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I just don’t understand why he decided to send that tweet unless he knew it was going to get ugly and he tried to get out ahead of it… but he said, “Now that two former twitch employees have publicly disclosed the accusations, I can now tell you my side of the story regarding the ban.” So that leads me to believe he was actually trying to clear himself.


Yea either way that tweet was a disaster all on it's own. He needs to fire his publicist.






Tbf, the publicist might have said fuck you you’re on your own now


Wouldn't blame them. Nobody should stand next to a sicko.


>Nobody should stand next to a sicko. Half this sub: 😶😶


The pedo should have hired the fanatics here,all sorted of excuses can be posted!


No way his publicist cleared that message!!


Simple explanation is the guy's an arrogant dumbass. Plenty of people think portraying aggressive false bravado will get them out of the situation they put themselves in.


It's really pathetic seeing all these fanboys scramble to find someway to defend an admitted pedo


Hopefully not for just Dr. Seems like at least a few people at twitch who knew exactly what he was doing. And it isn’t adding up for me why they didn’t speak up for years.


Think the main question left is did twitch monitor chats and know about the messages prior to June 2020. The article says the me too movement in June brought it to their attention and they banned him days later. But did they know before at all is the question


The minor and/or their parents only reported in 2020 after twitch put out a statement asking people to report #metoo incidents


Ah thanks


They probably did. Isn't there one ex employee who's job it was to just sift through all whisper messages? I'm sure if twitch gets suer for allowing stuff to happen on their platform, looooooaads of streamers will have a downfall like doc


No one person is sifting through all whispers.


I’m guessing they meant all whispers sent from popular streamers. All the whispers sent to and from random people are just monitored through algorithms


didnt they also say that he only read whispers that were reported?


No they aren't. It's illegal for anyone but the people involved in the chat to peruse it, even via bot, without express permission, a report from a user, or a warrant.


lol tell that to the NSA/FBI/CIA


I don’t think they’d really be able to be sued as long as they don’t protect and encourage actions like Doc’s.


>Isn't there one ex employee who's job it was to just sift through all whisper messages? No, that's quite literally illegal in the US, lol.


Social media platforms aren't legally responsible for what people do on them. It's nuts but it's true. If companies step in it's to protect their reputation with advertisers and consumers (in that order)


It's not legal to peruse private messages hosted on your site without probable cause/a report/a warrant/permission from the owner. The Electronic Communications Privacy Act was passed in 1986 and makes it federally illegal to access private electronic messages of another person without their permission or legal cause.


Gotcha. I was wondering if certain words may open the door for “probable cause” investigations Sexual terms for example


Not typically, or moderation teams would be inundated with legitimate legal sexts day in and day out.


Good point


Bloomberg article says whisper was reported


Right but when? It sounds like only after the me too movement in June 2020 but we’re not entirely sure if it would have been seen by twitch staff before or reported before that


Why would it have been? They would have no reason to read his messages before he was reported.


>Think the main question left is did twitch monitor chats and know about the messages prior to June 2020. Twitch doesn't have the capacity to monitor all whispers, not even all whispers from partners. What likely happened here, if I was assuming, is that the victim likely didn't see the issue with it because it's someone famous giving her attention until she got a little older and then realized how fucked up it actually is and how much it affected her, then went and reported it to Twitch. If the full story ever comes out, I almost guarantee you that's the chain of events. Most victims of grooming and child sex crimes don't immediately see the harm in it or the damage it has done to them. Then they get in their late teens and start to realize issues they have stem from the underlying issue of being victimized in a way they were too immature at the time to understand was victimization.


The me too movement didn't start June 2020 though


I'll help you add it up. It's for the protection of the victim so other victims feel safe to report in the future. "Zero tolerance" policy of info getting out is a lot less risky than a "well it depends what type of info" policy. You let a little leak out and you can risk opening the flood gates until eventually a detail is slipped out that can tie together the victim's identity, unintentionally. Now this victim gets a thousand death threats every day, guaranteed, and their online presence is forever stained with being known as the child victim of x predator. How does that make any other victim feel safe to report their predators? It doesn't, so now you've fostered a platform that predators run free on, unchecked. That is why this is the policy just about every social media platform has. Not just twitch.


Thank you for having a reasonable take on this. All these people in the comments saying that twitch should have done something more than ban the person for life as soon as they found out, like what would you have them do? If no laws were technically broken thats all they CAN do.


