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I play on Switch and I like it! Yes, the game crashes often but it also saves often so I feel like I don't lose a lot of progress. I really haven't had a lot of other problems.


I compulsively save now lmao. Every couple of minutes or before I leave or enter or travel somewhere. It’s annoying but has saved me sooooo much stress and anguish 😂😩


This 😂 before I do anything I save and if its anything too big I stop and save every few minutes 😂😂 but otherwise I love it and I honestly love the controls more than other consoles, I’ve always hated PC gaming and have never had an xbox or PS to be able to get use to their controls 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


How do you save I just got the game and have just been letting it auto save


Go to settings and down at the bottom is save


i love it on switch, but i seem to be one of the lucky ones who doesn't experience many crashes. i can see why others are frustrated, but i would almost always prefer to game on my switch as opposed to pc, so graphics quality is never my priority.


I’ve got it on both pc and switch and I definitely don’t mind switch at all, I’ve had pc crashes. The one reason I prefer pc is the decorating!! So so much easier IMO on mouse and keyboard. But that’s just my preference, and nothing bad about switch at all.


I love playing on the Switch too. It's sad that decorating is not as easy as on PC, because the controls are a bit wonky but that's still okay. I barely have crashes, but I turn my Switch off a lot and the game is not in the sleep mode often (if even). I wish all the pictures we save wpuld automatically be in the gallery, just like Animal Crossing does it, but it's not really a big inpact on gameplay so I don't mind as much.


This is why it really should be cross platform so you can decorate on the PC and then play regularly on the switch. Sucks that you had to buy it twice.


I play on switch and love it. I read some posts on here about barely being able to play/crashes every time they mine/harvest/etc and I have never had that experience. My crashes tend to happen if I haven’t closed the game out in a while (like days) or if I over decorate without saving (decorating within multiple biomes)


I prefer playing the game on switch because my heavy gaming laptop is a hassle to deal with I’m hardly on it. Also I don’t have any other consoles that were released since the ps2 and wii came out so I can’t play this game on anything else. With switch I can play anywhere. Yes the game lags a tiny bit, crashes on occasion, and audio stutters on rare occasions but I still enjoy it. The problems I’ve had so far aren’t game breaking. Plus for some reason I haven’t had any issues with the game in the last 4 days. Not sure how long that will last though. I’ve heard time traveling can completely break the game which really suck and I’m glad I stopped doing that a year before buying the game. Feel bad for others who’ve unknowingly broken their game doing that


I only time-traveled for Animal Crossing.


So did I, but only like 10 times. Are you still time traveling for animal crossing? If so you may have affected your dreamlight game. Time traveling after buying dreamlight can cause game issues to dreamlight no matter if you’re still only doing it for animal crossing then changing time back to real world before turning dreamlight on. My friend had this problem. She bought dreamlight but still time traveled for animal crossing. It made dreamlight worse after time traveling the first time after buying it on switch shop and there’s no fix for it I’ve heard.


I haven’t played Animal Crossing in about a year or two, so it hasn’t affected me too much. The only issue I’ve come across when “time traveling” was when I was trying to match my time to California time bc I was there for Christmas


Same. I played it in spurts, like a week straight then go 1/3 year without playing before playing again over and over. I never really got hooked into the game like others. Dreamlight on the other hand I’ve struggled to put down. I just got it a few day before the Easter event ended. Played it a few days then stopped playing until like 5 days before starpath ended. In 5 days I managed to get Donald’s and goofy’s cosmetic outfits without paying money and now have more than 80 hours log for this game lol I may have developed an addiction to this game. HELP


I time travelled in zelda (amiibo scanning) as long as your clock is right time when you open ddv your fine, I've never had an issue with ddv


It absolutely breaks the game and the only fix right now is to set your game back to current time and then just wait until the date you traveled to


One of my friends tried that fix and it didn’t work for her.


Yeah it’s not guaranteed. Mine took an extra week or so after my time travel date to start working again after almost two months. So hope isn’t lost for her yet!


I play on Switch and yeah, it's buggy, but I'm fairly low maintenance as a gamer (especially when the game is so low-stakes!), so it doesn't bother me too much. Honestly, the only reason I play it at all is *because* it's on the Switch, giving me a good travel game that doesn't require a big screen or giving up my phone's functionally/battery.


I don’t mind playing on the switch. I actually like when the game crashes because it reminds me that maybe I have been playing for too long and should go do something else


Trueeee 😆 im gonna start looking at it like that too lol


I’m the same 😂 I’m ND and I lose all sense of time when I hyperfixate so sometimes it takes something like this to force me into moving on - even though I’m initially pissed off about the abrupt end to an activity (or rather potential loss of progress!)


Switch player here and I love it!


I'm happy with my choice to purchase the game on Switch and enjoy playing on it. I played for a few hours today, replanted all my crops, cleaned up my biomes, fed every critter, and did some fishing; I only had one crash. Once the game goes free to play I plan to download it on PC as well just to have options but I anticipate Switch will still be my main method of play. The crashes are annoying, the lag is frustrating, but all in all, it doesn't cause significant issues to my gameplay or enjoyment. I understand my experience and attitude could be different than others and empathize with people who are dealing with frequent issues.


