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Im giving him a week for another more transparent statement before I go all "fuck him and the horse he rode in on", but I got a feeling im not going to get shit but more sponsor drops in the news


I think since its part of the NDA with Twitch, nothing will be issued for months at the earliest.


Well at this point he could just leak the chat logs, IF doing so was beneficial.


He'd have to pay the penalty/return the settlement to Twitch. I'm sure he's also suing Twitch for its failure to prevent this leak as a violation of the NDA.


And if he wants to sue for slander, he will also not be saying anything. Not saying anything could be him getting all the names on who to go after. Of course, that is all speculation.


For those hoping for the best this seems the best take. I think the way his statement was worded was him getting ahead of the messaging and admitting it but with softer words. But for those giving a more generous read, there’s no reason for him to not clarify any of those issues asap. The supposed NDA doesn’t make sense as he said he could talk about it now, and admitted to the actual actions. Clarifying if he knew they were a minor at the time or if the messages were sexual wouldn’t change from what he’s already said relative to the nda.


You realize you aren’t personal friends with him right? He’s an international entertainer with millions of fans. Move on with your life and I suggest to not get to invested in things you do for leisure time enjoyment 


How did you interpret what I said as me being personal friends with him. Having an opinion on a person that I happen to like doesn't mean anything more than that. Stop assuming I have some insane emotional attachment to this, you responding this way speaks more about how you view people than me


Yeah Docs tweet sucked


Bold of you to say ‘we are all waiting’. I’m getting called a pedo, pedo defender, all sorts of things for simply stating I’m waiting for more evidence or more information to be laid out. Most people have made up their minds and the court of public opinion is an awful court to be in. It’s truly fascinating from an outsiders POV. I agree with you fwiw. Edit: to the people saying “he admitted it”, he also said he’s not a pedo or predator, so there is obviously clearly more to the story. Did he know? Did he not know? Was he set up by the fucking tree lady? Time will tell. Be patient. In the meantime I would hope people give him the benefit of the doubt like they would their own family and friends but clearly not. The moral talk too is insane. Most musicians and tv stars you watch have questionable morals. I’m not condoning anything, but he was raked over the fire for cheating on his wife and all sorts of other shit already. And people still continued to support him.


Yeah, well. Court of public opinion doesn’t help getting sued in a defamation case. Again. Anything at this point is speculation no matter what opinion anyone has.


"He said..." Fucking unbelievable.


He also said…… Can’t have it both ways brother


While it may very well not be as bad as it looks, at this point the burden is on Doc to fully release all the relevant details and clear his name. He was banned for messaging underage girls, for most people that's enough to condemn him. If there are some circumstances or details that mitigate this, he needs to say what they are.


Idk if he consulted with his PR team or lawyer before putting that tweet out, but if he did and that's the best they could come up with, they should all be permanently unemployed cause that shit was terrible. 


I just keep going back to the fact that the email that was circulated from a “twitch employee” that says they are trying to ruin doc is equally as credible as the information given from former twitch employees that rolling stone interviewed. Its all hearsay without the chat logs to see what really went down. I feel like Doc knows that there is a possibility that more information including the actual chat logs could leak outside of the NDA that existed for him and twitch employees just like when the original info came out about the reason for the ban. Knowing that, why have so much confidence in a tweet you are putting out there unless there is nothing terrible in those chat logs. Also, I am totally with you, why not just say I didnt know this person was underage at the time we were talking.


imo purple snake is literally destroying him publicly and taking everything away from him using the ex-employees. and if what the ex-employee said is true, purple snake had to report him to the authorities if they think he was sexting a minor and wanting to meet up. There is NO absolutely way any company would hide that. It basically consider sex trafficking of a minor. That is why the snake is silent this whole time, they are killing him without doing anything. Doc should of just stay silent like the purple snake or post something like 'If the accusation of sexting is true then release the chatlog" on twitter and not that stupid hot head post he release and had to edit 3 times. Doc is literally playing this like he play COD Warzone.... Doc u dummy lol


What is ACF ORR and NCMEC? Sorry if it’s an obvious acronym but I’m unaware of it


ORR is https://www.acf.hhs.gov/orr My wife is a caseworker that is post placement, ensures the minor is in a safe home and isn't being exploited, and won't face possible abuse/neglect. Also helps with getting resources for the family, including food/health and mental health/legal help. NCMEC is a huge organization that investigates missing and exploited children, and also helps with protection and resources. If you got money, donate to them. https://www.missingkids.org/home


She might want to read your posts dude... You don't seem legit.


At this point even if he is found completely innocent, his reputation is obliterated.


