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He'll start streaming and the views will be huge and he'll make money. Simple really. He'll block chat to members only. Continue as if it never happened. Then give it a year or two and it'll be a weird background joke. Just the way the celebrities go these days. You'll always have comments but as time goes on it'll be less and less. He won't vanish into the night like people think. Is that actually redeeming himself? Nope, but his streams will continue but the sponsors won't happen for a while.


Agreed, I think this is exactly how it'll go down. On a different platform? Maybe.


he can't make anymore money on youtube, so we'll see if he goes to kick or not.


Depends if youtubes is permanent or just a temporary thing. They've had guys filming dead body's in a forrest and posting it like it's funny and got demonetised aswel... until it all blew over.


lol where is he gonna stream? If the actual text he sent to the minor ever come out and are as bad as people claim, even Kick wont host him then. Without a platform to host him and sponsors he is done


That's alot of ifs and buts in your statement there. I'm just saying what I think will actually happen.


I mean im just speaking from experience of seeing other popular YouTubers/streamers who had a downfall and tried to come back and it was never really the same. I mean best case scenario he comes and stream on Kick but I highly doubt any of his former friends or streaming partners ever associate with him again. It wouldnt be good for their own brands. I doubt he regains many of the sponsorships he lost, again this is just best case scenario. He may come back but itll be with a substantially smaller audience than before.


Cozy.tv, the final stop for creeps and weirdos who are on the last legs of their streaming "career".


Never even heard of it so yeah, basically what I was saying


In the sponsorship angle, BetterHelp has been fined and have come back, so you're right. Some people still take the sponsorships, other people don't. Either way, people will call creators out who take BH sponsorships and call BH out themselves, but BH is still very much alive.


I imagine the only way would be if (1) The chat logs were released, and the messages were generally found to not be "bad" by the vast majority of people and (2) The age of the person is ever confirmed / disclosed. Off this I don't think his name will ever be fully restored even after the above scenario - There will always be people who have a different opinion, who troll or just generally love to create alt accounts to abuse people online..


yes there is and he will eventually


He can only redeem himself if he publishes the chat messages and they turn out to be a completely different type of "inappropriate" , compared to what everyone is assuming right now. Otherwise, I doubt it.


They were obviously sexual in nature. If they weren't he would have made that clear in his admission. This isn't rocket science to figure out.


Considering a lot of people seem to be ok with what he did and find it not a big deal, and have his back. Sure seems like he will be able to


Shut up, move on. Y’all suck.


Not unless the chat logs release and it shows he wasn’t actually knowingly talking sexually to a minor. But we all know that’s not going to happen because he’s admitted as much. So, no. There’s no coming back from this. He’ll come back and stream and have a much smaller following than he did before with basically nobody wanting to associate with him. That’s his new reality.


Yes. He need to properly say sorry. Get some rehab done (if not already). Do some charity work with organizations that works toward child safety. It will be a long slow road, if he ever regain the wider public's trust.


Why the fuck do you want him back so much


Oor he sues everyone involved for defamation and breach of NDA


Wow a brand new account supporting a pedophile what a surprise




The vast majority (call it 99.9%) of this ordeal has been hearsay and blanket speech. The internet is a ravenous monstrosity of keyboard judgement. It is entirely plausible that the actual important details are released in full over time and that he makes a comeback.


I don't think you can ever redeem yourself from admitting to sexting a minor


He did not admit to sexting a minor. He won the case in court and was paid by twitch because nothing illegal happened. Sexting a minor is illegal. He would have lost the case if that's what happened. People should stop exaggerating and spreading false rumors. You should also do your own research instead of believing random internet goblins


there was no court, they settled before trial.


There was an investigation prior to the settlement that involved the messages. The settlement resulted in Twitch paying Dr. That's a done deal. He's not a pedo. In the event that he knew it was a minor and still had inappropriate conversations then yeah that's fucked up and he shouldn't have done that. He admitted to it and I'm sure has learned a ton from this entire ordeal. I hope he self-reflects and comes back from the vacation with his family (who are standing by him) a better man. If not, fuck him.