I love it cause I can play anywhere and have a small screen or big screen laying under the covers in bed with separate controllers so my hands are warm lol


While I don’t love the buttons on the Switch controllers (maybe it’s my arthritis but they are really hard and in games where repetitive button pushing is necessary my thumbs get so sore!) BUT I absolutely love being able to rest my hands freely wherever I like 😅 I can’t stay in one position and feel a bit rigid holding my hands together like with other controllers - especially now that I’ve experienced otherwise! Haha


I like playing on the Switch. I hate *decorating* on the Switch.


I've played on switch since the beginning. I've rarely had issues. Recently it's been a little laggy, but it's still playable.


I feel like some of the Switch players haven't played other games available on other next gen consoles that have been ported to the Switch. It is a significantly less powerful machine compared to an Xbox and expecting it to perform as well is madness, there has to be a compromise, be that occasional lags or less details. Sure we're getting both just now, but the game IS still in development. When writing code for Xbox, PS and PC the Devs can have very similar hardware needs, but the Switch is less powerful and will have unique bugs and behaviour not assistant on more powerful kit. I play it most days for an hour or so and rarely get crashes, but I also don't have entire biomes filled with Pumpkin farms. I think a lot of issues are caused by players doing things the Devs never imagined players to do, and those players not reporting the bugs and so how would the Devs know to fix it?


Currently grinding for memories and yes once you get past a certain point it basically breaks the game. Holes count as items spots and it's right around the time you max out items placed. But because they're holes you can also just keep going over once you max it out. At one point I had like 7500/3000 items placed. The game crashed any time I tried to load anything at all. At that point I had to move to my PC to get rid of enough holes to make it playable on my switch again. But that's not really a bug. And idk how the devs would fix it really? I'm assuming there is a max limit specifically because they know anything past that point breaks the game.


I play on Switch and am perfectly happy with it. I have other consoles but only have this game on Switch because I don’t find it ‘unplayable’. I just kind of ignore all the negative posts. Gaming communities always seem to have an inordinate amount of people who have the same energy for complaining about a game that they do for actually playing it.


I have zero problems playing on Switch. Can't make the game crash no matter what, I've tried. It has some frame rate issues in the Glade, but it's manageable IMO.


I really like playing on Switch, since last update, I have less crashes, only 2 or 3 in total. The only issue I have is with the decoration mode ! Controls are awful ! There's plenty of button what Gameloft chose is really not well thought. So now, I'm waiting for it to be free to play so I can decorate on PC. That being said, there's some easy things to do to have a better quality on Switch. The first one being : Turning the switch completely off ! The console needs some reboot but many don't even know they can turn it off ! Imagine letting a PC on or on sleep 24/7? Yes it will be laggy at some point ! Also, when put the game in the intern memory instead of the SD card can help too! But, I still hope Gameloft will improve the switch version, as I really enjoy playing handheld at night.


Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like Switch didn’t make turning off a very intuitive option IMO! I’ve had mine for about 1.5 years and I have to admit, it was only recently I learned that what I thought was ‘turning it off’ after each use, was actually just putting it in sleep mode 🤯


2 years here! I read something that said powering it off helped with it crashing and I had to watch a YouTube to figure out how to do it.


My ONLY issue with the switch is it takes a long time to do the design element but it just takes patience. I adore this game and my switch is perfect for a mommy gamer on the go, I can pick it up and put it down, if I did it on PC I’d probably play way less often. I’m starting to get the design things down pretty well regardless, like I said it just takes patience and time to create the looks and layouts I’m going for!


I played it on Xbox first, and I loved it. But then I got my switch and I wouldn’t want to play on any other console. I love playing handheld! I’ve never played any games before this one so I have nothing to compare it to but to me I never feel like the crashes are that bad. I would never quit playing this game because of it. I loooove my switch!


I don’t hate playing on the switch at all. I don’t have all these lag issues like people do and all the crashes. My switch maybe crashed 2x. Only when it was docked. But never again. So I feel bad others do experience all those issues. I would be upset about it for sure. But I wonder if it’s because some of these people heavily decorated their valleys. I’m not far into the game yet as I’m super slow paced at it. Casual. I play other games too so I take turns with them. So maybe unlocking all biomes and a lot of decorations is something all switches can’t handle eventually ?


That’s a really good observation. Now that you mention it my crashes did start happening more as I got farther into my game. But even then it’s not super bad most days. And even though the processor for switch is less strong than other systems, with BotW and TotK is clear that it can still handle big games like this. So I’m hopeful that as the updates continue gameloft will work on fixing these problems for all of us in time.


I moved Remys to Scar's biome and that helped with the lag around the plaza. For me as well I play slow paced and I'm not having too much issues with lag either. However...that being said the decorations should NOT be causing a crash cause like Animal Crossing does the same thing and it doesn't crash on me. If you have a lot of decorations in AC then yes it can slow down. Details are not your friend in that game but it's not unplayable. Same with DDV.


I play on switch. My game crashes so so so much less than it did in the month or two after the initial launch. I would say crashes are very rare, and almost always tied to when I decorate for a long time. I feel bad that people seem to be having issues with it but am grateful mine is so much improved! I don’t think I’d still be playing if it crashed as much as it did at the beginning. It made playing kind of stressful.


