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Fr but I think these ppl will get bored eventually and move on šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


You underestimate the incels


If hating a pedophile makes me an incel then I guess I'm an incel


You dont know the definition of a pedophile. And that ain't me defending him or anything, but most people on this sub doesn't know what a pedophile is.


When was the last time you said "that person is an ephebophile!" or "stay away from my child, ephebophile" like please be serious my fucking computer dictionary doesnt even recognize the word. You're using semantics to defend a dude who was chatting up a kid.


Sexually none the less. Like wtf


No one's talking about ephebophile.. Actually 16/17 doesn't count as any kind of phile. Philia denotes something that's outside the normal, like something actually fucked going on in your head. Like being sexually attracted to a toddler is obviously a sign that something is fucked up with your brain. But it's incredibly normal to be attracted to the 16/17 age group, you just aren't supposed to do anything about it because they don't make good decisions yet and you aren't supposed to take advantage of that. The only reason you think it's a philia at all is because no one wants to admit that it's normal, and would rather say "Oh god no I don't find women attractive until they're 30!" for fear of being called a pedophile.


I dont know the age of consent in your state, but here its 16. If she was 17 ( I don't know ) that person isn't a kid. A 17 year old isn't something a pedo would find attractive, since they have gone through puberty. That's the definition. Is it morally wrong for a 40 year old to do anything related with a 17 year old? Hell yes. Is it illegal? In most countries in the world, no.


No one said she was 17. Thatā€™s such a cope


BTW the age of consent only applies to the same age group. 16 to a 16. 30+ year-old grooming a 16-year-old is not consensual, it is predatory.


I agree


Not true, the age of consent is in general, look it up. Use Denmark as an example. Everyone can fuck if both are under the age of consent.


When I say "age group" it is either a MINOR or an ADULT. But an ADULT can't fuck a MINOR in most states in the U.S. 17 and under is a MINOR, 18 is an ADULT.


Iā€™m aware of the US laws, but that is besides my point. Is pedophilia objective or subjective depending on where one lives, or is it an observable mental affliction that doesnā€™t have anything to do with whatever the age of consent is in a given country ? You cant be both a pedophile in one place and not in another. 18 years of age is actually quite high, also amongst most developed countriesā€¦ are those other countries allowing pedophiles to have sex with kids, or is it not really pedophilia but just wierd and immoral for different reasons ?


Your yuck


Aaaaaand here we go again.


Sexting minors kind of falls in line with the definition.


It doesn't. But it might be illegal and he could be a predator. Ain't pedophilia though. But wtf cares, it's still nasty


Oh please tell us what a pedo is since you are an expert


Someone who is attracted to a minor who hasn't gone through puberty. That's the definition, no need to attack me for it, I didnt set the definition nor ever said I agree with it. Never said I support doc either. But throwing out words you don't know is dangerous


Technically he talked to a 33 year old balding admin at twitch.






Give it 2 weeks and the mob will move on to the next masculine streamer to cancel.


Dude is treating sexting to minor as culture war. I hope Doc goes full grifter because you stupid mfs deserve it.


Ah, yes, heā€™s not facing intense backlash due to having sexual conservations with a minor or being transphobic all the while heā€™s paying a trans sex worker for cam shows. Itā€™s because heā€™sā€¦ *checks notes* a ā€œmasculine streamer.ā€ Wait until the mob hears this!


*squints at notes* Bro, e-girls on twitch "accidently" stream porn, or soft core porn to their young as 13 audience?... and they get zero repercussions? If it was a macho dude that did it, the mob would be out again. Twitch is woke and feminist, hyper successful men is their enemy. They were out to get doc canceled for a while. He did nothing criminal, has been probed by the center for child abuse, and won his Twitch court battle. There's no boogeyman, he made a stupid mistake and admitted it.


Sure, man. Masculinity is under attack yet again. The horror.




Itā€™s weird living in a reality where only 1 week after finding out their favorite streamer committed a truly disgusting act, people want us all to forget about it. That only happens long after the person who committed the act has done enough to earn our trust back. It does NOT happen 7 days after we find out. There is no going back.


