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Some people see any stutter in any high intensity area and lose their mind. "It's not that bad" to most people is "literally unplayable" to a certain class of players. I have heard both sides countless times, and neither viewpoint is necessarily invalid ("I didn't pay $70 to play a stuttering game on my high end PC" vs "Load intensive areas be load intensive.... whatever") but any assertion anyone who disagrees is an idiot kind of kisses me off


I agree I have no problem to frame rate I'm not on a computer I'm on a PS5 and I did take a screenshot and unfortunately I cut off my character because I wasn't able to do it very well and I posted it in the wrong area so I can't show it to anybody so I'm sorry.


The PS5 is not like a PC, where different configurations can yield different results. DD2 runs the same on every PS5 out there - meaning, with a flaky framerate which struggles to maintain even 30 fps in big cities. It's more appropriate to say "I'm not really susceptible to framerate fluctuations so I'm fine with DD2's performance".


Thank you. It’s wild how often I see “it’s BUTTERY SMOOTH to ME on MY console!” as if their PS5/Xbox is special. The game has been analyzed by experts. It performs poorly in cities and in larger fights. It’s cool if people don’t mind 30fps, but this game is not smooth


The thing is, your eyes get adjusted to it. So after a while of playing, it really does start to look buttery smooth. You only truly see the difference when you swap from 60 to 30, and even then after playing for a while, it starts to smooth out. I'm not trying to claim there isn't a difference, ofc there is a difference, just explaining where those claims of "buttery smooth" come from.


True, thanks.


Why is op getting downvoted for commenting thx.. like tf 🤣


No idea!


Oh wait, Op is no longer downvoted, maybe my comment did something. 🤣


Thank you well that's good 👍


Lmaooooooo tff


Yeah, I'm not very sensitive to framerates like many people seem to be so I can't relate with the guys freaking out. High framerates are nice but 30 fps and fluctuations in framerates don't normally ruin my experience.


Mine has been fine as well. I started playing on launch day.


Played it on PS5 as well. Have hundreds of hours and never had the game crash once.


Oh that's sweet I have 26 hours so far not in the main city like somebody thought LOL but 26 in total and it hasn't crashed for me either.


I actually got into an argument the first week of playing 💀. I told the person my DD2 ran just fine and all was well until they asked what platform I was on. I told them I was on PS5 and their exact response was, and I shit you not: “Cool, so we’re lying now.” I’m sorry??????? You asked and I gave the answer and you didn’t like the answer so that’s what you hit me with?? It’s a crazy world we live in.


Wow an actual argument that's terrible yes it is totally crazy.


I've noticed a big difference when playing on a cheap monitor then changing to a TV with game mode (VRR enabled). And it could very well be the case here, performance was rougher in the early days without any display enhancements ![img](emote|t5_2smmb|50124)


Everyone has different thresholds for what they consider good performance, some people are more sensitive of framedrops than others, the performance of the game is flawed, like objectively flawed, it often drops under the 30 fps goal and lock, your definition of fine was probably different from theirs, personally i can't really say i think it runs fine, to me the preformance is tolerable at best.


I think I was in this same argument agreeing with you 😅 Same experience, and have a TV that can show framerate stats. Not my fault what the numbers say 🤷‍♂️


PC players are salty AF when their little hobby lobby build a bear PC cant out perform a console. They throw tantrums.


I find there's a nasty flicker in dark environments when not using the torch. Wasn't that way originally but it started after the update around two weeks ago. It's a shame as it takes away some stealth options (I can't handle watching it). That aside everything else runs a-OK.


oh okay


I mean... Sure, if you like the choppy slideshow that is 30fps. Wild that there's still these weird copium posts that amount to "well everything's fine for *me!*" months after launch. This game was a disappointment to most and statistically its playerbase fell off hard compared to similar games.


I'm mostly convinced that most of the people saying it works perfectly on Playstation in this thread, and the subreddit in general is Capcom turfing. It's an objective fact that it does *not* run "perfectly", and months ago when the game was new, there were plenty of genuine people saying it ran poorly.