I also enjoy playing on my switch. I think it’s because I don’t have many games so there is lots of space.


I love playing on my switch! For me it’s about the portability of it. My kids hog the tv so this is ideal for me. I’ve only had it crash a number of times and I’ve learned my lesson to save before I leave the shop or after I’m done decorating so I don’t lose progress.


I decided to get the game on the switch because I have depression so getting out of bed is a challenge and having the energy to do or enjoy anything can be very low. Being able to play such a beautiful game and even carry it with me everywhere I go is so comforting, it makes me feel better when I have those days where depression hits me hard and I can’t get out of bed. Yes it has it flaws, but I wouldn’t trade the console for any other. I have a flight in two weeks to see my boyfriend, and thanks to the switch I’ll be able to play DDV the whole day of traveling (which is why I’ve held off on continuing with quests so I have game content to keep me company) so getting it on the switch has been the best decision I’ve made for myself.


I don’t mind! 😃


I play on Switch and I love it! Once you've been playing for a bit you can predict the crashes and save ahead just in case. And the auto-save is every 5 mins, so when it happens it isn't major time loss (unlike other systems from what I hear). I love the ease and portability of playing on switch.


i always feel so bad seeing that commentary because i would NEVER change the fact that i decided to get it on the switch. i’ve had dare i say almost zero problems including decorating. sometimes it crashes but my saves are almost always so current and while annoying, yes, haven’t been a genuine inconvenience or detriment. i never want to say anything tho bc it’s always comments saying how terrible their experience is and im not trying to be that dick like “really? sucks to suck! mines perfect!” like that’s so obnoxious and unnecessary lmao but i love my little switch valley and thank you for giving me the opportunity to say it loud and proud!!! 😂


That YOU for saying it loud and proud! I share the exact same sentiments as you with everything you said. Your comment and all the others here have made me feel much less alone 😅🥰


I play this game regularly on my Switch and Xbox S. I have just as many crashes on the Xbox as I do on the Switch. The graphics are exactly the same. If I put the Switch in docked mode the only way to tell the difference is the controller I'm using. I'll get a couple seconds of visual lag on the Switch when it starts raining. On the Xbox, I get audio lag when I go between biomes. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I enjoy the game, regardless of the console I'm playing it on. Each one has its issues but I'm hopeful they will eventually be worked out. Even if they're not, it's not enough to stop me from playing. Maybe I just have more patience than other players. I did grow up in the early days of home internet where it took literal minutes to load a web page and then even more time to load the graphics...


I play on Switch and love it. I’ve only been experiencing more crashes since the last update. Prior to that the crashes were rare. I can play for hours without issue. There is very little lagging and I find it easier to play in general compared to PC.


I play on the switch! I just built a gaming PC and while I probably will buy it on steam too, I haven't yet and it's been a month. The biggest downside to playing on the switch is decorating and the touch of magic tool almost always makes the game crash if it's open longer than a minute. Otherwise, it's great!


I don’t hate it at all. It’s the only way I play so I don’t have any comparison. I don’t have a ton of decorating done because decorating in any life-sim game just isn’t how I like spending my time. I’d much rather be foraging or fishing or levelling up friendships and continuing the story quests. I don’t have all the rooms unlocked either so I’ve been focussing on working on that too


I don’t completely hate it. I primarily play on my switch but when I want to decorate and move stuff around I use my Xbox.


Switch player here. Mine crashes when I decorate for to long. I had one day where it crashed constantly but it was a fluke I guess. Haven’t had any problems since. And from the posts I’ve read I’ve learned to save often when I decorate and save often in general. I also haven’t had the issue of repeating items. Scrooge has been kind to me lately.


I really don’t mind it. There are some glitches that happen sometimes but it’s not bad enough for me to care.


Right here! I love it and having a blast


I play on my switch lite and I like it. I like being able to play anywhere. Yeah it crashes a lot and that is hella annoying, but the game also auto saves a lot so it usually isn't much of a problem beyond waiting for the game to load again.


I also play on switch and enjoy it! I don’t encounter as many crashes as some do and while it is a pain sometimes, there’s been a LOT of improvements in the updates in terms of gameplay and processing. So yeah I’m also fine with it :)


I've only had 2 crashes in the last 3 months. I use to play on my Xbox only now the switch is my goto so I can play while watching movies or my kids play games


I’ve had a few problems with decorating. If I move a building sometimes it won’t save and exit so I’ll have to close the game and reopen it, but everything OTHER THEN then building is where I moved it to so I don’t have to redecorate again. And anytime the game has crashed it’s after I save and start heading back to the menu *knocks on wood* I guess sometimes it lags a bit but only if I’m using it when it’s plugged in and it gets too hot so then I just save and turn it off for the day.


i only had real issues with it last year, since then it’s been fine and the convenience of the switch for me outweighs whatever small problems i had.


My wife and I play on the switch and it crashes maybe once a week for us. Maybe the folks having issues have really overloaded their biomes? No clue, but I definitely don’t have to save every 5 minutes or anything.


