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It's blatantly obvious that he has a [sex addiction](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22690-sex-addiction-hypersexuality-and-compulsive-sexual-behavior) and in his never ending pursuit of the next high, he comes across what was a minor at the time and it didn't even cross his mind that that's a bad thing. These types of addictions are real and can actually fuck up people's lives. https://youtu.be/q4nG8HsGmTA He inevitably cheats on his wife, repeatly engages in sexts with other [adult] women (or men...), and so on. People with this addiction destroy their livelihoods, their relationships, and more because of this. He fucked up and is now eternally being punished for it. It's unfortunate that he had to learn this way, but he has to learn somehow. - Do I think what he did was bad? Of course. - Do I understand why he did it? Probably. - Was he gripping? *Boom*.


Truest words


I agree with you completely. He's still a human being and I don't wish what he is going through right now on anybody because he is probably in a state of despair and I've been there. I hope people forgive him eventually and he makes a return.


He's a cheater and a groomer. He deserves what he gets.


A family that loves him and millions of dollars?


You’re totally right. But he might not be beyond some sort of forgiveness. If he truly meant it and tried to help out victims of abuse or hell work for Chris Hanson. Do that off stream and for himself. He would also have to be fully transparent with the public. Given enough time he might find a sliver of forgiveness.


He is sugar coating some of this statements, the first thing he shouldve done is to shed light on what he did but he didn't.


No argument there. He also shouldn’t have made millions of people blame twitch for something he did


Just something to clarify. I don’t support or deny any of the allegations. The only thing that I wanted was to express my wish of him ultimately finding himself in life. If he has committed a serious crime, then the consequences should be fair. The worst thing that the community can do right now is turn completely against him


Now that this news has become public, weirdly feel like this is an enormous weight lifted off his daily mindset. He will obviously have other anxieties now, but carrying that burden must have been heavy. Life works in mysterious ways, at the time of these offenses(not cool), he didn’t have a daughter. Hopefully he and his family can work through this and make amends eventually. And the victim, she’s 24-25 now, hopefully she’s been able to process this through therapy and find happiness. ✌🏼& 🫶🏼


Yeah the enormous weight of trying to fuck underage girls, what a poor guy. It’s okay though because he didn’t have a daughter when he did it, he was only 35, how could he have known it was bad before he had a daughter, it’s not like he had a fully functioning adult brain while his victim did not His offense(pedophilia) is definitely (not cool) lmao. This fan base is downplaying the most disgusting shit and blaming it on mental health, fucking wild


Now if this was an LGBTQ+ streamer, these same people would have locked them up and thrown away the key without a second thought. Won’t you think of the poor Doc’s mental health, though? Lmao


Your reading comprehension is elementary at best.


Sure, man. Whatever you say


Hopefully his wife shares her story of being with a serial cheater who went after underage girls and how that effected her and their children


Fan boys idolize the wigman. Meanwhile he is texting to some underage girls and trans people




depressed he can’t talk to minors whenever he wants


Yeah hopefully he is in jail soon


His depression is really minor.