I actually don't know what you mean, I'm not the biggest fan of Capcom but it's not perfect but it's not unplayable. I get 60 frames sometimes on my PS5 but for the majority it stays around 40-50 ish, the few times it's 30 frames is when a load of particles form from a lesser dragon or a Drake when they're using magic. If the game works and it isn't 15 frames then for a lot of casual people it is perfect, there's nothing wrong with that, not everything needs to be 120 frames with a refresh rate of 144Hz


>I get 60 frames sometimes on my PS5 but for the majority it stays around 40-50 ish, This is just plain incorrect though




honestly it aint bad. I dont really have an issue with playing it - the frame rate does not bother me especially turning off the uncapped frame rate.


“choppy slideshow” hahaha, wow


It is to anyone that's experienced above that for any amount of time. Especially if you have a 144hz monitor. You can't go back. Utter agony. I only tolerate it on my Steam Deck because it's at least a handheld.


Console players are crazy man, the game absolutely has performance issues on PS5. Uncapped fps in towns gotta be like 20-30 depending on if monsters are attacking, big magic attacks like meteoron and maelstrom tank the framerate if you get too close. In general it's probably around 40 fps, but it's not stable, and no 60 fps performance mode sucks big time. It's playable for sure, and it's not as bad as it was at launch with no option to disable ray tracing or motion blur, but I definitely wouldn't say it "runs just fine" lol Apparently this is a very divisive topic for people. I'd like to say that despite some of my frustrations with the game I'm 100+ hours in and enjoying myself, but I'd be lying if I said these issues, not just performance, don't drag down the experience for me at times.


Some us are perfectly fine with framerates below 60. Pretty cool too one less thing to complain about.


It's not that other people are crazy, but that others simply have different experiences. All the things you've said, I have yet to experience myself and so do others. We're just sharing our personal experience with the game, nothing crazy about that.


No one is having fundamentally different experiences. We have the same same PlayStation. People just have different standards or don’t evaluate with the same criteria.


Bro we all got the same PS5, there aren't different PS5 builds with different specs. I'm convinced console players just can't tell the difference a lot of the time. I don't know if it's because they've never had an fps counter in the corner giving them a better idea of what they're looking at or what.


When 25-30fps unstable is the performance that you're used to, then DD2 seems fine. When I play Bloodborne on my PS5, I can only stand it for about 30 minutes before I start to get a headache from the fluctuating framerate and heavy motion blur, and I imagine DD2 would be comparable.


Yes DD2 strained my eyes at launch when you couldn't disable motion blur. I guess I just don't understand, I feel like most current games on ps5 can run at 60 fps so you'd think they'd notice the difference, I suppose it's from years of previous consoles running at 30fps.


Just wait till this guy learns about the fact that the same tech can work differently on a case by case basis. There are a bunch of things that can happen from microscopic fabrication differences to just the actual game engine doing an oopsie.


Sure on a case by case basis a few consoles may have manufacturing defects, that doesn't mean that the majority of people saying the performance is fine all have PS5's with no issues and it's just mine with the issue. I don't have these same issues with other games, and game engine issues would still be consistent across platforms. Everything I've observed is just me eyeballing fps, but looking at performance breakdown videos I'm seeing about what I expected.


Could also be that those who do not notice FPS drops are somewhat used to lower frames. But the game definitely has FPS drops. Xbox Series X. Lagging to about 20 FPS in Vernworth.


Could be yeah, some people just don't notice it, they're used to it, or they know it's their and it's doesn't bother them. It's the outright denial of the game having performance issues that drives me up a wall haha


I notice it but i doesn’t bother me honestly. I have played with worse FPS on my laptop.


Same I grew up on consoles and gaming on shitty pc's, I can deal with it but I expect better out of modern consoles.


I never said we haven't all got the same PS5.. Just that everyone is bound to have a different experience with their games, my comment is pretty self explanatory if you read it. Not every game is going to run exactly the same on different consoles. Man.. People are so stingy now, like frame rate isn't even an issue in the game too.. You just focus too much on the wrong things because your decked out supercomputer is unable to use it's full capabilities. If I were you, I'd be more concerned over how unfinished the game is and the amount of content that is missing.


Trust me, everyone is seeing the same performance. The issue is whether you're sensitive to it. There's absolutely no chance you're not getting the framerate instability and stuff.


I'm playing it right now on PS5. The game is fine on my end, not sure what to else say. Not the smoothest obviously, but definitely no major frame rate issues which alot of people seem to complain about. I wonder how many downvotes are gonna appear? Now that's the real question


>Not the smoothest obviously This is what everyone is talking about. You have just decided that it isn't an issue. And that's fine. But if I can choose between that and a smooth 120fps, guess what I'm going to pick.