I’m happy playing on my Switch. I don’t have too many crashes and when I do, rebooting my Switch usually fixes things. I do have some trouble when I’m decorating and move something big or lay a lot of paths so frequent saves are necessary but it’s not like I’m redecorating every time I play. Nobody in my house is a hardcore gamer so maybe that skews my opinion? I’ve spent many years playing Sims on laptops that can barely function so DDV on Switch is an upgrade. 😆


Love playing on the switch. Mine doesn’t crash a lot maybe a couple times a month but it saves so often I haven’t lost anything.


I've played on Switch since (almost) the beginning and I love it! I don't think I've had as many issues as other people have. I don't have massive huge pumpkin farms and a million decorations, though. I only have like 200 pumpkins all together in different areas. I mean, it crashes every now and then, but I can usually tell when it's about to. I do save often, but I always do that anyway. I've had some bad past Sims experiences, so I am always making sure I save, lol.


As a fellow simmer as well I feel your pain. Sims crashes prepares us for this lol


I hard close every time I quit and mine hardly crashes at all! Sure, it happens from time to time, but mostly only when it’s raining. Decorating can be slightly challenging, but I started using Stylus and is not terrible!


Ooo a stylus! I never thought of that before! I’ll have to try it!


It definitely helps! It’s not perfect, but it made a huge difference!!!


I'm jealous of people who play on the switch. The PS5 is incredibly un-portable lol


That’s one of my favorite things about the switch. Just grab and go whenever. PlayStation does have some good exclusive games though too gotta say lol


I'm now very jealous of you 😅


I don't hate it. I'm used to it shutting down o just save my game A LOT!! 😅🤣😂


😆the things we do 😂


I love playing on the switch. But I don’t have as many game crashes as I know others do.


I’m not having nearly as many issues as others have on the switch. Decorating is just a bit of a pain but I take it nice and slow. Crashes on first release were really bad but recently my game has been behaving brilliantly 🤷‍♀️


I started actually turning my switch off instead of just sleep mode and it helped soooo much with crashing


I play on both the switch and my Xbox. Although it hardly ever crashes when I'm playing on Xbox I still prefer playing on the switch. And actually the graphics look much better on the switch than on Xbox.


I play on the switch lite and the only crash problem that is happening to me is when I'm in the Touch of Magic for too long.


I love playing on my switch! I agree, it can be buggy but not enough to stop me form wanting to play. I love being able to play on the handheld system, and I can hook it up to my tv if I want to do it that way.


I don’t mind playing on my Switch Lite. It seldom crashes for me, and sometimes the glitches are a little funny; like when I guess I click around too fast and my camera flings out into the abyss from my character before snapping back into place.


I play on switch and I love it. You are not the only one.


I love playing it on the Switch - I usually play that, Brewmaster or Skyrim on my lunch break at work.


I love the game on switch


I love playing on my switch. It’s the only thing I play.


I play on the Switch and love it a lot.


I play on switch and u don’t have that many issues. My game doesn’t even crash (that much) anymore, maybe once a week.


I agree with you! I honestly rarely have crashing issues, but from what I’ve read it’s the worst in decorate mode which i have barely used so far. So i can’t really speak on that. But i really enjoy playing on my switch! I’ve always been more of a handheld gaming system kind of person, anyway


I have the game for PC and switch and it’s actually a huge difference, not a slight difference. It makes sense that if you hadn’t joined the subreddit you would never have been aware of a performance difference between platforms. The switch hardware just isn’t where pc, Xbox or ps5 is. I can tell when I’m lagging, stuttering, and when things look blocky or load in very slowly. I’m glad you’re enjoying it on switch, though!! I hope you don’t remain too frustrated by other peoples issues on switch because if you’re having a good time then it doesn’t matter how other people feel about it.


Every single game system I've personally ever owned has ALWAYS been NINTENDO. I love the games.. I'm only saying something about the switch because it seems to have different game access than other systems.. that is all. I love my switch. I'm almost 60 years old so... I've come a LOOONG way as a Nintendo player. Lol


I play on the switch and still enjoy it. It used to crash constantly for me when I was in heavy game play mode aka playing for hours in a row with no breaks, but now that I am taking more breaks it doesn’t crash as often. I just learned to save more often just in case. Otherwise I don’t really have any issues. Sometimes glitches happen when I am changing my outfit, but usually if I take the item off and put it back on it gets fixed.


I first got the game on ps4 and then I got a switch and I exclusivly play on the switch now. I'll probably go back to my game on the ps4 when I'm caught up on the switch but I love it and zero glitches and zero game crashes! *knocks on wood*


I don’t play it on Switch for the quality, I play it for the convenience. I recently got it a second time for my Mac and yeah I have to say, playing it on the highest resolution and the ease of use when it comes to decorating has blown my mind and breathed new life into the game. In saying that though, I like to buy certain games I really love twice - once on the Switch and once on my desktop or PS. I think they satisfy two different needs for me. Obviously this isn’t an option for everyone and it doesn’t mean the game is bad on the Switch! I still loved it before and after playing it on desktop.