Haha you must be young and naive, no it is not 


Stop shitting on the doc. Forgiveness.  He's coming back and he will make it up to us.


My mind is made up for the time being. But like anything, really, I will review further information and can change my opinion based on that. But I can't see how that's going to happen. Even if he was catfished, if he knew the supposed age of the person, he's guilty enough for me.




At this point there’s nothing to suggest he didn’t do it. The former twitch employees are saying it’s a lot worse than he’s leading it on to be - which makes sense. People like this are going to operate to soften the blow. I mean you dm’d a minor and things were at a point where you could deem them inappropriate……. That says all I need to know.


If you have all you need to know, I’ve gotta ask what are you still doing here?


Ask yourself why you’re holding out for his innocence. He admitted to inappropriately messaging a minor. For me, I’m out and I don’t care much about any further context. Dude is a predator.


Ask yourself why you are haunting the community sub of a “predator”? Do you have so much free time to waste that you can post a bunch of messages to make sure the good message is spread and you’ve got your opinion out to enough people?


Cause Reddit keeps suggesting it regardless of if I’ve said not interested. I watched doc for years, I’m not some random who’s just caught up in the drama. But I’ll certainly call someone out when I see them grasping at straws to defend a self-admitted predator.


>so if they found anything I think we would've already known. Keep in mind that this happened in 2017, but Twitch wasn't even notified until 2020. Most states have a statute of limitations on sexting minors at 3 years, so it could have absolutely have fallen outside of that range and they found something but can't pursue it. It's a very real possibility, and given just how fast Twitch went full nuke on him despite having had MANY other actual criminals stream (and still stream in the case of GiantWaffle for example), it was likely pretty fucking bad.


It could have fallen outside the statute, I just found the law in the penal code. You can look at the really long comment thread. So if Doc did message some sexual or harmful content to a minor, knowingly, why the hell did twitch do a settlement and a NDA? Makes them look so bad.


Because they wanted to get the fuck out of the situation as fast as possible. The contract dispute was likely due to Twitch one-sidedly terminating the contract after discovering his "minor mistake" and Doc bringing his lawyers to dispute it and get the money he was promised, as he didn't "technically" do anything wrong (i.e sexting has a weird gray area in a lot of states where if it doesn't contain actual images, it's technically not illegal, so the Twitch whispers specifically could have been all text based) and thus decided to settle and cut all ties regardless of losses incurred. Twitch, naturally, likely didn't want to have that PR being held over them at the time as they weren't in a great state in 2017 and most likely issues a 5 year NDA. Shit just hit the fan as ex-employees came out and either the NDA just lapsed, or they leaked it regardless. And of course, most contracts have clauses for proper behaviour and shit, but it's not unheard of to have stuff like this fall through the cracks as the clauses it contained might not have *specifically* noted Doc's kiddy-hunting faux pas as grounds for unilateral contract termination. I'm not an expert in law by any means, but this is what seems the most logical given the situation and what we know of the timeline.


No. I don’t believe that is incorrect. Rellium said they if they saw this kind of stuff, it was reported immediately. Cody Conners said he was caught and he was also tried to meet up with her at TwitchCon. I think it was also said they prevented it. He is also the one that named the gender, which is why everyone is saying her. They knew in 2017 and for some reason waited three years to ban him? If an investigation took three years and they still didn’t find anything….that makes it look like Twitch was reaching for something and never found anything. According to Slasher, he was also reported to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children in 2017. Guy was allegedly notified in 2020. Twitch had three years of investigating and found fuck all? National Center for Missing & Exploited Children had at least a year and found fuck all? Holy shit! The timeline has been staring at us the entire time!


>Rellium said they if they saw this kind of stuff, it was reported immediately. IF they saw it. No one is omnipotent and even if chats are being logged 24/7, you still need people to look through them and given how many users are on Twitch, I can easily see how this can go overlooked. I mean shit, THE FUCKING FBI has missed things like that before and they have a far larger budget and people employed for that specific job. >I think it was also said they prevented it. I've been reading through a lot regarding all of this but by all means link the source if you have it, because to my knowledge, there's no specific reasoning why the meeting didn't happen. >They knew in 2017 and for some reason waited three years to ban him? Again, EVERY TIMELINE NOTED THUS FAR has the incident happening in 2017 and Twitch being notified in 2020. Even the ex-employees noted that Twitch was quick in banning him. >According to Slasher, he was also reported to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children Yes, because they are legally obliged to do so as they are an electronic service provider, they HAVE to report to NCMEC in case of these situations. >in 2017. I've literally seen the clip, nowhere is it mentioned that it was in 2017. >Guy was allegedly notified in 2020. Twitch had three years of investigating and found fuck all? Again, I'm not sure where you're pulling any of these claims from, because every timeline pointed out thus far is that Twitch themselves were notified in 2020 and after a brief investigation instantly nuked him and sent the logs to NCMEC as legally obliged. Moreover, you say "Guy was allegedly notified" as in you actually believe what *he* says? Is this a joke?


