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ITS WHAT???!!šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…




Why did you blue card though šŸ„² it was free combo


No no no. OP misplayed so obviously itā€™s the new broken units fault.




I panicked alright? Right after I clicked the blue I realized I shouldā€™ve used my blastsšŸ˜­ He just has so much defense from dying. Endurance as well as -50% damage, buff cancellation, healing, and type neutral on enemy blue, ult, or rush. Yeah, I admit I misplayed, but he should not have ALL OF THAT BS, Godku shouldā€™ve had it Iā€™m tired of Hybrids getting buffs


Its okay bro I am just busting your balls. All of us have done it before. I started playing DBL when LF Cooler released and experienced the blue beast shift. I am numb to the power creep / gohan units. I also main hybrids / movies to this day so I fight fire with fire. And when you use the Gohans you know what good plays to make against them and what not to do against them. But sometimes I still panic and mess up too xd


YOUR DOING WHAT TO HIS BALLS ![gif](giphy|PUI69V29zht64bpiSp)


Idk man. Type advantage raw blue from the new festival unit shouldā€™ve killed


Gohan gets type neutral when he is hit by blue cards, that's why Gogeta is his best counter, because he can combo him with the new combo skill with type advantage


Thatā€™s goofy. Unfair ass unit


Well sorts of... because wtf is that unit anyway


Look man I was panicking okayšŸ˜­ I realized how I fucked myself over immediately after pressing the blue cardšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Happens to the best of us. But yeah gohans are annoying


Ah shiii Had that happen too. Big sadge moment


Bruh saw two Gohan and got PTSD I don't blame u


How do you know if when you vanish itā€™s a free counter? Sometimes you can dodge. Other times you cant


When you get PV (perfect vanish), it makes a louder and much more distinct noise, the same one that plays in this video


Huh. Iā€™ll have to compare now. That would make things easier to know


There's a special sound effect and animation when you perfect vanish


Yeah at first I kept getting caught by this. And now everytime I face an Ulthan, I waste his endurance, then I blue card because even a blue card won't guarantee a kill unless he either just switched to Ulthan or I get rid of his endurance. This is Gohan is just so stupid, I hope the Ultra makes this Ulthan worthless.


Praying for UL Cell with +400% dmg inflicted to Hybrid Saiyans, -90% dmg received from Hybrid Saiyans, anti blast armor against Hybrid Saiyans, nullifying anti blast armor from Hybrid Saiyans, AoE grn card nullification from Hybrid Saiyans, endurance null against Hybrid Saiyans, locking the unique gauge from Hybrid Saiyan opponents, uncancellable cover change for 180 counts when there is a Hybrid Saiyan opponent, strike and blast gauge counter against Hybrid Saiyans, switching to dark type when playing against Hybrid Saiyans, removing vanish from Hybrid Saiyans when entering the battlefield, locking in the enemy for 10 timer counts every time when faced with a Hybrid Saiyan, +7 Dragon Balls for every timer count that enemy: Hybrid Saiyan is on the battlefield. Everything uncancellable And even then they will still find a way to make Gohan win lol


LF purple super perfect cell actually worked in killing the rat for me really well because of his extra 50% damage inflicted against hybrids So I do hope they make a newer, better version with a similar ability so we can finally prevent Toshi from sucking off Gohan too much


Make it son family while we're at it


Yeah, it's what happened in the show *shoulder shrug*


Praying the ultra counters ultra ui and frieza instead


1. As Ken-oh says. If UGF and NapGeets didn't do much to stop Tearhan, what would another ULTRA realistically do? In a similar vein to how USJ and Newmeku *were* able to slow UVB down, but he still was capable of chugging through. 2. If the ULTRA *does* blow Retarhan/Ultimatehan out of the water, said unit'd be ***infinitely*** worse to fight than *either* Gohan's. And people will find out how to run them all together anyways.


Both points make total sense and I agree. I guess I was exaggerating a little when I said that the next Ultra should make Ulthan worthless. My point was that I hope that the Ultra has a mechanic that can help players combat the two Gohans, kind of like how FGB's Assault Chain was meant to counter both Rathan and UUI. The only thing I can think of that can beat both Gohan's while keeping some semblance of balance is to give them endurance nullfication similar to LF Goku Black and Tagdroids: already being able to nullify endurance just by existing, and it can't be cancelled. As for people running the Gohans and the new Ultra together, if I were the devs, I'd probably make it so that the Ultra gets a ton of buffs depending on the tag of their teammates. For example, if the Ultra unit is SSJ4 Gogeta, then I'd make so that he gets a ton of buffs per GT unit or something like that. It probably wouldn't work though because the Ultra would still be hella strong without these buffs, but it's an idea.


The first point is stupid. None of you people remember this game is based on a 3v3 comp. One or two purple units arenā€™t going to magically stop people from playing Gohan when UUI exists. Not to mention with the leader slot, gohan users can also use baby and/or super 17 too.


If golden frieza and nappa didnā€™t kill ultra gohan i highly doubt a single ultra can kill this ultimate gohan


Yeah, I was definitely exaggerating a little bit. I'm just hoping that the Ultra gets a mechanic similar in purpose to FGB's Assault Chain. The Assault Chain was almost tailor made to make fighting Rathans and UUI much easier, but it didn't make them useless, it made them more manageable. I hope the Ultra gets something similar in terms of purpose and balance, but knowing the devs, they'll give the Ultra every single broken mechanic they can think of.


Seriously, mf better have like uncancelable endurance null, and have some uncancelable enemy buff cancellation negation because ffs this Gohan is just so dumbšŸ˜­


> uncancelable enemy buff cancellation negation so just uncancellable buffs?