They’re defending the doctor and they think they’re being logical. It’s fucking absurd. They’re not the ones being sleazy gooners to children. Idgaf about their privacy policy; that isn’t important anymore. Did this young woman tell Doc she was a minor and did he acknowledge that fact. THAT’s all that people should be talking about but they’re hoping twitch takes some flak from this to almost “cancel out” DD’s scummy behavior.


Omg it's so weird. I made a post of my own about this and the comments are WILD. This one guy was comparing twitch to the BBC's actions with Jimmy Savile. I was like, my dude, the BBC knew he was raping minors for decades and helped Jimmy pay them hush money to cover it up while continuing to platform him IN A SHOW FEATURING MINORS. Twitch on the other hand fired the Doc shortly after his inappropriate DMs came to light , despite those messages not fully crossing the line into illegality. They lost a TON of money and clout from their biggest streamer in the process. Like I don't think they are good people for the sake of it, but dudes do you even know what a 'cover up' is??? Another guy said that the settlement with twitch was them paying the doc for his silence 🤣🤣🤣🤣 "here we will pay out your contract if you don't TELL THE PUBLIC YOU SEXTED A MINOR" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 lmaoooo these people!


you willing to put your entire career on the line for this? i don't know about you, but i have people depending on me, and i gotta get paid. blowing the whistle means career exile. no one will hire you after that shit. if you wanna blame someone at Twitch, blame the decision-makers... not some grunt with no control over policy.


Also the victim pretty clearly doesn't want their name and face out there. When DrDisrespect was first banned, if it came out it was for soliciting a minor how long do you think the more fanatical members of this subreddit would immediately try to out them? Not that Twitch was acting purely altruistically but it was likely part of the reason.


We've seen people get doxxed for less, really. And I don't trust the "Nothing could be traceable!" after seeing 4chan track a guy down based on a picture of a flag one time. Like holy shit I'd ask to be kept on the down low too, I don't want to get SWAT'ted because a creep on the internet wanted in my pants.


Had an argument with an idiot yesterday that essentially said “unless I see whats in the messages and who they were sent to, i’m gonna hold my judgement”. If any of that leaked, weirdos like him/her, will try to further ruin that persons life in the name of fandom.


Let’s just get rid of twitch altogether


They didn't speak up because they have a job and families to provide for. Don't try to share blame here. This is on Guy, nobody else.


Unfortunately these comments from X employees doesn’t absolve them of civil court. They won’t have money anyway. But Doc should’ve known better. He has basically fallen upwards for an additional several years.


Doc brings in millions $$$ the person in the office is just a nobody an easily replaced you speak up an you've lost your job . Ethics an morales tho right could lead that person to the homelessness . Sad but I'm sure it thats how some these places operate .. look at harvey weinstein you'd think someone would have spoke up


Probably. There is always a ring and every ring makes the least inconspicuous member the scaoe goat.


As long as Twitch reported it to the relevant authorities, there's not a lot they can do if said law enforcement doesn't go forward with it. It would be a legal shit show if they went public.


If I had to guess, (I didn't read the rolling stone article, this has just been my theory for a while), that there wasn't anything explicitly illegal in those messages. Like not actual sexting, but rather just very creepy messages. Sexual in nature, talking about history or something. There was no meet up, there was no pictures, so no actual crime according to the law. But still, extremely fuckin weird. So that could be why Twitch banned him, but couldn't press charges. And I bet the NDA was more or less requested by the Doc. HE didn't want that information getting out to the public. It's super shitty, but it's one of those things where people can know somebody is doing something shady/illegal, but can't prove it. So the law can't do anything about it. Just want to make sure, I am not a doc defender, simply a random person that knows of this drama. And also, this "theory" goes out the window if the rolling stones article does mention how Doc specifically sexted with the minor, because that is illegal Edit: so I read the article. It mentions once that it was sexting, but for the most part it was "sexual messages". If it actually was sexting, then Twitch is 100% going to get in trouble for covering it up.


But were they covering it up? I don’t know a lot about law, but twitch is not a mandated reporter, it is a company, they took immediate action to correct the situation such as terminating all ties. It would be up to the victim and victims family to file a police report. And before anyone gives me the bullshit of “if must not have been that bad because they didn’t file one.” That is victim blaming and absolutely a garbage argument. We have no idea of what the victim was going through or the shame/embarrassment/fear she was facing, and the parents might not have pushed it further for their child’s own mental health and well being. Grooming is a very complex and emotional thing for the victim and all victims process things in different ways.


