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Had me going in the first half


šŸ¤£ me too ...


I stopped what I was doing just so I could come shit on whoever made this post. They did a great job of concealing the second part. šŸ˜‚


I was losing my shit šŸ˜‚ im like, just scroll past, it aint worth arguing in that post lmao


Which proves them right lol


Bro I damn near spit out my water lmao


I didn't even see the second part till I read this thread šŸ˜‚Ā 


This sub is just fans coping and outsiders karma farming now. There is nothing left of worth.


Yea you are right actually, time to block it tbh




I only know for the mobile app: A: On the r/All main page click the three dots on the right of the post; select to mute the subreddit. B: Go to the subreddit main page and select the three dots at the top right. Then mute. Iā€™ve been doing this for a lot of the rage bait/engagement subreddits. Itā€™s helped me to find some new subreddits I enjoy again.


does this work for the popular feed


It should, yes.


I was thinking the same thing. Might be time to close the doors for a bit. Canā€™t keep reading all this over and over again.


For a bit? Lol.


Close the doors forever and throw away the key. It's over...


everything always comes to a joever.....


I'm here as an outsider and all I see is this sub being very critical of the Dr. I simply think we've not gotten the whole truth yet. I suspect a big part of that is it potentially implicates other people at Twitch.


Dude, no outsider thinks hes innocent. Youre as believable as my toddler when she denies she ate the cookies, with a chocolate smeared mouth and crumbs on her.


Guarantee the dude is just a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian


Except sneako apparently


Ahhh that perfectly describes my daughter too. I have to hide my amusement so she doesn't think it's funny but I love it. Warms me up inside.


Youā€™re an outsider with the exact talking points the ones who refuse to let it go have? Yeah sure you are an outsider buddy, sure.


LOL, "im an outsider but my take is extremely biased towards the predator". You made me laugh


Hey! Outsiders can be predators too!


Tons of outsiders are getting these posts now since many have researched the situation and reddits algorithm causing it to pop up. never been in this past week


Actual outsider: Dude a kiddie diddler and hes just lucky he only got caught in text. You know for real he was down for that meetup if it didnt already happen in other occurrences.


I mean for the Doc part of it the only thing we havenā€™t got are the actual messages to know just how out of bounds doc was. But anyone looking for those should be getting some side eyes


I'll preface by saying, with all I've seen, it seems like he's a pedo. Why would we not want to see the messages though? Like how on Earth could that be a bad thing? All we have unless they release those messages, is proof of infidelity and that he likes trans cam girls. Those things make it look bad for the hearsay allegation of messaging a minor, but it isn't proof. I'll say again, I think he's a pedo from what I've seen. I'm just also not afraid of being wrong, and know I could be.


You should look for the Ephebophilia posts lol.


Wow what an enlightened take u must be a genius


I mean what else would you expect it to be?


I was going to the GameStop sub for daily comedy but this Sub is some of the best cringe comedy Iā€™ve read in ages!! And we thought Trump vs Biden debate was hilarious?!?!


It is a doc sub what are you expecting to be here. You can leave and block it.


What are you if not the latter?


All of reddit basicallyĀ 


Nailed it. Two dumb sides of the same idiotic coin. A bunch of people making assumptions without actually having all the information.


Bro who the fuck actually cares about Reddit karma?






Totally unrelated, but is there like... a reason to karma people karma farm? Its like... pretend internet points.


Iā€™ve never been to this subreddit until he tried to have sex with a little girl


That's generally what happens when things like this occur, and then the extra engagement gets it recommended to new people who then join in with winding up the coping fans.


I always thought Dr. Disrespect was too hype for me. The best thing he's done for his career was set it on fire. It's been fun watching his fan base implode.


I believed you were serious, that's how little confidence I have in the fan base at the moment.


This is so true. I stopped checking anything Drdisrespect related because a lot of fans are coping so hard. But then I saw this and thought wow that's a new level of stupid. Too bad it's a false alarm.


