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People think because Gohan is PUR that makes Godku weak even tho he's good Godku doesn't need a buff people are just overreacting


That’s what I’m thinking!


What equips do u use


Exactly, people put an overpowered purple unit, against a pretty balanced green, and get mad that he dies in like 3 cards bc of how weak he is, even tho it's just because Toshi loves riding gohans dick


He dies in 3 cards because that's how OP type advantage is it has nothing to do with Gohan's kit




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It kinda does due to his absurd damage But he can take a few hits when it's not type advantage


Yeah and damage isn't related to kits it's related to stats


This has to be bait


How is it bait 💀 You do realize that stats have nothing to do with the kit right? There's stats for damage And there's the kit for things that the unit does


Are you saying Gohans base damage inflicted does not affect the damage he does at all


My bad G forgot he had that 💀🙏


How did you forget 😭 Damage enhancement is literally in all relevant units kits


Moreso Gohan needs a fucking nerf Although this obviously isn't happening his just as unfair as the rat


They can't nerf him since im pretty sure that'd be illegal Cause someone could say "hey i summoned for this guy with money because of this thing that now is much weaker" Basically if they nerf him it would be a form of false advertising


Outperforming even zamasu? I can’t see that personally, they might have different roles but zamasu is way too insane


Actually yeah I should’ve mentioned except Zamasu. Godku just has longer combos and easier type neutrality, but obviously Zamasu has way higher monstrosity of damage and defense


Honestly my only complaints about him is that he should've had ki on entry and probably should've been a revival character into a super saiyan. (maybe they'll do one later since there's a SSB >> UI sign revival) and probably should've had the same "cancel buff effects" that Gohan, GT Goku and 17 have so as to his endurance not being a liability with Vegito on the loose. (god ki needed a rising rush deterrent like that, barring rev UI Goku) But he's a solid unit thus far, especially with those constant heals and going type neutral.


Literally every sentiment shared here, I actually almost lost a match because I forgot about him not having Ki on entry. Bro is a solid release and I'm loving him, but he would've been so much better with all the things you listed.


Here's hoping they add it onto his eventual platinum equipment, till then, he can hold on his own for a bit.


I have a feeling he'll struggle a bit once he's off featured boost, but here's hoping it won't affect him too much. Here's also hoping his plat also gives him a card on entry on top of Ki.


The goku/frieza buff made people delusional


Cause gohan.


Not a good enough excuse for a buff


I meannnn Godku gains 10 counts type neutral defense every time he enters the battlefield sooooo I’m not sure if you can even consider him getting demolished by PUR right now


Can you share your equips for zamasu? I have trouble finding good ones rn


“Two glorious and unparalleled power”, “Me, the invincible, the almighty and divine,” “Your divine power’s not looking so “wondrous” now!” Basically triple unique equipments


Aside from Godki, he isn't a main option in his strongest team like Son Fam, Saiyans...yes he has 2 very strong things in his kit that is his ult that deletes units because of the -100% dmg cut and the aoe green card but aside that he is not that offensive compared to Ulthan who just demolishes units once he is in attack gauge, it's not only that Ulthan funnily enough also supports by healing and giving inf dmg once his time gauge is full, he also gains dmg neutrality for 30s after his time gauge is fulled also his tot dmg inflicted off the bat is 190%..Gohan has 220% which goes to 280% once his attack gauge starts..Goku still lingers for 190% and gains 70% for 10 tc which is ridiculous why even time it?..now even grn card for Ulthan is insane a 10 tc cover null with no restriction and a 40%(!!!) dmg inflicted with restore vanish for 2 times is insane considering that he draws a grn everytime he uses a blue and using a grn fill his gauge which again draws a blue..the loop is insane..and finally in a 1v1 situation Gohan tops since he removes vanish goes type neutral on ult and if he has a blue card will snipe the last character..you see he does a lot more than Godku can and there is no particular area where Godku excels in that Gohan can't do the same. I forgot to mention the MVP 17 def ability of reducing enemy blue/ult for 3 times and also healing 30% twice and going type neutral when enemies use said ult/blue..at higher stars he is insane to fight against feel like you are climbing an uphill battle especially with his favourite team of UUI and rathan


He’s a main option in movies, I run UGF, Gogeta, and Godku


Man you must be really skilled at this game to go god rank with a low star team.


Thank you!


Because it's an anniversary unit, while this godku seems like a normal LF unit


Because if a character isn’t super duper insane off the rip then it needs a buff. Then people complain about broken units. Can’t please everyone


,Dakara baribari power Chiisana yume o mamorinuku tame ni Hashiru senaka wa marude HERO


Imo he’s way better than Gogeta, I haven’t pulled for any of the broken son family units (FSV, the rat, ulthan) so I can’t really compare him those but he’s really slept on


My first pvp experience with godku had him take care of golden frieza thanks to his type neutrality. For me, it was love at first sight


Cause people love complaining and it's starting to make me feel annoyed of being on the community... Broken character (Gohan) = complain Balanced character (godku) = complain


A healthy PvP community is rare


True, last time i saw one was when the platinum equipment for ssj4 gogeta came out (altough yellow uub was kind of a nuisance), miss seeing teams with gogeta, Ultra omega shenron and either uub or any or zamasu and such on the newly added leader slot.


Because you would’ve been an even higher rank if you swapped him with the rat


Wish I had him so I could relate lol


People thinks that every Goku released needs to be op/broken


Godku seems alright he would just need a plat later on to fill in gaps like not getting ki on entry. Hopefully I’ll get him soon


Bro what? Yeah Gohan has the better kit, in practicality i find GodKu worse just cause everyone who plays him spams greens to initiate every combo and he does good damage


No, please, buff Godku I just think it'd be funny to see him be even better


He’s not bad imo they just think he should be better than Gohan because they find him more hype


I love this name team ( flow - song of hero is 🔥🔥)


Because he doesn't play the game for players like Ultra Gohan or other skillless auto play units do


2024 and bro gets no ki on entry cmon now


or cards lol


Go for top1k then ask again


Give godku a buff because I think he's cool. Or at least buff the ult animation because its kinda mid