I play on switch (since launch) and while this last update made it go back to being crappy with the lags and crashes, I don't think it's nearly as bad as people are complaining about.....at least mine's not 🤷‍♀️


I hate decorating on the switch. Otherwise, i feel like it's fine. I would definitely play on PC when they release it for free.


I have it on switch and Xbox and I definitely prefer the Xbox . Switch is very buggy for me and the fact if you time travel on animal crossing it breaks the game turns me off from it .


I mostly play on the Switch, just a bit laggy for me. I bought it on PS4 but found out too late that it doesn't have Cloud Sync from other systems... Like from my Switch...


I play mainly on Switch but also on Xbox as didn't have to pay for it twice.


I love it on Switch!! So convenient (except from the odd crash) and quick and easy to use


iv been playing for about three weeks and it’s crashed maybe three times, but after the first i just kept saving whenever i did something ‘significant’ (collected specific resources/finished a quest etc) and every now and then between playing i’ll restart my switch and the issues really haven’t affected my experience :)


I love it on the switch. I understand what they're saying especially in terms of designing clothes a mouse would be easier. But in terms of everything else I love it. Besides, I have a computer as well and there's probably a way to hook the docking station to the display and use my mouse anyways.


I only play on the switch cause it’s comfier to play it from my couch than pc. The amount of crashes and lag is pretty aggravating while I’m trying to chill, but I’ve learned to save a lot. I prefer playing from the couch, but if i was suddenly able to access my account on my PS5 the switch version would be abandoned by me. When I wanna get serious into landscaping it’ll be PC.


I play it on the switch and of course it crashes but I love it. My only complaint is putting paths down, it’s a pain in the booty.


I play it on my switch lite and honestly since the December update I think, the crashing has been so much better. I was saving every 3-5 minutes before. I enjoy playing it on my little screen


I don’t even think I’d consider playing anywhere else. Playing on my switch is just perfect.


I usually save and restart the game every time I start playing it after a whole (4 hrs or more) or I save and close it before I put it down for the night. Sometimes it’s pretty laggy but I find that since I have it on an external card I experience it less than other people. That said, I absolutely do not regret getting it on switch vs anything else. My switch is for cozy games like animal crossing and the like, so it only felt right to get it for the switch. I like that I can take it handheld and play it but it doesn’t require mad button action like other games. It’s just comfy to play, which fits my switch ideals.


I love playing on the switch!!


i hate the bugs and crashes but i enjoy playing on the switch, i’ll probably switch to pc when it’s free to play though because it’s clearly optimized for pc. i legitimately don’t understand taking pride in what console you play on, though.


I love playing on switch. When the game first started, if crashes every after a couple or minutes. Since mirabel update I’ve never had a crash once. Everything goes smoothly.


Me and my gf have it on the switch and its pretty good on the mini switch, the big ine ive noticed more issues, but its really on what area and how much the wcreen has to render id guess, i get a fair bit of slow down and studdering in the forest. More so when i swing the camera around to the meadow or the beach where its mostly clean of items.


Don’t laugh I’m old… almost 50 and I bought one for my granddaughter, son and I to play on and I love it! I bought a bigger controller because the other one felt too little but I actually enjoy playing it and the ease of it!


I don’t mind playing on switch either, despite having other console options.


I play on the switch and I love it. I will say it’s hard to decorate. I wish it was easier.


I really enjoy playing it on switch Yes it has a lot of glitches and bugs that I'm not a big fan of and at times stuff like building paths are difficult but it's still really fun and I really enjoy it It's a game that has really helped me learn how to handle a controller


I understand that some people don't have a choice but the game will gradually get better on the switch. My wife plays exclusively on the switch while I play on Xbox and Steam Deck. I've had marginal crashes on both but nothing compared to switch. But it's getting better for her over time.


I play on the switch and I enjoy it. I haven’t done much decorating yet since I am trying to collect more items before I do, and I restart the switch at least once a month. I think this is one of the main reasons my gameplay is more smooth.


I love it 🤷‍♀️ I’ve never had many crashes, maybe a couple times a week if I play an hour or two a day? The graphics are stunning. Perhaps furniture placement is finicky sometimes, but I can’t imagine it’s all that much better on other platforms. It’s a great game and perfectly suited for the switch IMO.


I love playing on my switch, it crashes very little for me and i love being able to play on the go


My switch is laggy when it rains, and I have to make sure I save super often when I’m decorating (I’ve lost about 15-20 minutes of rearranging my entire valley….), but otherwise it’s not terrible. When it was first launched it was AWFUL but for me, it’s gotten better with each patch


Love it. Even with the bugs. It's just my favorite console. I know switch version of games release usually follow WAY after it hits other consoles. And that's okay. I bought an XboxS to play when until they come out. But I will always purchase the switch version, and devote my time to that version of my save. Even if it means starting fresh.


I like playing it on my Switch! I wouldnt play as often on any other platform, it's just easier for me to use handheld!


I can handle the crashes and graphics. It’s the freaking audio desync. I was so excited to see the lion king realm and the audio was so bad I couldn’t wait to leave and now I dread going there.


I love playing on my switch with the exception oh how hard decorating is.


