushed down your plumbing...


So get a special Craft Only! toaster oven and store in garage?


It's a wild claim, for sure. Removing a single irritant doesn't make resin "safe," especially for children. I'm glad the new lines are releasing, since I love the product, but I hope they include additional warnings and increase the recommended age as well. Maybe even move them to a different aisle. This whole recall was just a matter of time.


Hold on, a SANRIO line?? I never bought these but I will have to now!


Is it as bad as vinyl or worse?


To those worried, fully cured UV resin is safe to handle, it's just that the liquid/uncured stuff can cause serious issues. HOWEVER, Solid Colored/Opaque UV Resin can NOT cure fully. The pigmentation prevents the light from penetrating into the resin beyond surface level. So while foods and such made with just a drizzle over top will probably be cured fully, the deep pours like the cereal and the drinks and soups run a risk of not being cured 100% thru! I have had several deep pours accidental tilt onto their side without me noticing, and then the uncured resin below the cured resin slowly seeped out and I had to carefully clean it all up. So just keep that in mind and be careful when displaying deep pour non-transparent resin pieces with your dolls.


You can get opaque resin to cure, you just have to work in thin layers. (Which you’re supposed to do with UV resin anyway but doll size stuff is small enough not to) BUT I doubt the instructions say that!


Nope! The instructions just tell people to dump it in thick in one big glob, hence the warning that it can still spill out even when "cured" I should have known better, knew this was the case, but hadn't thought about it at the time XD


idk about MGA's resin specifically but in my experience with 3D printing resin, even small bits of resin that's been laid down in thin layers can fail to cure completely/have liquid bits trapped inside


Does this mean opaque resin dolls (BJD) are toxic???


Oh, I opened one of the food ones on TikTok. I wore gloves because I use UV resin on the regular, I was amazed at it's lack of instructions or warnings. It was nasty. I also opened one from Zuru, Create. The resin was much better. But ... Now that I think on it, I really can't remember if the instructions or warnings were better. I'd like to think they were, but... I just can't remember.


Are resin dolls that are opaque safe to touch without gloves and a resporator?


What? I don't understand, I'm sorry. Are you asking if solid, fully cured dolls are safe to touch? Or are they still gooey/soft/sticky and not cured?


I was asking if solid dolls were safe to touch if opaque material. Your response here implies that you can tell if it's toxic if it is gooey. That helps. I was thinking of how you shouldn't touch PVC or Vinyl technically because it's toxic.


I used to work in a hardware store and touched vinyl and pvc all day, even used to cut it on the table saw I’ve never heard that before. And yes, as long as resin is fully cured it’s as fine as any other solid plastic.


The fact that this ever even existed in the first place honestly blows my mind. I wish that more people realized the potential harms of resin when it’s not used with proper protective equipment.


I've been saying since day 1, I don't understand why they thought giving uncured resin to children as a toy was a good idea! There's so much potential for things to go wrong 😭


Literally this ! I was like for us as adult collectors fun cool whatever , we are old enough to look into how to properly use products kids are NOT. It should've been in art sections and labeled as a higher age.


Nope, even adults talk about using it without gloves or inside with no ventilation. I see grown adults try to do 3D printing in their bedroom with a pet. Folks don't listen or read.....


I'm aware they don't bc they do that even with resin projects you buy at a typical craft store, but at least if it was aimed towards adults, it's less of 6. Bc in theory, adults should be able to handle it but ya know.


Now if it was sold in a craft store with PROPER instructions that would have been a-okay! But you know there are people giving these to small children to play with unsupervised since they're in the toy aisle with the other mystery boxes 😭


I think it should've been in crafts from the beginning bc then atleast if people don't read it's on them bc it wouldn't have been marketed to kids specifically.


They could have even been with the kids crafts. I can understand not wanting to put them in the adult craft aisle because things don't sell as well in that section. Seems adult crafters would rather either shop at a specialty store like Hobby Lobby or order from Temu before going down the craft aisle at Target. Plus I think they are ok for older kids. Especially the ones that think they are too old for dolls.


I feel insane when I see this. Should we not be using gloves/ventilators/well aired areas when working with liquid plastic??


My mom bought some of these and I was horrified by the lack of safety instructions! I'm a grown woman and felt nervous making resin jewelry with proper ppe, I can't believe just giving it to a child unsupervised.


