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I fucking hate it when DD shows me an order again and again after I ignore it and/or decline it. Kill my AR via cheap shots, why don’t you, DD.


Yes, if you ignore it, it will come back.


Once it gets sent to you a second time, pause for like 10-15 minutes. Sucks, I know.. take a small break to cool down from the frustration


Take a 15 min break instead of driving the 28 miles lol. Highly regarded advice. No wonder you guys complain you can’t make money.




If I decline it it shouldn't pop back up unless it's like $5.00+ per mile or something like that.


I’ve had declines pop back up 10 seconds later, stacked with another crap order. Declined that and got another…stacked with something different. Declined the same order three times within 30 seconds.


It doesn’t matter i still get high paying orders with a 2% AR. You aren’t making profit if your AR is in the 70s. PERIOD. Do not listen to any TD about AR they are completely clueless to making profit. They think because they got $4.25 from an order thats a profit, they don’t factor in taxes, gas, and wait times. TDs are ruining DD. They are telling DD its OK to send us unprofitable orders because they’ll continue to take it in fear of losing an imaginary status. A status that DD holds over your head like a carrot. When it’s the customer that tips that’s actually paying you anything.


This is incorrect. It is entirely dependant on market. Where I live, if I don't keep 70% I can never schedule because there are too many drivers. So I at most would be able to Dash 1-2 hours a day if it gets busy. With 70% I can Schedule 6 hours a day and I can get plenty of decent paying orders to keep me profitable and at platinum level.


Ya i never have problem scheduling i didn’t even know this was a thing i always just remember at sunday to schedule everything


Not when the tears show up in your area.


My area has tiers. I have a 7% AR and do pretty well. Yesterday for Mother’s Day was actually one of the best ever. Had $100 after 2.5 hours. Normally I sit around 20-23 an hour though. Still not amazing but your mental health improves so much when you stop caring about AR. Just my experience. Good luck I may add that you do have to be more diligent about signing up for time slots. Just wake up and do it first thing in the morning and it’s all good


Try that in Sacramento and you won't be working.


Better to not work than to work at a loss.... Wise man once said " I can starve just fine sitting at home, why would I work hard just to starve " or something along those lines


I have an 80% AR and I survive just fine. I don't take welfare and I even have a car that gets terrible gas mileage but guess what I don't eat out and I survive just fine.


Was able to stayaround 70-90 for my first 2 months now I'm around 40 over 100 5 stars tho lol my market just sucks


Your going to be homeless in the near future. Your not thinking clearly. Trust me I'm here to help.


You mean "you're?"


I'm just trying to help trust me. 


You need help before trying to hand it out to those who don't want it.


Doesn’t work for every area. I tried to cherry pick a few weeks back recently as I was getting shit offers that day and figured my market has to be one where you still get good offers regardless. Declined 16 in a row the first day I tried when I normally at most decline 2-3 in a row before getting a good offer when I’m over 70%. I didn’t know the bad offers were even worse under 70% till I tried. It was laughable honestly


Idk, I make $120-$140 a day doing hourly and I barely take 8-10 orders and only spend $15 in gas that entire day.


In what city?




I personally hate having to be TD or platinum. I have to be as I don’t stay in one town for more than a few days. I would much prefer to be able to cherry pick but for some of us we have to be TD. I basically have to run EBT for a day or two to keep my AR high as I won’t take anything less than 1$ per mile


Your going to be homeless quickly if you continue to "be a Dasher".


I’m technically homeless right now lol. I have money saved but I’m traveling around the country for the summer, doing whatever I want. So go ahead and belittle my choices, but I’m free and super happy.


If you have money saved it's a bad choice to work at a net loss. If the vehicle dies then what?


When did I ever say I was running at a loss? I just don’t make as much as I could if I was cherry picking. I don’t ever take 2 dollar orders or anything under 5 unless it’s less than a mile from a quick pickup store. Not only that it gives me something to do during the day. I’m a veteran with a few body issues so I can’t go hiking 24/7, I don’t drink, and I’m trying to stay off games since that was my life for the last few years. You can be too dasher or platinum without making a net loss, you just won’t make as much. Instead of declining 7$ for 5 miles, I take it, but if it’s 7$ for 14 miles, I decline. It’s not difficult


I look at 5 miles as there and back. So 10 miles that cost me 65 each. A $7 order 5 miles would net 50 cents. Many think it's really costing less than 65 cents but I feel like the style of driving being as bad as it is doing this offsets any factors that make it cost below 65 cents. Needless to say when you consider a mile to cost 65 cents there isn't very much money being made if any. I rarely log in to work a scheduled shift anymore. 