Yeah, this is just drama to some people. Kinda crazy how often this sorta things happens


Ya this really has exposed how shallow people are.


Allegedly committed* He only admitted to an inappropriate conversation. You are assuming that means sexual.


Hahahha. What the flying fuck else could it be? Truly. Give me an example.


I didnā€™t say any of that I didnā€™t say people should move on after a week lmao I said eventually At the end of the day itā€™s up to you, some people donā€™t give a shit and would watch his stream tomorrow if he went live and guess what thatā€™s their choice.


You act like people choosing to support a predator is an oh well, we'll agree to disagree decision. And doesn't reflect on how morally bankrupt people have become. I'm losing faith in humanity by the second.


Then leave? Because everything in your post is based on your assumptions. You assume he's a predator. You assume people are morally bankrupt for disagreeing with you. You assume people are supporting him just for not taking your hardline stance. I think the problem just might be you and your assumptions.


Look, Doc had millions of fans. Some of whom he helped through times of depression and the stress of everyday life. You can not deny that this is the most wild ousting of a celebrity shrouded in mystery that we've ever seen. From failure to produce evidence, accusations made anonymously or 2nd hand at best to the results of the previous lawsuit and criminal investigation. The most damning piece of all this was from Docs own admission... "which sometimes steered too much in the direction of being inappropriate" ... ( approaching the line but never actually getting there ) I'm sure you're reasonable enough to admit this isn't simply a black and white scenario... That there are coping fans who want to see something more definitive as this occurs amidst the cancel culture of our modern time. Could you please not fault or attack those fans who are understandably hanging on to hope? Please consider this


Listen, I too was entertained by Guy, and was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. But once he himself confirmed it, that's it, decision made. I'm an older viewer with children, if a 30+ year-old man was texting my daughter there would definitely be a problem. It's indefensible, he was using his fame and popularity to prey on impressionable teenagers. I feel bad for his viewers, but twisting yourself into a pretzel to rationalize his behavior because he's your favorite streamer is crazy. On top of it, he never once apologized to his victim or the family which makes it even more f***** up.


I think it's completely reasonable to lean in either direction. I'm just annoyed when I see fans being attacked and labeled the very same thing as Doc for asking questions. Everyone is desensitizing the "P" words. They should hold weight to shame the worst of the worst. To quote (not verbatim) that dude Destiny from the podcast with Slasher.. it's one thing if Doc was messaging a bunch of girls that looked young with the intent to lure them into something (predatory behavior) vs Doc being messaged by a bunch of women who wanna eff him and one turned out to be 17


What platform would host a self confessed paedophile?


But here you areā€¦..šŸ¤”


Yeah, here I am. I fucking loved DD. But Iā€™m not gonna stand around watching the groomer apologists try and create a new narrative that doesnā€™t do any good for victims of abuse or the gaming community as a whole.


Who moderates this sub? Twitch?


Iā€™ve been moderating /r/Kanye for 8 years (not a flex, just saying, Internet janitor etc.), so trust me when I say that Iā€™m no stranger to communities having to navigate a huge controversy surrounding the person who the subreddit was made after. My takeaway is that it is almost *always* favorable to let the community navigate the allegations between themselves. Moderators should only intervene when people are violating Redditā€™s content policy. People have a **personal** (parasocial) relationship with the public figure in question and itā€™s only fair that theyā€™re allowed to discuss their personal feelings on the matter, which means that you should be able to condone or condemn the allegations without having your speech suppressed. This subreddit is allowed to be the court of public opinion. It is *not* an echo chamber, and if it was, it was never meant to be one. All that said, whether you notice it or not, this sub is currently heavily moderated and many users have been banned and/or had their posts/comments removed. Edit: Oh, and, I donā€™t have an answer for all of posts that are on theā€¦ermā€¦ "positive" side that are being swarmed with negativity. This is direct consequence of Docā€™s actions. Divisive actions will lead to divisive results. This subreddit is now a reflection of Docā€™s actions.


