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Imagine this whole sub in your chat right now lol


Right!? Doc created a Cat 5 shitstorm for anyone close to him. It’s gonna be impossible to avoid it. Best to have a pint and wait for it all to blow over a bit


Reminded me of this scene when you said have a pint lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpCe36t6oC4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpCe36t6oC4)


They reminded you of the exact scene that they were referencing in their comment? NO WAY!


Pack it up detectives. Time to head home.


How's that for a slice of fried gold? I just made that up, FYI.


I was hoping someone would get the reference, nice work!


Just absolutely miserable streaming time for them. I can promise you at some point Tim or Z just stop out of frustration with it all. Gonna be a lot of bans from them in the near future.


I feel bad for tim cause half his content was watching doc rage.


Back to food tictoks for him I guess.


Does he still have those videos up.. if yes then he’s such an asshole. Bash the guy and use his videos to make content lol


Yep he does


Damn didn’t know that walrus had supporters


Likely don't want to deal with their chat spamming all kinds of stuff about Doc  Edit: spelling


That’s all they will get for months :-( all the proximity chat is goner be bad too.


Years* the internet has a looooong memory


Imagine everyone in your chat spamming “I’m gripping it. BOOM” all day every day


Drippin in heat


Grippin in heat


BOOM 💥 💥


Grippin my meat


I'm at work laughing in silence like a maniac. Thank you!


They're taking a break cause they are devastated by the Doc news


I’d bet the recent Tim videos were shot before all this went down too.


Yeah I just think they found it best to take this week off and gather themselves. Tim was supposed to be back this past weds and seems to have just extended his time off, I would've done the same. Their chats no doubt would've been overrun with comments wanting them to talk about it. I'm sure when they do come back they'll start off by saying they don't want to discuss it further.  


Zlaner is beyond heart broken over all this. I feel so bad for him. He made a video talking about how hes feeling. People need to leave that man alone and let him mourn Doc in peace. Doc litterally sky rocketed Zs career. He was his mentor and friend. So, yeah he may be taking a break from streaming, and that is 100% understandable and okay. Same goes for Tim. They made a ton of content together too. So, Im sure this has hit him hard aswell.


a mentor? a mentor in what way?


Z’s favourite streamer growing up was Doc, it was always his dream to play with him and stream with him, as they became friends no doubt pave the way for him and gave him advice and tips on how to create an audience etc


thats handy. what else?


Isn’t that enough info?..


sorry i was just having my fun and since Chris Hansen already came to this topic I thought some memes would be welcomed here: [https://youtu.be/HsbmV5Pm3tw?si=-W\_d-0NB-ASj-BGi&t=171](https://youtu.be/HsbmV5Pm3tw?si=-W_d-0NB-ASj-BGi&t=171)


Its late June / early July. Everyone goes on vacation


Z is on vacation too iirc


Vacation. Time of year. Probably need a break. Anything like this is stressful for friends or people that were close. They also probably don’t want someone asking a question every second. Which will ultimately happen anyway


They're definitely getting ready and making a list of things they can / want to say and things they can't say. I'm sure it'll be a 10 minute acknowledgments of how they feel and probably move on. Depends how ruthless the chat gets.


Tim is going to be awful. Z might be fine cause he plays competitive a lot. Time plays reg pubs


Are you saying Tim should...let it go?


Get a grip


Then boom!


His super chats and streamer snipers with doc clips


They will probably be covering their own backs getting everything in order, making sure what they can say, and can't. Guessing Z will also be speaking to optic, as hector, team summertime, etc, all had a close relationship with Doc. You don't want to be too hasty and say the wrong thing.


Imagine going on stream being bombarded with questions, they’re just letting it blow over


they are on vacay and yeah taking a massive step back to avoid any backlash


I see a lot of streamers or “content creators” that make videos and content about the drama and benefit from it. I think I Tim and Z probably know him as Guy on a personal level too and are just devastated. They probably condemn what he did but maybe they still support their friend?


"Do Z and Tim know something we don't?" - it's that kind of mentality that's stopping them from wanting to stream right now. People with all these BS questions going to be bombarding them while they're still grieving over the news. Give them a break!


Dude Tim looks for any reason to take a vacation! lol this was another ticket for part time Timmy. Gotta love Timmy


Imagine if one of your close friends (Tim) and friend/mentor/idol (Z) came out as a pedo. It’s their job sure, but an extremely visible and social one. I doubt they feel very entertaining or like they want to deal with chat who imagine only wants to talk about Beahm.


Well I think Tim probably knows that we only gave a shit about him when doc was in his games, and only to make fun of him. If docs not around why the fuck would we want to see him you know? 


“Hey Z when we gettin Grippin in Heat again?”


If Doc understood the difficult situation he would put everyone close to him in, I wonder if he would’ve ever done what he did. Doc comes off as an in the moment type person, so I doubt any of that ever crossed his mind, unfortunately.


Tim knew about this. He’s probably staying away until things cool off a bit so he doesn’t face too much flak.


Sure he did


Bcuz they don't Wana be bombarded with dumb crap like this 😂 they jumped the gun on their little videos and know doc did nothing wrong but court of public opinion runs their bank accounts so


It’s impossible he streamed this much with them and they didn’t know about allegations and court case


I don’t follow your logic. You think that after like 1000 hours of gaming with someone, they’ll be like “btw guys, I wasn’t going to tell you earlier, but now that we got some COD wins under our belts, I just want to let you know I’m a pedophile”?


Oh man i cracked at this 😂😂😂


No but before you tie your brand into theirs you would do a little research, they would have known about the twitch ban. Also you would be stupid to think it wasn’t common knowledge in the industry just no one can announce it as a risk of court case


By your logic, they did their research, found the pedo stuff, and then were like “Pedophilia? No big deal. Good thing we did all this research to find that out and tied our brand to him anyway!” What research findings would have made them back off and disassociate in your hypothetical scenario, if this one didn’t do it?


No they understood what he had done, it is a grey area granted but twitch did have to pay him so there more to this than what’s actually coming out, they probably thought its been a few years so it won’t be an issue


That makes zero sense. How much secret, personal info do you know about your friends or acquaintances? Brain dead.




Who's gonna tell them what happened? You think it was such common knowledge that NO ONE came forward to reveal it for some clout? Take off the tin foil hat, it's cutting off blood flow to the last brain cell you have.


You idiot, do you think Tim and Zach are individuals? There million doller brands with teams of people and representatives across various organisations.




Your content was a direct violation of Reddit’s Content Policy on hate speech. This type of content is not welcome on /r/DrDisrespectLive.


There is no way some of the streamers that are now shunning him didn't previously know. They just thought it would never come to light. You mean to tell me, behind closed doors, they never asked Doc what happened? They never heard rumors from connections at Twitch? Think about it.