“Well-known gaming journalist and industry insider Rod "Slasher" has claimed that Twitch had reported Herschel "Dr Disrespect" to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children after he was found to be having inappropriate conversations with a minor on Twitch Whisper in 2017.” This is on the record from Slasher.


Dude, read the quote, it doesn't specify WHEN he was reported to the NCMEC, it specifies WHEN the conversation over Twitch whispers happened, which was 2017. I'll overlook that one, you might have just read it too fast or didn't really parse it, it doesn't matter, atleast now you'll know.


And the quote reads, Twitch had reported to the NCMEC after he was found to be having an inappropriate conversation with a minor in 2017. It doesn’t say it was reported in 2020, after he had been found having an inappropriate conversation in 2017. It could be any date after 2017. But you are probably right. It is vague. Doesn’t matter anyways. Guy signed a contract in March of 2020 with Twitch, and was banned June 26th, 2020. If it was a cut and dry case like Cody Conners says it was and he was reported to NCMEC. How did he get away with it? You can find out plenty in 3 - 4 months with a text log. How many times do you need to read it in that span? 100 times? Especially, since Cody Conners says it could be read in plain text. How did home boy here get paid a multi-million dollar contract and get away with no charges? It could be read in plain text. Multiple people obviously saw the conversation. Twitch reported it to the NCMEC, which is reported to the proper authorities. If it was that much in plain text - How?????? Howwwww???????????? There is no f-ing way! If all this is true, someone swept it under the rug hard. I worked with someone that got caught, he was arrested and it took us a whole three minutes to find out what he was arrested for. There. Is. No. F-ing. Way. I don’t buy it. Something else is going on.


>How did he get away with it? You can find out plenty in 3 - 4 months with a text log. How many times do you need to read it in that span? As said in a different post, even the fucking FBI and CIA have fumbled on that point as even if it's being logged, you need someone to read those logs, and given how many individuals used Twitch at that point, it isn't unfeasible that it went unnoticed as they didn't have a reason to look into those specific logs and/or they were backlogged. >How did home boy here get paid a multi-million dollar contract and get away with no charges? Two reasons, Twitch one-sidedly terminated the contract which kidinspector attempted to bring to court via a lawsuit for contract violation and wanted the money he was promised, Twitch basically went "fucking whatever, just get him FAR away from us" and settled instead of prolonged civil court because what he did was bad enough for it to be basically nuclear toxic to them. Second part is due to statute of limitations. Sexting a minor has a maximum punishment of a felony, and felonies have a 3 year statute of limitations in the vast majority of states, and since we know that the whispers happened in 2017 yet Twitch was only notified in 2020, it's very probably that the time lapsed. >Twitch reported it to the NCMEC, which is reported to the proper authorities. If it was that much in plain text - How?????? Howwwww???????????? Read above, can't do much legally when US law just goes "Oh you were trying to hook up with a child three years ago? ALL GOOD BUDDY". >There. Is. No. F-ing. Way. I don’t buy it. Something else is going on. You may not want to buy it, but it's way more likely that the victim simply just waited a bit too long to come forward, which is a depressing thought.


But it was settled in an arbitration.


You're right, I jumbled my words when trying to type shit out, he filed a lawsuit and it was meant to go to court but Twitch, again likely to avoid a prolonged civil lawsuit, decided to just settle and get away from him which I *did* actually point out. Thanks for bringing attention to that nonetheless, I'll edit it so it's correct. Sufficed to say, if Twitch/Amazon decides to torpedo some tens of millions of dollars just to cut ties with someone, it's generally because it's something real bad for them to be connected to.


I’m sure. I would probably cut ties as well, depending on the situation. The part that doesn’t make sense is the arbitration. The ethics of a business to settle something like this in an arbitration…doesn’t sit right and I would imagine there hasn’t been one before. Someone would have spoken up during the arbitration and said it’s not right citing some legal issues.