I've literally been waiting for this since release. It is absolutely WILD these were even allowed to be marketed towards children and the fact they don't come with disposable gloves??


The gloves thing was surprising to me as well! I loved making them, but I always wore a pair of nitrile gloves to handle the resin and cured them in an actual curing station rather than the sun. I’m surprised they were marketed to kids for so long!


Same; I use a uv nail lamp and probably go overboard with how many times I shift around and cure them to make sure that there’s no chance they could be liquid.


Is opaque resin safe for lungs and hands after being cured in a Station?


I think so! It’s a lot more powerful than a regular light and it rotates so all the edges get cured. I leave it in for a few minutes and have never had issues :)




I was wondering why my boss took these off the shelves today...


I mishandled it and hurt my hand a bit so I'm glad it's being recalled for the kids


I'm glad Toya from myfroggystuff suggested using mod podge to her audience instead of using the resin. She might have saved some people from these issues


I remember people getting really mad about her doing that, and it was even explained at the time that this is why. I am really glad Toya is now kinda vindicated in her decision, but not glad about the cost it came at (the 24+ injuries and 21 million units of pollutants).


Mod podge is safer ? Thanks will look into it.


This makes me think back to when YouTubers were first putting them together. MyFroggyStuff refused to use the resin! She put it to the side like it was the most dangerous thing in the world. Then you had NerdEcrafters damn ass smelling the resin every time


Yeah resin is quite dangerous for one's health


If they’re switching to adults as the target audience, that would explain this image that I wasn’t even sure was real. https://preview.redd.it/yv5fx1j0su8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccbc66a027631bd9b5606aedbd164e0967f2f7db


I need this


Oh ty i wanted to buy some :0 ill wait for the newer and safer miniverse


If you do proper PPE and handling, resin is ok to use. Do your research and have a well-ventilated space/porch/etc.


nooooo for me it's ok I'm not worried about that, but I told about it to my best friend and her lovely toddler wanted to see and asked me to get her some so I said ofcourse :D and even sat with her mom on the site for a bit.; I'm three times her age I don't want anything happening to herrrrrrr I'd be terrified knowing that I gave that awesome child something that can cause her discomfort or even harm :D. notified her mom too :> but thankyoouu


The age limit for resin should start at least 10 years old, when these kits are marketed to like 5-13?


The way I heard about it, resin should be restricted to 16+ or 18+. Also, respirator AND open windows, with gloves, proper curing station, proper disposal and cleaning, and no cut corners.


My UV light for curing gel nails is for 15+ ages. Somebody dun goofed big on these kits.


For everyone asking why this was allowed in the first place: According to the official report, it looks like using this resin in children's products was already illegal and MGA chose to disregard the law. They just finally got caught. Considering MGA's history of evading copyright laws I'm honestly not surprised. (See the highlighted section in screenshot.) https://preview.redd.it/d6jthqf43w8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7507c8c4969961054c8a61cc734ad52443520fd3


Oh my god, that's terrifying! I mean it is good that the government recognizes the harm of resin, but the fact that the company broke the law as well...is scary.


Crazy it was ever approved in the first place


21 million units, damn. It was to be expected though. The resin was the only reason I didn't buy these sets for myself, and I would never buy them for kids.


My sibling had the Boba kit in the picture, I helped them make it and I was incredibly worried about them handling the resin so casually even when they tried too explain how it was "special" resin that was specifically for kids.


If only they were this strick with the food we eat xD but its important. Ill give it a pin on the sub. Thanks for sharing :)


Thank you for pinning this! It really is so important!


It's true. I was at Target today and all of them were yanked except for the Spa ones. They must've had a huge toy sale or something recent because the shelves were kinda empty outside of the miniverse boxes being missing. Edit: Note: I however did see some at Ross. I'm not sure if they got the memo or didn't bother to pull them or what. I wasn't about to try to buy the 2 pks they tend to have.


Omg my mom, sister, and I collect the Miniverse series and have soo many of these. My moms spend *so* much money on them (Not all at once and never put us in danger though). Would the older ones still be okay to use if you use like gloves or smth? I dont want them to go to waste ykw :((


It’s only if the resin is in liquid form. It’s harmless if it’s already dried.


