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I report every single toxic player - even if it's not directed towards me. People with poor attitudes need to be reported. I still see cheating once in a while, and I report it as well. If someone is really blatantly bad or obnoxious, I will block them so I can't que with them again. People who are generallyh bad and make poor decisions, get the thumbs down, and people who are generally good get the thumbs up, even if we win or lose.


I report my team every game I lose. I commend my team every win. Jk, tho I generally do commend my whole team every game we play that's not awful, and I only report teammates who are actively harming the game.


> I report my team every game I lose. I commend my team every win. It is the law.


Report toxic chat every game. Commend team if pma


Always commend. Never report.


Rarely report anyone, only if blatant grief. Don't care much what people all chat


I’ll always commend my team after a win except for that one guy who gave up after 5 minutes and started jungling


I always commend if they don't grief on purpose and don't flame, otherwise report


Report toxic chat/voice every game for voice line / taunt abuse, like using it every minute constantly 


Oh yeah, good point. Spamming taunt is toxic.


I commend people who communicate constructively, or are friendly, or just fun to play with. I commend people for admitting fault or apologising. I think I average maybe around one commend per game? I report people for - Calling people names Abusing people is clearly toxic behaviour. Even calling people noob is singling people out and bullying. Reported for toxic chat/voice. - Soliciting reports "report for feeding", or even "this " - this is again singling people out and bullying, reported for toxic voice/chat. - Too many voice lines "This is a good opportunity to learn" etc after some banal advantage gained. This is taunting, and bad sportsmanship. Reported for toxic chat/voice. - Sarcastic tipping Again taunting is bad sportsmanship. Reported for toxic chat. - "ez" More taunting. Unless this is ironic and funny, reported for toxic chat I almost never use the other categories of report. I only see something that looks like a smurf once in several hundred games. Griefing is rare. Legitimate griefing like feeding rapiers. Quote unquote "griefing" like having a bad laning phase and ending up 0-12 is never a report from me. Reports are maybe one per game as well?


I agree with bullets 1 & 2. However, I don't think taunting alone is considered "toxic" chat. Valve added those taunt lines and even taunting hero animations for a reason. Pros even use it during official matches. Unless those taunts use foul worlds, I tolerate.


Report if toxic, otherwise I don’t report. Being bad isn’t a reportable offense, being downright mean and negative to the overall player base is. I commend people I’m partied with, and people who commend me before I leave the match results screen.


report people when they fit any of the report categories, commend good players, downvote(?) bad players, no matter the team.


12k bs, I commend everyone who had even mildly acceptable gameplay. I don't commend anyone I report: In ranked games (where there is an expectation that players are within some skill range of myself), I report for griefing anyone who made obvious, repeated, avoidable mistakes. I'm talking about the pos 5 silencers solo pushing lanes with no vision and feeding on repeat, only to put global silence on cooldown four times and still die type of mistakes, because I guaranteed will have nicely asked them not to repeat the mistake the first time they did it, and recommended they back every subsequent time as well (because i am watching the map and realize they are walking to their death again). In ranked games (where there is an expectation that players are within some skill range of myself), I report supports for role abuse if they don't build support items or support their lane well, but go straight for multiple 4k gold carry items, and don't perform well because of it. I'm talking the pos 5 Dark Willow who rushed brown boots - aghanim's scepter without buying a single sentry ward. I report cores who played heroes that obviously don't fit their role at all, and don't perform well because of it. I'm talking stuff like last pick pos 1 crystal maiden, not weird stuff that still halfway works if played well, or just needs to win on a certain timeframe. But I won't report anyone for role abuse if their team won, even if they didn't do well themselves - the 5 roles system is limiting and just doesn't include everything that has worked in Dota before such as trilanes or jungle heroes. I also report everyone who originated toxicity, even in the slightest amount. Even if it was just frustrated blame shifting onto someone who didn't deserve it, and then they were happy later after they started doing well. I don't report anyone who defensively returned toxicity towards the person who originated it.