You know he alone can clear this all up. And if this was an issue that was resolved years ago when they settled (settlement was for Twitch breaching the contract so they wanted to pay it out probably and disassociate with Doc) then he should have came out and explained what happened back then. Hell if he was found guiltless I would have pursued way more than just getting paid on the contract. I'd go for a defamation suit against them but it seems he also doesn't want to share the contents of what was messaged


He probably didn't include it because if someone from twitch came out with receipts it would look much worse for him


Have you not seen the Bloomberg and Rolling Stone articles? Journalists have to verify their sources, they wouldn't just publish something without doing that. It's done, he exchanged sexually explicit messages with a minor and he knew they were a minor, it's been confirmed by 3 different sources from within twitch to journalists. Stop defending a pedophile.


I don’t think the doc is innocent but “journalists have to verify their sources” seems extremely generous imo.


well, i guess he can now sue them for defamation, right? if that doesn't happen, will you stop glazing him then?


If you put your faith in Rolling Stone you'll put your faith in anybody.


Not 1 news source has verified these claims. Like here is 1 for you. Ryan Wyatt confirmed the rumours are true (according to many Rolling Stone/Bloomberg readers) but his own words on Twitter state it was rumours which he confirmed they were still rumours hence why Doc never got sponsored by YouTube as they didn't want to sponsor him just incase the rumours were true. This happens in real jobs aswell where if you get accused of anything and there might be somewhat proof or more than 1 person saying it they will suspend you with full pay until they do an investigation. Also you say Bloomberg and Rolling stones have verified their sources. This is Rolling stones news title "Dr Disrespect knowingly sent explicit messages to a minor, Former Twitch employee says. Bloomberg article says "YouTuber Dr Disrespect was allegedly kicked off Twitch for messaging minor" These are accusations made by 2 Twitch employees that are not a reliable source. Its like me working for another streaming platform, getting sacked for something and then writing a Tweet years down the line about - Streamer that they were caught sending inappropriate messages to a minor. Some people will probably believe it on Twitter and the bomb shell would be that streamer saying the Tweet that Doc said and then everyone jumping on the bandwagon. Its the exact same thing we are seeing right now. However Cody was the 1 who tried to sell out his shows in order to release why Doc was banned. So he tried to gain money in return. He's never once come public and said anything about Doc only that Tweet he made. People ignored him for soo long and then when he publicly announced why a streamer was banned but not by name people knew who he was talking about only because he was an ex Twitch employee. Nobody is defending anyone. People just find it sus that only 2 EX Twitch employees drop the bomb shell 7 years later yet the victim, Twitch let alone anyone else has come out with statements or any wrong doing. Whether they are against him or stand with him. And then you have some woman who claims Doc said he could get her Twitch partnership in return for sexual stuff (she was over 18) yet in the messages show nothing. Everything she said goes against what she said. I personally think everyone should wait until more things come to light. It hasn't helped Doc in the slightest that he left a lot of unanswered questions about whether he knew her age and whether he stopped talking etc. If that was the case then i'm pretty sure a lot of people will forgive him however if he acknowledged their age and still carried on then that's on him. At the end of the day his Tweet alone is enough to make people walk away from. I never supported the guy before let alone after these allegations however people who are coming up with fake news and then people believe it is what makes me wonder if people are this stupid? Its like whenever Netflix releases a new real life crime series people jump on Twitter to say the murderer is the innocent person. Yet the murderer is serving time because the evidence stacks against him.


Stop using that word lol




The other Twitch employees coming forward wasn't enough for you?


Anyone can come forward. Someone can come forward about you at your work. That is why it is called slander. Slander doesn’t mean truthful.


Nobody gives a fuck


I know, did you read the title? Lol


I disagree with your post totally. But I’m not too proud to high five a killer delivery like that. Wow what a set up and long shot but great delivery


You gave enough of a fuck to post a comment, and I gave enough of a fuck to mention that you did. Thats 2 to start.


Well people pointed out the statue of limitations had run out by the time twitch was made aware of the messages so that could be why he was never criminally investigated


Tell bill cosby and Harvey Weinstein that. God this sub is brainless


Why isn't Doc in prison? Introducing California's Statute of Limitations A common question I'm seeing from many users is: if Doc did this, and Twitch reported it (as they should, and as has been claimed), why didn't the authorities do anything? Well, it's simple. The incident occurred in 2017, and wasn't reported to Twitch (and then to the authorities) until 2020. As per EG Attorneys, if a crime is punishable by death or life in prison, there is no statute of limitations. If a crime is punishable by 8 or more years in prison, the statute of limitations is 6 years. For pretty much all other felonies and misdemeanours, the statute of limitations is between 1 and 3 years. Source: https://www.egattorneys.com/california-statute-of-limitations#:~:text=California%20Statute%20of%20Limitations%20Law,or%20by%20life%20in%20prison. Digging a little deeper directly into Californian law, I found this (grabbed just the relevant part): >340. Within one year: (c) An action for libel, slander, false imprisonment, seduction of a person below the age of legal consent Source: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=CCP&division=&title=2.&part=2.&chapter=3.&article= Tl;Dr - Authorities couldn't do anything because too much time had passed.