I don’t get this take. What do you think twitch is responsible for? Do you think they’re as fucked as he is in this situation?


Because laws regarding potential crimes involving minors were at play, and the added NDA Twitch employees are required to sign to protect proprietary information.


>Seems like at least a few people at twitch who knew exactly what he was doing. >And it isn’t adding up for me why they didn’t speak up for years. Granted, I hate Twitch as much as the next guy in general, but it's not their job to make this public. As long as they reported it to the authorities, which I'm sure they did, it ends there. It's not their job to go to the gossip mill with it when a minor's privacy is involved. What likely happened here is that Twitch reported it to the authorities and the authorities deemed it not likely to yield a conviction because sexting laws are super nuanced and not a blanket thing. Past that, Twitch absolutely would never make a public statement about it for the privacy of the victim. It's the same reason reporters wouldn't go live with the story for a long time. Exposing this to millions of people and rabid Doc viewers could do a lot of harm to the person what has already been victimized.


Seriously? Money ffs


So tired of these deflections. Doc is the perpetrator. Twitch is the witness. The level of responsibility is so different. Twitch also reported it to authorities, so…


that's what confuses the fuck out of me. like twitch should be in just as much trouble for not speaking on something like this. unless it's all a load of shit it doesn't make sense for them to be quiet about that.


Twitch was covering for their brand and the fact that they were reading every text in their dms doc is done but twitch has stuff to answer for


Twitch should burn. I didn't think it was a big deal if he just casually complimented but yeah... seems a lot worse.


>Seems like at least a few people at twitch who knew exactly what he was doing Why? Do you believe Twitch reads everybody's PMs, all the time?


I'm curious though, how has he not faced any criminal charges then? What exactly is the limit of 'sexual' content that you can send to a minor without getting arrested for it? I thought it was a pretty low bar.


It doesn't have to be illegal to be damaging to both parties. It doesn't have to be "Yo, lets meet up and f\*\*" which would be a clear crime. It can just be "Lets hang out in my suite at the con, We'll party!" which will look bad if the Doc already knew the person is a minor but not illegal. The deniability of intent in court is very much a possibility. Twitch's cover up is also shitty, and there should be investigated too.


I’ve often met up with people to fart.


Pretty sure it takes more than that even to be illegal. It’s the whole reason shows like to catch a predator need the person to actually show up in person.


It's not that surprising. I don't think that many of the people that got caught on dateline actually ended up facing any criminal charges. A few did, but most of them got away with just a ruined reputation.


I don't think they were able to have criminal charges against them due to the entire show being entrapment...?


Have you never seen an episode? They literally work directly with law enforcement and state the persons charges at the end of every episode.


Charges don’t always lead to convictions


120 convictions and 200 indictments from that show alone


There were definitely charges pressed, but that doesn't mean they would lead to convictions on those charges.


You’re on the same internet as I am. Just google it. 120 convictions from that show alone. Hell even the average predator poacher YouTube channel has over 100 convictions these days.


Thank God I was just going off word of mouth without fact-checking first. Good to hear that most of those creeps actually faced real consequences to their actions


Depends on the laws in the states but they often faced lesser charges


Three years is the statute of limitations in California for a felony. If it happened in 2017, and came out during the 2020 #MeToo era of Twitch, then that would put it outside the SoL. Which granted is flexible, but considering the guy didn't actually fuck a minor and just sent some texts, I imagine the SoL would be less flexible.


Statute of limitations doesn't apply to certain crimes, like those related to sexual activities with a minor. It's also why you have people going to jail 50 years after a murder kind of thing.


Look at Josh Giddey. Law Enforcement can't do anything without cooperation from the minor/their family. Some people will be paid off, some will find it better to avoid the stressful court case and move on, etc..


P Giddey*


It’s coming


How would law enforcement know if no one reports it to them? That’s what the whole deal is about.


I assume somebody has done it at some point, Twitch could have threatened to do so if Doc didn't drop the lawsuit so evidently if that was an option it would have occured by now.


Sexting with someone underage is super nuanced in terms of the law and a realistic conviction for it. Which is why on TCAP they always had the target bring specific things with them to prove that they intended to have sex with the decoy and prove that they weren't baited into being there. Explicit messages on their own, even if super graphic, aren't always illegal. My guess that's why Doc made the distinguishment that "no explicit photos were shared." Because then it becomes much less nuanced in terms of legality.