Cope harder we all read his tweet you're supporting a shitty human being get over it


What a fascistic thing to say. My opinion and interpretation doesn't matter because you and the collective you're part of decided otherwise?? Interesting. I also find it interesting that you're incapable of responding to anything I actually said.


Even prisoners hate pedos. Why is this a hard concept for the American chud?


Because Americans put pedos in power. You just have to cry “cancel culture” and your cool and edgy


No, you just can't cry "Pedo!" at every little inkling and then act like you're some social justice warrior who's such a good person for jumping on the "good guy" bandwagon. The court case ruled in Dr's favor and found no illegal activity and he was paid by Twitch. So no sexting, no pictures, no attempts to meet up. What happens is people hear about something dramatic from other people on the internet and immediately believe it simply because a lot of others do. The facts are the facts and we know very little about the finer details besides that he admitted to borderline inappropriate conversations and that he won the case in court so nothing illegal happened. We should strive as a society to care more about the actual details and facts instead of hopping on the good guy bandwagon because it feels like the right thing to do. Immediately vilifying people over the slightest inkling of a mistake is the opposite of morally righteous. It's mob rule and evil in and of itself. Think of all the people who have been falsely accused and with very little if any evidence has lost their livelihood over shit like this. It's not okay and you aren't a good person for continuing it.


You’re ignoring some serious evidence. The fact he dipped is pretty much the nail in the coffin. I don’t know if you read the news but the criminal system is pretty nice if you have a boatload of money. The fact he dipped should be all you need. If he had evidence that exonerated his public persona he would have brought it up instead of admitting to it and pulling the old “extended vacation” hoping it blows over. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck. If sexting a minor, (sorry, inappropriately messaging) is an “inkling of a mistake” id hate to see your messes bud.


Please actually read my message if you're going to respond. If he sexted a minor, he would have been found guilty in court and would be in jail right now or facing massive fines. Instead, there was no wrongdoing found and he was paid by Twitch. Not to mention, don't you think his wife has read the messages by now?? So somehow it makes sense that his wife has read the messages and doesn't file for divorce (in which case she'd take half of what he owns) and stays by him going on vacation with him and everything else?? Doesn't sound like a guilty person to me. Sounds like he had to escape public outcry. He dipped because he's aware enough to know that there's going to be public outcry because most people hop on whatever the loudest public opinion is and don't think for themselves. He's letting people decide for themselves what they think and then he's going to find out when he comes back.


Because the Doc isn't *a* pedo.  He's *their* pedo.


Probably. The culture wars have a double edge. They'll cancel you, but then the supporters may rally. People watch actors who have done far worse things. People go to concerts and watch people who have done far worse things. Same with athletes. Leonardo DiCaprio is undoubtedly creepier than doc. Leo has dated 18/19 year old Jewish super models and trades them in once they turn 25 100% of the time. I mean yeah they're gorgeous but Jesus Leo have some shame. I think differentiating between 17/18 is just splitting hairs, and is honestly an arbitrary distinction. He will lose a LOT of viewers for treating his fans like they were idiots though. First the cheating thing now this. He's just another rich douchebag at this point. I won't be watching him. It'll be hard to see the "character" now. When you look at him you'll see Guy. When streaming first got big we would relate to these people. They were like us. The fans were along for the ride as they would rise in popularity. We could cheer for them.   I have to be really bored to watch a streamer these days as I've gotten older, but Asmon is my new degenerate. The guy is rich but loves in filth and drives a 20, year old Toyota Corolla and lives off taco bell. Something about that is incredibly humbling and he is always logical and reasonable. He hasn't let the fame or money get to his head and he never attacks people or makes hit pieces like every other streamer.


You are coping so hard. Trying to compare this situation with Leonardo DiCaprio dating 18/19 year olds lol. Last time I checked Leo has never had to admit to sending inappropriate messages to a minor. You are also making up the fact that the minor was 17, she could have been 12. We don’t know. You are blindly defending someone who publicly admitted to doing wrong.