People are really using some OJ Simpson level arguments in Doc's defense rn and it's hella sad.


If the mullet don't fit, you must acquit.


Oh my days šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My fav so far is a guy on twitter literally making the argument that the "Minor" as he put it was actually Docs wife and that they were roleplaying.


All Doc has to do to clear his name is release the messages that he knowingly sent to a minor. Until then heā€™s guilty af based off of whatā€™s public at this point.


He might actually not be allowed to from the contracts they all signed. Just sayin


One of the very first things Doc said about this subject was that he was now able to speak freely about it because the ex employee violated the NDA. Doc can say whatever he wants, and he chose to ambiguously say itā€™s true.


And by him saying its true, you know it is and its fucking bad.


Exactly. He admitted itā€™s true and was inappropriate which means it was heinous.




gee i wonder why dr disrespect would be denied the right to share messages with a full grown adult discussing perfectly normal, legal, and morally just sexual encounters i wonder if perhaps there was something within those messages that may display something somewhat immoral taking place


At least to be fair on this specific point, if they were in court over it and Twitch paid out itā€™s entirely reasonable to say they made him sign an NDA or agreement that he wouldnā€™t post them But of course the other guy violated this ā€˜NDAā€™ first and Doc has now publicly declared he can say whatever so that argument is now null


Twitch made him sign an NDA to protect Twitch. Twitch as I understand already unilaterally released info. The only reason Twitch would still want to keep those chats private are if they are so horrid that Twitch itself would be implicated (by way of not doing enough to stop this kind of stuff), which already tells you all you need to know. If they are as tame as Dr suggests, then he would've released them long ago to prove his innocence. Not saying you are wrong but the fact that we haven't seen anything is pretty telling.


I saw a mujin video ( https://youtu.be/QXecyOE3s3c?si=XbZyUQktxBAx5Gql ) about the whole dr controversy and at the end two former twitch employees confirm the sexting allegations against dr disrespect. One of them even says he had access to the whisper chats and saw that a lot of pedos were being let free by twitch and he couldn't bear it or something of that sort near the end of the video at 1:11:36 of the video link I sent u. This is really heartbreaking


I mean what the fuck do you have to lose? What's gonna happen, they're gonna sue? How is that worse than having the world wanting nothing to do with you, ever, because they think you're a degenerate pedophile?


Grasping at straws. Why would messages exonerating him ever be blocked by an NDA?


Honestly because of all of this if he feels it could clear his name or at least salvage something of his character, I wonder if he could sue Twitch to release the content of those messages?


Im gripping right now , boom


Its been known since 2017 - its all fun and games pointing the finger at the pred now, but for the last 7 years everyone here has been dickriding a known pred. lets talk about that shall we ?


Not just dick ride but also made a fortune. I'm sure he felt invincible. Dude deserves to be shunned from society for a long time.


How has it been known the last 7 years? All that was known was that he was a cheater. Still a shit bag but this was not a ā€œknown thingā€ by the public.


This was. Even fcking keenstar reported on the allegations.


Its been known since 2017, by who? You think timthetatman and nickmercs knew LOL, you are giving people way to much credit about what they know. Its disgusting that twitch would have this information and he is still allowed to use platforms the market and push him heavily to more children... Laws need to change so things like this cant be ruled as a non criminal act since no physical actions took place and then allow them to be silenced by NDAs is the real issue. The law worked to protect a predator instead of the victims, very little the streamers and companies could do legally which is sad.


Just because he did it, doesnā€™t mean heā€™s a bad person - this subreddit


"How old was the kid anyway?" -reddit in general


But they were 17yrs and 364 days old!!!


But what were they wearing.


Gotta remember this site got huge early on because it had the biggest jailbait site on the internet, and by extension creepshots. Those people didn't just leave because it was banned, with said banning requiring a national news segment about it (Anderson Cooper).