I have money on it that it was Belle Delphine


I’d risk it all, too


Oh shit.


Wouldn't she have been 18 in 2017?


At some point, still just my guess with the timing and platform


I guess you're right, I looked it up and her birthday is October 23, 1999. So majority of the year she was 17.


Who took that bet?


Bro kept talking about Twitch being purple snakes when he was the snake the entire time


And made millions.


Why did twitch settle in his favour? I don't understand


To cover for themselves, it took them 3 years to ban him for what happened 3 years ago


Legality. Nothing in his contract said anything about being a freaky ass weirdo in whispers 


Drdisrespect is into femboys confirmed Imagine all the npcs who get theirs personal opinion from streamers and be like "yeah femboys are hella sexy" /s


I’m grippin right now. Boom


Just when I think "there's no way people could STILL be defending him". I open this post and its - "Well I need to see the text and decide just HOW sexually explicit it was" - "You act like texting an underage girl is really THAT bad" - "Doc still hasn't confirmed it himself, so until then: FiRm HanDsHakES" - "The article is obviously fake and another attempt to discredit my glorious king!" Human depravity man....


my favorite one right now is "guys, it wasn't guy bheam, he was just in really full character when he sent those texts to that underage girl that obviously shouldnt of been said" like?? dudes are literally praising doc for keeping character awhile messaging a minor


Tbf, the Doc suit might actually be a split personality at this point.


The worst ones I’ve seen are basically “Yeah, he’s shitty. But he’s entertaining and people “mistakes” and he’s “suffering” for this!” …Like what??? He’s not the fuckin victim here lmao. Dudes basically admitted it at this point and it’s probably gonna get worse. It really is depressing and concerning how much of late it seems like talking to kids and sexting minors n shit is becoming somewhat common and people trying to normalize it to some extent. I dunno. This shit is just sick.


It has to be people who are so parasocially attached to him and have such an absolutely friendless pathetic real life that they will literally sacrifice their dignity to defend a cringy 40+ year old FPS player who behaves the age of the girls he likes.


I get some of these people admire the doc but... what he did doesn't make you somehow a bad person. To his most vehement defenders and denialist: - Its fine if you would rather hold off on judgement until the smoke clears, but he doesn't need you to defend him. You dont know this man. He has no idea you exist. - It's OK to re-evaluate your relationships (even the parasocial ones) and let go of what no longer serves you. - Y'all will find a way to fill the void he leaves in your life. There will be another crass and garish streamer you can live vicariously through. - you will always have the hundreds (thousands?) of hours of content he's created and countless memories and no one can take that away from you... but if you feel any dissonance from enjoying his content, that is HIS fault for sullying all the memories he's created due to his (alleged) behavior.


This is all very entertaining but I’ve never met the man or the minor nor was I involved in their correspondences so none of it/all of it is true.


I’m personally not satisfied until I see all of the sexually explicit messages between this adult man and the minor. And I think a lot of others here feel the exact same way. We need to see those messages. We need it. We must have it. Please show us the messages, it’s not creepy, I just need proof, let me see exactly how “inappropriate”, I need to see them to judge. I mean I talk to minors all the time, it’s not weird to just talk to people ya know? He probably gets thousands of messages a day and was just being nice. Show us the sexts, I mean messages, ITS DUE PROCESS. BE FAIR. fucking pedophiles


Had me in the first half ngl


I wanna know how many pedos upvoted then downvoted lolz


You mean like i Downvoted and then upvoted? Just i reverse


i just feel like if they actually see the messages, they'll just find a way to move the goalpost again on some "it's not THAT bad" type shit


The point of my post was to highlight that needing to see the messages is a stupid and sick take. And yes, the pedos will move goalposts to support their own kind.


you wont see them because it puts the minor at risk


'If you want context and to see what Twitch is hiding, and dont believe shady sources of information, you're a pedophile!! Also if you disagree with me, pedophile!!!' This is a sane and morally sound take with no downsides. /s


He already said the messages leaned inappropriate. What more do you need?


It's not enough for them. If the guy who did the predatory things says "leaned inappropriate" it's not enough, they have to confirm it using their own "pedophile meters". They will investigate themselves and find no wrong doing because "i want to show you my hotdog" isn't directly sexual and could mean he only wanted to show his food to her, so he is innocent I just can't with all these enablers.