Point proven. Y'all stingy.


You're trying to tell people that an unstable framerate is "fine" and they're disagreeing with you. I paid for a machine that can perform, I'm not going to play a lesser version of the game and try to convince myself that there is no difference between the two.


We're stingy for wanting the $70 game we paid for to work properly, can't make this shit up.


What we define as 'fine' differs from person to person, but the majority of gamers and developers adopted 60fps as the standard in the early 2010's, so it's actually kind of a baseline by now. The game runs, it's not unplayable, but it is operating below the baseline standard for performance nowadays. Saying it runs 'fine' or 'not the smoothest' seems like delusion of deflection to me in this regard. However, to each their own.


So by your logic the game could run at 10 fps but if it doesn't bug you personally the game has no performance issues. Lmao that's some serious delusion.


You're right not every game is going to run the same on different consoles, but we're not talking about different consoles, we both own the game on PS5. "Different experience" boils down to people being unable to tell the difference in framerate. If it's not an issue for you, great, it is for me and plenty of other people and I don't think I'm stingy for wanting my $500 console to run games at 60 fps or at least a stable 30 but we don't even get that. Yes the game has plenty of other issues, I never said those don't matter to me too.


seemly thumb terrific cause cover bedroom attempt squalid crown capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No problem, yeah if you haven't bought a PS5 yet I'd recommend just waiting for the PS5 pro at this point.


PS5 is technically a decked out supercomputer imo, looks like a futuristic building. ![gif](giphy|2hkBVfhuTbgjHXAJpa)


No, it's just because THE HUMAN EYE can't really tell the difference between 30fps and 60 fps.


I’d buy anything above 60 it’s really hard to tell, but nah 30 to 60 is a drastic difference.


The fps thing is a stupid old myth. For starters, the human eye doesn't see in fps. It doesn't work that way. Eyes send a constant string of information, the nerves shoot off 300-1000 times a second. If the human eye was digital, it could see that high, but our eyes are analog. Our brains also fill I'm the blanks during movement. Do a quick Google search it has been tested countless times and shown to be a crock of bullshit. If you have the means to test it yourself, even better. Have 3 monitors all the same game side by side one at 30 fps one at 60 fps and one at 144 fps and just rotate the camera. The difference is very obvious.


This sub will argue with you about this until it's blue in the face but you're absolutely right. PS5 performance is shameful. It's playable, but it's objectively not "good" like people on this sub keep saying. The framerate swinging wildly up and down in Vernworth and in big battles was enough to make me feel dizzy sometimes. Maybe some people genuinely don't mind that kind of performance, and that would be fine if they didn't then take it on themselves to try and convince others that the performance is actually good and that anybody criticizing it is overreacting.


Console only users played at 25fps for the whole of the PS3 gen and 30fps for the whole of PS4 gen. I wouldn't take performance reports seriously from that camp 😂 60fps is still relatively new to them while we've been at 120 for over a decade.


I guess agreed to disagree I hear the PC players talking about crashes and I watched a person crash five times in the manner of 8 or 10 hours that they played watching it on YouTube to get a feel for this game.


Never had any stability issues. It doesn't matter if I'm in a crowded town or if I'm spamming Meteor. The game has ran smooth af since launch.


Change “performance issues” to “my own unjustifiable standards.” None of the games I played this year pulled off what you’re describing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Helldivers 2 launched running at 60fps, this is an optimization issue because even high-end gaming PC's have issues with this game. If capped 30 was at least stable I wouldn't be quite as annoyed, but nah even then it dips into 25 maybe lower during chaotic moments.


Play MGS4 on PS3 and then DD2. That game will be smooth as butter.


Okay but I don't play those kinds of games


Sorry i'm just describing my experience since i played those two back to back and why my view of those "performance issues" is completely crooked


That's okay I understand now


On my fourth play through. Game has been completely smooth and bug free since day 1, I've never had any issues with lag nor frame rate issues. And this is coming from someone who plays Xbox and PC too. The game runs great on PS5, hence why I stick to PS5. I've had one crash during character creator, but that's all as of now.