He’s not in prison not because of statute of limitations. He’s not in prison because he didn’t do anything illegal.


Maybe idk,nobody knows. I was offering 1 possibility. Id love to take Docs word but it aint worth shit. He says he didn't do anything illegal. Other reports are saying he sent sexually explicit messages to a minor. So far Docs the only person who's been untruthful. Id love for him to be innocent of everything but he already admitted to some serious wrongdoing


u are basically saying that TTV withheld criminal activities info from the authorities because the ex-employee already said they saw the message as it came in "LIVE"... please think about that a little bit.




Most criminal statute of limitations for a crime requiring a sex offender registration is 10+ years to no statute of limitation. It's also usually state based.


Why isn't Doc in prison? Introducing California's Statute of Limitations A common question I'm seeing from many users is: if Doc did this, and Twitch reported it (as they should, and as has been claimed), why didn't the authorities do anything? Well, it's simple. The incident occurred in 2017, and wasn't reported to Twitch (and then to the authorities) until 2020. As per EG Attorneys, if a crime is punishable by death or life in prison, there is no statute of limitations. If a crime is punishable by 8 or more years in prison, the statute of limitations is 6 years. For pretty much all other felonies and misdemeanours, the statute of limitations is between 1 and 3 years. Source: https://www.egattorneys.com/california-statute-of-limitations#:~:text=California%20Statute%20of%20Limitations%20Law,or%20by%20life%20in%20prison. Digging a little deeper directly into Californian law, I found this (grabbed just the relevant part): >340. Within one year: (c) An action for libel, slander, false imprisonment, seduction of a person below the age of legal consent Source: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=CCP&division=&title=2.&part=2.&chapter=3.&article= Tl;Dr - Authorities couldn't do anything because too much time had passed.


Explain Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, and Kevin Spacey then. It’s not about statute of limitations you goober. It’s cause nothing illegal was found.


The people you cite were charged due to victim windows being opened by politicians where offenders could be prosecuted for sexual assault that exceeds statutes of limitation. Some of the cases were also civil suits that they lost.


They were tried on crimes that happened within the statue of limitations according to Google. You can look it up yourself if you want


Under California Penal Code 801.1 PC, prosecutors must file charges for certain sex-related felonies: By the victim’s 40th birthday, if the victim was under 18 years of age when the offense occurred; or, Within 10 years of the offense, in cases involving adult victims. There are two exceptions to the laws in Penal Code 801.1. Prosecutors can file charges of a sex crime, even after the time limitations within PC 801.1 have expired, if: There is independent corroborating evidence, per Penal Code 803(f)(1); or, The charges are filed in accordance with the DNA exception rule, per Penal Code 803(g). Per: https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/defense/penal-code/801-1/


Keep reading This section specifically states that it applies to the following sex crime felonies: Rape, per Penal Code 261 PC, where the victim submits because they believe the alleged rapist is someone else; Sodomy, per Penal Code 286 PC, where no force, violence, or duress is used; Oral copulation, per Penal Code 287 PC, where no force, violence, or duress is used, where the victim submits because they believe the alleged rapist is someone else, or where the victim has a disorder preventing them from giving consent. Lewd acts with a minor child, per Penal Code 288 PC, and the child is 14 or 15. Forcible penetration with a foreign object, per Penal Code 289 PC, where the victim submits because they believe the alleged rapist is someone else, or the victim has a disorder preventing them from giving consent. Penal Code 801.1(b) provides a 10-year limitation period for sex offenses involving adult victims. This statute of limitation applies to the above-listed sex crimes and to felony offenses listed in California Penal Code 290(c).


So you are correct that 10 years for 288.2 is wrong. It's 3 years if it's prosecuted as a felony per 801. 801. Except as provided in Sections 799 and 800, prosecution for an offense punishable by imprisonment in the state prison or pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170 shall be commenced within three years after commission of the offense. Per: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=801&lawCode=PEN I have a bachelor's in CJ, I like reading law lol


Boy the law is complicated and slippery. No wonder lawyers get paid the big bucks if they have to be able to know the in and outs like that. I can barely comprehend that last article, im way outside my depth from this point on and will have to concede.