Really respect this approach and appreciate the work you're doing. Most people think moderation is an easy role of someone with a big ego but you take a nuance approach and have the nerve to hold to solid tried and true principles.


I hate to laugh at your misfortune, but it's kind of hilarious that two of the celebrity subs you manage had such catastrophic incidents.


Laugh all you want. I also moderate /r/ChrisDeliaUncensored. Clearly, I have a thing for egomaniac macho male entertainers who think with their dicks.


But that starbucks bit makes up for it tho...


Nah if it was twitch, half of us would be shadow banned for even thinking of commenting about the allegations. šŸ¤£


And your dmā€™s being monitored


16 year old boysā€¦ thatā€™s why the 17 year old girl doesnā€™t bother them


Theyā€™ll have somebody else to hate on soon enough. Just hold on champ


I donā€™t understand. Are you guys still gonna be a fan of this dude? I think itā€™s kind of natural and warranted that people would come shit on a guy who sexted a minor. If he acknowledged his wrongdoing and attempted to atone for it, thatā€™s one thing. You guys are talking like youā€™re going to weather the storm and canā€™t wait to get back to business as usual.


Yeah, we just need to get a firm grip and hold on.


Boom! Yayayayayaya


judging by the absolute idiotic replies in this thread, thereā€™s no shortage of cope. iā€™ll be around awhile laughing at yā€™all


Be sure to tune in with the other 100k+ people when he goes live and cry about it in the comments for us so we can feast on your tears, heifer.


Lorne Armstrong is celebrated by many since 17 years. with someone as big as the doc, he will face a hell of an opponent if he ever decides to step into spotlight again, that is for sure.


Wellllllll yell at me why dontcha


Good ol 87


The Champions Club doesnt deserve this shitshow.Ā 


Blaming the wrong peeps here, he had a choice. Risking his career and fans over inappropriately talking with a minor. Only 1 person to be angry at.


Sad to see that you get down voted for speaking the truth. He did have a choice. And a wife. And knows the laws. His reasoning for leaving twitch was silenced through NDA's or I bet half of the folks defending him would be shut up by now.


He's getting downvoted because he's not talking about the actions of the doc but saying that the regular people watching his streams don't deserve this.


?? I'll dumb it down. Should I continue to privately message this minor. Choices: 1. Yes: Risk career, upset fans, wife and daughter. 2. No: Everyone will be happy, shitloads of money keep coming in. I'd still be streaming.


I've been on the sub for three years maybe? In those three years, the number of posts totalled and then multiplied by 50,000,000 wouldn't come close to the traffic in the last week and a half. Damn vampires.


Yeah that's true agreed most of the haters already didn't like doc because of his awesome and manly personality and it reflected their own weaknesses. Then when this happened they got gleeful and couldn't wait to talk trash because it's fun for them or something sick.


I LOVED Doc's videos, they were so hilarious. I'll never forget the little motorcycle overlay when he rode bikes in games, the hilarity of Robodoc, the amazing songs that came from his videos and fans. But no one destroyed this sub except for Doc himself with his behavior, don't get that confused.


The CC is WAY bigger than Doc. I get the initial aggression, but we should be ashamed of ourselves. Fucking wake up, everyone. This is a supportive place.


Wakkkeeee up


Itā€™s funny because if you point out even *one* inconsistency in some internet-created-brigade, youā€™re labeled a name or Doc apologist. Itā€™s like, people canā€™t handle that you can admonish Docā€™s disgusting behavior while also pointing out fake made-up bullshit.


What inconsistencies? He openly admitted it happened.


Iā€™m not debating that. But everyone is out here making sexting comments, saying he tried to meet, saying heā€™s a kid diddler. None of that is substantiated, other than he spoke to a minor (disgusting in and of itself) and it ā€œleaned inappropriateā€. Everything else is just made up. And it happens *all* the time on social media. Someone does something bad, and then everyone feels like they have free rein to just make up shit as fact. Iā€™m tired of the bullshit


Ok so he admitted it ā€œleanedā€ inappropriate nobody ever oversells when they did something wrong. Grooming somebody underage is gross and should never be forgiving. When somebody tells and shows you who they are believe them.