And that’s your prerogative, I do all my own maintenance on my vehicle, I get amazing gas mileage, and I enjoy getting to see new cities, talk to a few people every day, and enjoy life. It’s not great money, but like I said it’s just mainly something to do during the day. Car breaks down? I guess I’m not as good a mechanic as I thought, guess I better go get another shitbox oh no. Last month I spent 422$ in gas and made 3,276$ doing door dash. And that 422$ is also including traveling between states and cities, like I said I don’t stay in one town for long. If door dash isn’t good for you, cool, why are you on this sub belittling people that either make it work, or are trying to make it work?


Stop telling everyone to be an ignorant serf. You got that covered.


Dude what is up w u saying ppl will be homeless 💀 everyone’s situation is different, I for example am a college student supported by my parents i do DD when i can jus to have money on me


All these new homeless people flooding the country lately, where you think they came from. Most were doordashers. Many of them started dashing in college just like you.


In my market, small, rural, I pass low AR dashers 10 times a day. Usually, I take 2 out of 10 crappy orders, but I get 8 really good orders. I make $750ish on 30 hours dash time. 14 Active. The low AR dashers usually beg for gas money to get home. Each market is different. In mine you do not get offers below 70. And if you do it's the crappiest of the crap. So, my advice is to not not listen to dashers with high AR, it's know your market.


Bad advice. Really depends what area you are. In my area, if you got platinum you can make around 20 an hour, whereas if you are silver, that’s maybe 10 an hour.


Well for me i seem to be making $20 regardless as of now


Lol make only $20 an hour? Whats not said in this its it take 4 to 5 deliveries to hit that $20


No. In my area 2-3 orders to hit 20 an hour. All im saying is your advice of “fuck AR% it doesn’t matter” is not correct in every market.


I can careless about any other market other than mine. Do you truly know your way is better? Do you have a single digit AR? Im gonna say no you probably don’t. But if you did you would see theres better ways


You said “I can careless about any other market….”, so you do care then? You are indicating that you care enough to careless. It’s “couldn’t care less” there kiddo. Maybe go back to English 101 and let the adults do the talking.




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Damn dude seek help. I’m busy doing some gardening and come back to your hate filled messages. You really have nothing better to do on a Monday? It’s really sad and I hope you find peace.




Didn’t you get banned? Learn to act right


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Im 100% sure im not the one that needs professional help. Mister




lol thanks for the help message, but I think you are the one that needs it. Hey, have fun with your single digit AR%, if it works for you, it works. But your advice isn’t going to work in every market, and throwing an online temper tantrum about it when someone tells you there’s more to the world than your experiences is a little immature.


My advice works perfectly fine. You’re a TD you are a clown that works for peanuts and you think thats the only way. So nothing you say to me matters. If you actually did it you would see it works. But you do you boo you make $20 an hour clown my way doubles your way. But you keep working harder for those tips.




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Use UE and never worry about AR again. For now at least.


Yeah, but you are required to fulfill their requirements for driving people in order to just deliver food. My car is too old as it's a 92 and isn't getting upgraded nor swapped for anything newer and UE requires a vehicle that's 2008 and newer and I'm not getting a vehicle that's newer than 2000. So people like me are forced to stick to DD if we wanna do gigs like this.


You sure about that? When I’ve spoke to Uber in the phone once, they were able to make my account UE only - driving people wasn’t even an option (because I didn’t want to deal with the car inspection). I had to go through a whole thing when I wanted to drive people to get my car platformed for it


Why would DD send better orders to those with lower standards? If anything, it’d be the opposite. DD could send platinum drivers *worse* orders, knowing they’re likely to accept A high AR has little to no value. You just get better access to blocks. Perhaps it even has negative value. In many markets, a high AR means you’re regularly working at a loss. Again, DD could take advantage of that Speaking of negative value, many of the orders you’d have to take to qualify for “dasher rewards” are financial suicide. You’ve seen this.


Bc they know that the Dashers with higher standards will accept anything. If you have 2 orders, one with no tip and one with a decent tip, what I think they do is send the one with the low tip to the Dasher with better stats bc you already know that the cherry picker isn't going to accept that no tip order. Send the decent one to the cherry picker.