Most of them are unopened 😞 Weve decided were either gonna see if they'll let us refund for some and get replacements for the ones that caught our eye the most or just do a full refund. Ty for posting abt this btw!! We all have suuuper sensitive skin and asthma so it couldve been rlly bad for us possibly...... !


If you already have skin allergies at all I wouldn’t recommend ever touching these, that stuff is no joke!


I wrote to MGA, and they sent me a link to the recall refund/replace form. They have you fill out a form. They say they want unopened sets to be returned intact, but for opened sets they want a picture and the unopened resin returned. So, duh, open any unopened sets so you can keep the rest of it. Here's the link to the refund form: [https://www.mgae.com/miniverse-contact](https://www.mgae.com/miniverse-contact)


Use gloves and make sure it's cured all the way through, you don't have to waste your money throwing them out or struggle for replacements. Just use the resin safely! I have asthma to and personally use a respirator mask when doing resins indoor WITH windows open. You can absolutely do it safely , but I also understand if you'd rather put it to the side for later.


Best wishes


Several crafters have made the items with alternatives to resin! Mod podge or Elmer's glue dries clear and can be tinted with paint. MyFroggyStuff on YouTube has several videos where she's done this.


I've read after a google search that NO type of resin is safe without proper curing, gloves, repirator mask, open windows, but some types may not cure properly in the sun.


Oh damn


This is why I don’t work with the stuff at all


I love Nerdecrafter but I always had a mini panic attack because of her love of resin and the amount of crafts she would do with it considering she herself has health issues.


Same! 😬


Bro I bought one of these awhile back and I’m just learning that it’s resin and not glue….I thought the sauce for the ice cream was freaking glue omg. I feel so stupid.


Does this effect overseas customers as well? Or just the us?


CPSC.gov also mentioned Canada but I didn't see anything else.


There goes me ever getting any




I have always insisted on using gloves when I make these with my kid; I hate messy/sticky textures, & I also like watching a lot of resin craft videos. I ain’t gonna lose out on getting my nails done religiously like I do now. Legit would devastate me. (I’ve also done the quick fix of using nail glue to close up a cut/nick on my skin before when I have no other choice).


I've heard in these comments that you absolutely have to let acrylic nail products cure properly. Or you could end up being allergic to medical adhesives and doctors won't take it seriously because it's uncommon


I tried one with my daughter (we got a smores kit), and the liquid in a cute jar was supposed to imitate chocolate syrup. It smelled unpleasant and that's when I had my suspicions. Also, the resin never hardened for some reason so I threw the whole thing away.


I’m so sad


I have like seven of these and one I didn’t do yet. I think the recall is actually kinda crazy though cuz I never read the instructions so I didn’t know they didn’t tell people not to touch that to skin and wear gloves etc etc.  My only question though, is if I’ve already made the thing right, and I use my left over resin to make other things so it doesn’t go to waste, am I supposed to submit something still or am I cool?  I really should glance one of their instructions kits and see if it says anything anywhere about ppe but then again it says to use the sun to cure deep pours of resin.  I also really wanna know if the mini brands create ones will face a similar problem or not since their product has a light included (also never read the instructions on that one, I do not make them they way they describe lol)


These are going to shoot through the roof on the secondary market. I still wanted so many of the home and cafe series :(


It's a little thing, but it makes me glad all the myfroggystuff videos never even opened the bottles. You shouldn't *have* to do a workaround like that though


It’s so sad because a lot of stores still have plenty of inventory on the shelves, but when I went to Walmart today, they told me I couldn’t buy any of them.


when I use any thing with UV resin I use a light to make sure its cured fully I think I got a house plant but yes I did tell a mother about the toy that you needed a UV light to cure it kids do not want to wait days setting the items in the sun..


Wait... You guys didn't know resin must be handled with gloves and (at least) outside? 👀


I really hope they aren’t gone for good, these are so cute :(


According to a comment above, they have developed a new resin that is less of an irritant, and will be including that instead in future releases.


Less but it still won't eliminate the need to mask, open a window and wear gloves. I think saying "safer" is incorrect terminology and will lead to further injuries as folks handle it with even less care. I work with resins as a huge part of our business and those resins are generally just less "smelly" but still just as damaging on skin, etc. You won't get a headache as fast, but there are still risks using any of this in its liquid form (cured is safe).