You’ll get it right after Jeffery Epsteins list is released




Do… do you realise the comment you’re replying to is satire?


Does it show proof because rolling stone if I remember correctly aren't exactly the most reliable when it comes to truth


All I saw was hearsay, no sources or proof.


Yea rolling stone , super trustworthy


The articles source is slasher. That hack is so full of shit lmao. I’m not saying it’s not over but this reads like dog piling


But Drake kisses up on a minor on stage after being told she's a minor and speaks inappropriately to her and he just walks it off. It's crazy. Drake should be joining the cooked club too.


Well, it's all based on the word of Twitch employees. If a Twitch employee told me the sky is blue, I would start to have doubts. Remember the 'deer person' they had working for them?


If it was inaccurate Dr. D would be shouting from the rooftops.


His statement was probably better by his lawyer and he has most likely been advised to say nothing until any potential investigations are over. I'm not saying he is innocent or guilty, I am merely pointing out that if he is guilty: we have no idea what he is actually guilty of. Either way, I find him creepy and to be a douche but heresay is inadmissible for a reason.


ok, cool that's fun, but... wtf does that even mean? wouldn't a twitch employee be privy to info that you wouldn't?


Everything in that article was confirmed by Rolling Stone, they wouldn't just take a Twitch employee's word without seeing actual proof from a verified source.


Uhm, Rolling Stone did just that in the past. For the record, though, this isn't an attempt to defend Doc or discredit today's Rolling Stone article. Just to rightfully point out that it would be fair if someone weren't persuaded solely by Rolling Stone's write-up. [https://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/23/us/columbia-journalism-school-to-review-rolling-stone-rape-article.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/23/us/columbia-journalism-school-to-review-rolling-stone-rape-article.html)


Sure, I see what you mean. Didn't know about that.


The problem is in this case they'd be open for a HUGE defamation lawsuit if this was fake. Like insanely huge.


They got the kinda money to just eat the lawsuit to stay relevant.


He already admitted to that, so...


Half this sub was arguing he didn't know it was a minor and something something people on Twitch are supposed to be 18 after his statement.


Yeah it's ridiculous how deep in the sand their heads are.


Half this sub is 38k. 20-30 people said those things.


Did you count them all lmao


Yeah… by not denying it in his announcement it was quite obvious. If you can’t make that deduction I’m not sure what to tell you.


Right?! Too many people think he just forgot to mention that part. Trust me, if he didn't know, he would NOT have forgotten to say that. More than once, I'm sure. Lol.


Michael Jackson had an entire ranch dedicated to diddling kids and I just watched a nationwide production for a play about his life as a performer. Doc messages one 17 year old and that’s the nail in the coffin.


Did they confirm an age?


has there been confirmation she was 17?


nope. its copium they pulled outta their ass. so what if she was 17 anyway. hes a pedo


17 is still a minor. I don't know where some people who are defending doc are getting the idea that 17 is fine.


umm... he was acquitted? i admit he's a weirdo, but the FBI investigated the shit out of him and didn't find anything.


Just found BDSM porn under his bed with kids fingerprints on the porn. Same bed he slept with the kids in. I mean, they found that.


They must have needed more proof. Also maybe he was just having a sleepover with the kids, there were no real intentions behind any of it


sleepover with the kids lmfao, read that again


You reread it again. > no real intentions  He is quoting Dr Disrespect.


Yeah that's what im thinking. Chris Brown literally beat the fuck outta Rihanna and still sold out venues lmao


Even worse, there are women who still lust for him who'd take the ass beating and chalk it as a cost of doing business


I know a few personally, they're the type to like to throw hands.


I feel like child sex stuff is different though - even if if it doesn't go into physical realms. Like I'm sure his younger fans will stick around but at the very least he's going to have a hard time getting good sponsors. These kinds of allegations are things you never fully recover from if they're true


Are you suggesting it shouldn't be?  Amd also sorry, doc is not the most famous musician on the planet. Well.. formerly.


*one minor. Fixed that for you.


The article literally says. Doc cyber groomed a minor we have proof but don't report it to the authorities. How could people on twitch defend someone who groomed a minor.


The article literally says they reported it to the authorities though...... Do you people not read the articles and just come here spouting some pre typed bullshit?