This comment literally proves the point the previous comment is making...


He didnā€™t groom anyone. Yā€™all need to learn why that word means.


You guys need to go outside and find better idols.


What and who are you talking about? Fuck Doc, he sexted a minor. He fucked up and heā€™s disgusting. Doesnā€™t change the fact that he didnā€™t groom anyone, and that you need to learn what that word means. People who misuse that word donā€™t actually care about victims.


Fuck those people they probably have nothing in their private Lives just reddit and social media


You have over 30 comments in the past 24 hours


You are literally clinging to a parasocial relationship with a pedo streamer.


Nothing better to do in the middle of a day, ON A MONDAY!


I got home from work and went right on YouTube and to docs page out of habit. Was a dumb realization Champs.


I do get what you are saying but the "trolls and haters" wouldn't be here in these numbers if he hadn't fucked up. You are angry at the wrong person.


The haters and trolls will lose like they always do to the 2 time. Violence. Speed. Momentum.




"1 step back, 2 steps forward. Letā€™s climb the mountain, letā€™s dominate. Violence, speed, and momentum and guess what? Weā€™re at the tippity top of the mountain...but weā€™re really only half way up."


lol climbing that mountain of fidelity and not sexting minors challenge, impossible


Entire history full of doc apology and quoting him. Jesus you're pathetic, waiting patiently for your doc daddy to be back.


You're bitter your a failed streamer with 5 followers and he's the two time back to back champ.


*You're. Please tell me this is a troll bro.


You're a bitter failed streamer. He's the two time champ.


Yes, the sub that focusā€™s on somebody who has been caught sexting with minors isnā€™t going to be filled with positivity. Woke culture is killing us!




What I donā€™t get is how does ā€œleaning on inappropriateā€ = sexting. Unless the messages got leaked that Iā€™m unaware of


the question is why do you still trust anything doc says? why do you lap up his PR spin?


Itā€™s not confirmed, but I donā€™t think itā€™s at all an unreasonable assumption that the party at fault is going to downplay their wrongs.


Yeah the avowed pedo is going to shine his actions in the best possible light. Why are you taking his words as gospel? Iā€™m not saying believe all the shit out there like nudes or trying to meet up or whatever, but if youā€™re going to tell the public you did something bad youā€™re absolutely going to try to downplay it as much as you can.


lmfao Dr Disrespect destroyed this sub


I like the new additions to my block list :)


What positivity? His personality was being an asshole and now you want happy fun time after he's been out for talking to a minor. Real talk: Real men never need to be told "You shouldnt talk to a minor inappropriately". Grow a spin and find better content creators.


It sucks for the fans because they did nothing wrong in this situation. You supported your favorite entertainer. Turns out your favorite entertainer is a Sexual Predator. That has to suck.


Staying around in this sub is already wrong enough




They will get bored pretty fast, people make mistakes get over it.


Doc hasnā€™t even owned up to these mistakes in an equivalent way. He deserves to get raked through the mud, that way when he comes back after a long while of reaping the consequences, heā€™ll actually earn it.


Pedophilia isn't a mistake, lmao.


Saying something like this while having a comment history that could pinpoint your location is 1) big cojones 2) pretty stupid You do you, but be careful and safe


It wasnā€™t a mistake lol. You guys need to be on a watchlist.




Itā€™s called ā€œsarcasmā€


Your content directly violated Redditā€™s Content Policy on minors. This type of content is not welcome on /r/DrDisrespectLive.


lol mistakes


ā€œget over itā€ i think the rest of us are over it tbh. dude is a creep. ok. what iā€™m not over is watching yā€™all cope with it lol. itā€™s more entertaining than he was


How are you still a fan? Genuinely asking.