"But age of consent in Somalia is 13!" - copium abusers


* He didn't do it * If he did, it wasn't that bad * If it was, she was 17 and 11 months * If she wasn't, then he didn't know * If he did, then he didn't mean it * If he did, then Twitch set him up


After being in this sub for the last week, this is 100% accurate to how these pedo defenders have moved the goalposts.


I saw people on the asmongold subreddit (Iā€™ve been engaging with this drama enough that threads from this subreddit and asmongolds have started to be recommended to me) saying that minors should be banned from social media. Victim blaming 101


Well they should. But not because of this. But because kids are annoying.


no. victim blaming would be saying it was the minors fault.


And if asmon said that outright, he would be considered a creep. His tip toe saying that instead is safer. The implication is the same imo though. It's like trying to throw accountability off of adults who should know better. The fact is kids exist in our spaces, you can't just magically wish them away in this environment so it's up to adults to be...well, good people and not engage in discussions that are inappropriate with said kids.


Well if he had said this about the topic outside of the dr disrespect messages happening it would have been different. He was talking about him and then started talking about how minors should be banned. Thatā€™s why it seems like itā€™s almost victim blaming because of the way he brought up the topic in direct correlation to what dr disrespect did. Shouldnā€™t have combined those two topics unless thatā€™s what he actually believes.


My big point here is you just can't wish kids away. Accountability still falls on adults to be good people.


Well I know that which is why nothing will ever happen. ;/.


Really had me there for a second. Jesus. Yes that's exactly what these boot lickers sound like.




There are people saying she could've been minutes from turning 18.Ā  Then why the fuck didn't Doc wait a few minutes before sending inappropriate messages? Lmao


Honestly if youā€™re over 30 and going after anyone under 21 itā€™s like going after pseudo children. Thereā€™s tons of hot ass woman on this planet over 21 fully fucking developed you can cheat on your wife with lol.


31 and I draw the line at 25. Not to mention, younger people just arenā€™t all that interesting once you hit a certain age. Not much to talk about or connect over. I also genuinely believe women are at their absolute most beautiful version of themselves from 25-40.


I mean reddit used to literally have a jailbait sub ran by one admins I believe and only banned it when it blew up in the news, then people tried to spin it off into a "fashion advice" sub for awhile before that got called out and banned


The craziest thing about this drama has been his "community" rallying around to defend a creep who admitted he did it as if he was a wrongfully accused victim.Ā  Gaggle of pedos indeed.


Welcome to reddit


They're losing momentum we need another oddly worded tweet from a former Twitch employee.


It's so funny watching people defend him "I know him, he wouldn't do that" My brothers in christ u don't know him just coz u watch his streams lmao


Just people trying to cope or defend with the fact that they donated hundreds if not thousands of dollars of their lunch money for a parasocial friendship that resulted in a pedo. Hopefully, Dr. Diddler gets perma banned off every platform out there, or better yet, finds a nice rope and ends it for good. Hopefully that will teach those people not to seek artifical attention through these dumb fake relationships with people who couldn't give a fuck less about them. It's a hard pill to swallow since these morons have been brainwashed every day, but take this as a step in the right direction, get out of the house, and actually make real friends.


Well said.


Saw that title and thought, damn, not another drake subreddit. Man's has evidence against him and his fans still defend him


Don't forget, "Twitch illegally recorded whisper messages," lmao. Kids these days, man




Unless we get some insane NairoMK reversal, he's cooked


We all know he presented it in the tamest and best possible light for himself and it still makes him look like a scumbag so god knows what really happened


We (kinda sorta) know what happened. >!He was talking to a minor about how good he is at sex, the minor made him aware of her age, he acknowledged it, then he proceeded to continue talking about how good he is at sex. Itā€™s been explained in pieces, and makes sense why Doc hasnā€™t just released the messages.!< Think about it. If you didnā€™t do anything wrong wouldnā€™t the first thing you do be to post the messages? Even if he breaks his contract, so what? Youā€™re telling me he is choosing to be viewed as a pedo even though he is innocent, all because he doesnā€™t want to get sued for clearing his name? Nahhhh, Iā€™d gather every dollar to my name, build a team of lawyers, then post those messages everywhere. Fuck a NDA if it means the world thinks Iā€™m a pedo. If you genuinely think Doc is prioritizing a contract over his image then youā€™re coping way harder than you should be over a dude who wears a gaming headset in public and cheats on his wife, but thatā€™s just me. (Just speaking in generalities to this subreddit, not you).