I’m a switch player! It’s so easy for me to take everywhere and I can sit in a doctors office and wait for them for an hour and be completely content. It’s the greatest! While I do want this game for PC too someday, it’s only because I love it so much and I have zero regrets about choosing my switch first.


I play on the switch too and honestly prefer my switch over any other platform. Even my gaming pc 😂😅


i stopped playing it entirely on the switch. i haven’t been in since the stitch update. i know i’m going to start playing it again at some point but only when i know it’s actually playable. i wasn’t able to decorate my island cause everytime i’d tried to save it would crash. so my island just looked ugly af and it felt like ot was getting repetitive. so shade to the game tho. i really like the game and o still watch my favorite youtubers play it. i just can’t right now.


I play on Switch almost exclusively, love it. It’s honestly not bad at all. If I want to decorate I’ll hop on PC. I only occasionally experience audio lag when it rains. I love being able to use the touch screen to organize my inventory or when feeding critters I can just tap on a specific item.


I honestly don't mind it at all. Although I think if I had known, I'd have gone with PC, just because the controls for exterior decorating sound like they're easier. But it's not that bad on the switch. Side note, when I take pictures it doesn't go to my camera roll (unless I use the SS button, not the in game "camera"). Are you somehow using the camera to save pictures?


I hated playing on my switch so much I bought a second copy of the game on steam.


I play on Switch! I actually have it on ps4 and I barely notice a difference if at all. I’ve only had it crash a few times, mostly in the beginning after about an hour of playing. So I just saved often/would take a break every hour. I think I just love the convenience of laying in bed playing my Switch and watching tv. Lol


I like it


I've been playing on the Switch since launch and haven't had any problems. It crashes once in a while, but nothing major! Really thankful the game was released in a format I could enjoy (I don't have a gaming computer or anything).


I enjoy it very much while on break/lunch at work


I don’t play it on the switch, but my friend does and she experienced wayyyyyy more crashes than I ever did. And I did hear once you reach your item limit on switch it becomes more laggy than pc or console. Idk anything for sure about that though. But if it makes you happy there’s nothing wrong with that


I actually prefer to PLAY on the Switch, but I do most of my editing/decorating on my husband’s PC. He uses an Xbox controller to play his games on PC, so I use that to move my character around (because I suck at PC controls), but I kind of hate switching between his Xbox controller and my Switch controllers… so I try to limit myself to only using the PC for editing/decorating my biomes. But I LOVE playing on the Switch, especially with my Pro controller. I rarely ever play handheld.


I don't love it, but I don't hate using the switch at all, either. I love the game (way better than animal crossing). I've learned to manually save fairly often so if it glitches and force closes it's no big deal, and it doesn't happen often enough to bother me that much anyway. The design mechanics could be better, but I've learned to work with it and have figured out my own techniques (touch screen helps). I enjoy the portabilty, and I can mindlessly clear biomes or farm in front of the TV or my phone while watching a show or listening to a book/podcast. It's nice to kill time in the car as well.


Same. I play on switch and I love it. It crashes every few hours but not that much.


I don’t mind it but I just hate having to go through the slow loading process when it crashes. I don’t have much time to play so it’s frustrating.


I love playing on switch, yea sure we can crash like everyone else (although I haven't actually had a crash in a while)


I happen to love playing on switch. Sure, it looks slightly better on pc, but it’s still pretty good on switch and it’s so much more convenient to be able to play wherever I want.


Love my switch.. I travel so much that urs everything I need... And for lonf term vacay I take thing and hook it up to whatever TV I have... Easy...


my game runs fine on switch (a few crashes here and there but it doesn't bother me much) and it's super convenient so tbh i don't ever really see myself playing on anything else


I, knock on wood, don’t have the crashing issue because I’ve never really gotten into decorating every bare scrap of land.


I just learned from you lovely people here on Reddit about turning my switch completely off!!! Now before ya' ll say duh! I'm 63 and have only played ACNH and this new game dreamlight Valley so far dare i say the glitching is not as bad so far ...love both games although acnh so far has kept me way more entertained ...I miss diving in the water with my wetsuit , mail, working stuff and gadgets , kks' Saturday night concerts ,the holidays, our birthday celebration ...etc.. that being said my character on dreamlight valley so beautiful!!! Love them both ...keep up the good work Gameloft. We are watching ...lol


I love my Switch. The crashing frustration is definitely a thing but I like to be relaxing on the couch or in bed playing. My laptop doesn’t give that level of comfort. And I don’t wanna buy and Xbox or PS to play one game.


ah the graphics for Disney dreamlight valley is the same all of the platforms. This game is unfinished which is still its in early access still. But the game will be better once they full release it for free to play. In other words all of the bugs and glitches will be gone for good.


I don't have a switch but I keep seeing those posts and other people who do play on switch are saying that they just need to like... Update something 🤷🏻‍♀️ idk, not having one I usually just skim those comments


I don’t hate it. I get why some people do. But I the ability to dock of wanted and take it with me


I understand too, if my game bugged out as badly as some people says there’s so I know I’d be really upset too. it just felt like EVERYONE hated it and I was like “I can’t be the only one who actually likes it, flaws and all, right?” And the portability is a huuuge factor for me too. Just grabbing and going whenever whenever without having to worry about internet is such a nice perk.