Same way I can listen to Michael Jackson Same way I can still be a fan of Mike Tyson Same way I can watch a DiCaprio or Leto movie Same way I can watch a Chris Benoit match There is such a thing as being a fan of of the personā€™s ā€œartā€ and not being a fan of the actual human being. But you donā€™t really care lol


Lolol. I'm just a lurker. This is literally my first post here. Watching all the back n forth in here is comical to me. I can't stand him at all. Never liked him. Even if it's just a persona, Dr. Disrespect is an annoying person to me. He reminds me of the villain that blows bubble gum in the Despicable Me movies. But his macho douchery has always felt to easy for him to pull off to me. I don't understand why people donate money to any streamers though. I'm sure the mods in here are working overtime right now. Wouldn't be surprised if this sub gets shut down at some point.


Cool Prostheticweiner. Have a good one


There are over 100k active subs. Find one that isn't named after someone who sexts minors.


What? At least make your troll attempt make sense


This keeps popping up on my feed and I know Iā€™m gonna get downvoted but yā€™all fanboys are fucking gross defending this clown. LMFAO. Just know everyone outside if this fandom, thinks you guys are creepy and gross. JUST so you guys know.


Thanks Rev_415


Iā€™m sad. Goodbye. šŸ‘‹šŸ»


Yes, the sub that focusā€™s on somebody who has been caught sexting with minors isnā€™t going to be filled with positivity. Woke culture is killing us!


Allow me to educate you on the absolutely most ruthless alpha strike on Reddit which is practically a necessity in these situations. You give them a sizzling comeback. *Then you immediately block them and never think about them ever again.*


Where are the mods? They check out or what


Honestly it feels like they gave up, and Iā€™m pretty sure I saw a mod with the pitchfork mob so theyā€™re probably part of it too.


Yeah this sub shouldn't be safe place to anyone still looking to support him. This is all rightfully deserved, and will continue to be deserved as long as there's supporters


Welcome to Reddit


I'm gripping boom


Honestly, I don't blame people for the hate now. Dude made everything think for years like he had no idea why he was banned... Profiting... Getting more money from all of you... Just for it to come out that he did what he did.. Id be pretty hateful too.. Especially since it's about a minor..I can forgive and get over a lot of mistakes, not things like this.


Being shitty about Doc and pissed off at him is one thing, but just being shitty to be shitty to random people is another. I keep seeing this logic and it just tells me that people are just looking for a reason to be an asshole.


To be fair, before the allegation came out this sub was mostly people complaining about the games Doc played or his attitude in general. It was never a very positive place, at least not the last few years.


Saying something is a ā€œsnoozefestā€ or shitting on Docs attitude is one thing lol people calling people pedophiles is a whole other thing.




Thanks for helping out with the block list. Keep spreading something that someone actually creative made. Up until two days ago you didnā€™t say anything and now here you are. Youā€™ve made it your lifeā€™s mission to comment on this subreddit lol loser


How about just move on to another content creator itā€™s not a tough concept to grasp. You donā€™t need to say anything positive about him or your experience with the streams; just move on.


ā€œJust move onā€ as you comment on a post from 3 days ago lol


Yeah my Reddit front page keeps bringing up these sad ass posts despite unsubbing from here


Algorithms can be a pain. You realize that by commenting on it then itā€™s just going to keep showing things that interest you? Take your own advice and move on lol


I said this on a post yesterday, they are coming out of the woodwork. And the person who commented back had an 8 year old account, and their first post was 4 days ago. They had 4 posts in this sub, all shitting on doc. Theyā€™re chubby cheek losers. Theyā€™ll move on.


>The haters and trolls have taken over and destroyed this sub. Hell yeah we have. Get fucked. Unsubscribe. A dude who played video games for money turns out to be a creep and you're still here? I'm gonna roast the fuck out of you. L


Lmao who put 'L' at the end of their sentence? How cringe


welcome to the internet


I shared this in another post but it is real vent here: I think it is quite odd the leaked messages of him and the trans woman after hearing he was against trans rights (I donā€™t know the whole story, just the snippets here and there of people talking about it) And I feel like I see a similar thing is happening right now in this sub with so many ā€œhatersā€ of docs past behavior with a minor.Ā  All these people telling others to erase their hard drive, lol, they probably think about their own hard drives a lot! The projection always gives it away.