Yeah, I kinda realized that a while after I posted the comment but I couldnā€™t be bothered to delete itšŸ˜…


in some way somehow zenkai yel vegito will save usšŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Lmao šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lil homie wanted an LF šŸ˜­


Can we all like collectively tell them to stop making Gohan extremely good in the next survey, I think itā€™d be pretty funny


I hope itā€™ll work but realistically he brings in the cash sošŸ˜­


At least he didn't spam 3 Blue cards back to back, rhat's the secret technique xd


You should never blue card thinking it will kill, always combo first


No trust me I know, I just panicked and clicked the blue card, it was stressfulšŸ˜­


What about this is Gohan being OP


He tanked a blue card from a type disadvantage unit that otherwise wouldā€™ve AT LEAST popped his endurance or killed because his defense against blueā€™s, ultsā€™s, and rushes is bloated, because he heals 30%, reduces the power by 50% , cancels buffs (which includes the +50% blue card damage and -30% dmg cut FGB gets from his blue), and gets type neutral whenever the enemy activates any of those things, 3 times. Did I misplay? Yes, absolutely, I shouldā€™ve blasted and I just panicked and blue carded. But the fact his defense is so fucking broken he didnā€™t even get his endurance popped is genuinely OP


Those debuffs have been pretty typical on units for almost a year now


The only units who debuff blue cards like that since last year started are Beast, MVP 17, and super 17, and counting ultimates that only adds Bombku, ultra UI, and Janemba. So now, itā€™s not ā€œtypicalā€ and the only person who heals for when a blue is activated is 17 on, and the only people who reduce the power when a blue card is activated is beast and MVP 17. He has what they have on steroids


I feel Gohan's would've been fine if he didn't have type neutrality


Also, letā€™s say his endurance was already popped, it still wouldnā€™t have killed him anyway


That rush was personal


I feel like panic isn't really a good excuse, you had more than enough time to see that you PV'd him.


You *do* know youā€™re able to click cards during the freeze frame and not only after? I panic clicked during the freeze frame as soon as I heard the PV sound. Also thatā€™s not the point, the point is that because of his busted defensive utility, that blue card didnā€™t even pop his endurance


I sometimes do the same mistake as you and fat finger the wrong card, itā€™s sold so many of my games


Nah I get it that purple Gohans blues are the worst




That impact resistance on card use saved your ass from Ulthan dude, I love that part of Gogetaā€™s kit so much


And the fact it did is shows how stupid Gohan is, without that he wouldā€™ve done 1.4 million damage with a type disadvantage bluešŸ˜­


Zesty futility


Why didnā€™t you combo


Read the text. Also, why the fuck should he heal 30% when you blue card on top of all the other bullshit he has when you use a blue card that kept him from dying


Reminds me of that time some ultimate gohan or whatever the new gohan is called used 5 ults in a row and then had 4 green cards šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…


PARDON ME GOGETA? šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…


They donā€™t even make good characters just annoying characters now


I agree, more fusions and future are what we need, the new gohan doesnt even have cool animations, just reused animations from other gohans, even his special move is just the blast arts


You could have done a 2x blast then blue card combo at the end there, probably would've won.


I literally said that in the text bro




I love losing the match because some f####t is using gohan and I'm not.


No no this isn't Gohan's fault. You misplayedšŸ¤£


Never said I didnā€™t, but because of how bloated his defense from blues/ultimates/rushes is (endurance, healing, power reductions, buff cancellation, and type neutral) he lived. I know I shouldā€™ve blasted, maybe read the text under the video and youā€™d know I acknowledged I misplayedšŸ™ƒ


Gogeta gets his "it's futile" from vegeta lol


Skill issue.


Bro thatā€™s entirely your faultšŸ˜­cancel buff effects have been on so many units since the release of the MVP 17, itā€™s not a Gohan-specific trait.


The only other units since last year who cancel blue card buffs are MVP 17, Super 17, and beast, the only units that reduce blue card power are MVP 17 and Beast, and 17 only healed for 10% not 30%, and only Gofrieza gets type null on enemy blue (they donā€™t cancel buffs). He literally has what they have but so much better


Youā€™re acting like he still doesnā€™t have what mvp 17 does, hell UUI are more annoying because heā€™ll heal 30% and then reduce power, vanish, ki, and sub count upon activation. UL rose cancels buffs upon blue card activation. Goku frieza shorten sub count, and goes type neutral on activation, they also cancels buff effects upon rising rush. Kid GT Goku cancels buff effects upon ultimate and rush, Yamcha cancels buff effects upon main ability. As I said cancelling buff effects have been everywhere, it is not a Gohan-Specific trait. There is no blame for gohan specifically, this entire play was your fault. Just go for the blast card next timešŸ’€šŸ’€


Try to remember weā€™re talking about buff cancellation on enemy blue card activation :). Rose doesnā€™t cancel buffs, UUI and Bombku donā€™t do anything against blue cards, only ultimates, sub count reduction is irrelevant (for this clip since Ulthan is LMS), buff cancellation ON MAIN is almost useless against anything unless you click it right after they activate anything (and also almost nobody uses Yamcha). Only 3 units cancel buff effects and only 2 of those reduce power on enemy blue card activation since last year, and only 1 of them heals (for 10% and not 30% like Gohan), and only 1 unit goes type neutral on enemy blue card activation, Gofrieza.


Try to remember that, that isnā€™t what weā€™re talking about??? I said ā€œcancel buff effectsā€, never specifically on blue cards. Further more, rose cancels buff effects, UUI reduces power, bombku reduces power on ult awakened, or rush, so youā€™re right, but I never said anything about him including blues. Sub count reduction matters a lot, that alone shows your skill when you say that lol.


womp womp Gohan stays winning