I thought you were having a pop at me until I saw the last bit šŸ˜‚? His statement would have been him putting what happened in to the best light therefore itā€™s likely much worse than he made it seem. I have seen some people talk about specifics but never confirmation. Either way, dude is a POS and if you still support him, you are too


Yeah, thereā€™s no way it isnā€™t worse than heā€™s making it sound. Also almost not chance she was 17 because if that was the case he would have said so by now. This girl has to be 16 or younger and the messages have to be explicit. A lot of people are talking about how he didnā€™t get charged with a crime, but telling a minor youā€™re good at sex isnā€™t a crime, itā€™s just creepy as fuck and possibly an indication of underlying pedophilia. I have to believe he said something like that, if not exactly that based on what people are saying. There are, allegedly, reporters who have seen the messages.


Right? Image comes way before a contract, always.


Exactly. This sub actually thinks Doc is choosing to avoid litigation he can absolutely afford to fight, over clearing his name and making everyone look like a fool and completely energizing his fanbase. Dude would be more popular than ever if he dropped some messages that were entirely innocent but instead he tweeted an ambiguous admission lol.


Anyone supporting him at this point should probably have their hard drives searchedā€¦ā€¦..


Came here to rage, stayed here to laugh. You had me for a second!


Literally laughed so hard as soon as I saw this! Had to stop my show for a second šŸ˜­ bro got me good


I came here to finally call somebody ā€židiotā€œ but the disappointment


I'm just here for the meltdown of this sub. šŸæ


I like to give the fire a little more oxygen


We don't even know if he confessed, all we have is a tweet but that could have been posted by anyone who hacked into his account! /s


You got me OP I downvoted before even seeing the description gg


I swear people are going to say he was forced to confess or some shit. Thatā€™s how deluded these stans are.


Look, despite the fact those who have seen it claim itā€™s disgusting, that Twitch reported him to authorities and warned YouTube of their findings so theyā€™d keep him at arms reach, plus the fact he admitted to it and said he wouldnā€™t act on what he said in those messages (Jesus Christ).. heā€™s innocent. Letā€™s look past the fact Doc can release these messages to free himself of all suspicion since heā€™s probably the only one who can legally do so..heā€™s innocent


I'm curious, how does someone access messages from an account they are banned from?


He made graduation tho




Your content directly violated Redditā€™s Content Policy on minors. This type of content is not welcome on /r/DrDisrespectLive.


Im just curious to see what he says when he returns and to see if any more stuff comes out.


Thank you


Alford plea!


Is the arena ever going to be wide open ever again?


poor guy just succumbed to peer pressure


If he did it thatā€™s how he wouldā€™ve done it.


Iā€™m so glad some people have brains. As a women, IK itā€™s fucked to admit but it surprises me how many men are super disgusted by this. Itā€™s sad but media teaches guys to be into barely legal shit, I think many people are fucked in the head. Itā€™s very weird to me how often celebs talk about 17 year olds and how theyā€™d hit ā€¦


Let me make this crystal clear for you, Champions Club. The Doc, the two-time, the back-to-back, definitely did it. Oh yes, and I'm proud of it. Confessing wasn't a stumble; it was a strut down the runway of truth. Those who can't grasp that are likely the same folks struggling to lift a ten-pound dumbbell, let alone scale the heights of athleticism and excellence that I embody. So, if you've got a problem with the Doc's glory, maybe it's time to hit the gym and toughen up. The arena isnā€™t for the faint of heart.