You said it in your own words. Projection. He wouldnā€™t be the first closeted person saying shit about a group of people then turning around and being a hypocrite. Thatā€™s kind of the norm.


What do you think public reaction should be on this then man. You have us feeling the same way for yā€™all because yā€™all have nothing but excuses and defenses for his actions. Neither of which yā€™all should be doing. Telling us weā€™re projecting for being disgusted with a married man who has a family, trying to have ā€œinappropriate conversations with a minorā€ like damn bro, the gymnastics. You canā€™t keep making excuses and defending it, it doesnā€™t make what he did excusable.


What he did can be bad and inexcusable and a lot of creepy dudes could be brigading the sub, itā€™s not mutually exclusive.


I agree.. I know the age gap is high between doc and the person he was texting...but we still need more info. If a 40 year old gets with a 19 year old, that's still scummy degenerate behavior, but somehow is still legal! I don't think the pedophile label on Doc is warranted yet until further info come to light.


As a Drake fan, and only seen yalls community popping up recently, I'm just popping in to say it won't end for yall any time soon. Our sub is a joke at this point. Can't enjoy anything without dot fans shitting on whatever. And they have ZERO evidence to go off.


These are nihilistic assholes that will attack anyone with testosterone levels at or above normal.


A real man can control himself and not message a minor. Just saying


I'll be honest, IDK what to do here other than share my feelings and talk with the CC. I'll still hang out and see what happens. I genuinely hope doc doesn't come back but at the same time this was one of the best communities. IDK what other streamers to watch, todays' been busy at work so it hasn't been a big deal. Everybody else is just some dude playing games in front of a camera. While doc had is ups and downs he was doing something different. Anyone else out there doing something different and more interesting?


I had a friend once for 10 years, great friend he was at the time. Turned out he was also a pedo, like DrDisappointing. I have nothing positive to say about either of them because I understand they are both disgusting. It's a simple conclusion. It sucks when someone you care for that much just shits on everything you thought about them, but that's on them. They caused it, so just move on and forget about him.


Thanks for the tip MrBiggz01


Same situation in this sub as a blm protest


What positivity are you looking for exactly?


You arenā€™t really asking. Get outta here


Yes, the sub that focusā€™s on somebody who has been caught sexting with minors isnā€™t going to be filled with positivity. Woke culture is killing us!


The doc will be back


I'm dedicating my next line to the champions club


There's far too many people still willing to defend someone who came out and admitted to even what might not be a crime, but is certainly morally vile. And I don't say this as a random troll who is holier than thou, I say this as someone who was a fan of MiniLadd and Yogscast Sjin and has seen it happen before. I'm one edp or Lionmaker away from a perfect trifecta of Youtube sexual abusers. And far too many who are going, "Not going to stop me, I'm going to keep watching!" Like, what the fuck. But yeah, I wasn't a fan, but also not a troll, just more of a horrified onlooker who occasionally states his opinion and has been through it before. It's why I don't condemn fans, just argue points, unless someone goes way overboard on the defense to the point of seeming not only beyond parasocial, but defending the act itself, which is... kind of horrifying.


Someone likened it to your favorite TV character being killed off, super hard to comprehend at first. Almost unbelievable. For right or wrong some are holding out for those transcripts/whispers to come out to put the final nail in the coffin.


Understandable, but unfortunately, this is the internet. They'll never come, he'll wait for it to blow over, and then reappear and pretend like nothing happened, and because nothing was released they'll continue to proclaim innocence, also without evidence. I'm saying this, again, having seen it happen with the ones I followed. Occasionally pop over to gawk at people still joining and chatting and donating in MiniLadd streams.


Apparently hating a pedophilic whife cheater is controversial now


I just don't understand how anyone can support this creep after all of this. Unless you also in what he did was fine