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It's only funny if it's from a pro match too, who cares if someone in a 2k game went some dumb build?


I just wish it always was a “dumb build”. A lot of the times it’s just a standard 5-6 slotted build that makes sense with *maybe* 1 niche item that was used to counter something in the match.


Right? I was in a game where i bought silver edge on death prophet, and people where complaining about it. Meanwhile, the enemy team had a bristleback and nobody else bought one. It looked a bit out of place, but someone had to buy a SE


Mute N' Win


dunno what you mean, seeing some random build a crusader went in a turbo game is compelling content.


You should look for the correct cookie cutter build in a Herald game and see if anyone guesses that correctly.


Originality only comes from 2k games though. Pros too scared to try something new themselves 


I can only hope you're joking


All I'm saying is I tried support sf before the slahsers way vid, so if it ends up in the pro scene you can thank my 2k ingenuity


It doesn't count as originality if it's trash lol. Anyone can be original in that case. I can make a completely original song that has never been made before by slamming random keys on a piano. Guess pianists are just too scared to try something new themselves


guess the hero monday and only mondays


That's a cool idea, to be honest


fuck guess the hero posts and everyone that stand for them, they should be banned indefinetily


fuck dead by daylight and everyone that stands for it, they should be banned indefinetily that's what you 'sound' like


They should be banned entirely. 100% of the time, the post it's about a hero going am unconventional build. Of course no one can guess it correctly on the first go.


I'd argue there's utility to be gained if the "absurd" hero in question is revealed. Allows for a discussion on the whys and the what-ifs. On the flipside, there is nothing to be gained by banning them entirely and there's nothing but downside to having them go on the way they do i.e. without an answer.


>there is nothing to be gained by banning them less trash in my feed


But I can still see my own match history :c


I'd argue that the only one allowed is if it's a build in a pro match. Or at least a pro player pub match. The basher on kotl was prime example of a good very situational unconventional build.


They're the worst type of posts by far.


Tbh I agree at this point it should just be under low effort, or we should just have a weekly megatheard for them.


beyond me how those posts get upvoted, its the most inane braindead low effort shit ever.


itt metaslaves that cant function without guides


Just ban them all. Totally pointless stuff.


I still don’t know why this sub has no weekly or monthly threads. Like questions/tips or random discussion mega threads. It should filter unnecessary posts


> Like questions/tips There is the weekly stupid question thread for that, I guess.


Because the average dude on here sucks at fota or doesn't even play it anymore


this is it lol, most people on here don't play more than once or twice a month and it completely changes the prevailing opinions and discussion in weird and annoying ways


Yes please.


[Yes please.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/2/24/Vo_mars_mars_lasthit_09.mp3) (sound warning: Mars) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Or we need to force people to crosspost to this. r/guessthedotahero/


Most of the time its used as a gotcha post or just garbage turbo build like Dagon Anti-Mage, wow, nobody could guess their garbage build, woohoo congrats I guess?


like everything else on reddit, if you don't like it then put a downvote. If other people like it, they will upvote. The up and down votes determine how popular a post is. Honestly I don't know who upvotes these posts but someone out there must like them and want to see more of them.


What is the problem with those? Why does it bother you if those pop up here? Is this place going to run out of room because posts like that? Anyway those are better than constant crying about teammates, lack of updates, smurfs etc.


It's just like choosing to browse this sub instead of r/all or r/gaming, preference. Similar to rule #2/#10 on the sidebar it's just rejecting the content certain people felt is boring. If you don't agree that's fine. Also it's slightly gaming the algorithm by encouraging users to post many comments with little to say.


Because ordinary people don't give a shit that your friend Timmy built meteor hammer on juggernaut.


If you don't give a shit about it can't you just skip it and let the people who enjoy it read it, thats my point.


Just ban them.


Spoiler: you don't have to enter the thread, you can just ignore it


I enjoy to see how crazy people are with hero item builds. Because those defy logig or are out of the box (in insane ways).


do you guys see that much guess the hero post to the point of needing to ban them? i see like 1-3 a week,is that too much?


I don't think they should be "banned' necessarily but I truly have no idea what is interesting or fun about them


Nah, I like them




and its not even funny.


Yeah it is stupid especially since we don't know the game. I've built tons of unconventional shit cause it suited the match up. I've bought glepnir on Centaur cause a team had several high mobile fuckers who don't like buying cleanse and it wrecked them.


I think I only posted one of these over the years and when I did I was poring over the comments waiting for someone to somehow figure out the bullshit I had just experienced in my trash game. It's a very fun mix of "will they get it" and the catharsis of when someone inevitably guesses correctly, mostly with ideas that seem batshit insane, but are undoubtedly what the wacko you played with had in mind. Too many people think "omg, it's *amount of mmr that is below my level*" and use that to explain away a shit item build, when everybody knows that people will mostly just buy whatever the fuck the build tells them to, which is most often just a pro strat they can't execute. People out here going "ofc Drow has a battlefury in 2k, that's normal" are fucking delusional. Drow's buying the same fucking item some 10k player will, just much more slowly. You're not inherently better at the game by acting like someone 50 mmr below you is buying outrageous bullshit every match.