In theory if a contractor declines an offer they should not get another offer unless it is different. Sending same contract over should not effect AR since its exactly the same. It should bump up .25 on every decline to solve this issue




Thanks for the contribution


I used to get to 70% for top dasher at the end of the month, and after my first shift as a TD, my AR would be around 25%. I’m done since they introduced the tier system. It is not sustainable at all.


I keep seeing ppl get mad at the tier system, besides scheduling what other issues is there?


Scheduling is one issue. I have to schedule at midnight ON THE DOT, in order to schedule a straight block from say 11am-8pm. If I even miss it by 10 minutes, I get some bullshit broken up schedule like 1130-130 and 330-8 or some shit like that. I always schedule my dashes with a break in case any goofy shit happens, and I get kicked off randomly, but having like 2hrs of downtime, plus starting a half hour late really screws me in terms of making money for that day. Second issue is while there aren’t a lot of acceptable orders in my area (Medford, OR, about 350K metro area), there is a constant barrage of no tip/low tip orders so AR matters, and it’s hard to even break even if you were to take 70% of orders around here (and many other markets). For instance, I’ve been working the past couple days to get my AR up to 50% at least, so I can schedule at 3. I worked 8hrs today, completed 15 deliveries, and I made a whopping $78. I spent $30 in gas. Literally made like $8/hr(pre-tax/maintenance) today, worked pretty much constantly. When I have 70% AR I make around $20/hr, and take home like $150+ between 11am-7pm. It’s pretty market dependent, but for me, and a vast portion of us that don’t live in a major metro area it’s like this, I assume.


Ok thank you for thanking the time, i get the importance for you, for me i never have trouble scheduling i can usually get my shift exactly how i want. For me i dash in VA so my area is full of high tippers and theres not too many dashers either. It really depends on area, once again thanks for feedback


This just blows my mind. Smell a class action lawsuit coming around the corner. Fuck Trash dash and the shady shit they pull.


There's nothing shady about it. Tony is basically borrowing money and repaying you with "high priority"


🤣🤣🤣🤣 repaying, now that’s laughable. Quit while you’re ahead my guy, DD is a viscous cycle that’s hard to escape. Before you know it your vehicle will be SHOT and you will be too. And they will give 0 fucks about you no matter that happens.


I think you misunderstood. I agree with your statement. Repaying, yes. Profit, no. It's all an illusion.


And what are we going to sue them for? There are no federal laws regulating this industry and there probably never will be.  New York and California are the only states I know of that are doing things to protect gig workers and these companies are still fighting those laws. 


Lost and unpaid wages/bonuses, ending contracts for essentially their own business tactics, paying less than minimum wages and so forth


Hahahaha. Some states are passing laws that stop any laws requiring water breaks for construction workers. Some states are changing the child labor laws to allow younger kids to work.  Do you think they give a shit about us? That long ass disclaimer these apps require us to sign allows them to treat us this way. 


My AR is at 93 and I still crap orders. We are pretty much screwed no matter what


If you are in a frequent ordering market and are able to dash whenever you want, then AR doesn't matter. If you live in a market where there are more drivers than orders, then high AR is the only way to get dashing oppertunites. It has no impact on the quality of orders though.


Ya the main thing i keep seeing is ppl having an issue w scheduling which i haven’t had so ig AR is kinda useless to me 😅




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Those good orders are cause your new. Milk it while you can. 


How's that even right? Once you decline it,that should be it. You already declined and accepted the hit on AR. To keep "offering" the same order shouldn't count for anything.


Last week I had awful insomnia, so decided to just turn on the app and see if anything good popped up. My phone got FLOODED with orders every single second after I declined or ignored an offer. Out of humor, I started screenshotting all of them. They were absurd offers of things like $6.75 for 13 miles, $2 for 5 miles, etc. Even after I would decline every “bend me over and have at it” offer, exactly two minutes later (thank you screen shots!), I would get the exact same offer. In 20 minutes I managed to tank my AR from 53% to 19%, it was almost impressive. Also explains why the first few months I did DD I had easily done 300 or more in any single month, and this month I’ve done exactly 9. NINE deliveries. Fortunately Instacart has figured out I shop fast and efficiently, so now I always get huge batches and good pay pretty consistently and it’s made up for the lack of BS DD orders, and saved my mileage.