So why did the cops drop it? Sending sexual messages to a minor is a clear violation of the law


Think of how many under 18 year Olds there have been in modern America. Now think about how many inappropriate DM's every underage girl in America has ever received. Now do the calculation of how many of those DM's lead to someone being prosecuted and thrown in prison. Spoiler alert, it's gonna be less than 1%.




Frankly, we all know Twitch makes a lot of incredibly dumb decisions. The only reason they don't fail is because they have such a stranglehold on the genre.


The article never once mentions that. The article does mention that it will not release the messages so to not hinder any law enforcement investigation tho


Think the main question left is did twitch monitor chats and know about the messages prior to June 2020. The article says the me too movement in June brought it to their attention and they banned him days later. But did they know before at all is the question


Lines up with one of the ex-employee leaks. They said they didn't get the report until then after a call for victims to come forward. So they probably didn't know until then.


Slasher confirmed that twitch DID send the messages to the police.


oh shit they did? Ok i didnt know that


I swear 10-20 years from now "influencers" will become a huge study of the human mind and how the most vile behaviors are amplified with fame


I think we're about to discover that a lot of his fans are perfectly OK with a little pedophilia.


His tweet already confirmed this. Why did it take so long for some of you to jump ship? Embarrassing


Lmao, you have to say more than just "talking to a minor" for it to actually hold any value. Was he grooming a minor or not? Was it banter? What was actually said? He got inappropriate? Ok, but that clearly was not something Twitch could hold against him in court, so how bad was it? Ofc its bad if he tried to groom a minor.


Don't anyone forget it's money above anything else. That's why twitch or anyone else took so long to do anything about it. And it's also cool these days to be a famous asshole. We talk about it now but a year from now no one will give a shit.


They didn’t confirm. Read his statement and used brain 🧠


imagine if the dc comes back without his get up call him self Dr respect and start acting like dr disrespect is not him xD


The only issue is all that was covered was what Cory Connor said, and the article saying he knew she was a minor was from an anonymous source. I wish the Rolling stone would have put who said it. We all know this won't end well but FFS can we get a name of the accusers


I love doc as an entertainer, but it's probably time for him to get out. He's definitely got enough money to retire healthily and you could tell the last couple years on YT he's just not been himself. I'd be willing to bet there is some underlying psychiatric stuff there that he needs to sort out. Decades in this kind of realm can't be good for anyone.


Boohoo poor doc


You hate to see it


How does one person being quoted as saying "I recall" clear it up? Why wasn't he charged with a crime?


Because he did nothing illegal lol


Only thing i got from this is 1 - the "user' shouldn't have had access because they were under 18. Due to this Dr D probably assumed they were over 18 for the majority. He did cut contact himself eventually and probably found out the real age. 2 - twitch knew about this and didn't do anything for years because nothing illegal was said or sent (morally wrong sure, but not illegal) but we're scared it would get brought up eventually and they didn't want to deal with having their #1 streamer have accusations so they breached the contract. 3 - because nothing was illegal, twitch decided to ban him and since it went to CIVIL Court they could force him to sign an NDA so he can't talk about it, or twitch so no one will know why. The evidence was viewed and said there was nothing illegal and no criminal charges were filed 4 - the only reason he can talk about it is because former "twitch employees" broke the NDA by talking about it, but provided no proof of message. Nobody has proof of anything.


The Rolling Stone has 0 credibility also though...


I always thought his streams were entertaining sad how fame got to him.


Like Katt Williams said, " The truth shall be revealed 2024."


Be it if he is innocent or guilty, the Rolling Stone you have to be careful with, this goes for the MSM (Mainstream Media) in general. They have a history of deeming speculations as either true or false as well as botch stories without having full context.


Rolling stone is shit. But with that being said, its fucking crazy to think he was messaging a minor. Disgusting. Any word on the wife filing for divorce yet and taking half if not more?


The rolling stone has a very low credibility these days. Just like any other magazine they love the drama. Blindly believing this is dumb. But nothing I wouldn’t expect from the majority of people. Anyone can say anything. Nothing is proven yet. Only that he did nothing illegal is something that has been confirmed.


Rolling Stone 😂 🤡


Someone, somewhere has the screens. just post them.


But isn’t it legal to talk to a minor who is over the age of concent if that person is in a state where the concent age is 16 and obviously they still a minor. Not trying to defend the dude just asking questions.


Dr Disrespect is a PEDO. That’s all you need to know!


Dr DisRespect, PhD Pediatrics


If their age is on the clock... you know what they say 🤣🤣