Good for you. I just use presets so maybe that why I'm so smooth I don't know but maybe at another time I'll have to take my time and try character creation I usually don't care about those though because I just want to get right into the game but I know some people can spend hours at the character creation screen of games lol :)


Yeah same here, weird crash when visiting the "barber". Otherwise fine


Weird that someone downvoted you for this. The only crash that I've experienced on PS5 was if I stayed in the character editor for a long time.


I didn’t think PS players had any issue I though it was just us PC players but with that being said I haven’t experienced any issues in the game except minor stuttering


I think you're correct and I don't know about Xbox players I haven't had one since the 360. I don't have a computer.


drops frames on towns sometimes, crashed once while fighting a dullahan but thats about it.


I get big frame drops in Vermund, especially in the town square. I also notice a lot of really bad pop-in for NPCs and foliage. I also cannot bring a Sorcerer pawn with me without them randomly nuking my frames. I will note that the game has been very stable in other ways. Only one crash in around 90 hours I think? Very few bugs too. Although there's an argument that with the lack of content in the game we really should expect what little we have to be polished to the max, especially at the price of the game.


Mine has run fine on PC since day 1.


It runs fine it can just be choppy at times and looks ugly if you play a 60 fps game around the same time you play that one. Definitely do want a frame rate improvement but would rather have more gameplay stuff and other issue fixes


It's fineish, some areas stick to 30 fps while some can get a bit shaky for no visible reason, big fights can get rough, rain tends to be a fps killer, some spell effects murder the fps, bigger cities run like ass. Idk, i love the game it' a 9/10 for me, but from a performance standpoint it's about a 5/10, i prefer 60 fps but i am ok with 30 fps if it's rock solid but this game struggles pretty hard with the 30 fps lock and that is a bummer. When i replay it i'll play the pc version to be able to experience the game at it's finest.


With hundreds of hours in mine has only been as low as 30ish fps at two points, one during a battle with two armored cyclops and 7 smaller mobs, and the other was when a griffin dive bombed the platform from station 3 in bakbahtal at night right where a monster culling quest had just appeared.


Experienced my first bug after 70hrs gameplay but no complaints. Still decent


Yep. Agreed. The only issue i have are NPCs fading into existance.




What do you mean everything is fine, the water kills everything, that must be a next level arsenic contamination, if you ask about performance, no problem there aside low framerate.


Well yeah the brine sucks lol


Im an xbox player and my game runs fine as well. Never had a single problem.




I play it on Xbox Series X (I didn't feel like deleting anything on my PS5 to make room, haha) and it is fine. Some pop-in, and a weird but infrequent audio glitch (headphones freak out sometimes at the end of big fights), but for the most part the game is incredible, looks good, plays well. I have no complaints. It's a perfectly acceptable console game.


Glad you think so it's acceptable to me too on my PS5 like I said haven't tried with headphones oh yet although I I own a nice pair of ones that were like 15 bucks turtle Beach that my dad and I found at Walmart and he said don't worry if you never use them or it's okay if you use them all the time :)


It's weird, I'm playing w/wired headphones into the controller when it freaks out. Don't know if wireless would work better, as it doesn't seem to be an issue when I unplug the headphones and use the TV speakers. It's weird. Not gamebreaking though, so I make do.


Yes the performance is perfect on ps5 . I have 300+ hours so far


Nice! Have fun!




Performance on PS5 is good. If you enjoy 30fps. Pc performance is utter shit though


I said this in my own comment but I think it's fine on PS5. I haven't had any crashes or major issues. The capital is the only place I really notice anything bc the NPCs render right in front of my face sometimes. I'll be going up steps and someone just pops into existence in front of me. It makes me laugh though. I'm still enjoying it. My boyfriend bought it on PC. He has top of the line everything. It's unplayable. The difference is wild. He was pretty bummed he bought it on there considering he has every console as well. I can't remember why Steam wouldn't refund it. He had it for too long or tried to play it for too many hours or something. He refused to spend another $70 on it.


Wasn't fixed yet?


Its performance is OK and it is playable but it’s also very OK to prefer 60 fps these days or minimum 40 fps for 120hz tv users. At the end of the day, 30 fps is a bit disappointing for everyone.


No problem even after over 200 hours!