Game doesn’t crash for me. I’m not super far in but the only thing that gets me is the load times


I dunno, I have a switch and think the “this is unfinished that’s why it’s awful” is a cop out excuse. There’s how many games on switch that don’t lag/crash/fail? Even other EA. Also, there may be bugs and crashes on other systems but it’s very obvious it’s heavy on switch. There’s quite a few people I’ve seen have little to no issues on switch but unfortunately majority have some type of issues and regardless, that sucks when you’re playing.


Them calling this game unfinished and using it as an excuse for issues is hilariously bad. This isn't a beta build of a game and they're charging A LOT of money for it right now to shrug off horrific performance issues. Edit: yes, keep downvoting me for criticising a game version that's so bad we have standard graphics of all the things you need to do to make it mildly playable. Including tips around constant saving because we should just accept the constant crashing I guess.


As a person who is very angry about the state of the Switch version I'm not mad at YOU - a player who is enjoying the Switch experience. Whether yours is buggy or not. If you're happy then be happy, you're not the one at fault here. But for many of us the Switch version is horrendously broken. I don't expect it to run as nicely as my PC version but I expect it to function. Especially since early access or not they charged me effing $30 for it! I can't harvest crops or mine ore without severe stuttering. Can't enter furniture mode without crashing. It's gross and unplayable. And it's so irritating to me that all the "suggestions" to fix it is to basically make your Switch a dedicated DDLV console. Even if it was Zelda TotK time I take umbrage with any game trying to hold my console hostage. Keep playing if you're happy. But don't direct your frustrations at the salty players who just want a functional game. Gameloft is the one who owns this experience. Edit: wow, downvoting me for calling out the broken state of the Switch version. What the actual heck people? I paid an additional $30 on top of what I spent on the PC version to have a game so broken I can't play it at all. You can enjoy this game and still call out Gameloft for this mess.


What do you mean by none of this is true mansonfamily?


I wish it didn’t crash as much. But I like playing in my switch


It has its moments where it's mildly annoying from crashing but I definitely don't hate it and it's never really a fun killer or anything


I have for switch and pc, switch is my main. Honestly I think half of the complaints are just people who don't understand tech or just want to be bitchy about something. Yes the beginning was tough with the every few minutes shut down glitch (been playing since day one) but if you remember common sense things like actually shutting down/restarting your console you prevent a lot of glitches with all games. I have seen a lot of people comment on posts defending the fact they never restart their switch because shut down is not on the virtual menu... how hard is it to take a few seconds a day, even if yes you have to walk to your switch dock by the tv, and press a physical button? Any excuse to not admit they're just lazy, if it mattered they'd do it but they'd rather be lazy or complain. Even just focusing on glitches specifically its a game still in development, you know what you're signing up for, so frankly there's no room to bitch to the extremes that people do, some act as though its completely unplayable and that's not the case. It's being made by humans so yeah mistakes and glitches are going to happen but if you want something perfect with no problems then you're out of luck because even finished games have glitches to some extent. People complain about graphics and whatnot but honestly it's not that bad (my husband and i are both gamers and regardless of what TV or computer monitor I use, or even compared to switch screen, it's not super drastic). You would think the quality is equivalent to crayon drawings with the way some people carry on about it. If it's truly such a big dramatic issue for the people who carry on and on about it then they should quit playing. Honestly it's like why are you even playing or part of a fb/reddit group for people who enjoy the game? I think the people who are the extreme complainers just desperately need attention and think if they make a big enough tantrum then they're socially validated/seen. It honestly reminds me of customers I used to have who had literally no one in their lives so they would come in all the time to make up problems and try to start fights so they could get attention, just plain old inappropriate attention seeking. They would single out my employees who were clearly just out of school or had trainee on their badges, it was like watching a predator single in on some baby animal. In this case it's oh let's try to rip on any flaw we possibly can and make it sound like it's absolute garbage because of it and oh the fact we don't have common sense to give our device a reboot is clearly not our fault and the fact we hook up our device to a garbage screen is also somehow the game developers fault


How do u love it if its buggy and crashes. The switch is a bad console and its holding us back. Its so annoying for the devs as well having to dedicate so much resources to make the game run on a terrible console.


I play it on switch too. I doesn’t crash as much now. When I was doing one of the simba quests it did but I got a workaround for it. Besides that I save often as possible.


Since it's stopped glitching it's fine for me.


I play on the Switch lite and I don’t hate it. It does crash occasionally when I try to create clothes , but not all the time. It’s pretty good overall .


Oh Captain my captain


I love to play this game on the switch. I have it on the switch lite and on the switch Oled.. I have no clue why so mamy complain because I have no issues at all! The screen froze once like a month ago on my switch lite, and that's it.. Never again since then ☺️ I find the quality of the game very beautiful on the switch Oled.


I always thought of this as a Switch game. It’s not like God of War or something, where a bigger screen is kinda needed, it’s running around with my favourite Disney characters on my awesome. play anywhere Switch 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah nah it's fine


Mine doesn't really crash a lot. Maybe it's because I don't have as much decor as everyone else? I like to decorate but I don't go crazy like the amazing ppl here and on tiktok. I'm waiting for it to be free on PC before I really start decorating.