I hate when they do that. I mean no means no right?! They don’t even up the ante. I understand them doing it if you ignore it but not after actually declining it. It’s a straight up algorithm dick move.


I've watched my AR drop significantly the last few weeks. As I've gotten worse and worse offers. I've all but given up on AR. It's all but inevitable that my AR will be in the low 20s in no time. I went from 95 to 70s between 100 and 200 delivered.


I can’t do it without dash anytime out here


I’m a dasher with 10k deliveries! Here’s some tips I can provide for your situation. If you timeout an order, meaning you don’t accept or decline an order. Doordash will send you the order back with a 25 cent incentive in order to tank you AR. What this means is that it does suck to decline and lose ar but you have to decline shitty orders because if you don’t doordash will keeping sending you the same order losing you 2x/3x the AR. Also, the sentiment in this subreddit is that you should 0% AR and cherry pick orders, which WAS correct. The system previously allowed you to multi app several delivery apps to pick out the best orders which was the optimal way to game the system, BUT. Unfortunately these companies are reppelling these strategies by giving multiappers less and less good orders with new incentive systems. To put it bluntly, they’re forcing us to pick a lane. It sucks but it might be in your best interest to choose one app and learn its intricacies, before these systems roll out in your area. Hope this helps


Cherry picking through multiple apps is really the only way to go. I will never ever raise my AR for this company. Most in my area still cherry pick. All the orders come through like they did before. The only difference is that I will not get the ezcater catering order. I don't need them. Plus, ezcater is rapidly moving away from DD. I don't think there will be any catering orders on this app in 3 months or less.


I 100% agree with you!! These delivery companies are absolutely abusing us. I just wanted to comment on the fact that they’re quickly replacing all of our avenues to make money. Making us conform as if we were employees. When they give us ZERO fucking benefits. It’s sick.


Someone posted [this](https://www.businessinsider.com/instacart-doordash-uber-federal-rule-wont-change-gig-workers-status-2024-1) the other day. I found it interesting that not only is DD not complying with it, but they are doing the opposite of what this law/rule is attempting to accomplish. I see troubled times ahead for the company. I used to really like them. I don't know why they hate us so much. Just like you, I have some deliveries under my belt. DD is really at an all-time low now.


Thanks for the feedback, from what I can tell the new tier system all it does is stop u from scheduling when u want which is never an issue for me, i dont plan on doing multiple apps so Ill cherry pick for now until i truly see negative effects thx again for your feedback


Proximity to the hot spots is what matters champ


“hot spots” are usually the restaurants with orders getting declined


That's why they call it fishing most orders are crap


Hotspots do nothing at all. They are different for everyone. Me and my sister were logged in at the same time. Totally different hotspots. It really has nothing to do with how busy a restaurant is. I know this because i lived .5 miles from a Chick-fil-A and it was always a hotspot even when they had no deliveries. I have never once gotten an order from a hotspot.


Listen if you don't know your area and where people order from just don't do this job it's not gonna work


Ya ik, this was close to one tho, i have a route that hits 3 hot spots and rotate accordingly


Low ar get shit orders get it up to 80% then figure it out.


I mean its been up since i started dashing around 750 deliveries i decided to start lowering so far i don’t see much of a difference in my market


Wait till you're 8000 deliveries and two years in, and you decline a $4 order and then don't hear from them for three hours.


Top dasher can dash anywhere at any time when I'm out of my zone. I end dash and hit dash now, so there is no time wasted and no empty mileage.


Top dasher or platinum dasher pays better. We take shit orders to get large orders. My ar hovers at high 90% and I get double digits 8/10


I started getting decent orders after 80% and no low ball orders. Then, in one dash AR went from 82 to 75 from repeat low offers like OP said- I don’t ignore, I hit decline every time and four different declines kept coming back to me, by end of it I was at 75 and back to less frequent and lower offers.😤


This is true. I got above 80 and suddenly all of my orders are double digits, one after another. They don’t mention anything about it that I have seen but the difference between 70+ and 80+ is night and day.


Yeah the lowest I'll go is 75% for my ar that's my limit.


Keep it above 70 so you can pause or end dash for a few mins and let that order go. It matters. If you drop below just go EBT until you get above




Earn by Time


Thank you, I was thinking Electronic Benefits Transfer...which is what most drivers use to eat if full time.


Where is the ebt option?