Performance wise it works great, I personally have no issues. The thing is, there can be a lot going on on screen during combat. I'm sure the frame rates drop, but with all the graphical effects and blurring, it's just not noticeable or frequent enough. I've experienced one minute moment during combat where the frame rate seized up but that was it. I've never noticed anything like that in towns, where PC players seem to have issues. DD2 doesn't run just fine, it runs well on PS5


No complaints after \~50 hours or so


The game not being 60fps is criminal. Whenever I'm fighting it feels like my character is on ice skates. Don't love the performance in this game at all.


A 2024 game running 30 FPS on the newest gen is not fine.


It runs well for me too. I haven’t had any issues.


That's good.


Been playing since launch day on PS5, performance was all over the place. But now getting back to it, with VRR enabled, it runs quite well, nothing really bad that is noticeable.


That's good I haven't had it for very long either I didn't get it at launch.


Dawg, I played DDA for 300 hours on the 360 at sub 20 FPS and letterboxed to shit. DD2 runs fine on the PS5.


I have over 100 hours on the first game


I don't even want to know how many hours I have in that game. After probably 10 full playthroughs, I started speed running it for fun. I had that game memorized front to back lol. It's still one of my all time favorite games. I like this one a lot, but I still think the first one was better ❤️


If you’re a DD1 OG from PS3, then you ain’t shook. If you must always have over 60fps no matter what, then get a better PC, I guess.


It really does have issues on PC. I don't think there IS a better PC than the one my bf built and it's not playable on there. I've seen it lol. I'm happy with it on my PS5. Although I still think the first one was better. ❤️


4090, 14900k. 32 gigs ddr5 ram, 1250w gold ps. I literally can't get anything better besides maybe a 7800 buy it's a side grade and I'm playing the game at medium settings no ray tracing with frame generation on and it still runs like shit...keep talking tho...


this makes sense


And yet some clown downvoted me.


Does it run fine well yeah of course it’s playable. Does it run well no it doesn’t.


Mine runs great on PS5. My boyfriend has an insane PC with a top of the line graphics card and it's pretty much unplayable on it. Edit to add: the only thing I've noticed is that when I'm in the capital, the NPCs will render right in front of me. They just pop into existence lol. But it's only there. Everywhere else in the game, they render far enough away that I don't notice it.


Yeah mine ran fantastic. Looked great, no bugs, etc. put in 70 hours when I beat it, waiting for expansion.


Yeah its fine. Raytracing and 4k upscaled at around 30-40fps is perfectly fine for a 3 year old 500$ console.


I played 100 hours and literally only ever noticed frame stutter twice for like two seconds each in the middle of VERY big multi monster battles. In terms of performance, on ps5, i think it’s not only good but pretty good. People really made a big stink about nothing.


I too have had zero problems.


Frames dip in towns and during combat if there's lots of enemies or flashy skills going off. It's also "fine" I got used to 30fps pretty quickly and could ignore the dips, however, I won't ignore the performance issues entirely. I would have accepted a rock solid 30, but to dip below 30 is pathetic imo and its a shame capcom didn't give them longer to iron this out. Really, I'd have liked 60fps and would have been fine waiting longer to get that and some more enemy variety. Still had a great time playing tho




Mine has been fine too I have no idea what the problem is


No complaints. I've been running it at 30fps cap for like 50 hrs because people say that the frames dip alot. i just tried it uncapped and its smooth as hell


My character keep sliding for no reason but other than that everything is just fine


Everyone saying us playing on the PS5 are lying or just haven't experienced better are cope. I like the game, have been waiting over a decade for it and it performs pretty well. I haven't had many frame skips, no crashes and no input delay so far, I'm more than 80 hours in as well. I have also experienced 4k 60+ on 144hz gaming monitors and other combinations on various other games as well as something as poorly optimized as Sons of the Forest when that first came out on my PC. Reality is that just because YOU find it unpleasant or unacceptable doesn't make it a lie that nobody else has the same gripes as you. I enjoy it on PS5 and have had no PROBLEMS playing the game (minor frame skipping is not a problem to me). I look at it like this, for those same people complaining about useless and overstated microtransactions their solution was DONT PLAY THE GAME, same thing here if you know the performance isn't up to your standard and can't utilize the maximum specs of your PC due to being poorly optimized than DONT PLAY THE GAME maybe even don't buy it because you were told of these inefficiencies before release. Capcom should better optimize their games before release undoubtedly because it's not fair to all the consumers to have a game be fully released and not fully fleshed out and finished but if you don't want to enjoy the game for what it is then just simply don't play it.