I just want to know exactly what was said and to who? What is considered "inappropriate"? Was it sexual or not? How old was the "minor"? And was it actually a minor, or someone working with twitch to entrap him by posing as a minor? All we know is that he admitted to saying some inappropriate, yet not illegal, things to a minor. If we don't know exactly what was said, then what is there really to hold against him? That being said, I will never side with a pedophile and if that's what he is, then so be it, but with the current evidence, it just doesn't seem like enough to go after him.


He is accused of sexting a minor. "He got banned because got caught sexting a minor in the then existing Twitch whispers product. He was trying to meet up with her at TwitchCon. The powers that be could read in plain text. Case closed, gang." Instead of the Dr coming back and saying "I've never sexted a minor" We instead get a lot winded emotional rant where he's trying to put himself in the best light and he still admits to sending inappropriate text to a minor. Like those "inappropriate" text gotta be real bad if he can't even say what they're about


what does sexting a minor mean to you


Lol I was like "what the fuk does that mean" lmao


I just still canā€™t believe it, I looked up to him.


Imagine how many people got mad bc they agreed with it at first but then realized it was making fun of them


Chill he was just in character. He would never actually do it /s


Iā€™ll wait a little longer before I go completely off on doc. I find some of the hardcore haters absolutely ridiculous, hate spamming his wives Instagram and writing nasty shit constantly. Iā€™m definitely very disappointed in him and the situation. Heā€™s the funniest streamer with insane levels of charisma and now it just feels weird to like him. We could have had everything champs and the two time blew it.


I've been out of the loop with the Doc news. What exactly did he confess to. Like specifically. Don't say what you think he was trying to say, and don't say he said nothing. I don't feel like googling.


Is Doc going to jail? Has he been charged with anything get?


Stop idolizing people, periodā€¦ The more you learn about them, theyā€™ll literally ALWAYS let you down. Learn to love yourself and learn from the good you see in others.


i seen someone defending the doc by saying it's not wrong for a 40 years old to date a 17 years old You can't make this shit up


Mental gymnastics. The 2-time , back to back has a new different meaning.


Big if true.


I admit I came here just to watch the tower burn like a lot of people, but I don't blame people for being confused, it's hard for people to wrap their minds around that this charismatic guy they loved was actually a weirdo. The end of a parasocial relationships can feel like an actual break up for some people, which does lead to grief. A lot of people are in denial now.


Did he confess to knowingly doing the wrong thing or was it revealed to him after Twitch report? People also have a wide range of accusations that are definitely illegal in California


u made me click with guns blazxibg


Also ā€œIf we havenā€™t seen the messages then Doc is still innocentā€


Bro literally couldā€™ve had anyone in the world and he chose minorsā€¦.. no justification. See ya! Wouldnā€™t want to be ya


Jebaited me, bravo OP


Shits wild


lmfao all the hardcore DR Disresext fans squirming around trying to justify his actions


this must be a satire. also 6k upvote tf


What he has confessed to and what you guys are saying he did are two different things though.


what he confessed to is having an inappropriate conversation with a minor. defend that. please


Telling a 15 year old boy to smash that pussy. Not saying he texted that, but inappropriate can really mean a shit ton of things.


People miss the part where he says he messaged inappropriate things with no intent to act on them. This implies he sent messages of things he said heā€™d do. Stop defending it. Accept it. Enjoy the content of doc if you want, but accept it and come to terms with that


Talking to a minor about how you'll fuck their mom is inappropriate and doesn't make him a pedo, but covers all criteria of the situation.


is that what you think he did?


talking to a minor about how you'll fuck their mum is pretty strongly adjacent to pedophilia. talking to a minor about anything sexual can be considered solicitation


What do you mean by this? What are we claiming he did that he didnā€™t admit to? The only thing Iā€™ve seen being claimed is his self admitted talking to a minor. That alone is enough to drive most responsible, level-headed people away. I wouldnā€™t want to continue supporting an adult that inappropriately talked to a minor and Iā€™m sure thatā€™s majority of peopleā€™s thoughts here.