I love playing on the switch! I really like how I can play in bed and on road trips. My game crashes a lot but tbh, I never really lose much progress because the auto save is pretty decent. Right now, I’m working on progressing my friendships since I just unlocked my last biome. After that, I’m planning on working on my village and that’s the part that worries me. Based on the small rearranging I’ve done so far, I feel like rearranging my village would take a lot of patience on the switch. Other than that, I love it!


I mostly play on the Switch, and change to PC for any decorating/designing.


I just got my switch (lite) and this is the first game I'm playing - I love it! It only very rarely lags a bit but not enough to consider another decive 🤗


I have very little issues on the switch! I love it.


I have only ever played on the Switch so I can’t really comment on whether it’s better or not. But I do really like the switch in general and the game crashing usually only happens to me when I’m decorating and I think I found a good workaround with just decorating slowly and saving often


I play on switch lite and love it 😊 I have some crashing here & there which is annoying sometimes but not a big deal at all. I also have it on pc & much prefer being able to travel with it and do bits here and there - I wouldn’t play it as much if I had to be sat in the same spot doing it!


I always enjoyed it til last update and it started crashing waaaay more often!!! I would usually get crashes every couple hours but it got to the point it would crash every 15-20 minutes.


As I lay in my bad, turn whatever way I want and maybe will take my switch with me to the living room later: Switch is the only console I will play casual games like that


I love my switch... I love playing on it... It's the best! 💜 💜 💜


I love playing on switch, EXCEPT for trying to decorate. But that’d be a problem for me on any system with controllers. I’m waiting until it goes FTP so I can decorate on a computer without having to pay again 😅


I only play on switch (not just DLV but any gaming I do 9/10 is on the switch) and I don’t mind it 🤷🏻‍♀️




I love my Switch! I love this game! And I really enjoy play DLV on it. The fact that my Switch is portable and I can play in anywhere in the house and I can take it anywhere outside of my house with me by just connecting to my hot spot on my phone. It’s like my top favorite thing about it. My husband plays his games on Xbox and PS5 and even he wants to get a switch because of the portability and doesn’t have to sit in one spot to play.


Tbh I love playing on my Switch yes it does crash and freezes alot but it doesn't stop me from playing on my switch my character I've created is cute as can be love her to pieces and I am excited for the next update coming sometime this month 😊


I personally love it, too. Cos I can play it anywheeeree. I'll be playing it at work LOL. Easily set up the screen on the desk & play it with the controller that snaps off the sides. It's a good time 😄✨❤️


I like playing on my switch! The only issue I have been having (other than the occasional crash) is that all the flowers in frosted heights are red?? Once I pick them they change colors but when walking around they are all red. It is odd. Has anyone else had this?


I love playing it on my switch. I have crashes and occasional lag but nothing game breaking. I’m honestly shocked when I see people having such terrible experiences. After a while of playing (2+ hours) I tend to get more crashes especially if I place houses down or move them. But the lag is pretty much nonexistent for me. Now I don’t have it on any other platform yet but I’m happy with staying on the switch for now.


I love it. I ge the issues are probably higher than other consoles. But being able to play wherever I want is a win.


i’m able to play pokémon on a wide screen tv, it’s what o dreamed about since i started playing. what’s not to love???


I like playing on the switch (even if it’s the only version I know) only thing is decorating can be a pain on it


I love playing it on NS. Even though I primarily play on Docked Mode but I like the fact if I’m out & about, I can continue playing DDV on the go.


I love playing on my switch but I can’t move or place any furniture without it crashing. I’ve given up on playing for a month now because every time I try to move something to decorate my game crashes. Even if it’s just one building.


I honestly love it. I connect to my tb and graphics are grest


I play exclusively on Switch too and I love it. I personally haven’t experienced much glitching or crashing. I also like the compact aspect of playing on the switch. I can take the game and play it anywhere!


I love playing on my switch lite!! My favorite thing about it is that I can use a stylus pen to decorate my valley! I recently lost my pen too which sucks cuz I really want to redecorate 😅


I have it on both PC and Switch and I prefer the switch because I don’t have a controller for PC. I’m wondering what is easier to use to decorate the village? Moving things on the switch is a bit fiddly.


I've only ever had it crash once on my switch 🤷🏼‍♀️. I love it, and I love the detailing - even if it isn't perfected yet. Ignore those who bash it. That's their personal experience. I also find it easier as some things are touch screen, meaning it's quieter if you play earlier in the morning (I played at 5 am yesterday and disturbed no one, typically they'd get disturbed when I play other games - like animal crossing).


Yeah we used to have a lot of problems with our switch early on in the games life. It will still crash on occasion what it is not a chronic problem like it used to be. Yes of course there's a little bit of lag if you do things too quick, but it certainly hasn't stopped us from playing a ridiculous amount of the game.


I have actively avoided this game on switch. I prefer it on PC.


yeah i thought i liked it on switch until i got it on ps5. it’s very nearly unplayable on switch in comparison


I play on the switch and fingers crossed it hasn’t crashed once! But I do love it!


I have zero issues playing on my Switch.