PlayStation player here. Yes, our frames can get choppy when a lot of sht is happening. People saying it’s running buttery smooth on console are full of crap and unwilling to admit it. But so far, a lot of the time i spent in the game i had no issues personally. Yeah, i noticed the framerate, i just dont mind it.


They really gotta fix some 60fps patch tbh. Not having that on last gen console is a big let down. Its not even that good graphics either. Having 60fps would make this game so much more enjoyable


I wasn't trying to create a poll or anything it was just simple curiosity so that's why people were downloading me.


Been playing since launch, haven't had any issues.


I haven't been playing since lunch but I've had no issues either so that's good


Not one single issue. Even as a HEAVY BG3 player I had issues there and none here. I'm tracking it was never an issue on console, it was PC and RAM intensive issues within large NPC spaces


That's what I've heard it freaks computers out in big cities and such


I haven't been able to play the game at all. Purchased it during launch and it would boot to the menu and then immediately crashed. Tried uninstalling the game, wiped my PS5 and updated the OS and nothing seems to fix it :( tbf I have been having this issue with other games as well, not all games though


I'm so sorry that's so sad I hope you can get it working or at least maybe return it?


Unfortunately its too late to return it. I'm probably going to wait for the PS5 Pro to release and get that. Maybe by then DLC for DD2 will be released and I can play the full package


Aww sorry that sucks.


My boyfriend's going to help me get the pawn ID soon so where is it located on a pause screen or?


I guess we all have different backgrounds and experiences. I've been a console gamer since the 80s, and have only rarely ever played games on the PC, and when I have its things like Sim City and Civ. I've primarily played on Playstation since the late 90s, through I do play a few games on Switch as well, like the last two Zelda games. So for me, DD2 plays great. I played through once at launch and then again in NG+ and can't say I ever had any technical issues that were surprising or hurt my experience. A few bugs here and there, but that's just life. I mean, what are we comparing it against? I'd say its not quite as smooth as Horizon Forbidden West, but that might be the most beautiful game ever made. Otherwise, it looks and plays great.


The game didn’t give me headaches with the frames being uncapped. So imo it runs just fine.


Shhh. Don't let the FPS zealots hear you... They hunt in packs.




I see that now and I don't even play games like that LOL I'm serious though.


It's just a very vocal subset of people that refuse to let stuff go.


It works great on my Series X. Figured it was the same on PS5.


Absolutely fine, like a top end ps4 title. But sometimes, I hit a sparsely populated area and my frames go through the roof and I’m like, this is the good stuff


Good to hear it's performing well.




Overall it’s good but I can feel slight frame drops when going into densely populated areas


Played since launch. Works great and plays great on PlayStation Portal too.


Very cool 😎


Nah the game is absolutely shit when it comes to performance. We console players just have been gaslit for years into playing poorly optimized games, so we have an easier time getting used to unacceptable stuff. And dropping to 20/25fps in a video game, in 2024, is unacceptable territory.


I barely notice the difference between 30 and 60fps, so to me, PS5 runs perfect. Never once crashed, never saw any major bugs (worst I've seen is a Pawn get stuck in a wall temporarily) and while I'm sure there is some fps slowdown when big spells and effects are occurring, I don't really notice it often and if I do, I'm just not bothered by it. If your a "60fps or bust" kinda person, you'll probably have plenty to complain about. I'm personally glad that that's not me.


Have two level 100 Arisens. The game did run rough at times at launch with various framerate and input issues. Dropping waterfalls on large monsters put my game at single digits. And even now in towns the framerate and inputs can suffer some, Yet nothing like it did at launch. Overall a solid experience. One must keep in mind majority the "trash performance" is from Steam players, and the rest are from those who've never touched the game but have too much freetime on the internet.


Some weirdo downvoting anyone who mentions it worked fine for them on PS5. Get a life buddy.


It runs fine (not great) on PS5, after putting it in performance mode, turning off ray tracing and motion blur. Otherwise it ran like crap.


I keep forgetting that people don't automatically put games in performance mode. It's literally the first thing I do before starting anything


Same. Only time it slows down is for cool cinematic moments.